Why Benny Gantz is very afraid of an *effective* commission of inquiry

Yossi Baum, X  January 7, 2024

Yossi Baum tweeted this question with the following response:

Because such an investigative committee may ask him embarrassing questions on several topics. Here are some of them, at the tip of the fork:

1. As the Minister of Defense collected weapons from the standby units in the Gaza Envelope and in the north. The commander of the Southern Command at that time was an unknown named Hertzi Halevi, by the way.

2. As the Minister of Defense approved the bringing of tens of thousands of Gazan laborers to Israel. It is highly probable that at least some of them passed important information to Hamas in preparation for the massacre on October 7.

3. As the Minister of Defense, the US has approved the transfer of hundreds of thousands of shells from the reserves in Israel (which Israel ‘builds‘ on during an emergency) to Ukraine, without immediate equipping accordingly.

4. As Chief of Staff, he cut 600 tanks from the army (General Brik, see previous tweets)

5. The thesis “I risked the lives of soldiers in the Golani for ‘moral’ reasons” and its implications for the fighting spirit in the IDF and the ability to deter may also be examined.

6. What did he know about the IDF’s observation balloons and satellites aimed at Gaza, which were not maintained and in any case did not operate on the day of the massacre.

7. During his tenure as Chief of Staff, the Cobra helicopter squadron of the IDF was transferred to the Jordanians for free, no money, on Obama’s orders. Exactly what was missing on Black Saturday.

8. As someone who revealed to the cabinet in ‘Tzuk Eitan’ the condition of the tunnels from Gaza to Israel, what else did he know or not know about the tunnels that Hamas is digging in Gaza?

9. Since most of the preparations for the massacre were made during his time as Minister of Defense, what did he know or not – about these preparations?

10. It is also possible that the committee would like to find out how and why it appointed some of the key factors that are directly responsible for the massacre. same as:

* Aharon Haliva, whom Gantz approved as head of the AMN. Haliva also closed the ‘Hatsev’ unit that collects intelligence from open sources.

* Harzi Halevi, there is no need to say much. Gantz may need to explain what was so urgent about appointing him to a transitional government.

* Moreover, he will also have to explain the meaning of the document that confirmed the “urgency” of the appointment, a document that was not prepared by Amman but by his official…

* The commanders of the Southern Command, Elazar Toledano and Yaron Finkelstein, under whose command Hamas prepared the massacre, were also appointed by him.

Bottom line: lots and lots of butter on Gantz’s head. It would not be surprising, then, that Gantz did something that should not be done, when instead of condemning the Chief of Staff who himself appointed the committee to investigate him – he backs him up, and attacks the defenders.

Sources: [SEE LINK]


January 9, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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