Trump’s Deal of the Century a.k.a The Jordan Option.

T. Belman.(Jan 8, 2023) Trump left prematurely but will probably return in two years. But the Plan envisaged in this article remained and will shortly be effected. I have used a red font for the key paragraphs.

T. Belman. Read carefully because this deal is what will go down. Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ map for a future Palestine, Israel was published on Jan 28/20.  I believe its a non starter and will never happen. It is described by The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Doha and by Al Jazeera

This deal originated with Mudar Zahran and Ted Belman.

By Ted Belman (originally published on Oct 17/18)

Very few people, if any, believe that Pres. Trump will succeed with his Deal of the Century, but I do.

Nor do they know what that deal is or when it will be tabled. But they do know that the US under his leadership is acting unilaterally to neuter the UN, UNRWA and the PA. They also know he acted unilaterally to kill the climate hoax and the Iran Deal and to change free trade into fair trade.

In explaining his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel he stressed that he was just recognizing reality.

In a recent interview, Jason Greenblatt, Pres Trump’s special envoy, said “our plan begins with reality. It recognizes the history of the conflict of course, but [other plans] were always relying on tired notions of what it should be. Instead, it focuses on what it could be.”

Thus, I assume that the Palestinian narrative that has driven the peace process and world opinion for fifty years will be severely undermined and replaced with a reality-based process and history starting with the Palestine Mandate. Greenblatt is mindful of the fact that this narrative was crafted by the KGB in its consultations with Arafat in the sixties and afterwards. They invented the Palestinian people as a means to cast the Arabs as the oppressed and the Israelis as the oppressors.

The basis for the Plan will be the signing of the Palestine Mandate in 1922. This mandate split Palestine into two mandates under British rule, namely Arab Palestine (Transjordan) which received 78% of the land and Jewish Palestine  (Israel) which received the remaining 22%. Britain tried to further divide the 22%, most notably in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, without success. The UNGA passed the resolution pursuant to which, Israel declared independence. The Arabs rejected it and declared war on Israel thereby ending their opportunity for creating an Arab state on the part allocated to them.

Mudar Zahran, the leader of the Opposition Coalition of Jordan, recognizes this history when he says, as he did to a recent session of the EU Parliament, that the only occupation going on is the Hashemite occupation of Palestinian land, namely Jordan, ever since Jordan’s independence in 1946.

International law recognizes Israel’s right to claim sovereignty over the entire 22%. In addition, Israel cemented this right by their victory over the Arabs in the ’67 War.

No doubt this history will inform the design of the Plan.

Greenblatt went on to articulate a red line, if you will, saying “we will not put forth a plan or endorse a plan that doesn’t meet all of Israel’s security issues because they are of extreme importance to us“ and “Israel is going to have to be comfortable that what we put forth in the plan does not put Israel at risk.” The Palestinians must accept this as fundamental to the Plan and be “comfortable” with it.

Thus, we can safely assume that Israel will not have to withdraw the IDF from any lands west of the Jordan River. You will recall that Obama wanted to limit their presence in the Jordan valley to a number of decades only.

In explaining why he is putting all this effort into achieving peace when there are bigger problems in the Middle east, namely Syria and Iran, Greenblatt said,

“we think that there are unique circumstances now that warrant an attempt at trying to see whether or not we can do this. President Trump, as devoted and dedicated to the State of Israel and the Jewish people as he is, he’s also dedicated to trying to help the Palestinian people, and the way we can marry those two ideas is by trying to reach a comprehensive peace agreement.”

Thus, he is guided by two goals. He wants to strengthen Israel and he wants to help the Palestinian people. As he said, “We do believe that many Palestinians want to live in peace, and they want to see their lives improved.”

So how can he marry these goals. He said, “Thus we must abandon all the old formulae and focus on what is doable”.

Taking all the foregoing into account, I believe that the Plan will recognize the original division of Palestine into Jordan as the Palestinian state and Israel as the Jewish state. These states already have a peace agreement in which the agreed border is the Jordan River.

So far so good. But what will happen with the two million Palestinians, all of whom have Jordanian citizenship, living west of the Jordan River?  Presently, these Palestinians live for the most part in Areas A and B (1.4 million), Area C (100,000) and Jerusalem (350,000) as defined by the Oslo Accords.

According to a very well-informed source (and reiterated in 2022) , the administration of the A areas, will pass from the PA to Jordan. These areas include, Tulkarn, Qalkilya, Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho. The B areas will be absorbed into the C area in order to remove the Swiss cheese effect. Hebron, on the other hand will be administered by a joint local council made up of Israelis and Palestinians. This is the Confederation that Abbas rejected a few weeks ago

In late August,  U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman told members of the American Jewish Congress that “there is no capacity to have peace with the Palestinians unless there’s peace with all the Palestinians, including the million and a half in Gaza.”

My source also tells me that the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip will be given the option of being in a confederation either with Jordan or Egypt. Either way, negotiating a Gaza truce is part of the deal.

This means that the PA will be done away with because its primary function is to wage war against Israel’s legitimacy

All Palestinians living west of the River will be seen as both Jordanian citizens and foreign residents. There will be no need to give them Israeli citizenship.

Israel would then be free to build without restraint in the expanded Area C and in other ways exercise its sovereignty on all lands west of the Jordan R.

In effect, all Arabs will remain where they are and will continue to work in Israel. The only difference will be that they have to give up their aspirations for a Palestinian state west of the Jordan R and accept that Jordan is the Palestinian state.

Jordan and Israel will negotiate separate agreements dealing with joint economic relations and joint military arrangements.

The existing Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZ) in which Israeli companies currently produce goods in Jordan which are sold to the US free of tariffs, will be expanded and improved. Other job creating joint ventures will be set up. These jobs will be available to all Palestinians who emigrate to Jordan. Expectations are that many Palestinians living west of the river will emigrate to Jordan to avail themselves of these jobs.

In The Jordan Option promoted by Mudar Zahran and me, I proposed that Jordan build a city for 1 million people and that these homes be given to the Palestinians who emigrate. I am informed by this source that Jordan is a welfare state that guarantees housing to all citizens. Jordan will start with building an extra 500,000 units to accommodate the influx of citizens. Thus, this too will induce many Palestinians to emigrate to Jordan.

It should be made clear that Israel will not be party to or countenance forced ethnic cleansing.

There is also talk about joint military planning between Israel and Jordan. In effect Jordan military will become an extension of the IDF. Jordan may also be the buyer of the 100 F-16s that Israel now wishes to sell.

UNRWA will be scuttled. The Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq will be invited to move to Jordan as full citizens thereby ending their refugee status.

Mudar Zahran is also committed to Muslims and Jews sharing the Temple Mount. The Muslim Holy Place will be the Al Aqsa Mosque and the lands immediately surrounding it and the rest of the Temple Mount will be a Jewish Holy Place

Many Israelis will not be happy with the fact that the Arabs will remain but at least there will be no obligation to offer them a path to citizenship. Furthermore, this deal will do away with the Palestinian narrative which is the cause of so much disloyalty among Arab Israelis.

As Greenblatt said, the Palestinians and the Israelis must decide, “Will we be better off with this plan or continuing without it?” I believe, on balance, that both the Israelis and the Palestinians will accept the Plan. The Israelis hunger for an end of conflict agreement and the Palestinians are sick and tired of living under the corrupt oppressive PA rule and under the King’s rule as the case may be. They are hungry for change and normalization.

As for the Arab world, Greenblatt said, “We’re also hopeful that we can count on their support, and I use the word ”support” rather than “approval”. Thus, he doesn’t expect them to publicly accept the Plan but he does expect them to not undermine its acceptance.

Both Abbas and King Abdullah have publicly rejected any such plan. Assuming no change of heart on their part, they will be replaced. Mudar Zahran is waiting on the sidelines. He most certainly accepts such a plan.

Conventional wisdom has it that Israel would never agree to ousting Abdullah. After all, as the theory goes, the border has been quiet for 30 years. But increasingly, Israel sees Abdullah as an obstructionist just like Abbas. I think that Israel is ready for change, especially if change leads to a resolution of the conflict.

Conventional wisdom also suggests that if Mudar Zahran becomes the leader of Jordan, the Muslim Brotherhood, whose world headquarters is in Jordan, would oust him from power within 24 hours. In this, it is also wrong. Within the said 24 hours, Zahran will designate it a terrorist organization and ban it. In this, he would have the support of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Israel and the US.

Finally, I would like to point out that this Plan is the exact plan envisaged and promoted by Mudar and me in the last 18 months. We called it the Jordan Option.

I believe that this deal will be accepted and will be seen as the Deal of the Century.


Ted Belman is the Editor of which he started 16 years ago. Together with Mudar Zahran, he spear-headed the plan, in the spring of 2017, to replace King Abdullah, as the leader of Jordan, with Mudar Zahran, the Head of the Jordan Opposition Coalition. This plan was dubbed The Jordan Option. Many if not all the principles set out in the plan are reflected in the Deal of the Century.

January 8, 2023 | 144 Comments »

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44 Comments / 144 Comments

  1. Another TSS idea with a different name which will end up with Jordan choking Israel around the perimeter like a boa constrictor and cutting it at the waist with an Arab tunnel or a highway.

    I have posted the map of it a few times already.

  2. @B.Poster

    At this point, obviously he can’t return to office.

    I think this statement will be seen to not age well.

    Even if he had the necessary support of the electorate which I don’t think he does he lacks the big money donors a candidate needs to achieve electoral success on that level.

    If his only obstacles to success is the support of the electorate and the globalist mega dollars, the certainty of Trump’s success would be quite beyond dispute. Recall that Trump is the only candidate who will have any appeal to the MAGA coalition, a coalition which is not supportive of canned neocon candidates or objectives. We are not speaking of the Republican party, mind you, as MAGA is a far more significant base from which to boast any support, and none of Trump’s opposition can actually claim to wield this base outside of a regional basis. Trump’s support in the ’22 elections, even with the massive election fraud, was seen to be quite indicative of electoral success, and was in no way matched, or even nearly matched, by the likes of Pence, Haley or Desatis.

    As to the campaign money, it should be recalled that Trump won on a shoe string campaign in ’16, and this was before his supporters came to be aware of the serious intent which Trump’s presidency had with regards to sweeping reforms which, as a candidate, many candidates can boast. Now, Trump has a record which will be difficult for even him to repeat, while his opposition will have only the weak tea boasts of neocon candidates which they are. Trump has never filled his campaign coffers with the sums derived from “the big money donors a candidate needs to achieve electoral success on that level”. Indeed, Trump unlike his opposition receives funds from the people themselves, who see their donations as an investment in their future, as indeed, they should. The donations are massive, not in their amounts, but in their combined sum. The likes of these donations stand as the envy of every other politico who will need to compromise their potential presidency to compete with Trump’s donor base by selling the limit of their intended reforms to the very same ‘big money donors’ who Trump purposefully has scorned.

    It remains to be seen if Trump will be able to overwhelm the electoral system which was weaponized against him in 2020, was employed to defeat much of MAGA’s candidate base in 2022, and will have had 4yrs in which to ready itself for a rematch with Trump in 2024. But this should be clear: If Trump can not defeat the neocon-globalist Cabal centered in Washington, with their international Chinese and Iranian support – while Trump has the emotional attachment of the people, their financial backing, and their associated interest in taking back what was stolen from them – no one else would be capable of doing so, that is, not without the support and backing of the very neocon-globalist Cabal which they are supposedly challenging. Indeed, supporting a Globalist anointed Selectee over Trump would be a great mistake, one which some will support, but only because they have no interest in the anti-Neocon objectives of the MAGA coalition to begin with.

    Additionally, I would suggest that these neocons are not fighting to beat Trump, as they know that they can’t beat him. Instead, they are fighting for a seat at Trump’s table, to be his heir apparent, a role which the treacherous Pence once held. To do this, they must demonstrate an ability to threaten Trump’s success in 2024 as they did in 2016. What is noteworthy to recall in this, however, is that Trump is not the Trump of 2016, and the Neocons too are not the Neocons of 2016. The history of personal grievances between the parties as well as the real damage which the role played by Neocon insurrectionists to both Trump and the nation will be difficult for Trump to have any interest in revisiting. Additionally, an alliance struck between Trump and the Neocons will likewise sit poorly with many of Trump’s most ardent supporters.

    But, as in all things in this world, time will tell how this will play out.

  3. @Ted Belman,

    You really believe Trump is coming back. Very respectfully this would take a supernatural divine miracle. Right now with all of the legal issues he faces I would liken him to a man at sea in a leaking life raft surrounded by sharks while bleeding profusely from multiple wounds and if this isn’t enough there are search planes flying overhead and vessels at sea searching for the life raft and its inhabitant with being paid large sums of money to bring in the inhabitant of the leaking life raft!!

    Of course he is innocent of what his persecutors are charging him with. For America to heal the leadership class must stop persecuting this man, his team members, and those who support him. At this point, obviously he can’t return to office. Even if he had the necessary support of the electorate which I don’t think he does he lacks the big money donors a candidate needs to achieve electoral success on that level. Of course I have a hunch that he is much richer than is generally known. Perhaps he can self-finance his campaign and if he comes back to Twitter he may be able to get his message out.

  4. @Ted

    Even more relevant today than when you wrote it some 5yrs ago, as the new Israeli govt will have a greater interest in securing the many benefits which the JO will provide.

    In truth, Israel is at a cross roads in history. We know where maintaining the pursuit of the TSS will take us, as we have walked that path for so long now that the blood soaked avenues seems all too routine.

    To contrast with this, we must acknowledge the great potential available to us with the JO and seize the moment towards ending the eternal confrontation, ending our marginalized sovereignty and ending our international isolation, simply by exploring and developing the JO when Mudar comes to power. I believe the stark realities of our choice is clear and that the consequences of the choices could not be made any clearer. If ever there were a govt to choose the better path, I believe it will be the current one, and I believe they will come to choose wisely.

  5. just about every major natural (and manmade like Three-mile Island and Covid) disaster that has struck the United States since 1991 has been as a result of America trying to force Israel to give up land for peace. McTernan said that President George H.W Bush’s vacation home in Maine was damaged when the US co-sponsored the Madrid Peace Conference as a sign from God and, since then, America has been hit by massive natural disasters every time this nation has tried to “pressure Israel to divide the land.”

    And Covid hit America at exactly the same time as Trump and Kushner unveiling their plan. I may be secular, but I’m not blind, dumb, deaf, or stupid when faced with empirical evidence.

  6. @Raphel
    You guys get it.
    When I was promoting our conference on the JO in 2017, Some leading Zionist journalists.said they wou7ld support it if I rejected Mudar.. I adamantly refused. The JO is totally dependant on Mudar. Without him there is no chance for it. Even then I call for the abdication by the King. We have not hid this ever.
    Secondly Mudar has given many interviews and public speeches. He has never backed away from his commitment to the JO even though it would make it harder for him to come to power. He consistently shows his embrace of Zionism and Jews..
    I mention this to indicate the kind of guy he is and his strength of conviction. It is for these reasons, I trust him.
    If he doesn’t come to power, all is for naught.

  7. I like the “Jordan Option” a lot. I think that it is practical, workable, and above all fair. There are a few points, however, which concern me. If I may:

    The plan seems heavily dependent on Mudar Zahran. What happens if he is unexpectedly removed from the equation?

    Regarding the Temple Mount, It seems that the Arabs only lose. They are reduced to Al Aqsa, and the rest is open, (or ??). And what about the Dome of the Rock, which is currently a Muslim shrine? No, I don’t think that part of the plan will fly unless the Muslims are thrown a big bone.

    If I understand this plan correctly, Area A would be administered by Jordan. First of all, what does “administered” mean, and why would this be necessary, let alone desirable? Joint administration of Hebron also seems unnecessary and problematic.

    It seems to me that the Arab palestinians who choose to live in Israel, (while not Israeli citizens), should have an enhanced status which gives them more rights and privileges than a typical foreigner. They should have the freedom to pass easily to and from Jordan, and the same rights to buy, sell, and trade in Israel that any Israeli citizen has.

    I dislike ending on a negative note, but I do not see the Palestinians as being receptive to this plan. They would rather hate the Jews than make their own lives better. That might change over time if UNWRA and PA schools are closed down and no longer teach Jihad against the Jews.

    Lastly, how will you deal with the resistance to this plan from the rest of the world, (principally the EU, US, and in Israel itself), who subscribe to the “Two State Solution”. These people will not go away easily.

    The “Jordan Option”, or the “Deal of the Century”, is the best way to a more peaceful Israel, and indeed, to a more peaceful and stable Middle East. I hope that it comes to pass.

  8. It seems an age has passed since the Trump plan was first considered. I was never supportive of the plan itself, but only of the realities that it engendered and the truths that it revealed. As a plan of transition, rather than solution, it provided a pivotal exposure of what needed to be exposed while also providing the potential of pivoting to the Deal of the Century, also known as the Jordan Option. It isn’t that the Jordan Option was a better choice than all previous peace plans, only that it was and remains the only choice which might hold the potential of providing any opportunity towards a successful outcome if pursued.

    With all the recent dialogues describing various parts of the Jordan Option, even among the Arab press and social media, it does appear that we may soon come to see what potentials might be gained by finally considering the only peace plan that was not formulated with the ultimate goal of leading towards Israel’s dismemberment and destruction. Hence, I continue to be very hopeful of Ted’s and Mudar’s continued success in unveiling what may come to be seen as the step wise mending of the long held enmity between the people living astride the two sides of the Jordan, the displacement of the British appointed lackey titled as a king, and the rise of a visionary movement towards democratic reforms, economic ties, and a long denied peace betrayed a century ago.

    It may take the passing of another age before the workings of a real peace forms among the two peoples, but whatever the time span involved, the vision will remarkably remain somewhat unchanged from the Jordan Option, for if it leads to peace, it must have its core established in an appreciation of the historical context of past agreements, an appreciation of the existing realities, and an appreciation of doing what is doable with a focus on building trust, trade and a common pursuit of a joined future and existence.

  9. @ Michael S:
    You left out the pip squeak Christians with their Islam 1.0 fantasy religion and political tract masquerading as scripture. The Christians are going to take it up the poop from both the Left and Far Right.

  10. PA dissolved its government (hoping to have elections which will not happen certainly not in Gaza or Jerusalem), it has been cut off from USA aid. Abbas is nearing the end of his run and perhaps time on earth.

    So hopefully Israel has ready contingency plans to take over for the PA when it implodes, withers away, or explodes.

    Israel should be ready to apply Israeli Civil Law to all Jewish Towns and open areas in Area C and martial law in the Arab Areas of Judea/Samaria.

    It is very likely Israel will need to act unilaterally and not wait for Trump. The King is still in charge in Jordan so he will not likely want Pal-Arab emigrants from Judea/Samaria if the PA disappears. So Israel will likely need to deal with this headache on its own.

  11. @ adamdalgliesh:

    US security aid to Palestinians to dry up this week
    In a move expected to worsen relations between the Palestinian Authority and the Trump administration, PA declines some $60 million out of fear that accepting the money would expose it to lawsuits under 2018 Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act.

    Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff

    Photo: Reuters

    U.S. security aid for the Palestinian Authority was set to dry up on Thursday after the PA declined the money over concerns it could increase its exposure to U.S. anti-terrorism lawsuits.

    The loss of the nearly $60 million in annual funding marks another tear in ties between the Trump administration and PA President Mahmoud Abbas, and potentially undermines his security cooperation with Israel in Judea and Samaria.

    Diplomatic sources said Palestinian, U.S. and Israeli officials were seeking a way to keep the money flowing despite Abbas’ decision to turn it down as of a Jan. 31 deadline set by Congress’ Anti-Terrorism Clarifcation Act (ATCA) of 2018.

    The ATCA empowers Americans to sue foreign aid recipients in U.S. courts over alleged complicity in “acts of war.”

    Abbas’ administration, long accused by Israel of stoking Palestinian terrorist attacks, worries about such legal exposure. It denies encouraging any such acts.

    “We do not want to receive financial aid, including aid provided to the security forces, so as not to be subject to the anti-terrorism law approved by Congress,” one Palestinian official told Reuters.

    “The U.S. administration was surprised by the Palestinian decision, and said it wanted to find a solution in order to continue aid to the Palestinian security services.”

    Such a solution may include finding alternative funds within the CIA budget or amending U.S. legislation, he said.

    The U.S. Embassy in Israel had no immediate comment. Israeli officials declined to confirm or deny there were workaround talks but sought to offer reassurance that Israel could manage security in Judea and Samaria.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may also be disinclined to signal worries about the region ahead of his bid to stay in office in the April 9 Knesset election.

    “Israel cannot save the failing leadership of the Palestinian Authority,” Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told Reshet Channel 13 TV when asked about the cut in U.S. funding.

    “The most we can do is say to them, ‘since this is our land, if you cannot govern, then we can,” Hotovely added.

  12. The Trump has continued to give “Security assisstance to the PA. with Israel’s approval, to the tune of $60 million. Abbas acrually refused the money for the coming year. But the Trump its searching for ways to get around Abbas’ decision and still get the money to the PA security forces, possibly by routing the money through the CIA’s (secret) budget. This effort to get the money to the PA security forces flouts a law passed by Congress that forbids aid to any entity involved in promoting terrorism, and makes the money of such an entity liable to lawsuits by the victims.

    Netanyahu supports this crazy policy of the Trump administration. Trump may actually be attempting to get this money to the PA at Israel’s request. Crazy!!

  13. @ Bear Klein:

    If BB believed the deal was good for Israel he would have grabbed it with both hands and run with it for reelection as a referendum…. That he ran from it before the election is telling.

  14. This from Today’s issue of the Jerusalem Cnter for Public Affairs (JCPA):

    The Deal of the Century Has No Buyers in the Arab World
    Pinhas Inbari
    Recently, it was again reported that the White House team was about to publicize Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” but until now, apart from possibly Saudi Arabia, the deal has had no buyers in the Arab world, and certainly not among its supposed clientele, the Palestinians, Jordan, and Egypt.

    Regarding the Palestinians, it is very clear: Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO are not prepared in any way for any deal that is less than their maximum demands, which are primarily the “right of return” and Israel’s withdrawal to the 1967 lines in general, and specifically to Jerusalem. Things are more complicated with regard to Jordan and Egypt.

    Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon
    Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon (Arab press)
    For Jordan, the main problem is finding the solution to the refugee issue at its expense. Jordan would have to come to terms with the fact that millions of Palestinians would finally get full citizenship and participate in domestic politics – and what might be worse – would have to settle within Jordan’s territory refugees from Lebanon to help Lebanon restore its ethnic balance. While the issue remains open, an option may remain for them to return to “Palestine,” whether inside the West Bank or inside Israel itself.

    Meanwhile, the Bedouin sector, which is the mainstay of the Jordanian army and administration, refuses to surrender any power to Palestinians and is currently relatively calm.

    Jordan is not prepared for such an agreement, not even for the hefty funds that would be offered as part of the deal. It is concerned that if it refuses, Saudi Arabia will pressure it with regard to Jordan’s traditional tie to Jerusalem, but there are no signs that Saudi Arabia is interested in Jerusalem. However, from Jordan’s point of view, happy is the person who is always worried.

    Egypt has two reservations: It does not want to take responsibility for Gaza, and it seeks to limit its connections with Hamas to security issues in Sinai only. However, its main reservation is the issue of the Arab version of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

    No one has any illusions that the Palestinians are of any interest to anyone among the Sunni nations, but the whole deal is intended to remove the Palestinian problem as an obstacle to establishing the Arab version of NATO along with Israel. This is the real reason why Saudi Arabia is interested in the deal, because it wants Egypt and Jordan to send their troops to the war in Yemen, and maybe in Syria, but this is exactly what Egypt and Jordan do not want to do.

    Reports on the deal keep popping up, but it still has no Arab buyers.

  15. @ Edgar G.: Greenblatt’s tweets:

    In response, Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s special representative for international negotiations, called this report “not accurate” and “highly recommend that people listen only to official statements directly from @POTUS, @USAmbIsrael, Jared Kushner, or me about the plan.”

    “Over the coming period, unnamed sources will peddle narratives to the media & others based on motivations that are far from pure. Peddling false, distorted or biased stories to the media is irresponsible & harmful to the process. Israelis & Palestinians deserve better…”

    While I respect @BarakRavid, his report on Israel’s Ch. 13 is not accurate. Speculation about the content of the plan is not helpful. Very few people on the planet know what is in it… for now…”

    Edgar I agree with you and perhaps parts are accurate. I do not believe anything that leads to Pal State demilitarized or not is good for Israel.

  16. Dec. 18, 2018 update: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley mused today on the secret Trump plan for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (which she has read) that

    both sides would benefit greatly from a peace agreement, but the Palestinians would benefit more, and the Israelis would risk more. … There are things in the plan that every party will like and there are things in the plan that every party will not like. That is certainly true for the Israelis and the Palestinians.

    To read the whole article go to

  17. Daniel Pipes has written a very long and detailed article concerning the hints (maybe leaks) and commentary on the Trump Peace Plan. I have included one paragraph below. Keep in context Pipes is a Never Trumper and very pro Israel but a very honest commentator/writer.

    Oct. 8, 2018 update: Jason Greenblatt offered some general outlines of the Trump plan:

    It will include a resolution to all of the core issues, including the refugee issue, and will also focus on Israel’s security concerns.” [The proposal will] “be heavily focused on Israeli security needs. But we also want to be fair to the Palestinians. We have tried hard to find a good balance. Each side will find things in this plan that they don’t like. There are no perfect solutions

    To read the whole article go to

  18. @ Bear Klein:

    Jason Greenblatt on being asked about the news leak said the information was “inaccurate”…..

    That’s all very well, but I would prefer it if he’d said “absolutely/completely” inaccurate.

  19. @ yamit82: I am with the “New Right” a Pal State is a threat to Israel. Expansion of the land under Pal control is a detrimental to Israel.

    Israel needs to reduce the amount Arabs living in the land. There is no deal between Israelis and Pals that would actually lead to real peace and co-existence.

    Any peace deal offered by Trump Admin. will be rejected by the Pals. The Israeli Govt. needs to then respond by saying it is clear all offers to the Pals since the 1930s have been rejected by them. Israel appreciates the US efforts however the following is true:

    Clearly a 2 state solution is not the path forward to stability and peace in the long term. Israel intends to implement its solution that is best for Israel. Israel should start by what it has internal consensus on applying its civil law to all Jewish Towns plus all areas needed for security such as the whole Jordan Valley.

    Then start working on solutions to reduce the amount of Arabs in Judea/Samaria. With the goal of applying Israeli Civil Law in those areas when the amount of Arabs is reduced.

  20. New Right: We will not sit in government that will divide J’lem
    Party responds to reports of Trump’s proposed peace deal. ‘US is Israel’s greatest friend, but Israel’s well-being comes first.’

    The Yamin HeHadash (New Right) Party issued a statement Wednesday night emphasizing that it would “not sit in a government that will divide Jerusalem and establish a Palestinian state,” in response to reports of details of the US Administration’s proposed peace deal.

    Earlier, Hadashot 13 reported that the peace plan formulated by the White House and which President Trump is interested in presenting in the coming months includes the establishment of a Palestinian state in about 90 percent of Judea and Samaria, with at least part of eastern Jerusalem as its capital.

    “The United States is Israel’s greatest friend, and President Trump is a true friend of Israel. However, Israel’s security and Israel’s well-being precede any other interest,” the party said in response.

    “Therefore, the Yamin HeHadash Party will not sit in a government that will divide Jerusalem and establish a Palestinian state. Only the presence of a large and strong Yamin HeHadash party would ensure the coalition is prepared to oppose such dangerous plans.”

  21. @ Bear Klein:

    This is similar to other reported leaks going back to Liberman last year… all are quite similar and I suspect all are trial balloons to test reaction in and out of gov.

    IMO they are all non-starters and political suicide for any PM who agrees to the general framework outlined in the above leak and others….. WAITING TO SEE WHAT GOODIES TRUMP WILL OFFER TO TRY TO SEAL THE DEAL??? or What threats he will make if we reject his deal?

  22. The White House dismissed the (above in my comment) story as unfounded speculation. “As in the past, speculations regarding the peace plan are inaccurate. We have no further reaction,” it said in a statement quoted by Channel 13.

  23. Trump peace plan: divide Jerusalem, Palestinian state on 85-90% of W.Bank
    The report, based on a source who took part in a briefing in Washington on the plan, said it calls for the annexation of the large settlements and the evacuation of some settlement outposts.

    US President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century,” expected to be rolled out after the elections on April 9, will include a Palestinian state on 85-90% of the West Bank and the division of Jerusalem, according to a Channel 13 News report.

    The report, based on a source who took part in a briefing in Washington on the plan by a senior American official, said it calls for the annexation of the large settlements and the evacuation of settlement outposts deemed illegal under Israeli law.

    Isolated settlements, such as Yitzhar and Itamar, would not be evacuated under the plan, but no further building would be allowed, in order to “dry them out.”

    The plan, details of which have been a closely guarded secret for months, also calls for a land swap for the land that Israel will annex, though the ratio of the swap was not immediately clear, according to the report.

    Regarding Jerusalem, the report stated that the city would be divided, with west Jerusalem and some areas of east Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and east Jerusalem – including most of the Arab neighborhoods – the capital of a Palestinian state.

    Israel would retain sovereignty over the Old City and its immediate environs, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, but it would be administered together with the Palestinians, Jordanians and perhaps other countries.

    The report said that the White House expectation was for the Palestinians to reject the plan when it is presented, but for Israel to give a positive response. The Palestinians, who have cut off ties with the US, have said that they would reject any plan Trump would put forward.

    If the report about the contours of the plan is accurate, the amount of land that would make up the Palestinian state is more than double Areas A and B, where the Palestinians today have control, but less than what Ehud Olmert offered Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in 2008, which he rejected.

  24. @ yamit82:
    Yes, no one who cares about Israel is mourning the departure of Mathis. The Syria decision (since mitigated or modified by Trump) was probably the straw for Mathis that broke the camel’s back. Yes Trump has been going along the direction of Bolton & Pompeo which is different than Mathis.

  25. adamdalgliesh Said:

    Trump had told reporters weeks before he announced his Syria decision that Mathis might be leaving the government soon. And the press has been reporting tension between the two men for months. Probably their differences over how to manage the U.S. presense in Syriahad been the main source of this tension over the past several months. Pompeo seems to have won a power struggle with Mathis for Trump’s ear.

    1. Opposed moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
    2. Opposed cancelling the Iran nuclear deal.
    3. Insisted on arming and training the Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese military.
    4. Opposed using US forces in Syria vs. Iran and partners.
    5. Said Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital.

  26. adamdalgliesh Said:

    Pompeo to King Abdullah: US ‘steadfast supporter’ of Jordan

    Bullshit. The Japanese diplomats were negotiating with Americans in the USas Pearl Harbour was about to happen. It is common practice that when something dramatic is going to happen the perpetrator acts with business as usual.

  27. The VOA artilce does indeed show Pompeo meeting with Jordanian officials. However, the article itself says nothing about U.S. support for Jordan, and nothing about Jordan at all except for Pompeo’s request that Jordan send troops to Syrria to replace American troops there. In other words, what Abdullah can do for the U.S., not what the U.S. will do for Abdullah. Nothing whatever in the VOA article about Jordanian internal politics.

    Pompeo, unlike Mathis, is clearly on board with Trump’s Syria policy. In fact, I believe that he is its principal architect. Trump was forced to make a choice between Pompeo’s recommendations and Mathis’ opposing recommendations, and he decided to go with Pompeo’s policy. Probably nothing hasty about this choice. Trump had told reporters weeks before he announced his Syria decision that Mathis might be leaving the government soon. And the press has been reporting tension between the two men for months. Probably their differences over how to manage the U.S. presense in Syriahad been the main source of this tension over the past several months. Pompeo seems to have won a power struggle with Mathis for Trump’s ear.

  28. This in today’s Jerusalem Post:
    Pompeo to King Abdullah: US ‘steadfast supporter’ of Jordan
    Breaking news
    Breaking news. (photo credit: JPOST STAFF)
    US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo met King Abdullah II of Jordan and Foreign Minister al-Safadi on Tuesday in Amman and reaffirmed the US steadfast support for Jordan.

    Pompeo underscored the importance of the bilateral relationship between Jordan and the US and thanked the king for his efforts to promote peace and stability in the Middle East.

    It doesn’t sound like Trump is planning to overthrow Abdullah. Maybe he and Pompeo think he can bring Abdullah on board with his peace plan.

  29. @ Ted Belman:

    In explaining his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel he stressed that he was just recognizing reality.

    Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem is limited to Western Jerusalem only and the Kotel id not part of that recognition…..Nor is Arab dominated Eastern part of Jerusalem in total. Russia has also recognized the Western part of Jerusalem as belonging to Israel. IMO the move by Trump was a con A- to gain leverage over Israel to accept his Piece Plan as a quid pro quo and B- to please his christian fundamentalist base C- To check off another campaign promise kept. D- To separate himself from Obama who had promised to move embassy and never did.

  30. @ yamit82:
    Hi, Yamit. You said,

    “He got his military budgets but it will take years to bring the military up to level needed even today …. I am curious as to why he killed making public all relevant FISA docs as he promised and buried them after speaking with Rosenstein which gives me reason to question if Rosenstein has something on Trump? If he does it will surely come out sooner than later. If his nominee for AG passes easily then wll he has done is to nominate another Washington insider swamp dweller…”

    One thing Schumer was right about, was that one messes with the FBI and Deep State at one’s own peril. If Rosenstein doesn’t have anything on Trump, he has shown that he is more than willing to make up for this deficit with fiction — fiction backed up by Comey, Mueller and the whole host of former and current directors of agancies. It’s a very distressing situation — as though the US is ruled by the Mob.

    You’ve seen my postings about the seven-headed beast, mentioned in the NT book of Revelation. When I think about the goings-on in Washington, I envision that creature there, a cross between Rodan and Godzilla, roaring over the city.

    Have you ever read ancient Sumerian and Babylonian literature? That creature I just talked about, reminds me of Tiamat, the dragon that Gilgamesh struggled with and defeated. Tiamat represented Chaos; and that is the sort of spirit I see controlling Washington. It is not democracy; it is not Trump; it is not Schumer or Comey or Mueller: It is pure, raw evil; and it’s just as real as real can be.

    Abdullah? Mudar? Erdogan? Putin? Netanyahu? They are pipsqueaks, struggling to keep their own political heads above water. Ditto for May, Merkel, Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping. One ill wind, and they could all be blown away; and I think many ill winds are coming.

    Time to buckle our seat belts…

  31. This from Daled Amos, in today’s Elder of Ziyon

    Jordan is Not the Only Mideast Country the US Refuses to Demand to Hand Over Terrorists From (Daled Amos)
    We know that Jordan has failed to extradite the Hamas terrorist Ahlam Tamimi — the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre — to the US, despite an extradition treaty that Jordan has honored in the past.

    But is the problem just that Jordan refuses to honor its treaties, or is there more to it? Could the US be trying harder and applying more pressure on Jordan if it wanted to? . . . .

    What about Trump?

    Watching Trump praise Jordan for its role in fighting terrorism — while it plays host to the terrorist Ahlam Tamimi — is a familiar scenario. Foreign policy concerns seem once again to take a priority over justice. The US has an extradition treaty with Jordan and has asked Jordan to turn her over. The US has even posted a reward for her capture, but has stopped short of applying pressure.

    On the other hand, Trump has taken steps beyond anything his predecessors have done in applying strong financial pressure on Abbas and the Palestinian Authority.

    It could be that he is willing to apply pressure to get things done.

    But it could also be that Trump has decided to apply pressure on the Palestinians instead of aid in order to facilitate his version of a Middle East peace — but will continue to coddle Jordan for the old familiar reasons.

  32. @ adamdalgliesh:
    I have posted a number of articles which I neglected to put in the category Jordan Option. I will proceed to correct that. It will take me an hour to find them. At any time you can click on the menu item above in blue “Jordan Option”.

    Also I have posted a number of videos that suffer the same problem of not put in the category Jordan Option.

    To see these videos go HERE

  33. @ Ted Belman: THe only article that I have been able to find in recent weeks about the internal situation in Jordan was from an English language newspaper published in Dubai, of all places. The author describes the economic situation in Jordan as extremly dire, with the country’s economy near collapse and the government desperately seeking more foreign aid. He also mentions that protest demonstrations are frequent in both Amman and provincial cities.

    On the other hand, he describes the demonstrations as largely leaderless, with most “civil society” institutions remaining aloof. He also claims that the demonstrators make only “moderate” demands for policy changes, not regime change, and that they do not criticize the King. He describes the demonstrations as attracting relatively small cross, large of young men.

  34. Media blackout. Starting with the King. The crowds haven’t been massive but they grow larger every week. They are calling for the King to go. The media acknowledges that Mudar Zahran is behind it.

  35. The Israeli and international press has been strangely silent about the internal political situation in Jordan in the last few months. I have been able to find almost nothing on it. Occasional references to frequent ant-government demonstrations. But no details. Is it because not much is going on? Or is there some sort of media blackout? If so, who is imposing it? Can anyone clue us in on the significance this phenomena (or lack of phenomena?)