The “Soldier who Shot” is sentenced

by Vic Rosenthal, Abu Yehuda

On Tuesday, a military court pronounced sentence on Sgt. Elor Azaria, called in Israel’s media “the soldier who shot in Hevron.”

Azaria was convicted of manslaughter after he put a bullet into the head of an Arab terrorist who had been wounded after he stabbed and injured an IDF soldier in March of last year. The incident was filmed by a Palestinian working for the left-wing NGO B’tselem. The video was shown on Israeli television and a massive media/political circus ensued. Even before the IDF investigation was finished, the army Chief of Staff and the Defense Minister made public statements accusing Azaria of misconduct in the harshest terms.

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The rules of engagement forbid harming a terrorist who has been “neutralized,” and unless it could be shown that Azaria could have reasonably believed that the terrorist sprawled on the ground was still a threat, shooting him would be a serious violation of protocol. Depending on his intention, it could also be manslaughter or even murder.

During the trial, Azaria’s defense team tried to establish that the shooting was justified. He testified that he feared that the terrorist might be wearing an explosive belt, or that he might reach for a knife nearby. His lawyers even called a witness to argue that it was not Azaria’s bullet that killed the terrorist.

The defense’s arguments were unconvincing, and Azaria’s testimony was at times contradictory. There was testimony from another soldier in his unit that after the shooting Azaria said “He tried to stab a friend of mine and he deserves to die.” The trial continued for several months and numerous witnesses and experts were heard. It was accompanied by heavy media attention and public demonstrations for and against the accused.

The court – three military judges – rejected all of the defense contentions in a very unsympathetic decision that took more than an hour to read, and rendered a verdict of manslaughter. The judges then took up the question of punishment. Azaria could have received as many as 20 years imprisonment, but the prosecution asked for a sentence of three to five years. Tuesday, he was sentenced to 18 months in military prison, 12 months probation, and reduction in rank to private. The contrast between the court’s harsh decision and the very lenient sentence was striking.

Reactions to the sentence illuminated the chasms that exist in Israeli society. Azaria’s family and supporters joined arms and sang “Hatikva” in the courtroom after the sentence was pronounced, and called for him to be pardoned. His father hugged him and said “Elor, you are a hero!” His lawyers promised to appeal the verdict. There were demonstrations in the street outside in his favor, as there were during the trial itself.

But some thought that the verdict was far too lenient. Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg wrote on her Facebook page that “They sentenced [Azaria] to just a year and a half in prison. Azaria needed to be punished, and seriously.” Most public officials have been very uncomfortable with everything having to do with the incident and want to put it behind them.

Not so fast.

What happened was symptomatic of the difficulty a liberal democracy has in dealing with opponents that wage asymmetric warfare against it. It also illustrates the role of the cognitive/psychological war that is raging alongside the terrorism and violence that gets most of the attention.

The incident happened during a time that stabbings and car-rammings against Jews – including women and girls, small children, elderly people, soldiers, policemen and civilians – were at a peak. Almost every day there was another report of a vicious attack, and many of the reports were tragic. Encouraged by the official Palestinian Authority TV and radio, and by social media, PA residents and even some Arab citizens of Israel went on a murder spree. Even Israelis that remember the bombings of the Second Intifada were shocked by the cold, implacable hatred. What kind of creature could go up to a pregnant woman on the street and plunge a knife into her neck?

Israelis saw their soldiers (“everybody’s children”) forced to make life-and-death decisions in difficult circumstances. They saw that Jews are expected to follow the rules, but that for Arabs there are no rules; that Jews are expected to behave according to European standards of civilization, while Arabs are free to compete with each other to be the most barbarous killers.

Many people believe that no terrorist should be allowed to survive his act, but the rules say that once a terrorist is no longer a danger, he should be arrested, not killed. The rules say that a terrorist wounded while trying (or succeeding) to kill Jews should receive medical care. At one point, a directive was even issued that care should be prioritized only by the severity of wounds, and not depend on who is the attacker and who the victim!

Israelis noted how the families of terrorists in Israeli jails are paid salaries by the Palestinian Authority (with money it gets from the US and Europe). The longer the sentence, the higher the wages, so the worst get the most. Those who are killed in the act are glorified as martyrs in the official media, and the ones that survive are often released in “prisoner exchanges” like the 2011 deal in which 1027 terrorists, including numerous multiple murderers, were exchanged for one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit.

And – very importantly – they knew that Israel does not apply the death penalty for terrorist murder, so killers would ultimately be able to go on with their lives after serving their sentences (or after being traded for kidnap victims or body parts).

Elor Azaria was asked to do his job in these circumstances. He was 19 at the time. After a terrorist tried to kill his friend, he did what any normal person would be tempted to do. He broke the rules, violated protocol, and gave the terrorist what, in a moral if not legal sense, he deserved.

What should have happened then was an administrative hearing in which he would have been punished for breaking the rules, not a media and political circus and not a conviction for manslaughter.

But it was not an accident that it played out the way it did. Everything that the IDF does is scrutinized by organizations that claim to work to protect human rights, but whose real purpose is to delegitimize Israel.

Much like the way the communities around Gaza are undermined by Hamas tunnels, Israeli society and media are subverted by anti-state non-governmental organizations, of which B’tselem is a prime example. B’tselem received almost US$ 6 million between 2012 and 2016 from foreign governmental bodies (and more from other anti-Israel sources) for legal, diplomatic, political and propaganda warfare – there is no other way to describe it – against the state of Israel, the IDF and its soldiers. This money paid the operative that recorded the video that was used to blow this incident up into a national affair, and bought him his camera.

The Azaria prosecution was a propaganda blow against the IDF, which Israel’s enemies want to portray as arbitrarily murdering innocent Arabs. It was damaging to the morale of the soldiers who risk their lives to protect us, and who believe that Azaria’s officers and almost the entire military hierarchy abandoned him (they did). And if it results in more terrorists surviving their encounters with the IDF, then in my opinion that will be unfortunate.

One lesson from the affair is that Israel should apply the death penalty to terrorist murderers. Perhaps some of the frustration felt by our soldiers and police would be alleviated if they knew that an arrested murderer was likely to be executed rather than sent to a relatively (by world standards) comfortable prison where he will draw a salary and await the next prisoner exchange or political deal.

Another lesson is that the massive “human rights” industry in Israel, which is paid for by some of our worst enemies, needs to have its foreign funding cut off. No other country in the world would permit its enemies to pay for a massive subversive enterprise inside its own borders.

I would like to see Azaria pardoned. He’s been punished adequately since the incident. I would like to see our soldiers and police continue to act aggressively to stop terrorists, and know that their superiors will go to bat for them. And let’s think seriously about the death penalty for terrorist murder.

February 24, 2017 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. @ Russell:
    Bert wrote, “By second guessing the actions of this IDF soldier March is encouraging more terrorist attacks which may be his intention”. Uhh, Bert, it’s just possible that someone who disagrees with you is not a Hamas facilitator. In fact, if I was an Israeli citizen I’d likely vote for Netanyahu. As to “second guessing”, the author of this piece is second guessing the IDF chain-of-command and military justice system, which is a healthy part of a public dialogue. But to have a dialogue, discussion must run both ways. Otherwise comments are just chest-pounding and I’m sure Ted doesn’t want that.

  2. @ JoeBillScott™ (@JoeBillScott):
    JoeBillScott – your use of the term, “my dear” indicates you have confused the purpose of this website. You might want to check out a diverse dating website. Regarding your attempt at a rhetorical point, a 19 yo solder shooting an incapacitated suspect on the ground outside of orders or the rules of engagement is not the administration of a judicial “death penalty” but a crime. You must have avoided any military police service yourself since you seem to be unaware that such organizations are bound by their adherence to law. a

  3. @ MarcH:
    You missed the author’s point my dear.
    If all Arab murderers and attempted murderers knew that they would receive the death penalty and that their families would not only not get not be paid salaries but would even have their assets transferred to their victims, then we would stand a chance of stopping this behviour.

  4. @ MarcH: By second guessing the actions of this IDF soldier March is encouraging more terrorist attacks which may be his intention.
    Israel’s enemies always exploit the excessive compassion of most Jews to wage psychological warfare with the ultimate goal of destroying Israel.

  5. Thanks Ted, Maybe I get verbose but only because I enjoy the honesty of Israpundit and am for the most part in full agreement with the way things are reported here. I just submitted a really long comment on journalism so if it ends up being moderated on length it may end up in the trash can. I hope not!

  6. Russell Said:

    but if you do not publish something that I write I would really like to know why and not just have my time wasted commenting here for nothing

    I agree but here is the problem. There is a standard bit of software that identifies what should go into moderation. It includes certain words and overly long comments. The problem is that the software is running amok at least for some commentators. It puts them into moderation and I don’t know why.

    Sometimes it puts comments into trash.

    At the moment you and Edgar are victims. I have no idea how to correct this waywardness. But I suspect that it will tire of you and move on to someone else. Sorry.

    When I see that comments are in moderation that shouldn’t be, I release them.

  7. I agree with Edgar G on this moderation stuff. By all means keep out the hate stuff but if you do not publish something that I write I would really like to know why and not just have my time wasted commenting here for nothing. An alternative would be to simple give a clear set of rules. Like are we supposed to agree with everything Israpundit publishes, are we to avoid saying that Israel need to fight back and take the whole land the next time the Arabs attack. I do not like political correctness that prevents the truth from being explicitly displayed. Just tell me the rules please and can we also get a bit faster as by the time moderation is completed some of the topics are going cold. And guess what, this one just went to moderation…:-)

  8. Why do the news outlets say that the Defence Minister and Chief of Staff condemned the soldier “before” the IDF investigation was finished…. Netanyahu also did the same but retracted shortly after.

    That fact IS THAT the Ya’alon and Liberman (like Laurel and Hardy) accused the soldier “in the harshest terms” BEFORE the IDF investigation had even BEGUN. AND….as well, they brought a top, crack prosecutor out for semi-retirement, so as to make sure that Azaria was convicted without a doubt.

    The whole set-up stinks of rotten fish, from the beginning to the end, and…I believe that it has done the State of Israel and the IDF serious harm, that they will have to restore the trust of the people and boys/girls getting ready to be called up.

    If they can’t trust their officers and superiors to protect and defend them in trouble, then the State suffers. The Arabs and Jew-Haters gloat, and the Jewish People lose.

    My opinion. If I were getting ready to be called up I’d think seriously about going abroad to study, until the whole dirty rotten mess is sorted out.

    I suppose this will be held up for a week in “moderation”… like all my other items , even an experimental single word, which I later erased. Since I was put on “the white list” my posts never went to “moderation” until it began again a couple of weeks ago. I have no idea why. But I damned well don’t like it.

    Years ago when I joined this site , my comment was printed and then later actually withdrawn from print, for “moderation”. Knowing nothing of “moderation” I felt offendedas my post was completely innocuous, but I left in contempt and never returned until last year..

    I now believe that posts in “moderation” are not seen by others, only the poster, until “cleared”…. They are not counted in the “comments”.

    Anyway, I’m fed up, and am just ready to take my leave again anytime soon as I consider my amor propre. I enjoy the cogent, often brilliant contributors to the posts, so thank you for that.

  9. i believe under mossad rules 3 shots to the head is required. so SGT Azaria should have been reprimanded for failure to do the job correctly.

  10. “What happened was symptomatic of the difficulty a liberal democracy has in dealing with opponents that wage asymmetric warfare against it”. Baloney. Soldiers and police officers, especially junior ranks, are not judge and jury, nor are they autonomous superheroes, nor are they the stars of their own personal dramas. They are members of a team empowered by law and operating under the direction of their commanders to use deadly force under certain circumstances. Pvt. Azaria was not faced with a “split-second decision”. He arrived after the scene had been secured, displayed no words or deeds to warn his comrades that he feared for a suicide-vest, calmly strolled up to the incapacitated terrorist and shot him in violation of law and rules of engagement.