Rabbi Herzog: A hot political setback awaits

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A hot political setback awaits President Mohammed bin Zayed in Yemen. After all the billions spent by President Mohammed bin Zayed, he has lost his game in Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, and soon Libya.

“Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert others from the way of Allah. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a source of regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved – unto Hell they will be gathered.” – True are the words of Allah.

President Mohammed bin Zayed’s dream of controlling Yemen and its resources has evaporated. The Houthis have closed the Red Sea, and Egypt, an ally of bin Zayed, is paying the price with the closure of the Suez Canal. Meanwhile, President bin Zayed has not gained control over Yemen, and all his efforts have been in vain. The Yemeni qat brought by Dahlan has clouded your mind, Mr. President (I’m a refined qat user by nature).

The disease has begun to infiltrate the body of President Mohammed bin Zayed’s policies, but he does not feel it. His end is in a few years, but he will lose power before that and will face house arrest and humiliations.

The civil war in the Jordanian royal palace is still raging.

Media scandals will reveal the extent of the wealth of King Abdullah of Jordan, which has exceeded a trillion dollars??????

Queen Rania will try to cover up political scandals and media stories against her, but to no avail, as she has neither time nor capability.

The Jordanian army will take control of the Kingdom’s Channel directly, and the military will appear on television, and all airports will be closed. This is coming.

Remember that the fall of the regime in Jordan will come suddenly. Everything will seem normal, and suddenly, you’ll wake up to find that the Jordanian king has fled.

Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan ?? has returned to his old ways. Queen Rania knows exactly what is meant, and by the way, she reads my tweets daily. In all circumstances, Prince Hussein’s time is near, and God knows best.

The rulers and royal families who read my account, like Rania, include Prince Hassan bin Talal, the uncle of the Jordanian king, and the advisor to President Mohammed bin Zayed, named Abu Lulu, among many others.

A yellow storm will strike an Arab country.

A disaster at sea for an Arab country. Of course, there will be no trials or investigations.

The Israeli war on the thugs and bullies in the West Bank camps continues until the last one of them flees to Jordan. The turn of Balata Camp and Nablus is very close. I told you, we will turn the thugs into delicate kunafa, waraqat, and sweet cheese.

A major Hamas leader will join Ismail Haniyeh. It’s only a matter of time.

For those who don’t know, Khaled Meshaal, the Hamas leader, is managed by the Jordanian and Kuwaiti intelligence agencies. He used to work with the Kuwaitis while he was still a student in Kuwait. His roots run deep, sir.

The artist Adel Imam is gradually approaching the end of his life.

August 30, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. @Edgar
    I think there is a growing list of Herzog’s numerous comments which have been supported by event to one degree of accuracy or another, but he has now given us a time table of the next two weeks, and now another one of only a week in his latest tweet, so we will see what comes in that time, but as Ted has noted, his own sources agree independently with Herzog’s timetable. Personally, it is my view that we should be expecting more than a bit of excitement in Jordan over the next week(s) to a month, but I have little doubt that Herzog’s sermons are in fact sourced back to MBS in any event. Time will tell what comes in this time, but we have little time to wait, it would seem.

  2. PELONI-

    Thank you, I see it finally made the page 3-4 down. And I note that whilst 10.7 bil may be accurate, it’s divided by 7 per annum. About 1.4 bill p.a. Sounds right. When ading in all the other grants you mentioned it still cannot, just cannot amount to 1.25 trill. THEIR govt gets paid their armed forces get paid and many other essential functions which just won’t run without money.

    Just my opinion of course, but nevertheless, it must e considered. They absolutely have to spend money, lots, just to stay in power.

    I’m convinced that Hertzog is just a cunning. vague sounding charlatan. Some of the mort obviously correct comments are surrounded by rubbish, just enough that some facts can emerge.

  3. @Edgar
    Yes, I have been ferreting out the missing posts, so thanks for letting me know about yours.

    As to the $10.15Bn price tag**, it was the amount settled upon the Hashemites to be passed to them over the course of 7yrs in the 2022 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), which was as I noted, came to be about double what the US paid to the Hashemites in 2014. This is beyond the money coming to Jordan from the IMF loans, and other projects, but includes about $400M of military aid, which in the scheme of things is a pittance. As to the sum discussed by Herzog, well, I can’t speak to the accuracy of that figure, but would reference the fact that the value of the Hashemite cut of the Jordanian budget is pretty much the Jordanian budget, which would include the funding coming from all the sources listed below, which I would suspect was least improved by skinflint Britain while they were paying old Abdullah’s bills.

    Notably, Jordan has sold its need of funds to the world in support of the Syrian refugees as well as the Pals living under their tyranny, and the reality is that the legitimate figure going to the Hashemites would also include the price of any companies doing business in Jordan, to which I can only allude.

    In any event, my comment was not to prove Herzog accurate, though he may be, but to simply explain that Jordan, while a country with nearly no economy, has had and continues to have extraordinary incomes from its foreign backers.

    You can read about the latest MOU with Jordan here, but there are any number of sources detailing the sum being spent on Jordan and also the US annoyance that this increased pricetag has had little to no effect on Jordan’s economy.

    **Also, as you noted, this does not include the funds from loans.

  4. Peloni-

    An answering post about Jordan’s economy and the unbelievable sum of 1 25 trill USD has been chewed up by your system. TED is the expert finder but you also likely are,

    Good practice for you anyway. please find.

  5. PELONI-

    No matter how much they scooped off the top, there’s No way that the Husseini could amass over about 1,25 trillion dollars. When modernity struck, they, in the civilised world also lived/live like plutocrats.

    And actually Jordan does have some sort of economy -having exported about 9 bill last year.

    PELONI<where did you get that 10 bill in Foreign Aid??? I recall reading a couple of years ago that it had settled down to about 4.5 bill yearly, of which about 70% were grants the balance loans. I could me mistaken but I believe I'm not.

    I remember that plutocrat extraordinaire, The Aga Khan, and his descendant Aly Khan………..Oh boy, They both made lifetime headlines..

    Just sit back and consider just how much OVER a trillion is………..

    Thrice more money than all the Rothschilds added together.

    The reputedly next richest family is the Waltons (Walmart) = $300 mil.

    Their wealth has been amassed collectively over many years, especially the Rothschilds, over 250 years, never losing always gaining.

    The Husseini did not make much from the British. For some years they were paid in banknotes. They actually had not much use for civilised money and the bales of notes, never opened just rotted away. rats, mice and insects became wealthy although they didn't know it.

    Onecday they discovered this and from then on they were paid with several camel loads of sovereigns. These they could use, although some went into necklaces, headbands and armlets etc for their womenfolk.

  6. @John Galt III

    Precisely where did he get this money, as Jordan’s economy produces nothing? Aid from Arab countries is a pittance. Jordan has no oil or gas.

    Jordan is the benefiary of the greatest foreign aid package in world history, and this was true before it was recently increased a couple of years ago, such that it is currently double what it was a decade ago. Note that $9.75Bn, which is the vast majority of the 7yr US MOU amounting to $10.15Bn, is non-military aid. Hence, this amount isn’t going to the US MIC, but to Jordan instead. Cosequently, they don’t need an economy, oil, or Arab donatives to flood Abdullah and his few dozen family members with significant levels of cash. What is more, the US govt has been bristling over the lack of increased quality of living in Jordan, this despite the increased US largess to Jordan to try to help improve the lives of the Jordanian public who continue live in absolute squalor.

    Also, as you correctly note, Jordan has no economy, so where is it that Abdullah might have obtained the funds to travel the world, live in palatial extravagance, and hold international wedding events in foreign nations, while also still maintaining a significant military and intelligence service, all of which predates American benefaction for Jordan. Notably, the Hashemites have had a long history of being the well paid minion of some foreign power, first with Britain, but the likes of the EU, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, and Saudi Arabia have each had their turn at the wheel of being Jordan’s sugar daddy. In addition to these, Jordan has gained great loans from the IMF from their prentense of support for American and Western policies. Consequently, the Hashemite family coffers have been filled over the years at the expense of the Jordanian people, as they sold Jordan’s cooperation at a steep price to each of these foreign benefactor in turn, while always ready to betray today’s sponsor for tomorrow’s. Such has been the way of the Hashemites which has been betraying its backers since they betrayed the Ottomans in WWI.

    In addition to this, it should be recalled that Jordan is currently enjoying a porous border with Iran, something which was not routinely true upto the past year or two. Is it likely that such an arrangement with Iran was brokered without Jordan’s Big Guy getting a sizeable check? I would argue no, not very likely.

    A bit off topic, but something else which is relatable to Jordan’s economy, we should keep in mind that Jordan’s lack of economic improvement is entirely self inflicted. Had Jordan embraced Israel following the 1994 peace treaty which is routinely betrayed by Jordan, Jordan could have developed significant economic and travel incentives with Israel which would have significantly benefited the Jordanian people. Also, had Jordan focused the Jordanian education system on more useful topics than denigrating Jews, such a future was not necessarily so remote as it remains today, and that the remoteness of this is specifically the consequence of the Islamist support which the Hashemites subscribe to and to which they continue to lend their support. Recall for example that Hamas leaders disclosed in recent months that they could return to Jordan any time they chose. The Hashemites are our enemies, they fund terror, they publicly call for terror, and they weaponize their public towards these endeavors, more now than in the years leading upto their treaty commitment. It need not be this way, but for there to be any change at all, it would require that Jordan be purged of its Islamist perspective, something which Herzog has discussed many time now.

    In any event, just some things to consider when reading Rabbi Herzog’s commentary.

  7. Media scandals will reveal the extent of the wealth of King Abdullah of Jordan, which has exceeded a trillion dollars??????

    So King Abdullah has more money than Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet combined. Precisely where did he get this money, as Jordan’s economy produces nothing? Aid from Arab countries is a pittance. Jordan has no oil or gas.

    Rabbi, stop with the nonsense. You are destroying your own credibility with this stuff. Stick to the facts.