Caroline Glick: This is why the Bennett-Lapid gov’t really fell

June 29, 2022 | 10 Comments »

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  1. @Reader
    Yes, well, there is no need for references when such things are common knowledge and not in the least disputed. Bibi did try to prevent that anti-Zionist govt from being formed and did do his best to see it fall ever since, but he was in the opposition, and as such did not have the votes to undermine the govt formed. The govt failed because the govt required the support of ideological factions which were anti-Zionists by there very nature and consequently refused to support the most basic Zionist laws necessary for the govt of the Zionist nation to exist.

    Whereas you seem to hold some affection for this govt, which still boggles my understanding, the govt was flawed from the outset, held tight only by the bribes and personal benefits the various members received, and even these self-interested motivations were not enough to motivate the members of this govt to cooperate and pass the most basic legislation, even as they plundered the state coffers to entice the Brotherhood and rewarded the Bedouin squatters with Negev lands.

    I do agree that Bibi did not handle himself with the poise and manner which was expected from him in passing power to this govt which was co-opted with the use of the Left, Radical Left and Brotherhood, and yet I completely understand his motivations, even as I noted at the time that I thought it was a mistake.

    We will see if Bibi is capable of maintaining power in Likud. I fully expect he will do so quite handily, but time will tell that tale with certainty. Regarding the consulate, the radical NeoLib Dems know that they have an American golem in Jerusalem with Lapid coming to power, so there are a great many things that may transpire in the next several months. Though this is a caretaker govt, I believe this is a most perilous time for Israel and it will be a great challenge to avoid many difficult topics including the extended abuse of Russia, particularly as Russia has risen to challenge Israel directly. The consulate, the TSS, the PA… Yes, I believe this is a most perilous period for Israel, and there is only this crackerjack prize PM left in place to challenge his American masters. Another facet for which we must applaud Bennett and his rogue members of the Right.

  2. @Peloni

    Netanyahu did everything in his power to prevent the government from being formed, he publicly declared war on the coalition as soon as the government was formed, he refused to pass the information to Bennett or to give him any help whatsoever, and treated him abominably in public, and he and his rabid Likud followers (I have restrained myself with some difficulty from using the more common expression here) sabotaged every important vote in the Knesset to show (DUH!) that if the opposition doesn’t vote with the coalition, the coalition cannot pass any laws.

    I am not giving references because there would be too many links to post.

    All I hope for is that “Beebee” doesn’t become Prime Minister again and doesn’t give us the “Deal of the Century” and the “Palestinian” Consulate in Jerusalem.

  3. @Reader

    The government fell because of the unending sabotage by the opposition

    This is not fairly described.

    The govt fell for the same reason that it should never have been formed. It lacked the votes to successfully rule the nation and see to its needs even as the existential threat of the return of the Obama thugs presented the obvious intent of restoring Iran to a position of primacy and the TSS to a position of established policy.

    To with stand this storm, Bennett, blackmailed by Saar’s intransigence, bowed down and empowered the anti-Zionists and bribed the Brotherhood, even as they each failed to support the nation’s most basic needs. This is why the govt fell.

    The govt needed 61 Zionist votes, and it had but a far diminished number to compare to this requirement. It was not that there was not a mandate provided by the electorate, only that the mandate was broadly cast into the hands of men who held something more important than their claim to support the Zionist model, and still seem resolved to maintain that position.

    Now it will fall to the electorate to resolve this situation, and I hope that they are schooled well enough over these past years to choose more wise than it appears they have done in the past 4 elections.

  4. The government fell because of the unending sabotage by the opposition and by its leader Netanyahu who put their own political interests ahead of the interests and well-being of the country and its people (especially its Jewish people).

    Bennett decided to dissolve the Knesset because the opposition thwarted the renewal of the Judea and Samaria law in order to create chaos in the “territories” and then blame it on the coalition “which can never do anything right”.

    It is laughable to call Likud “democratic” when its Knesset members are simply “Beebee’s” tin soldiers and crude demagogues (he gets rid of anyone who tries not to be a tin soldier or threatens his power).

  5. As an American, I have some very different views on the subject!
    Americans will take back the USA from the Vichy like regime in Washington working for the EU Globalists.
    We will because we have A Federal Republic of Sovereign States & not just a ‘Democracy’ which is doomed to political erosion from the very beginning!
    Essentially this means (A) a written Constitution & (B) A diffusion of political power among the states that tends to control & counter the centralization of power in an Imperial Capitol! Israel has none of this and is wide open to collusion from powerful interests in the Knesset.

  6. The discussion describing the beurocratic state being completely capable of controlling members of the govt, thereby require a far greater victory than a simple majority of members, does speak of the concerns that I have had over the obvious corruption involved in pursuing Bibi. When you consider the fact that the non-Likud parties are controlled by a single person, should that individual become compromised or threatened, the entire party could easily become a tool of the non-elected state officials to be wielded against the elected govt. Should that have been the case in these past many elections, it would answer many questions for which any other answers are based on the silliest of arguments, ie broken promises by political leaders, etc.

  7. Very interesting conversation on a variety of topics, but the discussion covering the control mechanisms of the non-Likud parties, besides Meretz and Labor, was particularly revealing. I had always been aware that New Hope and Yamina, among others, had members who were chosen by leadership of the party, but I honestly never made the conceptual leap which Gadi explains quite clearly. Quite revealing that Likud, Labor and Meretz, who are the #1, #6 and #12 parties relative to MKs, alone have a democratic structure requiring input of the party vis a vis the content of the lists and leaders, albeit with some carve outs. For instance, Sa’ar, whose party was formed around him rather than choosing him, has labeled Bibi as being the greatest threat to democracy, runs his party by authoritarian fiat without any input of the people who support his party. Despite this fact, he demanded that Likud set aside their party leader, Bibi, who was actually elected by the party, in order for him to form a govt with the largest party in the Knessett – quite a interesting perspective for a self-appointed autocrat who refuses to support Bibi due to the purported threat that such a democratically elected leader demonstrates to democracy.