Breaking: John Kerry Is Working On Another UN Resolution That Would Officially Recognize A Palestinian State

By Michael Snyder, CLOTHESLINE


Multiple media outlets are reporting that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is finalizing a document that the Obama administration hopes will form the basis for a UN Security Council resolution that officially recognizes a Palestinian state before the end of Barack Obama’s term on January 20th.  This comes on the heels of the UN Security Council’s adoption of resolution 2334 on December 23rd.  That resolution declared that all Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal, it stated that the Security Council recognizes the 1967 ceasefire lines as the border between Israel and “Palestine”, and it officially gave East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.  But it stopped short of formally recognizing a Palestinian state.  Resolution 2334 speaks of a Palestinian state in the future tense, but this new resolution that John Kerry is reportedly working on would give immediate and permanent UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state.

If there is a UN Security Council resolution that officially establishes a Palestinian state prior to January 20th, there will be no question that it will represent “the dividing of the land of Israel” at the United Nations that so many of us have been watching for.

According to the Times of Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is anticipating precisely this kind of move at the UN, and he is reaching out to Donald Trump for assistance…

Amid escalating fallout from the UN Security Council vote Friday that condemned Israel’s settlement activities, a furious Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reported on Sunday night to be attempting to “recruit” the incoming Trump administration and the US Congress to block a feared bid by the outgoing Obama administration to have the Security Council approve principles for a Palestinian state.

It is being widely reported that John Kerry will deliver a speech within the next few days that will set out a specific plan for a “two-state solution”.  That same article from the Times of Israel says that Netanyahu is deeply concerned that Obama “will seek to have a resolution enshrining those parameters adopted by the UN Security Council” before the end of his term on January 20th…

Netanyahu’s fear is that Secretary of State John Kerry will set out principles or parameters for a Palestinian state in a speech that he has said he will deliver in the next few days on his Middle East vision. The prime minister fears that, in its final days, the Obama administration will seek to have a resolution enshrining those parameters adopted by the UN Security Council, the report said.

France is to hold a conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on January 15, and Netanyahu expects that Kerry will attend, that the Middle East Quartet — the US, UN, Russia and EU — will coordinate their positions at that summit, and that they will then turn to the Security Council in the very last days of the Obama presidency, a Channel 10 report further suggested.

If John Kerry simply were to get up and give a speech about what he thinks the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be, that would be rather meaningless.  In fact, there would be little point in doing that unless action was going to be taken at the UN Security Council before the end of Obama’s term.

Earlier today,

When you hit the translate button, this is how that tweet gets translated: “: Secretary of State John Kerry would work on a text recognizing the State of Palestine”.

When I first saw that, it sent chills through me.

According to i24news, this document that Kerry is working on would use the 1967 ceasefire lines as the basis for the borders between the two states, but it would also incorporate “land-swaps” so that most of the Jewish settlers in the West Bank could stay where they are…

United States Secretary of State John Kerry is preparing a document which will form the basis for final negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians to be presented next month before President Barack Obama leaves office, the Palestinian al-Quds newspaper reported Monday.

The document will outline the establishment of a future Palestinian state according to the internationally recognized 1967 borders, with land-swaps leaving approximately 75 to 80 percent of Israeli settlers living in the West Bank under the sovereignty of Israel, the report states.

The principles will also set out requirements for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish State, and Israel’s required recognition of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, al-Quds says.

It would be hard to overstate how dangerous this is.  As I explained yesterday, when Barack Obama decided to betray Israel at the United Nations, he cursed America.  And a resolution that would officially recognize a Palestinian state would be an even bigger betrayal than resolution 2334 was.

Back in August, I went on one of the biggest Christian shows in America and specifically warned that Barack Obama would betray Israel at the United Nations.  I have also repeatedly pointed out the pattern of judgment that we have seen over the last several decades whenever the U.S. has made moves toward dividing the land, and I have repeatedly warned about what will happen when our government is involved in officially dividing the land of Israel and establishing a Palestinian state.

I cannot understand why more Christian leaders are not getting extremely upset about this.  They know that the Bible says that God will bless those that bless Israel and that it will curse those that curse Israel.

Many of those leaders also know that there will be extremely severe consequences for the United States once a Palestinian state is declared.

So why aren’t they saying something?

Why aren’t they warning the people?

Why are they just going about business as usual as if nothing is going to happen?

This past weekend preachers all across America should have been preaching fiery sermons about Obama’s betrayal of Israel on Friday.  But that wouldn’t have been politically-correct to preach during the Christmas season, and so in most churches nothing was said.

The passing of UN Security Council resolution 2334 was the most prophetically significant event in at least 40 years, and another resolution that would officially recognize a Palestinian state would be even more important.

America is already under a curse due to the passage of resolution 2334.  If another resolution is passed that formally establishes a Palestinian state, our nation will experience a shaking unlike anything that we have ever known before.

Let us pray that the Obama administration is not successful in getting this resolution passed before January 20th, because if it happens all hell is going to break loose in America.

Courtesy of Michael Snyder

December 27, 2016 | 62 Comments »

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50 Comments / 62 Comments

  1. Teshuvah Said:

    Not a good idea. You either didn’t understand what I wrote, or you support cannibals.

    I live on the Tex/Mex border and I enjoy eating Mexican.

  2. @ honeybee:
    @ bernard ross:
    They didn’t get it yet. Article says they were in closed session and BB spoke to him less than an hour before the vote. Maybe Putin couldn’t get through in time. The deal may be about preventing or postponing the binding resolution, that being why Kerry said there would be no imposed solution. I pointed out the timing of the articles announcing these facts. Look again at my post. Wednesday’s resolution was announced at least a day in advance. Friday’s 2 hours. I saw it announced 1pm NY Time that the vote would be at 3. I was on the computer at the time. I am in NY.

  3. honeybee Said:

    The first inhabitants were Moriori and the way the Maori dealt with their “settler problem” was to farm them like animals, kill them and eat them

    Good idea !!!!!!!!!

    Not a good idea. You either didn’t understand what I wrote, or you support cannibals.

  4. Teshuvah Said:

    The first inhabitants were Moriori and the way the Maori dealt with their “settler problem” was to farm them like animals, kill them and eat them

    Good idea !!!!!!!!!

  5. Avigail Said:

    You bet. Happy Hanoukka, bro’

    yamit82 Said:

    Chag Chanukah Sameach Avigail

    The greatest problem facing the Jewish people is the correct and unchangeable spelling of Hanukah.

  6. Birdalone Said:

    “New Zealand’s Settler Problem: A Colonialist state founded on the theft of Maori land blames Israel for its own crimes”

    Maori do not compare to Israeli settlers. The Maori were sun god worshippers and warlike cannibals. There is no valid comparison. The first inhabitants were Moriori and the way the Maori dealt with their “settler problem” was to farm them like animals, kill them and eat them. Nevertheless, leftist politics now present Maori as victims allowing them a more than generous portion of the entitlement pie. They have disproportionate numbers in prison and on spousal and child abuse charts. The Moriori were the true victims supported in part by the British. They believed in peace. There are places around NZ named Cannibal Bay, Murder Bay and the like named for the Maori. Some early Maori claimed to have ancestors in Iran.

    the Moriori genocide – Infogram, charts & infographics

    NZ Skeletons in the Closet
    (see two more videos by this author on this subject)

  7. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    “Russia reportedly rejects Kerry request to adopt his Mideast peace frameworkLavrov urges direct talks, warns outgoing administration against ‘bringing US domestic agenda into work of Quartet’BY RAOUL WOOTLIFF December 28” 5:05 pm

    According to a partial account by Haaretz of some behind-the-scenes events before the anti-settlements vote, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had hoped Russia would delay the vote in return for Israel’s acquiescence to a Russian request to skip a UN General Assembly vote days earlier on a resolution that would have allowed for the establishment of a mechanism to investigate allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria.

    Netanyahu called Russian President Vladimir Putin hours before the vote Friday, according to Haaretz, in an attempt to persuade him to postpone. It seems Putin answered the call: less than an hour before the 15-member council was set to cast votes, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin asked for closed consultations to request a delay on the vote until after the Christmas holiday.

    Churkin, according to Western diplomats who spoke to Haaretz, said Russia was not satisfied with the text, which slammed Israeli settlement building and expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and with the timing of the vote — just weeks before a new US administration is set to take power.

    But Churkin was rebuffed and the vote passed with the 14 votes in favor, including Russia’s, and the US abstention.

    although this appears to show russian cooperation what I see is that Russia got something out of Israel and gave nothing in return… russia could have abstained or vetoed when “rebuffed”.

  8. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    White House: The ‘transcript’ is a total fabrication

    I am confident that even the friends of the lame duck lunatics dont believe a word they say… but that does not change what anyone will do… which has nothing to do with truth,justice and the american way.

  9. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    If you are talking to somebody who doesn’t know anything you have to say the whole title.*

    no, not important, if they are worth talking to they will figure it out on their own.

  10. Unmentioned in all discussions of legal history is the principle that the one causeing the damages is liable for the outcome

    The pals were granted civil and religous rights.. however… they attacked and have continued attacking for decades.
    As a result the Jews and arabs cannot live together so what is the worlds solution…. give the land that was given to the Jews for Jewish settlement instead to the arabs JEW FREE.
    There is no reason for israel to accept this concept… if the arabs cannot live in peace, which is proven now without doubt, then they must go… they are the cause of the failure of that part of the LON mandate so they are the ones who must be responsible and liable for any damages to any party occurring therefrom. Since when does a miscreant get rewarded with the victims property when he commits a crime?
    The Jews are suckers… they should state that they will not give an inch of their land for any reason…no jewish land to buy peace from the arabs…
    He who cannot live in peace must leave.
    but then Israel has this problem

    Herzog: Kerry a ‘true friend’ of Israel
    Issac Herzog praises speech of John Kerry. “His speech expresses true concerns about Israels well-being & future.”

    When Trump sees these Jews backing the enemies of the Jews he will want nothing to do with them…. and rightly so.
    Israel does not need a Trump, it needs a Pinochet.
    these leftists always say later, that they made a mistake… but their mistakes are existential.
    I think that folks like Herzog are very sick creatures who are dangerous to all Jews. Its likely that Herzog, Gal on and livni all support and even helped obama.. they probably asked him to do it.
    Its also likely that the left also paints BB as a right wing extremist, when in fact BB does nothing, in order to fool right wing voters into voting BB rather than the real right wing. this is how the puppet master dilute and neutralize the will of the people.

  11. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    I wonder if Obama, Kerry, Biden and co. are behind this,

    this is likely how they got Sharon to give away gaza.. blackmail
    Its up to Israel to do the same.. to obama kerry and biden and the dem party

  12. @ Birdalone:
    Now we’re cooking with gas. And I see there is another Sevres. My apologies, was it Bernard Ross? I didn’t know it so when I just googled Sevres I got the agreement between Israel, France and Britain to go to war with Egypt in 1956, on account of
    Egyptian aggression. Also at Sevres, as it happens.

    This Treaty of Sevres (1920) mentioned in the article enacted the Balfour Declaration into Law:

    So 1956 is the Protocol of Sevre and 1920 is the Treaty of Sevre. If you are talking to somebody who doesn’t know anything you have to say the whole title.* And chevre is a marvelous cheese I boycotted during the Operation Iraqi Freedom. Along with freedom fries.

    Arafat is suing Britain over the Balfour Declaration. He will have to sue EVERYBODY if he is serious. That would be really good. They might have to stop LYING about what constitutes international law.

    I know we just LUUUV to abbreviate, eg. MSM, SuShi, what are some others? Oh, yes, I’ve even done it myself, TSS. Orwell wrote about this. Made it part of his future dystopia. “I don’t believe I said the whooole thing.”

    AlkaSeltzer “I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing” TV Spot

    After all the unconscionable, indigestible crap Israelis have been made to swallow, I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole country needs some alka-seltzer.

  13. Look at the times on the articles. Also it would appear that Russia wants Israel to protect it from punitive hearings. Because they sprang it last minute, something got screwed up in the works, it seems, though the explanation is not clear.:

    “Trump urges Israel to ‘stay strong’ till January 20Netanyahu tweets his thanks as president-elect slams UN resolution on settlements, saying US can’t keep treating Jewish state with ‘total disdain’BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF AND AFP December 28, 2016, 5:05 pm ”

    “Russia reportedly rejects Kerry request to adopt his Mideast peace frameworkLavrov urges direct talks, warns outgoing administration against ‘bringing US domestic agenda into work of Quartet’BY RAOUL WOOTLIFF December 28” 5:05 pm

    hence, 3 1/2 hours later:

    “Kerry: Two-state solution ‘only path to peace,’ but we won’t impose dealDeriding settlement activity and defending Security Council abstention, sec’y of state says friends must tell each other hard truths; raps both sides for violating previous agreements BY ERIC CORTELLESSA AND RAOUL WOOTLIFF December 28, 2016, 8:40 pm

    and six minutes after that — the home team Quislings are hard at work

    “Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud — reportA-G said to give approval for full-blown probe comes after new documents come to light; PM to be called in for questioning in coming days, Channel 10 saysBY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF December 28, 2016, 8:46 pm ”

    I wonder if Obama, Kerry, Biden and co. are behind this, as well. Remember the machine they set up to secretly influence the election in Israel. And recall, how they were totally behind this but tried to keep it secret.

    and two hours later:

    White House: The ‘transcript’ is a total fabrication
    Transcript claims to show US worked with Palestinians on UN resolutionReport published in Egypt has Kerry and Rice advising senior Palestinians on strategy at UN and after Trump takes power BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF December 27, 2016, 10:56 pm 98

  14. Birdalone Said:

    Anyone hear Kerry mention Jews expelled from islamic nations after 1948?

    No, and for that insult alone to the Jews BB should repudiate his entire speech and policies. Anyone who does not speak of the almost 1 million Jewish refugees over the decades should be barred from even making suggestions.

    I was in burger king, not very interested in the lame duck fairy tales… BUT, and I may be wrong…. but all the clauses of Kerry’s plan sounded remarkably similar to what BB Netanyahu has been facilitating for his past two plus terms.
    So far I see no daylight between BB on the ground accomplishments and the Kerry plan.

    In fact, it sounded as if he was keeping Israel in a holding position exactly for this moment, handing over the ball to Kerry. I would go as far as to speculate that perhaps BB and the obama admin were in this together…. here is the scenario…..
    BB says to Obama
    ” I cant keep the lid on this situation any longer and when Trump gets in I wont be able to hold Israelis back from demanding forward movement on settlement and annexation, I need you to announce your support on our agreed plan so I can appear to be fighting against it, so when we agree the right will more readily accept it from a right wing mole like myself”

    I will be happy to be wrong, but if I am wrong then BB will blow the big lie open by uttering these words that over the past 8 plus years of his rule he has NEVER, NEVER, NEVER been able to say:


    If he continues to avoid those words and only makes BS announcements to build WITHIN the euro/obama/kerry designated ghetto boundaries of the major blocks….then I will say I have no doubt that he is a complete and utter dangerous fraud.

    He has to 20 Jan, after that date he has no more excuses… if we see Trump back off any of his promises I aver that BB will have asked him to do so just as he publicly asked Trump for a TSS.

  15. Prophecies that America will be split down the New Madrid by a huge Earthquake when it betrays Israel – YouTube

    Major Earthquake Coming to the Heartland of America | Z3 News

    I think most of these are from 2013 or before. One of these men says that the land is divided because of a political trick and the betrayal of a best friend. Fits the facts at present.

    God has already cut New Zealand in pieces with the 11/14 earthquake. I see no reason he won’t do as above.

    Zec 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

  16. Where is the evidence of a SELF SUPPORTING STATE or will the Pals forever have their hands out….
    NATO should dismiss Turkey for aiding and abetting ISIS.
    Greece withdrew its forces from NATO’s military command structure from 1974 to 1980 as a result of Greco-Turkish tensions following the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus.

    Were all the ‘refugee’ Isis butchers ferried to the border for the invasion of the EU with the help of Turkey.

  17. Napolitano detailed for WND his understanding of the events behind the Obama administration’s decision to run a clandestine war against Gadhafi.

    “Secretary Clinton decided she had to get rid of Gadhafi because she wanted to take credit when she ran for president for being the government official responsible for liberating Libya,” Napolitano said.

    Clinton knew she would never get a declaration of war from Congress or authorization under the war powers resolution enacted over President Nixon’s veto in 1973, he asserted.

    “So, Secretary Clinton persuaded Obama to use CIA intelligence assets who would be exempted from the war powers resolution even if they wore military fatigues in Libya.”

    Napolitano explained that to use intelligence assets under the war powers resolution, Clinton needed the cooperation and informal consent of the “Congress within the Congress,” referring to the House Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which are sworn to secrecy.

    “The result is the president of the United States, the secretary of state and about two dozen people in the House and Senate, including the leadership of both parties in both houses, can authorize a clandestine war using CIA assets,” he said.

    “And this is exactly what President Obama and Secretary Clinton did.”
    Having obtained the authorization of the House and Senate intelligence committees,
    Clinton began a secret gun-running operation to Libya, using a provision in the United Nations-imposed arms embargo on Libya that allowed the foreign minister of participating countries to grant an exception to the embargo, Napolitano said.

    The irony of Turi’s prosecution is that he never actually shipped any weapons to Libya. But in prosecuting Turi for planning to ship weapons, Turi’s attorneys argued in his defense that the Obama administration was planning to blame Turi for the arms shipment should Secretary Clinton’s clandestine arms dealings ever become public.


    so who was on the intelligence committees then that might also be liable?

    In September 2013, WND reported Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., had relied on the work of Elizabeth O’Bagy, a 26-year-old graduate student, to argue in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Obama administration should send weapons to arm the “moderate” Free Syria Army to oppose the Assad government in Syria.

    WND detailed the extensive lobbying efforts conducted in Washington to advance the FSA as a “moderate group,” despite clear evidence the al-Nusra Front – operating under the FSA umbrella – had been declared a terrorist organization by the State Department;


    with the right gov a lot of folks could go down… including obama kerry and hillary

  18. @ yamit82: Yamit said:

    Ya don’t leave enemies alive to fight another day…

    Okay when you are right you are right.

    We really need to just win the conflict once and for all squash the enemy.

  19. bernard ross Said:

    Erdogan says US-led coalition gives support to terrorist groups in Syria


    In May 2015, WND reported Judicial Watch made public more than 100 pages of previously classified Department of Defense and Department of State documents implicating the Obama administration in a cover-up to obscure the role Clinton and the State Department played in the rise of ISIS.

    The documents, obtained by Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, provide evidence that U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was involved in shipping weapons from Benghazi to support the al-Qaida-affiliated militias fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, effectively arming the Sunni jihadists who morphed into ISIS.

    Judicial Watch also noted the DOD documents contain the first official documentation that the Obama administration knew that weapons were being shipped from the Port of Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria.

    The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPGs, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.

    Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, in an interview with WND, insisted the DOJ was forced to drop the Turi prosecution because federal prosecutors were convinced his defense would expose Clinton’s secret arms running to the radical al-Qaida-affiliated militia in Libya in 2011.

    WND published visual evidence Clinton’s State Department secretly provided weapons to Islamic jihadists in Libya to support the U.S.-backed NATO bombing in 2011.

    In one of the videos published by WND, Moussa Ibrahim, Gadhafi’s information minister and official spokesman, displayed to reporters in 2011 a cache of weapons and ammunition seized from a ship from Qatar intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard off Libya’s coast.

    Napolitano charged Clinton, while secretary of state, lied when Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., asked her in a Senate committee hearing if the State Department had run guns illegally to Libyan rebels.

    Napolitano concluded it’s “beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty” that Hillary had conducted a “secret war” shipping arms to Libya illegally in 2011.


    Impeachment material under a non corrupt gov

    see how they do this… they get the turks to release “new evidence” and the dominoes start to fall

  20. Left wing governments are supported by American Jewry. They like Mao’s gang, Fidel’s operation, the EU misanthropes and, of course, the Arab world over Israel…every time. Typical is the US ambassador to Israel who sold his own people cheap. Kerry followed suit. Hillary would have.

  21. Fork tongued Turk walked confidently into the WH to visit his mate Barry. In the meantime Bibi had to wait for Barry to finish his lunch and creep through the servant’s quarters.
    To keep the PEACE once again Israel was told to pay $20 million to clear the Flotilla debacle.
    So many underground plots to divert attention away from Barry’s rotten legacy that Trump and Israel will have to have a Ministry of Join The Dots.


    “A flyer is making its way around the internet, calling on demonstrators to show up at 12 noon on Wednesday, Dec. 28 at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, 799 UN Plaza, First Avenue between 44th and 45th Streets in New York City to call on the U.S. government to defund the United Nations in response to last week’s vote against Israel at the UN Security Council. Demonstrators are being organized in NYC to demand the US de-fund the United Nations over Resolution 2334(2016).
    By: Hana Levi Julian…”

  23. Bear Klein Said:

    Basically Yamit you have it right. I might deport some Fatah leaders unless they want to fight and die.

    Ya don’t leave enemies alive to fight another day… That’s silly even stupid.

  24. Who is going to enforce UNSC Res 1701? It has been 10 years.

    How many Iraqi and Syrian Christian refugees need homes?

    Can the Druze hold a referendum on statehood, including the Golan Heights?

    fwiw, US Congress needs to remind themselves that the UN has NO sovereignty over any member nation, and Obama44 et al just disrespected, and disregarded the U.S. Constitution, again.

    random thoughts all I got today.

  25. yamit82 Said:

    @ Avigail:

    Hi, never said I thought he would actually do it but we live in a land of miracles so one can hope

    You bet. Happy Hanoukka, bro’ 🙂

  26. @ yamit82:
    Basically Yamit you have it right. I might deport some Fatah leaders unless they want to fight and die.

    End the two state concept and close the PA. It is a danger for Israel.

    Oslo was a disaster and leaving Gaza was a disaster. We can not let this stuff fester any more. As long as the Pals believe they can have a state or win in the long run we have an issue. The idea is to defeat the enemy and win the conflict.

    Confirmed ‘information’ but not the White House-released computer file


    its time shortly for a non corrupted FBI to investigate this obvious forgery and everyone involved in it. This could also be a basis for impeachment after leaving office.

    also, there is a possiblity that if the US rep acted on illegal instructions from the admin that the UN vote could be recalled.

  28. @ yamit82:

    Good side is Oslo dead and 2 state solution. Now Israel should quickly destroy the PA…. Quickly and completely before any outside entity can react. The PA is almost 100% dependent on Israel and the Israeli economy and infrastructure. Cut them off 100% seal the borders as best we can even if reserves need to be called up. Execute all leaders in Fatah and Hamas.

    This can only happen with Bibi making complete public teshuvah, and after he begs the Jewish People for forgiveness. I won’t hold my breath on this, but with Jews, you never know.

  29. What difference does any Arab pledge or promise make-it’s worth absolutely ZERO.And as we have seen for a long time, neither is the Obama Administration’s. We fool ourselves with repeating all this running crap, as if it were Emet. It just slides around into other turdish nothings and eventually fades away to make space for the next pledge. A 500 vol set of 2000 page books could be made of all the promises and pledges made and broken by the Arabs over the past 50 years. Especially since the Oslo fraud.

    We must take our decisions into our own hands, with aid, advice and help from our allies, which do not include any of the 15 Security Councli members who voted in this bastard Resolution the other day. When Trump is the Pres after Jan 21st, then we have at least ONE secure ally- but only because it looks as if he really means what he says.. But who else……?

    So Netanyahu must either stop playing politics and act as a right wing Israeli P.M. the successor to Begin, should do. Or else slink away and let someone more dedicated do the job.

    The only thing I’m afraid of more than the Goyisher gang-up is the bitter in-fighting amongst the Jews themselves. It’s almost a mirror copy of what Josephus described as having gone on inside Jerusalem and was a major cause of it having been captured by Titus. They could have held our for years and eventually a pause and agreement would have been made, perhaps allowing the Jews real autonomy even though a client state. Perhaps more care in the chosing of a Roman governor, anything, but what actually happened.

    Then, today we could have been an independent nation numbering perhaps 300 million souls spread all over the world, but there would have been no Jordan, and Israel would have had a solid population of about 40-50 millions. And perhaps with no Christianity, or a different form of it, and no persecution nor Holocaust, the world would have had the benefit of Jewish genius destroyed The Science Fiction writers call this, “An |Alternate Universe”….

    Dreams……. just dreams…they are permitted on Chanukah, but we DO make many of our own problems.

  30. Erdogan says US-led coalition gives support to terrorist groups in Syria

    this is funny, the US and Turkey cooperated to arm the jihadis, thats how the benghazi arms got to them. Looks like the Russians and erdogan maybe about to let the cat out of the bag on obama and hillary… I see no reason why Trump and Israel would not pariticpate in their demise. Is this the art of the deal?

    Imagine if “new” evidence comes forward which leads to and unravels all their fairy tales…. poor trump would have no choice but to have this “new” evidence investigated. I hope that they are on the same page as me on this….. after all… everyone hates obama and hillary and kerry.

  31. Kerry is quoted as saying that he could present his ideas for a final status solution if the Palestinians pledge they will support the proposed framework. The US officials advised the Palestinians to travel to Riyadh to present the plan to Saudi leaders.

    from the same article as above
    the MO of the pals and the saudis should inform Israels future behavior If the sauds support it then Israel should consider blindsiding them on Syria Iraq and possible making deals with russia. Iran was once an ally of Israel… the sunni GCC never was. Anything is possible in war and diplomacy

  32. Transcript claims to show US worked with Palestinians on UN resolution
    Report published in Egypt has Kerry and Rice advising senior Palestinians on strategy at UN and after Trump takes power

    I knew they were in on it
    the opportunity is here for the GOP to decimate the dems also
    If the dems are capable of having Israels back and stabbing it they will do the same to America… it must be expanded beyond obama to Biden and the dem party
    Barry shows his muslim loyalty by using the sharia tactic of deception(taqiyya) like any good muslim. His handlers instructed him to do it now as the opportunity for his treason was disappearing. His treason was to misrepresent US policy for his personal muslim agenda… US never before said Illegal…. it said illegitimate…. barry used US gov position to further his personal muslim agenda… a grounds for impeachment which can be done after he leaves office... even a number of dems, who dont want their party hijacked by the muslim oil and terror money, might jump on board.

  33. if the UN does this then they are also colluding with the lame duck muslim to tie trumps hands.. he should state that he will reward those who veto and punish those who approve it… not for Israel but just to show they cannot go around him. The UN knows that trump is the president and this is an insult by the UN to him.

    What would be great if Israel made bold moves with Trumps backing to show the UN that the game has changed and that they cannot ally with the muslim lame duck to insult him and go around him

    Israel should also seek to make an alliance with the US alone on terrorism and then use it to destabilize and depose foreign left wing govs A special treaty would slap euro and nato and put everyone on notice. Furthermore Israel can give the US info on barry, hillary and the others to hunt them down and put them in jail, especially barry.

  34. yamit82 Said:

    Good side is Oslo dead and 2 state solution. Now Israel should quickly destroy the PA…. Quickly and completely before any outside entity can react.

    actually, if this happens Israel definitely has a justification for declaring Oslo dead and on the basis of protecting its sovereign interests it can disband the PA, send in a military gov, return to the status quo ante prior to Oslo and deport all the PA and PLO, and their families and descendants of those who were allowed entry in to Israel on the basis of Oslo working out, which now has failed. It is exactly the situation which is a great opportunity but is BB capable of this… I think he will whine and wave placards and make meaningless symbolic gestures… I would be so happy to be wrong, this is a major opportunity that wont come again if missed now and squandered.
    The ME Quartet who all voted for the resolution should be repudiated by Israel… Israel should say that he will hold no negotiations or receive plans from any of them.
    Most important is to punish the pals severely as they are behind it all…make the bastards starve and beg and pay to leave… just like gaza.

  35. Note: In 2013, 138 countries recognized Palestine as a non-member state in the United Nations. Only the United States and eight others have not. Over 130 states have already bilaterally recognized Palestine, including the Vatican.

    Obama and Kerry can quote Netanyahu himself supporting the emergence of a Palestinian state to safeguard Israel’s existence.

    President George W. Bush was the first U.S. president to call Palestine by its name, for it was he who instilled in his administration’s policy calls for the state of Palestine to finally emerge in order to realize the two-state solution to the conflict.

    Obama’s moves were predictable and BB allowed it to happen in fact he allowed all the above to happen then pretended they hadn’t. He figured he could outlast Obama with min fallout and miscalculated as usual for him.

    Good side is Oslo dead and 2 state solution. Now Israel should quickly destroy the PA…. Quickly and completely before any outside entity can react. The PA is almost 100% dependent on Israel and the Israeli economy and infrastructure. Cut them off 100% seal the borders as best we can even if reserves need to be called up. Execute all leaders in Fatah and Hamas.

  36. My guess is that this is the same or similar to what Israel and the PA were presented before. Israel said they would negotiate from this documents but had several reservations on things they would not agree to.

    They also knew Abbas would not accept the document because it required the Pals to recognize the Jewish State of Israel and agree to give up the right of return.

    Abbas was presented this document by Obama himself in the White House. He said he would get back to Obama and Kerry but never did.

    I do not believe this will end up being a UN resolution. We will see anyway.