By Ted Belman
I have been waiting for this.
Sarah Palin Facebook post yesterday –
“Great day – returning home from early voting to see Todd, Trig & Tripp shooting pucks on our already-frozen lake; planning logistics to get back on the campaign trail for the last week of this imperative fight for our kids’ and grandkids’ future in the greatest country on God’s green earth!
This is huge. She has a huge following among Evangelicals, Catholics and women. She will definitely move the needle. She will influence many to vote.
Romney turned his back on her and he lost because millions of Evangelicals didn’t bother to vote.
Go Sarah Go.
@ mrg3105:
Look at the uk article. is a reputable Orthodox site and it draws on many sources. But, it would seem we have a case of the pot calling the kettle black, here (If I subscribed to “political correctness” I couldn’t say that, could I. Aah, how refreshing.) Here is a Monty Python piece that parodies and pillories Christian literalism and yours as well.
Monty Python-Holy Hand Grenade
Apparently there really were ancient hand grenades. Thank God there was no internet in the ’70s or we would not have gotten this priceless Monty Python bit.
Crusader-era grenade dug out of central Israel home
better version – goes to end of scene, drives home point:
@ mrg3105:
The Jewish population of the U.S. has only increased, contrary to your argument. That’s what those figures show. When you not only talk about assimilation as a holocaust but as the only holocaust, you are disrespecting the memory of the 6 million, as well as the many Jewish victims of anti-semitic terror, here, in Israel, and around the world today, and when you talk about low Jewish birth rates, you are talking out of your hat.
The murdered are people not statistics. Here are some of their names. Click on the links for their pictures and biographies:
I think you would make a fine Leftist. They care about “The People” but they don’t care about people. All they care about are their stupid formulas.
Captain Kirk’s Constitutional Speech
Sebastien Zorn Said:
So why are you saying useless things?
Statistics is an economist’s prostitute.
Sebastien Zorn Said:
Biblical litteralism is a Christian doctrine
Austin Said:
That’s a half-truth. See:
Kind of like the way in which Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were “elected” in Egypt. And Obama and Clinton (backed by Sen. McCain, unfortunately) supported Morsi’s presidency as though it were legitimate and opposed Sisi’s popular revolution against them, even grumbling after he was elected.
“‘Shut up!, – ‘ he explained.” Dorothy Parker
Though I must confess that I, myself, don’t understand why so many people have a problem with a Muslin brotherhood. I mean, knitting circles can have such a positive effect on society, no?
@ mrg3105:
mrg3105 Said:
I will give you this much. When I said Aaron stuttered it was a typo. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to correct my mistake.
Sarah was the victim of the Left Goebbels-like Mass Media blitzkrieg.
Any republican candidate will be assaulted by these leftist servile fanatical mass media. They learned from Goebbels. Remember that the NYT was created by Germans (Jews). That says it all.
And today more than ever the NYT is the flagship of US Media antisemitism. The NYT is the US Pravda!
The Clinton machine got the US Mass Media submission (Podesta job) and they are used as attack dogs since Hillary announced her candidature to the Presidency. DSW did her job to lock out Bernie! A Jew against another Jew! That is what the antisemites love to do. The SS used Jews Kapo to take care of Jews in concentration camps. One must wonder if Soros is not one of those and a KGB mole at the same time!
@ mrg3105:
mrg3105 Said:
This is why:
“Obama Administration Leaks ANOTHER Israeli Defense Secret
The leaks continue from the Obama administration with regard to Israeli defense secrets. On Sunday, the New Yorker printed a report stating that the US had worked with the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK). The US was apparently receiving intelligence from the group, including intercepted cell phone calls and text messages. But sources also confirmed that Mossad was helping to funnel resources and train members of the MEK. As Seymour Hersh writes:
[E]arly last month NBC News quoted two senior Obama Administration officials as confirming that the attacks were carried out by M.E.K. units that were financed and trained by Mossad, the Israeli secret service. NBC further quoted the Administration officials as denying any American involvement in the M.E.K. activities. The former senior intelligence official I spoke with seconded the NBC report that the Israelis were working with the M.E.K., adding that the operations benefited from American intelligence. He said that the targets were not “Einsteins”; “The goal is to affect Iranian psychology and morale,” he said, and to “demoralize the whole system–nuclear delivery vehicles, nuclear enrichment facilities, power plants.” Attacks have also been carried out on pipelines. He added that the operations are “primarily being done by M.E.K. through liaison with the Israelis, but the United States is now providing the intelligence.”
So what would be the purpose of the leak this time? The same as the last time: it’s supposed to tip off the Iranians to efforts against them, and it’s supposed to dissuade the Israelis from doing anything to stop the Iranian nuclear program. And those efforts are largely Israeli – Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has already denied any US involvement in the assassinations of the Iranian nuclear scientists.
This leak is just the latest in a pattern of leaks from the Obama administration, which has already leaked information about a covert Israeli deal with Azerbaijan to use airbases in that country as a staging point for an attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities. In 2010, the Obama administration leaked information of a covert deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia to use Saudi airspace for such an attack.
The Obama administration is desperate to prevent any sort of aggressive Israeli action on Iran before the election. That’s because Obama knows it would put him between a rock and a hard place – his leftist base hates Israel, and yet the American people love Israel overall. Meanwhile, Obama recognizes that he’s going to have to go to OPEC and ask them to ratchet up production prior to the election, and he will want to make promises about battering Israel in order to secure that ramped-up oil production. All in all, Obama would prefer to wait until after his re-election for any Israel-Iran blow-up, because at that point, he’ll have more ‘flexibility.'”
If you look at my Sarah Palin is a Mensch post, in one of the youtube videos, She is repeatedly asked if she would have a problem with Israel bombing Iranian nuclear facilites and she keeps saying Israel is our ally and she would not second guess whatever they feel they need to do to protect their country, Israel is the good guy and Iran is the bad guy and refused to be drawn in to giving more detail than that.
That’s why.
@ mrg3105:
You said, “The Holocaust continues in the USA, except no one is killing Jews…they just fail to be born in some families…”
And that’s just in Eretz Israel. And stops only whenever they published this.
I didn’t see Ariel Hillel’s name:
and in the U.S.
Jewish Population
Jewish Population
* Jewish population here is defined as the Enlarged Jewish Population which includes:
I’m reminded of a Standard snappy comeback in countless Kdramas (one of the reasons I’m such a fan):
“Don’t say useless things.”
stevenl Said:
Yes, the same assimilated ‘German’ Jews that created the Reform Movement in the 1820s, and then fled to a ‘freer’ land of North America where they wouldn’t be constantly reminded of their failure by the Orthodox neighbours, then treid to discourage Eastern European Jews fleeing the 1860s-80s depression and pogroms, and again in the decade before the after the First World War because these Eastern European Jews would remind them exactly how far off the derekh they are.
Today ‘liberal’ and Reform (Liberal) are synonymous. The Holocaust continues in the USA, except no one is killing Jews…they just fail to be born in some families.
@ mrg3105:
Sebastien Zorn Said:
The settlement of the Land of Israel is mandated by God, so why would any member of the People Israel remotely care what any US politician thinks about this?
Neither Moses nor Aaron stuttered.
@ Austin:
German Jews in particular DID NOT want fleeing European Jews to come to the US!
The “same Jews” are today the liberal Jews who undermine Israel!
Austin Said:
Both Roosevelt and the USA paid for this refusal in different ways, Roosevelt with his life being cut short to see the Victory Day.
It doesn’t matter how Churchill and Hitrel came to their respective posts. Both they, and their countries paid and continue to pay for their treatment of Am Yisrael, literally and figurativelly.
Is someone voting for Ivanka Trump? Theodore Trump is going to go to Israel, put on a kippah, and join IDF? I don’t think so, but in any case, Trum will not be president by this stage so he needn’t be concerned with the impact of his policies on his family members who are Conservadox. In any case, we have that expereince also with Asenath, yet it didn’t stop Egyptians happily enslaving her descendants.
Sarah Palin is a Mensch.
Sarah Palin supports Jewish Settlement Throughout Eretz Israel and feels we should not second-guess whatever Israel feels it needs to do with regard to Iran. She says, “There must not be another Holocaust.”:
Sarah Palin: Obama Wrong on Israel
Sarah Palin on Israel Part 1
Sarah Palin on Israel Part 2
There used to be a terrific website like this one called Jews for Sarah. He stopped updating it.
I liked her better than McCain. I would have preferred her on the top of the ticket.
The criticisms were unjust and mean. So she sort of stutters when being interviewed. So did Moses’ brother Aaron.
She accomplished way more than Obama at a much earlier age. And she has built a powerful political machine. I am glad she is stumping for Trump. Hey, has a certain ring to it. Stump for Trump.
@ mrg3105:
You have missed Franklin Roosevelt’s denial of sanctuary for Jews fleeing from Europe. You must have heard of the “SS St Louis”…
And don’t forget the Evian Conference where only the two poorest countries, one being the Dominican Republic, the other Costa Rica, agreed to take in Jews. I believe that as no one else of the over 30 countries would agree, the whole conference closed without any help for Jews at all, including the United States who had a very tight quota for immigrants. They ignored that the \Jews would not be immigrants but refugees fleeing for thei lives……but that was Roosevelt….
And Mackenzie King, a genuine stamped and certified lunatic, hated Jews as well.
Hitler wasn’t exactly elected or chosen the way Churchill was. He was a decided minority, but had little opposition, and President Hindenburg was very old and tired. His party had only about a third of the seats but was the largest. He more or less bullied his way into the Chancellorship, although Hindenburg appointed 2-3 other Chancellors before he was forced to allow Hitler into the position. He soon died and that left Hitler in control. Quite different to Churchill’s selection.
Trump, with an Orthodox Jewish daughter and son-in law, as well as 2 grandchildren he adores, is a far, far cry from what you are saying. You are much more likely to be very wrong, than perhaps weakly correct.
@ babushka:
You know Bubsy-Wubsy, politicians don’t base their careers wholly on a single item.
yamit82 Said:
Bereishit, Lekh Lekha gimmel “And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.’ ”
The latest on the list of the cursed is EU and the UK which is particularly cursed, with the entire population making one of the most irrational choices yet recorded, though understandable since they are about to loose their concept of national identiy.
The United States was once good for the Jews fleeing Tzarist Russia and Ukrainian/Lithuanian Jew-hatered. I think all this changed with Bill Clinton, and became much worse with Obama. By all indicators there is a brewing internal social catastrophe in that country, and with hundreds of millions of firearms in private ownership I would advise any Jew to leave as soon as possible. The scale of a curse is proportinate to the scale of treachery. Obama has opened a ‘gate’ for Iran to potentially threaten Am Yisrael with destruction. Americans allowed this to happen because they chose this leadership just as the British chose Churchill, and Germans chose Hitrel, etc. Everyone is held accountable for their choices. I doubt very much that Trump is capable of repairing this damage. I don’t trust Americans, and I don’t trust either of the two candidates.
stevenl Said:
Jews don’t look for a ‘middle of the road’. We have owr own derekh. And, this is determined by evidence, not by beliefs, or where one stands. If you think that Capitalists don’t manipulate ‘facts’, you were born yesterday. Manipulation of information is the basis of all Christian-based social ‘knowledge management’, and scientific Communism couldn’t get away from that either, even with all the atheist Jews in the organisation.
@ stevenl:
Are you attempting to write in English? Nice try.
Truth? What do I know about truth? I know that it starts with “t” and that rhymes with “p” and that stands for pool. Have you never seen a Broadway play?
@ babushka:
Truth!!! What do U no about TRUTH?
That is the problem with those of us Jews who oppose murdering babies. We are so idiotic. Fortunately, there are many “Jews” like you who brilliantly support killing babies, so a cosmic offset has been achieved.
The middle of the road is where roadkill is located. The extremes tend to be right/wrong and good/evil. In modern society, truth is considered to be extreme.
@ mrg3105:
Well said… Remember Assyria,Egypt, Persia, Rome and Britain…how did they turn out for the Jews????
@ babushka:
Where is the middle of the road? Half way between extreme point of views!
The Left has fabricated (Alinsky M. O. ) a monster that exists only in their imagination and they have convinced the world of the believers!!! This is paradoxical to say the least! Typical communist manipulation of facts.
the 2 talkbacks above are further evidence of a certain kind of DNA problem, i.e.,angry upsidedown thinking and pure idiocy, so rampant among Jews.
I agree with Ted: Go Sarah, go!
Palin once said that, as the mother of a retarded child whom she was advised to abort, the pro-life position was the most important political issue to her. Now, she supports a leftist who insists upon taxpayer funding for the Abortion Auschwitz known as Planned Parenthood. Et tu, Sarah?
Why would anyone in Israel or any member of Am Yisrael care about Sarah Palin? When she says “God”, she means god, and Evangelicals are just “a worldwide, transdenominational movement within Protestant Christianity maintaining that the essence of the gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ’s atonement.” They are ultimatelly Protestants, i.e. defenders of Lutheran theology which was rabidly anti-Jewish.
The United States is not a source of security for Israel regardless of which party wins the election. This is because neither candidate can be trusted…they have no honour.The US society is deeply corrupted, and in some ways as bad for Am Yisrael as the Nazi Germany