Bennett. “I could not understand why Israelis stood in line to shake hands with Abbas (at the funeral), who encourages the murder of Israelis and who pays pensions to the families of terrorist murderers. Let him stop funerals before coming to a funeral,” Bennett.
Belman. Why do we say “radical Islamic terrorists” when “Islamic terrorists” would suffice. In fact its more accurate.
Belman. Why does America have VP nominees debate? In both cases they will be defending the head of their ticket.
Belman. Was Adelson correct in saying, ‘Acceptance and assimilation have turned around to kill us’? Of course he was. 68% of secular American Jews are marrying out.
Belman. If the US had bombed the shit out of Syria when the war began, instead of tip toeing through the tulips, just as Russia is doing now, wouldn’t it have saved hundreds of thousands of lives? To say nothing about destroying Iran’s vital ally and preventing Russia from gaining a foothold in the eastern Mediterranean.
Belman. If the US defeated Assad what would they do afterwards? She wouldn’t know what to do with it as she didn’t in Iraq . All she could hope for is replacing the Assad regime with a Sunni one but she wouldn’t be able to prevent it from becoming Islamist.
You can end a “war” or rather a campaign without solving the underlying political problem/dispute. In that case you have stopped the fighting only temporarily and given an excuse it revives as was the case in the Hundred Years War and the series of 18th century Franco-British naval wars or the three sets of German wars 1870 – 1945 about the place of Germany in Europe. So you might end war by partitioning Syria but as with the partitioning of Palestine enough people will remain dissatisfied to continue in some form. The problem is a good example of the distinctions between legal and legitimate and the opinion governing the latter. Till 1914 it was not only legal but acceptable to fight a war for righteous reasons. Since 1918 all wars have become illegitimate – they exist but are wrong for a variety of reasons to do with the nature of war, its costs and effects beyond strict blood and treasure. @ Ted Belman:
@ Felix Quigley:
That’s a different point and you may be right but you are ignoring What Iran is doing and the fact that Iran will them control Lebanon Syria and Iraq. Maybe that’s a bigger problem.
The best thing is to split the country up.
Ted you were saying …bomb the shit out of Assad…the legal govt that is my point
Rather the very opposite. America should defend assad against Jihadl
@ Ted Belman:Assad and Obama are against partitioning Syria so they say out loud. I am not sure if Putin cares as long as Russia’s interests are allocated for.
Syria is already partitioned. The final borders are not yet drawn and the war will drag on. As long as Sunni jihadis keep pouring in and they keep being funded by Saudi Arabia and Turkey among others this war will keep going.
@ Bear Klein:
Yes partition Syria and you have a chance to end the war. But both Obama and Putin are against this.
@ Felix Quigley:
The point I was primarily making was that tiptoeing through the tulips only prolongs the war and increases the death toll. So had Obama attacked without rules of engagement meant to tie their hands, the war would have been long over and with a fraction of today’s death toll.
Only lunatics, the stupid, or antiSemites say Israel is responsible for the current situation in Syria. Israel has been providing humanitarian aid and trying to stay out of the quagmire. It is making sure it can not be abused on its border as much as possible without getting into this mess.
The state of US Jews is a result of trying to preserve the community excessively on sentimentality over Yiddish speaking Eastern Europe. The religion was treated as a gabble by heart set of observances and those in charge of education forgot to pick out, clarify and refurbish the philosophical “rebars” for use in a Western industrial urban society compared to the subsistence villages and market towns their (grand)parents had left. Anybody who wants Jews to remain Jewish in current profusion of material plenty and cultural prepacked choices needs to work out how to put to youngsters simply and cogently “What’s the point?” “What’s the [Earthly] reward?
Ironically the Syrian situation has turned into the Assad regime being the “good guys” or at least the “less nasty” guys! Do remember that the original Enlightenment liberals rebellion by civil demo was first shot down by Assad and then overtaken by the Islamists. If the opposition to Assad wins then there will be another Islamist God Squad country deporting all minorities and obsessing about women’s dress. If Assad wins the country remains and too weak for further foreign adventures but the minorities and modern thinking will have a chance even if the regime remains a “national security state” as the Arabs themselves call them.
Belman. If the US had bombed the shit out of Syria when the war began, instead of tip toeing through the tulips, just as Russia is doing now, wouldn’t it have saved hundreds of thousands of lives? To say nothing about destroying Iran’s vital ally and preventing Russia from gaining a foothold in the eastern Mediterranean.
How about US stays at home as Trump intends and stop overthrowing legal governments or even illegal governments. It is nit the world’s policeman
Belman. If the US defeated Assad what would they do afterwards? She wouldn’t know what to do with it as she didn’t in Iraq . All she could hope for is replacing the Assad regime with a Sunni one but she wouldn’t be able to prevent it from becoming Islamist.
That is the intention of Hillery. It is obvious. The US is now creating al Nusra and it will be the new Al Qaeda. It is the role of the US and Britain to create Islam Sharia dictatorship
The big problem is Israeli leadership. Is Israel at present backing al Nusra?
Ross has talked here about Netanyahu being in alliance with the Saudis and the Gulf States, but they are al Nusra and are ISIS.
Jews should be for a million reasons be very concerned about this ambiguity and about certain Jews using neocon language like “bombin the shit out of”
And are we now in World War 3?
I gave up on American Jews years go, they are generally Jews only in name, the Bagel and smoked salmon Jews, who love to hear Jewish Jokes and etc. Makes them feel more Jewish, but they don’t do anything constructive to make that a reality, and they are attached to the Democrat anti-semitic party with an umbilical cord. Generations were born i it and there they stay.
A handshake or photo with the Goyisher machers, who really lead them by thenose into their abased servitude, is certainly worth-to them- a large donation, ending as a proud picture on the wall, to be boasted about to their friends, who have their own boasts.
They are so disgusting to this Jew, not particularly religious, but 100% Jew. To be religious is not the only mark of a Jew, it’s how he feels about being a Jew, one of the very few. I feel proud and special to be a Jew, and would shudder at ever being anything else.
But Jews, as a rule, unfortunately carry ample seeds for their own destruction, the obsessive desire to be liked by Goyim, to be “one of the boys”….. Ugh.
And “Reform Judaism” (universalist) is at war with Israel!