Post-Debate Gravis Poll – Trump +4 —

Undecideds Go to Trump Over Hillary 34% to 5%

By Jim Hoft, THE GATEWAY PUNDIT Sep 28th, 2016 12:11 pm

trump train rallyDonald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by four points following the presidential debate on Monday.
Undecideds swung to Trump over Hillary 34% to 5%.

Breitbart-Gravis Marketing reported:

Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, in conjunction with Breitbart News Network, conducted a random survey of 890 registered voters across the United States following the first presidential debate on September 26th.

The poll has a margin of error of ± 3.3% at the 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding.

Freeper Hawaiian noted: “Guys if this poll is remotely true, Hillary is toast. She will never do better and Trump will only get better in these debates.”

September 28, 2016 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. partial correction of “there you go again” article: I inserted it for info about how Reagan used that line he used so iconically. People said it won him the election. You can see it on youtube. But, I disagree with the article — and Trump’s liberal attackers in both parties — that he has said anything racist or sexist. That’s just PC nonsense — where it’s not what you say that matters — but what they believe it metaphorically implies according to their cookoo literary/political rules.

  2. partial correction: I just saw that he agrees with prison privatization — I think that’s a mistake — but, at least, he should highlight that if she disagrees now, it’s either something new — going against her previous position and that of all of her donors — or it’s “LYIN’ HILLARY” going at it again. If he could inject some humor that could be lethal to Hillary — she kept trying that with mixed success — like Ronald Reagan in 1980:

    Reagan’s Age-Old Wisdom

    “\’I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience,” Ronald Reagan quipped during the 1984 presidential debates when asked if, at 73, he is too old to be President. The line — a classic example of Reagan’s sense of humor — even solicited a laugh from Democratic opponent Walter Mondale. (Never mind that Reagan continually mangled the facts during that election’s debates. The Republican actor-turned-statesman ended up winning by a landslide).”‘,28804,1844704_1844706_1844612,00.html

    also, the line, “There you go again.”

  3. Next time he should call her out on her statement against the privatization of prisons:

    from the Sept. 28 Washington Free Beacon:

    “Hillary Clinton’s Private Prison Hypocrisy
    Clinton championed policies that increased incarceration, accepted donations from private prison lobbyists”

    This will especially shake the Africa-American community. I remember a guy in a bar making an issue of prison privatization and how prisoners, often Black prisoners, are required to work or private companies without pay in an echo of slavery.

  4. I actually don’t think it was a mistake to go into Iraq. It was a mistake to give them sovereignty and to even think about ever getting out. However, if Trump is going to go there, he should mention the Iraq Liberation Act:

    “The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that “It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq…”[1][2] It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government…Precursor to war[edit]
    President George W. Bush, who followed Clinton, often referred to the Iraq Liberation Act and its findings to argue that the Clinton administration supported regime change in Iraq – and, further, that it believed Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction. The Act was cited as a basis of support in the Congressional Authorization for use of Military Force Against Iraq in October 2002.[9]”

    Most liberals don’t even know about this.
    The dems keep saying Trump is nuts.

    The Clintons want to have their cake and eat it, too. They send our military on badly planned adventures around the world while constantly cutting the military budget to the bone. Now, That’s NUTS! Pardon my French.

  5. Did anyone notice that Hillary responded to Trump’s charge that she enabled Iran by saying nonsensically that when she came into office Iran was weeks from producing a bomb so she prevented that by taking a year and half to organize a powerful coalition to impose sanctions that brought them to the table.

    The only time he didn’t make sense was when the moderator asked him why he recognized Obama’s birth certificate last week when he had refused to do so for several years after Obama produced it. Trump first said that he thought it was time to move on from that — which was good — but then he said that Obama only produced it because he was criticizing him over it. So, he just ignored the question in his answer.

  6. Did anyone notice that Hillary responded to Trump’s charge that she enabled Iran by saying nonsensically that when she came into office Iran was weeks from producing a bomb so she prevented that by taking a year and half to organize a powerful coalition to impose sanctions that brought them to the table.

    The only time he didn’t make sense was when the moderator asked him why he recognized Obama’s birth certificate last week when he had refused to do so for several years after Obama produced it. Trump first said that he thought it was time to move on from that — which was good — but then he said that Obama only produced it because he was criticizing him over it. So, he just ignored the question in his answer.

    The moderator kept trying to cut him off and and asked him nasty personal questions while throwing soft-ball questions to Hillary. But, Trump was right not to respond to either of them at that level. Everybody knows Hillary is a corrupt liar. Even her supporters. They are voting for her because they want liberal globalists on the Supreme Court. It’s totally polarized. So, it doesn’t really matter what he says. I don’t think anyone is going to switch from Hillary to Trump or vice versa. It’s going to be about whether to vote or to vote for a third party protest candidate. He is doing ok showing that she is the scary candidate. He pointed out all the disastrous wars she got us into and that will confuse the liberal crowd. They are not attacking at full throat because their leaders afre confused. Who’s the war-monger here?

  7. The Washington Gurus say he lost because they understand only smooth, political-speak nothings, and empty promises that are doomed before even being brought up.

    I myself thought that Trump lost, because he was defending himself over pinpricks instead of ignoring them, thus showing his combative side and inexperience of debate. Clinton mechanically trotted through all the things she’s been promising for the past many years, which, if any of them had been accomplished, she wouldn’t have had to bring them up again..and again.. like retreads, for every election she’s involved in.