It’s not the fault either of Mr Martin, Mr Zimmerman, the Florida jury that freed Mr Zimmerman of the charges of either 2nd degree murder or manslaughter. Maybe it is not even the fault of those attempting to convert the trial into an issue of what they think is the martyrdom of black Americans. Collectively, it’s just the way things are in the modern USA.
But it WAS the fault of martin.
I’m tired of him being portrayed by the media as a child. He was a 6’3″ 17 year old thug and thief who brought about his own death.
Go to Drudge and see the headlines there. It’s frightening how much black hatred, envy and resentment have been simmering all this time while whites congratulated themselves for electing a black president.
Thanks Ted for posting my talkback #5. Blacks may be diverting their fury against Obama (for favoring Hispanics) by attacking Hispanics, Jews and whites. I provided the link to a news report about a black demonstration this week in DC against Obama’s citizenship bill.
I approve strongly of the concealed carry laws that now apply in all 50 US states, and I expect to obtain a concealed carry license. And I am urging other members of our extended families to do the same.
Now if you’ll just tell me as a person (with a Canadian firearms permit for both rifles and handguns) who will shortly be visiting your country for an extended period of time, how I can get such a license – or even simply buy a legal firearm – I would be eternally grateful.
For me it is just an observation as I do not live in your country. Here in Canada I am much more detailed and strategic when it comes time to hold those accountable.
excellent read showing how officials are often motivated to cover up their scandals and how police cover ups deprived zimmerman and the public of justice. The miami cover up cops should be in jail.
The 911 operators are not policemen, their advice does not bind legally in any shape or form. Zimmerman did not do anything illegal that night, he was not a vigilanty,
thatis what I said, you appear to misunderstand me.
There is the court of ‘public opinion’. I am very aware of your law enforcement. It IS a race issue!
Yes we have just observed that court which preceded the legal court. The court of public opinion is a rationalization for political/media lynch mobs.
Your statement is a poorly reasoned opinion with no evidence or reasoned argument to support it. No one here is interested in such unsubstantiated and unsupported opinions that are self evidently ludicrous. Your repetition of ludicrous statements does not bring them closer to the truth. you should do more reading into the issue to discover how those collaborating in your court of public opinion sought to prevent the truth from reaching the jury. you are in good company.
@ bernard ross:
It’s something not right with your comment. The 911 operators are not policemen, their advice does not bind legally in any shape or form. Zimmerman did not do anything illegal that night, he was not a vigilanty, he didn’t even know that he killed Trayvon until the police didn’t tell him. The same police let him go. He was arrested later because of enormous political pressure coming indirectly from no other place than the WH. The whole story was a travesty and a waste of taxpayers money up until the moment that the jury acquitted him.
@ rongrand:
Not likely. I am fortunate enough to reside on 3 planets! Planet Canada – my training ground, Planet Israel – my homeward bound, and last but not least Planet Heaven – my final destination
(The following comment was first posted to a blogsite in, the online version of a leftist-liberal weekly newsletter distributed around Madison, Wisconsin, My comment was in response to a post by David Cieslewicz, former mayor of Madison, who lost his seat in the last election to Paul Soglin, who has served as mayor of Madison on and off since the mid-1970s. Mr Cieslewicz blamed the incident primarily on prevalence of gun ownership in the United States.)
The paramount issue was that Mr Martin was sitting astride Mr Zimmerman and had begun pounding the back of Mr Zimmerman’s head into a totally unyielding slab of concrete. It does not take very many such poundings to crack a human skull and spill the victim’s brains out onto a sidewalk. Mr Zimmerman surmised that unless he un-holstered his pistol and shot Mr Martin, and unless he did this immediately, he would be beaten to death within seconds. I think that is exactly what would have happened.
I am a trained and experienced shooter of firearms, including handguns, which I have used since I served in the US Army during and after the Korean War. Under any set of conditions even approaching the severity of what took place in that dreadful incident in Florida, any reasonably intelligent person who values his or her life or that of their loved ones surely would have shot dead any assailant endangering their lives. Because the most fundamental right of any person is that of self-defense and self-protection against threats of bodily harm by assailants.
I approve strongly of the concealed carry laws that now apply in all 50 US states, and I expect to obtain a concealed carry license. And I am urging other members of our extended families to do the same.
Like it or not — liberal or conservative; white, hispanic, black or oriental — we are becoming a society of public endangerment. Police are not there when you may need them the most. Therefore, you have no option but to become prepared to act as your own police force, and failure to do so could cost you your life or those of your loved ones.
It’s not the fault either of Mr Martin, Mr Zimmerman, the Florida jury that freed Mr Zimmerman of the charges of either 2nd degree murder or manslaughter. Maybe it is not even the fault of those attempting to convert the trial into an issue of what they think is the martyrdom of black Americans. Collectively, it’s just the way things are in the modern USA.
So let’s all try to avoid threatening one another. Otherwise, you might just pick on the wrong person and provoke your own death.
There is the court of ‘public opinion’. I am very aware of your law enforcement. It IS a race issue!
Why have we given Al Sharpton all this power? He is himself a vicious racist and anti-Semite. He has incited anti-Semitic riots which resulted in murder. Yet he has become the arbiter to decide who is guilty of racism and should be punished. He should have been jailed 25 years ago after the Tawana Brawley hoax.
Judge Piro is a hypocritical populist who has been all over in this case. For most of her commentary she sided against Zimmerman and refused to concede his right to self defense. She predicted conviction of Manslaughter at one point as well. She consistently sided with the Judge and the prosecutors.
I haven’t been watching Judge Janine regarding this case so this comes as a surprise. She usually takes conservative stances. Maybe the fact that she was a prosecutor has made her bias.
true, but my point is would Zimmerman have even followed this youth if he had been white? When Zimmerman called 911 and he said he was following this youth they told him he they didn’t want him doing that. He should have backed off then and let law enforcement deal with it – he had already done his duty if there was something to be suspect about. Taking the law into your own hands when advised not to is called vigilantism. Thank G-d I don’t live in the U.S.
The reality is that most violent street crime is committed by young black males. He had a reason to be suspicious. And there had been a rash of burglaries which is what prompted the neighborhood watch in the first place.
They DID NOT TELL HIM NOT TO FOLLOW MARTIN. This is a myth that continues to be perpetuated.
IT WAS NOT VIGILANTISM. Martin attacked George and pummeled his head into the pavement repeatedly. Only then did George fire the gun. Did you see the photos of George’s bloodied face and head? Probably not, because the liberal media did not show those. The liberal media also edited his 911 call to make it appear that George had racially profiled Martin when in fact the dispatcher ASKED him to describe the kid.
You have been watching too much of the lying liberal media and have no clue about this case at all.
I’m glad you don’t live here either. We have enough dumbed down liberals.
@ honeybee: thanks, I’m fine, its hot and humid and i am busier.
Holder and Obama leave George Zimmerman the hell alone already! The media and prosecutors are also still relentlessly going after him. George will never truly be free again. These bastards cannot accept the jury’s decision. We are living in a tyrannical society under this administration. These are truly evil people.
Conservatives should be as relentless in forcing Eric Holder out of office as Eric Holder is in Going after George zimmerman. Yet they do nothing.
there may be good reasons for this statement but the reasons you gave were unsupported by even a shred of evidence. I would hate to live in a country where political mob lynching in the media is encouraged and independent thought is nowhere to be found. Luckily it was thwarted by the citizens. This is what was behind zimmermans wrongful arrest. “Breaker Morant” comes to mind, do you live in UK or EU?
@ Andy Lewis:
So long. Zimmerman did nothing wrong. He only defended himself.
I never watch that “LOUD MOUTH YANKEE GIRL”.
What was your family selling. CB’s family always had a shotgun over the the back door,lock and loaded. CB once went throught the door and grab the gun and never missed his stride,I was impressed.
As for being arrogant,I was once compared to a Spanish Princess, took it as a compliment!!!!!!!
@ dove:
As for your experience with a co-worker, I would never let some man that close to me!!!!!!!Sweetie
my point is would Zimmerman have even followed this youth if he had been white?
It is irrelevant in law. Following a suspicious person is not a crime. Furthermore, there was a spate of crimes and the perps were black. Only a fool pretends that facts do not exist. Like the advice to profile grandma instead of muslims. dove Said:
they didn’t want him doing that. He should have backed off then and let law enforcement deal with it
the police are notorious for negligence and incompetence in deterring crime and protecting property. There is no law that the advice is warranted, credible or mandatory. following does not justify a violent attack in law. dove Said:
he had already done his duty if there was something to be suspect about. Taking the law into your own hands when advised not to is called vigilantism.
his duty was to protect his fellow citizen rather than avoid crime as the police tend to do. He has the right to follow the person and see that no crime is committed and to be a witness to a potential crime. His witnessing can be a deterrence. There are only neighborhood watches because the police are insufficient to protect. You throw around terms like vigilantism as if it is necessarily negative or even that it applies in this case. Following and witnessing is not vigilantism and not a crime, it is desrable though potentially dangerous to the follower if the criminal attacks him. I would not like society to deter following and witnessing especially where the police are insufficient. Your advice suggests to withdraw and allow anything to occur; your advice is poor and further breaks down the community bonds. black people also lived in the community so there is no reason to assume that it is racially motivated as black people also want their property protected. Why assume that zimmerman is guilty of anything when absolutely no evidence has supported such a conclusion. I would like to know there are zimmermans who care in my community rather than live where nobody gives a damn, like where you live(where do you live?). There is no reason to be a robot, parrot, obeying and compliant clone in a free society. what a police operator says means nothing.
true, but my point is would Zimmerman have even followed this youth if he had been white? When Zimmerman called 911 and he said he was following this youth they told him he they didn’t want him doing that. He should have backed off then and let law enforcement deal with it – he had already done his duty if there was something to be suspect about. Taking the law into your own hands when advised not to is called vigilantism. Thank G-d I don’t live in the U.S.
I’m so sorry you chose to post this wretched video
dershowitz not in video. the video only, and rightfully, questions the motives of the prosecutor as suggested by evidence. That the prosecutor was politically motivated and circumvented the grand jury process because a grand jury would likely have ended it due to lack of evidence. Lack of evidence has acquitted many guilty of crimes, including many blacks. The prosecutor should be fired and my reason has nothing to do with race but rather corruption.
@ dove:there would have been little chance to make big money.
I expect civil suits to be filed or settlements made. If zimmerman was black and acquitted for lack o evidence as has frequently happened, there would be no outcry. This is because money cannot be made by pressuring settlements. sharptons and jacksons have made millions on this. it isnt racial except they use race as a vehicle to make money. whites are in on it with them to make money. The motivation is money, the smell of money.
I think this entire case would have been handled differently if the killed youth was a white boy, OR would he have even been pursued at all??
They have called Zimmerman white but he is actually half Hispanic. Which might have made it worse in Afro-American eyes, considering that ‘their president’ has relegated blacks to third place in his heart, after Hispanics and Muslims. And this is not a case of diminished affection alone. Now blacks’ 13% of the population may shrink when illegal Hispanics get legalized. Had blacks voted for the Republican guy, they would not have to worry about losing their jobs to Hispanics. Talk about unintended consequences!
One of the very few times I agree with Dershowitz. Judge Piro is a hypocritical populist who has been all over in this case. For most of her commentary she sided against Zimmerman and refused to concede his right to self defense. She predicted conviction of Manslaughter at one point as well. She consistently sided with the Judge and the prosecutors. Only after the verdict did she really begin to show some balance first by decrying the murder of a “Child” and the Florida Law “Stand Your Ground” but even after the verdict she forgot the the verdict was based on credible self defense and not on anything else, not on the “Stand Your Ground statute”. She and all the other Fox commentators sucked up to the Black guests and all pleaded like a bunch of wusses for non vilest reactions by the Black community which I believe they really wanted because it supports high ratings.
In my family’s business in the States we had a sawed off 12 gauge shot gun loaded placed under the counter pointing outward. Most of our customers were Black. We always had at least three male staff on the floor at all times.
How is it that about 13% of the American population are responsible for 70-80% of all violent crime and that a similar % are guests in American prisons. Racist? Damn Right!!!
I support Zimmerman and from all I have heard and seen I believe he showed inordinate restraint. I would have shot the black piece of shit the first time he hit me. But I would have aimed lower towards the groin.
A kid 17 yrs old over 6 ft is no child except maybe to his mother. When most crime and almost all violent crime is committed by black and Hispanic Americans it is only logical and sane to profile. Profiling is the only rational means of collective self defense.
Blacks don’t like racial profiling? Then stop committing crimes especially violent crimes. American PC is destroying everything positive about America and is a major reason America is being destroyed from within.
Dershowitz here shows himself to be both heartless and brainless. I’m so sorry you chose to post this wretched video. I’m done with this site.
@ ArnoldHarris:
But it WAS the fault of martin.
I’m tired of him being portrayed by the media as a child. He was a 6’3″ 17 year old thug and thief who brought about his own death.
dove Said:
I don’t understand, who is accountable?
@ Canadian Otter:
‘The Greater Good’: Heretical Facts vs. the Myth of St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie
Go to Drudge and see the headlines there. It’s frightening how much black hatred, envy and resentment have been simmering all this time while whites congratulated themselves for electing a black president.
The leader of the Los Angeles demonstration wore a T-shirt with an anti-Semitic message (in the mistaken belief that Zimmerman is half Jewish). But that’s not regarded as racism because the demonstrator is black. –
Thanks Ted for posting my talkback #5. Blacks may be diverting their fury against Obama (for favoring Hispanics) by attacking Hispanics, Jews and whites. I provided the link to a news report about a black demonstration this week in DC against Obama’s citizenship bill.
@ bernard ross:
@ Laura:
HAMAS, Hezbollah Groups Demand “Justice for Trayvon Martin,” Call For Fed Prosecution of Zimmerman
@ ArnoldHarris:
Now if you’ll just tell me as a person (with a Canadian firearms permit for both rifles and handguns) who will shortly be visiting your country for an extended period of time, how I can get such a license – or even simply buy a legal firearm – I would be eternally grateful.
@ bernard ross:
For me it is just an observation as I do not live in your country. Here in Canada I am much more detailed and strategic when it comes time to hold those accountable.
Laura Said:
excellent read showing how officials are often motivated to cover up their scandals and how police cover ups deprived zimmerman and the public of justice. The miami cover up cops should be in jail.
monostor Said:
thatis what I said, you appear to misunderstand me.
dove Said:
Yes we have just observed that court which preceded the legal court. The court of public opinion is a rationalization for political/media lynch mobs.
Your statement is a poorly reasoned opinion with no evidence or reasoned argument to support it. No one here is interested in such unsubstantiated and unsupported opinions that are self evidently ludicrous. Your repetition of ludicrous statements does not bring them closer to the truth. you should do more reading into the issue to discover how those collaborating in your court of public opinion sought to prevent the truth from reaching the jury. you are in good company.
@ monostor:
True that
@ bernard ross:
It’s something not right with your comment. The 911 operators are not policemen, their advice does not bind legally in any shape or form. Zimmerman did not do anything illegal that night, he was not a vigilanty, he didn’t even know that he killed Trayvon until the police didn’t tell him. The same police let him go. He was arrested later because of enormous political pressure coming indirectly from no other place than the WH. The whole story was a travesty and a waste of taxpayers money up until the moment that the jury acquitted him.
@ dove:
You need to learn to accept contructive critisim
dove Said:
Hope you have a passport?
@ ArnoldHarris:
The law of the West!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ rongrand:
Not likely. I am fortunate enough to reside on 3 planets! Planet Canada – my training ground, Planet Israel – my homeward bound, and last but not least Planet Heaven – my final destination
@ dove:
Horse pucky
(The following comment was first posted to a blogsite in, the online version of a leftist-liberal weekly newsletter distributed around Madison, Wisconsin, My comment was in response to a post by David Cieslewicz, former mayor of Madison, who lost his seat in the last election to Paul Soglin, who has served as mayor of Madison on and off since the mid-1970s. Mr Cieslewicz blamed the incident primarily on prevalence of gun ownership in the United States.)
The paramount issue was that Mr Martin was sitting astride Mr Zimmerman and had begun pounding the back of Mr Zimmerman’s head into a totally unyielding slab of concrete. It does not take very many such poundings to crack a human skull and spill the victim’s brains out onto a sidewalk. Mr Zimmerman surmised that unless he un-holstered his pistol and shot Mr Martin, and unless he did this immediately, he would be beaten to death within seconds. I think that is exactly what would have happened.
I am a trained and experienced shooter of firearms, including handguns, which I have used since I served in the US Army during and after the Korean War. Under any set of conditions even approaching the severity of what took place in that dreadful incident in Florida, any reasonably intelligent person who values his or her life or that of their loved ones surely would have shot dead any assailant endangering their lives. Because the most fundamental right of any person is that of self-defense and self-protection against threats of bodily harm by assailants.
I approve strongly of the concealed carry laws that now apply in all 50 US states, and I expect to obtain a concealed carry license. And I am urging other members of our extended families to do the same.
Like it or not — liberal or conservative; white, hispanic, black or oriental — we are becoming a society of public endangerment. Police are not there when you may need them the most. Therefore, you have no option but to become prepared to act as your own police force, and failure to do so could cost you your life or those of your loved ones.
It’s not the fault either of Mr Martin, Mr Zimmerman, the Florida jury that freed Mr Zimmerman of the charges of either 2nd degree murder or manslaughter. Maybe it is not even the fault of those attempting to convert the trial into an issue of what they think is the martyrdom of black Americans. Collectively, it’s just the way things are in the modern USA.
So let’s all try to avoid threatening one another. Otherwise, you might just pick on the wrong person and provoke your own death.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
@ dove:
Dove what planet are you on or maybe your one of those Obommer kool-aid drinkers.
@ dove:
Bull Sh*t!!!!!!!!!!Sugar Pie
@ Laura:
You are stereotyping. WHITE crime in the U.S. is rampant!!
@ bernard ross:
There is the court of ‘public opinion’. I am very aware of your law enforcement. It IS a race issue!
Why have we given Al Sharpton all this power? He is himself a vicious racist and anti-Semite. He has incited anti-Semitic riots which resulted in murder. Yet he has become the arbiter to decide who is guilty of racism and should be punished. He should have been jailed 25 years ago after the Tawana Brawley hoax.
I haven’t been watching Judge Janine regarding this case so this comes as a surprise. She usually takes conservative stances. Maybe the fact that she was a prosecutor has made her bias.
@ bernard ross:
Mama Deer and Fawn in the shouse yard,CB and I watched in awe.
@ dove:
The reality is that most violent street crime is committed by young black males. He had a reason to be suspicious. And there had been a rash of burglaries which is what prompted the neighborhood watch in the first place.
They DID NOT TELL HIM NOT TO FOLLOW MARTIN. This is a myth that continues to be perpetuated.
IT WAS NOT VIGILANTISM. Martin attacked George and pummeled his head into the pavement repeatedly. Only then did George fire the gun. Did you see the photos of George’s bloodied face and head? Probably not, because the liberal media did not show those. The liberal media also edited his 911 call to make it appear that George had racially profiled Martin when in fact the dispatcher ASKED him to describe the kid.
You have been watching too much of the lying liberal media and have no clue about this case at all.
I’m glad you don’t live here either. We have enough dumbed down liberals.
@ honeybee: thanks, I’m fine, its hot and humid and i am busier.
@ bernard ross:
YOU ARE ON A ROLL,SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ yamit82:
Well said, Yamit.
Holder and Obama leave George Zimmerman the hell alone already! The media and prosecutors are also still relentlessly going after him. George will never truly be free again. These bastards cannot accept the jury’s decision. We are living in a tyrannical society under this administration. These are truly evil people.
Conservatives should be as relentless in forcing Eric Holder out of office as Eric Holder is in Going after George zimmerman. Yet they do nothing.
dove Said:
there may be good reasons for this statement but the reasons you gave were unsupported by even a shred of evidence. I would hate to live in a country where political mob lynching in the media is encouraged and independent thought is nowhere to be found. Luckily it was thwarted by the citizens. This is what was behind zimmermans wrongful arrest. “Breaker Morant” comes to mind, do you live in UK or EU?
@ Andy Lewis:
So long. Zimmerman did nothing wrong. He only defended himself.
@ bernard ross:
Well answered. How are you these days, here the East Coast is hot!!!! We have relitivy pleasant.
@ yamit82:
I never watch that “LOUD MOUTH YANKEE GIRL”.
What was your family selling. CB’s family always had a shotgun over the the back door,lock and loaded. CB once went throught the door and grab the gun and never missed his stride,I was impressed.
As for being arrogant,I was once compared to a Spanish Princess, took it as a compliment!!!!!!!
@ dove:
As for your experience with a co-worker, I would never let some man that close to me!!!!!!!Sweetie
dove Said:
It is irrelevant in law. Following a suspicious person is not a crime. Furthermore, there was a spate of crimes and the perps were black. Only a fool pretends that facts do not exist. Like the advice to profile grandma instead of muslims.
dove Said:
the police are notorious for negligence and incompetence in deterring crime and protecting property. There is no law that the advice is warranted, credible or mandatory. following does not justify a violent attack in law.
dove Said:
his duty was to protect his fellow citizen rather than avoid crime as the police tend to do. He has the right to follow the person and see that no crime is committed and to be a witness to a potential crime. His witnessing can be a deterrence. There are only neighborhood watches because the police are insufficient to protect. You throw around terms like vigilantism as if it is necessarily negative or even that it applies in this case. Following and witnessing is not vigilantism and not a crime, it is desrable though potentially dangerous to the follower if the criminal attacks him. I would not like society to deter following and witnessing especially where the police are insufficient. Your advice suggests to withdraw and allow anything to occur; your advice is poor and further breaks down the community bonds. black people also lived in the community so there is no reason to assume that it is racially motivated as black people also want their property protected. Why assume that zimmerman is guilty of anything when absolutely no evidence has supported such a conclusion. I would like to know there are zimmermans who care in my community rather than live where nobody gives a damn, like where you live(where do you live?). There is no reason to be a robot, parrot, obeying and compliant clone in a free society. what a police operator says means nothing.
dove Said:
I thank the Almighty you don’t live in the USA or Texas,we have enough “weak sisters”.
Andy Lewis Said:
Don’t let the door slap you on the backside on your way out!!!!!!!Darlin
@ bernard ross:
true, but my point is would Zimmerman have even followed this youth if he had been white? When Zimmerman called 911 and he said he was following this youth they told him he they didn’t want him doing that. He should have backed off then and let law enforcement deal with it – he had already done his duty if there was something to be suspect about. Taking the law into your own hands when advised not to is called vigilantism. Thank G-d I don’t live in the U.S.
Andy Lewis Said:
dershowitz not in video. the video only, and rightfully, questions the motives of the prosecutor as suggested by evidence. That the prosecutor was politically motivated and circumvented the grand jury process because a grand jury would likely have ended it due to lack of evidence. Lack of evidence has acquitted many guilty of crimes, including many blacks. The prosecutor should be fired and my reason has nothing to do with race but rather corruption.
@ dove:there would have been little chance to make big money.
I expect civil suits to be filed or settlements made. If zimmerman was black and acquitted for lack o evidence as has frequently happened, there would be no outcry. This is because money cannot be made by pressuring settlements. sharptons and jacksons have made millions on this. it isnt racial except they use race as a vehicle to make money. whites are in on it with them to make money. The motivation is money, the smell of money.
I think this entire case would have been handled differently if the killed youth was a white boy, OR would he have even been pursued at all??
Andy Lewis Said:
read this to see how “follow the money” works. corruption knows no color. This shows how an arrest was necessary to making the money.
My comment under moderation.
They have called Zimmerman white but he is actually half Hispanic. Which might have made it worse in Afro-American eyes, considering that ‘their president’ has relegated blacks to third place in his heart, after Hispanics and Muslims. And this is not a case of diminished affection alone. Now blacks’ 13% of the population may shrink when illegal Hispanics get legalized. Had blacks voted for the Republican guy, they would not have to worry about losing their jobs to Hispanics. Talk about unintended consequences!
Hundreds of people organized by the Black American Leadership Alliance just marched to Capitol Hill to demand an end to the legalization of illegal Hispanic migrants because they will will take jobs away from blacks. Marchers held signs hostile to Obama, even demanding his impeachment.
Andy Lewis Said:
Bye Bye!! 🙂
One of the very few times I agree with Dershowitz. Judge Piro is a hypocritical populist who has been all over in this case. For most of her commentary she sided against Zimmerman and refused to concede his right to self defense. She predicted conviction of Manslaughter at one point as well. She consistently sided with the Judge and the prosecutors. Only after the verdict did she really begin to show some balance first by decrying the murder of a “Child” and the Florida Law “Stand Your Ground” but even after the verdict she forgot the the verdict was based on credible self defense and not on anything else, not on the “Stand Your Ground statute”. She and all the other Fox commentators sucked up to the Black guests and all pleaded like a bunch of wusses for non vilest reactions by the Black community which I believe they really wanted because it supports high ratings.
In my family’s business in the States we had a sawed off 12 gauge shot gun loaded placed under the counter pointing outward. Most of our customers were Black. We always had at least three male staff on the floor at all times.
How is it that about 13% of the American population are responsible for 70-80% of all violent crime and that a similar % are guests in American prisons. Racist? Damn Right!!!
I support Zimmerman and from all I have heard and seen I believe he showed inordinate restraint. I would have shot the black piece of shit the first time he hit me. But I would have aimed lower towards the groin.
A kid 17 yrs old over 6 ft is no child except maybe to his mother. When most crime and almost all violent crime is committed by black and Hispanic Americans it is only logical and sane to profile. Profiling is the only rational means of collective self defense.
Blacks don’t like racial profiling? Then stop committing crimes especially violent crimes. American PC is destroying everything positive about America and is a major reason America is being destroyed from within.
Dershowitz here shows himself to be both heartless and brainless. I’m so sorry you chose to post this wretched video. I’m done with this site.
I don’t suppose many people have heard of this – It happened in Georgia, USA.
The US mainstream media did not highlight this crime, and it’s easy to know why.