Zelensky the proxy stooge comes to America with singular mission: Draw U.S. more directly into his protracted war with nuclear-armed Russia

Peloni: Excellent article!

Zelensky will seek more weapons and a longer leash so he can recklessly use US missiles to strike Russian cities and infrastructure. A recipe for World War III? You bet!

Leo Hohmann | Sep 23, 2024

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky began his visit to the United States in Pennsylvania with a stop Sunday at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, where he thanked American workers producing the 155mm artillery shells Ukraine uses to kill Russians in a nasty border war with its fellow slavic neighbor to the east.

I wonder how those American workers feel making weapons for the leader of perhaps the most corrupt country in the world, Ukraine, which is being used by a corrupt Washington Unitparty to poke the Russian bear in the eyeball. Maybe they’re not aware of the geopolitical ramifications of their work. I doubt many are or they would be looking for other, less provocative jobs.

But Zelensky is a master at spinning lies and clever propaganda, playing Westerners who fall easy prey because of their lack of knowledge about the history of the Ukraine-Russia dispute. Even the BBC, in a March 2022 article, acknowledged Zelensky’s speeches appear crafted to “shame” Western parliaments into giving him more money and weapons.

“It is in places like this where you can truly feel that the democratic world can prevail,” Zelensky posted on X, praising the Pennsylvania factory, which has boosted production to try to meet Ukraine’s endless needs for more shells. “Thanks to people like these — in Ukraine, in America, and in all partner countries — who work tirelessly to ensure that life is protected.”

That statement is utterly laughable as life is being destroyed every day in Ukraine and in Russia because of a senseless and bloody war that no politicians seem to want to end.

Zelensky the dictator wants you to think he represents freedom and democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth. He has remained in office well past his term’s experation date and refuses to hold elections. He’s shut down all media that criticizes the war, and he’s banned all opposition political parties.

In perhaps the most vicious action, Zelensky’s government has persecuted the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church, seizing its churches and monasteries and throwing many of its priests in jail.

With all the pleasantries aside, the dictator Zelensky’s primary mission in the U.S. begins tomorrow when he addresses the United Nations General Assembly’s annual gathering in New York City and shares his so-called “Plan for Victory” while saving the granular details for his meeting with Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday.

“The U.S. president will be the first to see it in full,” Zelensky said in a video address before leaving Kiev. “Of course, I will also present the Plan for Victory to all leaders of partner countries who, like President Biden, are world leaders and can become leaders of peace by helping us.”

Note the Orwellian language. “Leaders of peace” while they push forward with endless war, making no attempt to end it.

“The victory plan is a plan that swiftly strengthens Ukraine. A strong Ukraine will force Putin to the negotiating table. I’m convinced of that,” Zelensky told the New Yorker in an interview last week while invoking more Orwellian doublespeak.

This war has done anything but “strengthen Ukraine.” It has dealt the Ukrainian people a crushing blow.

Zelensky said more Western support will lead to a diplomatic end to the war. Does he honestly believe that?

Force Putin to the negotiating table? This is a big lie that most of the ignorant American masses will swallow whole.

Truth is, Putin was already sitting and waiting for a partner at the negotiating table one month after the war started, in April 2022. He reportedly was willing to pull back his troops under two very reasonable conditions. Ukraine needed to guarantee it would not join the NATO military alliance and stop shelling Ukrainian towns and villages that are populated with mostly Russian-speaking Ukrainians. In other words, stop threatening Russia with Ukrainian NATO courtship and stop using your military in an aggressive manner.

The corporate media won’t tell you that. They want you to think Putin is the aggressor in charge of an expansionist Russia. Putin, they say, wants all of Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic states and more. He wants to re-assemble the old Soviet empire.

They have no evidence of that. NATO, on the other hand, keeps pushing eastward in obvious expansion mode for well over 20 years now. That’s the dirty little secret no Westerner is supposed to know about, and if they do, they mustn’t share it in public for fear of being branded a Russian asset. We’re not allowed to look at facts, and we’re certainly not allowed to have an opinion that doesn’t match up with the Washington warmongering Uniparty.

We are not pro Putin. We are anti-war and pro peace. But our puppet politicians are way out of touch with their constituents. They don’t represent us. They work for their friends in the military-industrial complex.

Zelensky is delusional if he thinks there are any plans for a “diplomatic end of the war,” as he claimed in his interview with the New Yorker.

At this point, even if Russia pulled all of its troops out of Ukraine, I doubt that Washington and London would allow Zelensky to stop fighting Russia. They would still be encouraged to shoot long-range missiles into Russian territory.

That’s because this war isn’t about Ukraine or its bizarre form of freedom and democracy. It’s about attacking Russia and using Ukriane to destabilize Russia to the point of delivering a regime change to Ukraine’s masters in Washington and London.

The Examiner notes that “it’s been five days since Ukraine used a wave of homegrown drones to destroy a complex of weapons storage warehouses near Toropets, about 300 miles inside Russia, and Western intelligence agencies are assessing the damage from the strike and two others that followed, which will have a noticeable impact on Russian military operations.”

Those drones could not have reached their targets inside Russia without NATO intelligence and targeting expertise.

If forcing Putin’s hand to lash out and defend his sovereign territory is not a “noticeable impact,” I don’t know what will be. That’s exactly what Washington and London are hoping to provoke by launching drones and missiles deep into Russia. And when the inevitable blowback occurs, they will again have all their lapdogs in the corporate media shout it from the housetops that Putin is an aggressive imperialistic leader akin to Adolf Hitler in 1938. And the only way to “rescue Europe” is for American troops to pour into Ukraine and finish the job the Ukrainians started. From that point on, we are living on borrowed time before missiles start slamming into U.S. cities.

I believe the strategy is to use Zelensky to slowly bleed Russia while using this time to gradually build up Western forces and the Western industrial output that will be needed for World War III. I don’t know that it will succeed, but that’s the likely plan. Western leaders such as Lindsey Graham and others have all but admitted it. They are so insane that they apparently don’t consider the fact that if Russia gets too weak to defend itself conventionally, it will turn to its nuclear arsenal. Putin and his regime spokespersons have repeatedly and clearly warned they will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they feel an existential threat from the West.

But our leaders in Washington and London are so blinded by bloodlust that they refuse to take Putin at his word. He will defend his soverign terrritory. That’s why he invaded Ukriane to begin with, because Ukraine was on a path to join NATO and was becoming a vassal state of Western imperialist leaders, who were building a proxy military force on Russia’s border. It would be like Mexico receiving medium and long-range missiles from Russia and getting training from Russian officers in how to use them aggressively against the U.S. If the U.S. attacked Mexico under such circumstances, would that make the U.S. the aggressor? I think not.

Mark it down. The missiles will be incoming in a matter of months unless Trump or someone steps in who is willing to sit down and negotiate with Putin.

Could this be why they are so intent on stopping Trump? I’m not a big Trump fan. I think he’s pompous and often says things that are better left unsaid. I think he exercises really bad judgment in who he allows into his inner circle, with neocon warmongers like Mike Pence, Lindsey Graham, Nikki Haley and John Bolton among them. But he does claim to want to end the war in Ukraine. That makes him a marked man.

September 27, 2024 | Comments »

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