August 14, 2021 | 29 Comments »

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29 Comments / 29 Comments

  1. @Reader

    We are not addressing a Nuremberg-type trial now, not yet. There will be time to address the motives and penalties for the crimes that have been committed here, but at a later time. People are dying while advocates of the vaccine remain focused on supporting their dogma of vaccines and support their political leaders advocacy to this effect. Meanwhile, it is left to what I see as the more rational minded part of society to shake these people from their dogmatic worship of their vaccines as a universal panacea. When Zelenko describes such leaders as Bibi and Bennett as Mengele, he has changed the topic the vital subject of treating the sick Jews of Israel to a political challenge. Attacking one man’s dogma with reason and dialogue may be successful or not, but attacking that same man’s dogma with your own dogma will never bear fruit.

    I don’t agree with Zelenko or yourself about the motives of these people, but I want to treat sick people as sick people and not as viral incubators to be injected with untested vaccines – this is where the focus should be, I believe. Zelenko’s comments may even prove to be accurate, Bibi/Bennett may be each demonic mass murderers set upon killing their own people en masse – but if they are, and again I find this absurdly based, Zelenko won himself no supporters with his vitriol and rhetoric among the rabbis who questioned him.

    So, when I say that we need to have a dialogue to build a consensus that we do not have, it is because we need a greater consensus than we have today to challenge these leaders to treat the ill and stop the vaccines. Balanced, rational commentary and critiques such as Ted posited yesterday is a productive method to engage such worshipers of vacccine dogma and, thereby, be successful in building such a consensus as I mentioned.

    Otherwise, you and Zelenko can find an echo chamber and fill it with like minds, but you will not shake any of these men so certain of their vaccines. This will leave you with few additions beyond that subset of society that agrees with you already, and at present this subset is too weak a base or too timid a group to challenge these leaders control, regardless of the leaders motivations.

    In any event, this is why I say their motives do not matter. Today, it does not matter. Should we become victorious in ending this madness, there will be a moment to seek out justice and reason out motivations. We are no where close to that point however. So, these are my thoughts.

  2. @Matthew
    Regarding the issue of cancer and the vaccine, the vaccines had very limited trials(understatement) and during the studies, they only tested the vax in many thousands of people who were not in the highest risk group(elderly) which is why the findings were found to be not statistically different from the general public – in all 4 vaccine trials, and then in each of the drug studies, where the safety trials were suppose to be continued for 2 years, they were destroyed in 2months without objection from the FDA. And there are no current safety trials ongoing today. So there is no reliable risk:safety data to rely on.

    This is bad, but what is worse is that their were no autopsies performed til April, ~5 months after the rollout and after hundreds of millions of people were exposed to any hazards the vax might have caused. Dr. Cole, a noted Board-Certified Pathologist has noted an increase in multiple cancer types since the vaccine rollout and this was consistent with similar findings in Germany. You are retired from the medical community as am I, so perhaps you are aware of the significance of the impaired activity of the CD8 killer T-cells in people post vax. You are likely aware that the CD8 Killer T-Cells are responsible for destroying human cells that lose control of their normal cell growth, ie they become ore-cancerous and signal to the CD8-Tcells to come and destroy them before they produce cancers. Is the uptick in this pathologists findings of cancers in the past 8 months related to the inactivity of these CD8 Killer Tcells becoming unresponsive? We don’t know. Are the CD8 Killer Tcells temporarily unresponsive or is it a permanent loss of these cells and indefinite impairment of the immune response? We don’t know.

    There should have been a focus of thousands of autopsies to find the safety issues that were ignored in the studies, but there was no funding provided for this. So there are no autopsies being conducted, and no testing is being pursued, and any findings that might be concerning are kept hushed or the clinicians face being the focus of license reviews or imprisonment(Australia and South Africa). So, I don’t mean to be brusk with you, but these are fair questions and serious concerns.

  3. @Matthew
    The US physicians were among the first to be vaccinated, as were the nurses and all first responders. No one will easily forget the doctor who took the shot and died later that day or the next, or the nurse who fainted while being vaccinated on live TV, not the best looks for the vaccine rollout. Still these were rare occurrences and the vaccines were stated to have 95% efficacy and to be safe as well. Neither of these statements were honest, but the medical community needed to be immune from catching and passing the disease to and from their patients. Also many, probably most, of the hospitals required the vaccine to work on the clinical staff. And all of this was 9 month ago last Dec. So, it really is beyond any relevance what doctor took the vaccine last Dec, as there are many changed opinions of such people today. Drs. Malone and McCullough have each had the vaccine and each insists the vaccines stop being administered to the public en masse. These are just two, but there is a video at the link below of many other clinicians who stand opposed to the vaccine, regardless of who took it previously.

    Here is a link of dozens of clinical staff who are opposed to the vaccine:

    I don’t mean for this to suggest that no doctors support the vaccine, as many do. And I don’t think they are stupid, but my cousin noted to me that “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” She was a nurse in NY at the height of their outbreak and I find her comments quite cogent.

  4. I am from the Seattle area and am retired from the Medical-Dental community. Every physician that I know has been vaccinated. Are you telling me that they are all stupid? This guy quotes an article that says the vaccine causes increased rates of cancer. Really! They determined that even though the vaccine has only been used for 8 months. Are they going to kill off millions of people for a few billion dollars and loose hundreds of billions in all the other drugs that those people would take in there life time?

  5. The simple reality is that it doesn’t even matter what you believe are the motives behind these leaders’ actions.

    Then why did it matter what anyone believed were the motives of the Nazi criminals?

    Quite possibly they didn’t want to kill anybody (all they wanted was some Lebensraum and some understanding for the poor Germany who was hurt so much by the Versailles), it just worked out this way – unfortunately.

    The world should have just ignored it and went on without the farce and expense of Nuremberg.

    …such statements shut down any discussion


    What prevents anyone from expressing views that differ from those of Zelenko?

    What will get people involved is not a discussion but the effects of the vaccine by which time it may be too late to do anything (really, what would be the point of dwelling on it when the PTB possibly will have gotten away with murder).

  6. From today’s Arutz Sheva:

    Woman, 52, hospitalized after receiving ‘booster’ vaccine
    Woman, 52, becomes first Israeli to suffer possible allergic reaction following receipt of third coronavirus vaccine.

    A 52-year-old woman was hospitalized Friday night following the receipt of the third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, Israel’s Health Ministry reported Saturday.

    The Ministry added that it seems the woman suffered an allergic reaction to the vaccine, and that the incident is under investigation.

    The woman is hospitalized at Ziv Medical Center in the northern city of Tzfat, and doctors are investigating whether there are possibly other issues which led to her hospitalization.

    She is in the hospital’s intensive care unit, in stable but serious condition.

    “Allergic reactions to vaccines are a known and rare occurrence,” the statement said. The Ministry also recommends that anyone who suffered an allergic reaction after receiving any dose of the vaccine not receive another dose before speaking with their primary physician.

    This is the first allergic reaction reported following the third dose of the vaccine, which 860,137 Israelis have received.

  7. @Edgar

    It is true that the Adenovirus vaccines, Astrozeneca/J&J, are each somewhat more concerning than the mRNA vaccines, but all 4 are very concerning. So, if as a point of reference, I would send her to consider the testimony of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone. Each are impeachable researchers, very knowledgeable and very prevalent on what may be now hundreds of podcasts between them both.

    McCullough is the only reason that any physicians are currently treating patients, as he not only organized an international private research network to develop a treatment plan, he personally saw that this info was published, as he has published so many studies over the years, he has a great influence to do so. McCullough has stated clearly that there is no one that he would give any of these vaccines to, though he took them and also administered them to his own patients in the early months of the rollout.

    Malone is personally responsible for the foundation and early work on mRNA vaccines. His opinion is that the vaccines should be used with great caution on those most at risk to provide the with whatever benefits they may afford but that a very frank conversation about the consequences and many side effects including death, paralysis, blood clots…and the fact that insurances wont pay for any of these consequences. His feeling is that if there is a 1% chance that it can help those in high risk categories, and they accept and understand and accept the risks, well, this is their choice. So, this would be what I would offer your daughter. These men are well respected and no one could easily call them pseudoscience. They also each still work for the US govt conducting studies and drug trials for the NIH to this day.

    Also, I don’t think it is fair to characterize Zelenko as pseudoscience, to be fair and honest, but his remarks make him a poor champion for the topic he holds quite dearly. Just my thoughts.

    I am not sure what studies your daughter might support that decides her opinion, but I have to note a thing about modern medicine, medical literature and scientific research in general. The popular obsession with randomized controlled trials and peer reviewed articles each demonstrate a misunderstanding of what they each really represent. The basic problem is that there is so much crap science that passes peer review you could fill a telephone book with it. Its about $$ and Pharma controls everything in medicine, to which we are unfortunately witnessing the effect, currently. They can get any junk study printed, and they do, and simultaneously prevent the most carefully researched and powerful studies stalled or just not printed at all – point in fact is the colcorona study which showed the use of colchisine(anti-gout drug) by itself decreased severe disease by 50%, and this study was blocked from being printed til nearly June, and then only after some effort by McCullough. To demonstrate Pharma’s power and corrupting influence Vioxx is a drug that went thru all the normal testing and studies and was placed on the market with FDA/CDC approval and actually caused between 1-200,000 people(or more) to suffer heart attacks, and Pharma knew all about it when they put it on the market(fully shown in court documents from lawsuit by Robert Kenedy Jr.). And these are the people who control the FDA/CDC/HHS/NIH and all the politicians and media networks and publications. They are more powerful than most nations, quite literally.

  8. My most responsive daughter has already answered me. She does vey deep peer reviewed research, from multiple sources, and traces them back…..and she says that what I’ve been sending her is pseudo-science, and one must make sure to keep away from the AZ vaccine.

    So….what can I say…??

  9. @Edgar

    I totally agree. I cringed when I first saw the interview with Avi and Zelenko, because such statements shut down any discussion and that is the only way to get enough people involved to make these leaders answer our questions and treat our people. The simple reality is that it doesn’t even matter what you believe are the motives behind these leaders’ actions. If they are truly sinister or simply inept, people are dying without treatment to sponsor a vaccine that has no safety management protocols mandated in every other drug trial done. And there are no 2yr safety trials to show safety of the drug despite the fact that the vaccine skipped 9 1/2 yrs worth of testing that is routinely done. But characterizing these men who all have their never say die supporters, will simply color the subject and change the topic from a rational discussion to a polarized political debate. People are dying. Our people are dying. Protest that. Focus on that. The press wont ask these questions, so the public needs to do the asking. They will respond if enough voice is placed to these questions. And the answers relate to how many will die tomorrow and the next day, so each day we debate who is Stalin, another 6-16 people die because no one will allow these treatments which we know work.

  10. In my earlier comment I inadvertently left out the word “not”.

    Zalenko should not be accusing people in charge of being like Stalin and Hitler. I do not accept for a moment that they intended to kill their people.

    That means that I agree with Edgars reaction to the headline.


    Since you zoom in on the extra coagulatory capabilities caused by the Vaccine, would it not be strongly advisable for those vaccinated, to also add a good blood thinner to their daily vitamins..

    I myself have been taking asperin for many years, morning and night time.

    ******Anecdotal, but perhaps of interest. In the days when asperin was only known for headaches etc. My dear auntie, a jolly person, used to take perhaps a dozen or more 325’s a day. She was always popping (flipping from a distance) them into her mouth, like gumdrops. She was one of 8 children, all of whom died too young, at ages from 48 up, several in their 50s, from heart disease and too much Yiddishe food. cousins etc had the same problem. Yet this aunt of mine outlived them all by many years dying at 87, and not from a heart ailment. *****

  12. This is from Arutz Sheva, Thursday posting I think:

    New COVID cases tops 6,000 as infection rate hits 5%
    462 seriously ill COVID patients as infection rate continues to increase. 87 deaths in one week.

    A total of 6,083 new cases of the coronavirus were reported across Israel Thursday, according to data released by the Health Ministry Friday morning,

    That marks a slight increase from Wednesday, when 5,999 new cases of the virus were diagnosed.

    Of the 6,083 new cases reported Thursday, 44.4% were unvaccinated, compared to 54.3% who were fully vaccinated, and 1.3% who had received one dose of the vaccine.

    The percentage of tests coming back positive rose from 4.61% on Wednesday to 5.02% Thursday.

    There are now 44,188 known active cases of the virus in Israel. A total of 758 patients are hospitalized with COVID, up from 748 Thursday morning.

    Of those, 462 are in serious condition, up from 447 Thursday morning and 402 on Wednesday. That is the highest number since March.

    There are 96 patients in critical condition, including 75 on respirators. That is up from 87 critically ill patients Thursday morning, while the number of patients on respirators rose from 65 on Thursday.

    Among seriously ill patients, 37.6% are not vaccinated, compared to 59.5% who are fully vaccinated and 2.2% who received one dose of the vaccine. Less than one percent of seriously ill patients did not have a listed vaccination status.

    The number of unvaccinated seriously ill patients rose Friday to 162 from 174 a day earlier, while the number of fully vaccinated patients in serious condition remained unchanged. The number of partially vaccinated patients held steady at 10. [ Why give the number of unvaccinated patients in serious condition, why withholding the number of vaccinated patients in serious condition? Selective reporting of numbers has become increasingly common as journalists and government agencies step up pressure on people to be vaccinated even as the vaccines are failing]

    The total number of COVID-related fatalities is now 6,611, including 9 deaths reported Thursday and 3 Friday morning. [what does Covid-related mean? Did they die of Covid-19 or something else?]

    During the seven day-period ending Thursday, a total of 87 COVID-related fatalities were reported.

    [ How many people died of other diseases during the same week?]

  13. How much Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D should someone be taking after having taken the Covid shots? That is what would be helpful.

  14. In Adam’s note , April 9 is mentioned in relation to VAERS. The so called became available in Nov/Dec. So this must have been a trial for which there is likely to be mistakes. What is it like now..
    From Adam’s note
    Covid vaccine causes blood disorders

    Secondly, all of the gene therapies [Covid vaccines] are causing coagulopathy. [Coagulopathy when the body’s blood clotting system is impaired.] This is not isolated to one manufacturer. And this is not isolated to one age group.

    As we are seeing coagulopathy deaths in healthy young adults with no secondary comorbidities.

    There have been 795 reports related to blood clotting disorders as of April 9th in the VAERS reporting system, 338 of these being due to thrombocytopenia.

  15. BER- Lamed Vavniks are known about by all true Jews. But they sound more lke a gematria nonsense, and superstition.

    During the War all we kids were told in chaidar that Hitler was descented from Haman, and had pointed ears -llke hamantasxhn. We actually believed it. -until after barmitzvah…

    Such nonsense is easy for a fertile mind to spread, and lingers, despite logic and common-sense.

  16. TED—I must tell you, I have just sent this Zelenko Video off to my 4 children, . I have sent many others, but have found that they don’t read them. . They keep up to date in their own way. and are COMPLETEY TURNED OFF,when they see headlines like “SHOCKING” “HORRFYING” and other kinds which yellow rag journalists use to attract simple minded readers. Look at youtube today; it’s as bad as it can get.

    SOOOO I changed the heading a bit, and can only hope it works , they have become tired of my sending them articles that they can easily disprove by deep research. They have told me so.

    I replaced “shocking” with “especially interested”, “particlularly interested’ etc.

    I left in the TRUMP’S DOCTOR”, but cut out “SACRIFICING YOUR CHILDREN TO MOLOCH” xompletely. I added a little note that they particulrly should listen to this video.

    I tell you this TED because it’s an apology for defacing your headlines.

  17. @Ted Belman

    I do not accept for a moment that they intended to kill their people.

    I think you meant by this that the people who are in charge of forcing the mRNA vaccines on the Earth’s population did not intend to kill “their people”, even after the evidence came out that they had knowledge of the very serious, even lethal, side effects of these vaccines?

    Imagine that you are walking in the street and you come upon the following scene:

    A man keeps plunging a knife into someone while screaming “I love you, I love you!!!”

    What would your first thought be?

    Probably that the man is clinically/criminally insane, right?

    You might still be able to argue that the intent to murder was there but that the murderer’s thoughts were perverted by his insanity, such that he conceived of murder as an expression of love.

    On the second thought, if this man is NOT INSANE, he certainly INTENDED to murder the person he’s been plunging his knife in, and to get away with it “by the reason of insanity”.

    Let’s say, you recognized in the murderer someone who you know and respect.

    Would you be standing there saying ” I do not accept for a moment that he intended to kill this person”?

  18. This is the text of the testimony of a molecular biologist concerning the Covid 19 vaccines. Stevenl has already provided us with a link to this testimony, which has been published on Michael Savage’s site. It is also published on JenniferMargulis.net, as may be seen below.

    Another prominent scientist speaks against the covid vaccine
    November 25, 2020

    Pictured: Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay


    In a public comment to the CDC, molecular biologist and toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., called to immediately halt Covid vaccine production and distribution. Citing fertility, blood-clotting concerns (coagulopathy), and immune escape, Dr. Lindsay explained to the committee the scientific evidence showing that the coronavirus vaccines are not safe.

    On April 23, 2021, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices held a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The focus of this ACIP meeting was blood clotting disorders following Covid vaccines. Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay spoke to the CDC during the time set aside for public comment.

    Molecular Biologist and Toxicologist Calls to Halt Covid Vaccine

    “Hi, my name is Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay. I hold a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Texas, and have over 30 years of scientific experience, primarily in toxicology and mechanistic biology.

    In the mid-1990s, I aided the development of a temporary human contraceptive vaccine which ended up causing unintended autoimmune ovarian destruction and sterility in animal test models. Despite efforts against this and sequence analyses that did not predict this.

    I strongly feel that all the gene therapy vaccines must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts.

    Janci Chunn Lindsay: Covid vaccines could induce cross-reactive antibodies to syncytin, and impair fertility as well as pregnancy outcomes

    First, there is a credible reason to believe that the Covid vaccines will cross-react with the syncytin and reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta, leading to impaired fertility and impaired reproductive and gestational outcomes.

    Respected virologist Dr. Bill Gallaher, Ph.D., made excellent arguments as to why you would expect cross reaction. Due to beta sheet conformation similarities between spike proteins and syncytin-1 and syncytin-2.

    I have yet to see a single immunological study which disproves this. Despite the fact that it would literally take the manufacturers a single day to do these syncytin studies to ascertain this [once they had serum from vaccinated individuals]. It’s been over a year since the assertions were first made that this [the body attacking its own syncytin proteins due to similarity in spike protein structure] could occur.

    Pregnancy losses reported to VAERS lead to demand to halt Covid vaccine

    We have seen 100 pregnancy losses reported in VAERS as of April 9th. And there have [also] been reports of impaired spermatogenesis and placental findings from both the natural infection, vaccinated, and syncytin knockout animal models that have similar placental pathology, implicating a syncytin-mediated role in these outcomes.

    Additionally, we have heard of multiple reports of menses irregularities in those vaccinated. These must be investigated.

    We simply cannot put these [vaccines] in our children who are at .002% risk for Covid mortality, if infected, or any more of the child-bearing age population without thoroughly investigating this matter.

    [If we do], we could potentially sterilize an entire generation. Speculation that this will not occur and a few anecdotal reports of pregnancies within the trial are not sufficient proof that this is not impacting on a population-wide scale.

    Covid vaccine causes blood disorders

    Secondly, all of the gene therapies [Covid vaccines] are causing coagulopathy. [Coagulopathy when the body’s blood clotting system is impaired.] This is not isolated to one manufacturer. And this is not isolated to one age group.

    As we are seeing coagulopathy deaths in healthy young adults with no secondary comorbidities.

    There have been 795 reports related to blood clotting disorders as of April 9th in the VAERS reporting system, 338 of these being due to thrombocytopenia.

    There are forward and backward mechanistic principles for why this is happening. The natural infection is known to cause coagulopathy due to the spike protein. All gene therapy vaccines direct the body to make the spike protein. Zhang et al in [a scientific paper published in the Journal of Hematology & Oncology] in September 2020 showed that if you infuse spike protein into mice that have humanized ACE-2 receptors on blood platelets that you also get disseminated thrombosis.

    Spike protein incubated with human blood in vitro also caused blood clot development which was resistant to fibrinolysis. [Fibrinolysis is the body’s process of breaking down blood clots]. The spike protein is causing thrombocytic events, which cannot be resolved through natural means. And all vaccines must be halted in the hope that they can be reformulated to guard against this adverse effect.

    Evidence for immune escape

    Third, there is strong evidence for immune escape, and that inoculation under pandemic pressure with these leaky vaccines is driving the creation of more lethal mutants that are both newly infecting a younger age demographic, and causing more Covid-related deaths across the population than would have occurred without intervention. That is, there is evidence that the vaccines are making the pandemic worse.

    It is clear that we are seeing a temporal immune depression immediately following the inoculations [see World Meter Global Covid deaths counts following inoculation dates] and there are immunosuppressive regions on spike proteins, as well as Syn-2, that could be likely causing this, through a T-cell mediated mechanism. If we do not stop this vaccine campaign until these issues can be investigated, we may see a phenomenon such as we see in chickens with Marek’s disease.

    More at JenniferMargulis.net


  19. Anyone shocked by this video hasn’t been paying attention to the truth teller that Hashem sent to us as early as March last year. His message has gotten sharper because it’s hard to wake people from a mass delusion. But the content throughout the year has been consistent. I do believe he is one of the “lamed vavniks” – 36 righteous men – who support the world. Even they do not know that they are one but their actions speak volumes. May Hashem bless him and keep him safe.