Yugoslavia, Syria, Ukraine: How to plan a Revolution with Saul Alinsky

Herland Report TV  host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Fort Russ News’ editor-in-chief, Joaquin Flores about #GeneSharp, Saul Alinsky and how to create revolutions.

We also address the Arab Spring, Yugoslavia, Serbia and what really happened in Ukraine 2014. Watch it here.

“Five billion USD were spent to create the Maidan in Ukraine to overthrow the government, as Victoria Nuland testified before Congress.”

“People find it hard to believe, that these revolutions are so carefully planned and executed. Yet Nuland pointed that very fact out before Congress.”

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“It implies, of course, an enormous use of money in order to influence other states. In history, many of the same actors, people and conceptions about how to make revolutions happen, come from a limited number of sources,” says political scientist, graduate from California State University, accomplished journalist and editor-in-chief of Fort Russ News, Joaquin Flores.

The Herland Report has several TV programs with Fort Russ News editor-in-chief, Joaquin Flores: How to create revolutions, the Kosovo-Serbia war, Syria and Libya. In this TV program, he analyses the European situation in light of the globalist attempt to quench self-determination in nation states.

Watch them here. Program 1 on how to start a revolution, program 2 on how to create war Syria, program 3 on Yugoslavia, Serbia, Ukraine and program 4 about Europe.



Political scientist, Joaquin Flores states: “What happened at a certain point was that the US began to act independently of the trilateral order that defined international relations post World War II. We began to see, for example, how the war in Yugoslavia was organized.”

“It was not from the European Trade Union Commission, it was organized from the University of Chicago, from what had been learned about labour and community organizing in the early 20th century.”


“There was a method on how to organize people who used to work under very poor conditions, and they did not have the education or the ability to organize themselves. So, people who were idealists from the old Left developed these methods of organizing revolts.”

“These were distilled into books, one of the Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. This would then become the work of Gene Sharp who wrote “From dictatorship to Democracy”.”

Flores: “The Gene Sharp texts are critical, because it takes the lessons from labour organizing and weaponizes it to work AGAINST people. It is a 180 degree reversal of the initial idea.”<



Hanne Nabintu Herland with Joaquin Flores in Oslo, Norway.

“In the Yugoslavia conflict, the methods began being built up in the 1980’s. Yugoslavia was already fragile, lacking a single clear leader after Tito. There are the classic ways of infiltrating things: get one elite against the other, get groups in government to switch sides, that is a very old method of changing the power structure in a nation.”

“But what was different with Yugoslavia, was the creating of a veneer of “democracy” and making it look like the hundreds of thousands in the street demanded the government to come down.”

“The people usually gather for this or that reform, but it was now made to be about the whole government to go.”

“What we saw in Yugoslavia and Ukraine as well, was that they were able to link Serbian Nationalism to European Liberalism – in the sense of Liberal liberalism and Conservative Liberalism, free market Liberalism.”

“Then you had the real Nationalists and the extreme Nationalism from the Gladio project, which has always been about building up far Right Nationalist movements.”

“So, it was not like George Soros and America is building up these pseudo-fake Socialist, Leftwing human rights movements, they had full spectrum dominance.”

“When countries are sold a false bill of goods by the IMF and the World Bank and they are told that they need to undergo a process of austerity, and in order to qualify for this they need to have democracy reforms, it is actually mandatory that you allow George Soros fronted organizations to go in and alter the system in the country.”

“The US takes taxpayer’s money and state dollars are funneled into the Soros systems and suddenly he is now a “philantropist”, but it is not his money. He is the middle man that creates a fire wall that allows it to be this plausible deniability between there being a distance between the US government and this “random, pro-democracy billionaire.”<

August 12, 2022 | Comments »

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