Young Muslim women surge to success in American elections

T. belman.  I would imagine that CAIR is backing these women and the Democratic Party is cooperating.

Politics expert: Women of color are “next generation of leaders”

BY Donna Rachel Edmunds, JPOST

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has lent her support to the 26 Muslim candidates emerged victorious in Tuesday’s off-year US elections, tweeting news of their successes.

The election wins brings the total number of Muslims elected to office in the States this year to 34. Fifteen of the candidates were newly elected. Muslim advocacy groups have described the results as a blow against Islamophobia and a triumph for community organization.

Tlaib is one of four Democrat congresswomen who have shot to prominence thanks to their demagogic support for minority rights. Describing herself as a Palestinian American, she regularly uses Twitter to attack Israel.

Retweeting a video by minorities-supporting campaign group “She The People” on election day, Tlaib commented: “Get out of the way. We are here and more are coming.”

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Among the winners was 23-year-old Safiya Khalid, who took her seat on Lewiston City Council with nearly 70 percent of the vote.

Khalid, who arrived in America as a Somalian refugee aged seven and was dogged by online abuse throughout her campaign, told supporters that the win proved “community organizers beat internet trolls.”

Nadia Mohamed, 23, was another former Somalian refugee to win a city council position, in St Louis Park, Minnesota. She replaced the outgoing Democrat with 63 percent of the first-choice votes.

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Also celebrating in Virginia were Lisa Zargarpur, elected to the Prince William County School Board, Buta Biberaj, who became Loudoun County’s new commonwealth’s attorney in a tight race against the incumbent Republican candidate, and 24 year-old Abrar Omeish, who took a place on the Fairfax County School Board making her both the youngest person to hold elected office in the state.

“What do Muslim Americans do during a time of heightened Islamophobia under a xenophobic administration? We run for office and win,” said Linda Sarsour, executive director of Muslim-American advocacy group MPower Change.

Mohammed Missouri, Director of JetPac, an organization that trains American Muslims to run for office, concurred, saying: “the surge in Muslim candidates running for office in recent years is, in part, a direct response to open expressions of Islamophobia in the U.S., including White House policies that critics see as anti-Muslim.”

Richard Meagher, a political science professor at Randolph-Macon College in Virginia said the results should make pundits question their assumptions. “We always hear about electability concerns, but women of color are not just electable, they’re the next generation of leaders for the Democratic Party of Virginia,” he said.

Credited Hashmi’s success in part to a district that was undergoing change, he added: “Chesterfield is the leading edge of the urbanization of the suburbs. We’re used to suburbs voting with rural districts, but they’re becoming more like the cities.”

November 8, 2019 | 34 Comments »

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34 Comments / 34 Comments

  1. @ Wooly Mammoth:

    I didn’t say we were not managing just fine, in fact I asserted that we were, and would.. I blame Kissinger for heavily influencing Golda to promise him not to preempt, when her CoS David Elazar wanted to. Not only that all the signs were there of an imminent attack. Dayan immediately assumed that the war was lost, But Elazar did a very good job, regardless of the stupid Agranat Commission which did not lay the blame where it should have. Madness.

    The REAL surprise(s) to me, were the brilliant Egyptian idea of using high powered water hoses, and the fact, that, with all the warnings, there were only abut 3-400 IDF lounging around in the Bar Lev Line forts.

    This, along with 1967 was a war that I studied intensively. I’ve even read reports that said that Dayan and Meir were actually watching several nuclear bombs being assembled…In fact I believe that I actually saw a snapshot of it.

  2. @ Laura:
    Are you talking about neo-Nazis? Trump supporters, i.e., most Republicans, at this point, tend to be philo-semitic and pro-Israel.

  3. @ Edgar G.:
    When Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur in the attack in 1973, “surprise”, it exacted a heavy toll on Israel in the first several hours and days. Fearing a catastrophic loss, with no apparent willingness on the part of Henry Kissinger, the rat; PM Golda Meir left Israel and flew to Washington D.C. to meet with US President Nixon. She requested significant military equipment and ammunition. Kissinger suggested at that time to send a few plane loads to Israel. Nixon famously retorted to Kissinger, Henry if we are going to send them X plane loads, why not send 10X plane loads. Which is precisely what Nixon did. PM Begin described Nixon as one of the few friends to Israel along withTruman for recognition of the state.
    [Kissinger remained unscathed from Watergate, possibly because of his ties with Rockerfeller, who hated Nixon and plotted to force him out for not giving him the VP position when Agnew was forced out probably arranged by Rockerfeller. When Gerald Ford took over from Nixon, he knew what he had to do to survive and appointed Rockerfeller his VP. Rockerfeller failed subsequently to win the presidency, but he tried, The SOB]
    What other country would have done that in 1973 and what other country would do that in 2019. Nothing much in that regard has changed at all.
    Incidentally, just like The American Jewish community of today are 80% democrats in favor of impeaching Trump, the same exact appreciation for protecting Israel, which Nixon showed, the true friend in need, was handed to Nixon when the American Jewish Community was in favor of impeaching Nixon.
    Israel will never unilaterally leave The UN. Mostly because once it walks out the door, it will be permanently barred from re-entry. At least now it has a voice and must be accorded a modicum of respect, however phoney that lip service is.
    No, things could be much much worse.
    We are managing just fine.

  4. @ Wooly Mammoth:

    This sort of dependency is common to nearly all counties which have friendly relationships with one another. The damage that Obama did by not vetoing that UN resolution was mostly paper damage. I have never seen it itemised, although no doubt it was…But it passed quietly, apart from the local news outlets short-lived over-reaction I was more referring to the financial dependency of the yearly “aid” which Israel more than repays in a large variety of ways, perhaps 2-3-4 times the actual value to the US….perhaps irreplaceable.

    Even if Israel LEFT the UN, it would not cause Israel to vanish nor become a pariah,….although it might temporarily disarrange some economic treaties….nor would those countries which have reciprocal interests with Israel suddenly vamoose. and “cut off their noses” etc… International relationships are so intertwined in modern times that we ordinary people have no concept even, of how much.

    An example of this is being shown by the tortuous manifestations appearing with Brexit, which should have been, to our eyes, and also to many Brexiteers, a simple cancelling of certain agreements whilst retaining others, and re-instating border controls.. , those which ALL normal nations have with one another. This is happening in various parts of Europe I believe., although so far none has “left” the compact. But its looming….

    Just my opinion.

  5. Should read “Young Muslim Women” and kapo/quisling friends: Andrew Levin took over from his father in the 9th Congressional District of Michigan in January of this year. Rashida Tlaib is in the 13th District. See: “Andy Levin Criticizes Israel During West Bank Trip”

    [MIchigan, Minnesota, I don’t know about Maine or Montana, but are the Muslims trying to take over all the states that begin with M, the way the Japanese did Ohio, in particular, the Ohio state capital, Gozaimas(u)?]

  6. @ Wooly Mammoth:
    The US gets back as much or more than it gives when it comes to military aid, including jobs, at Israel’s expense since it all has to be spent in the US, phased in over 10 years from the 75 or 76 percent that it was before, thanks to Obama. Unfortunately, you are right about the need for diplomatic defence against the UN and the ICC, as well. The UN, ICC, NATO and SEATO are anachronistic and need to be disbanded. Islam is the enemy, Russia and China are just economic rivals, as well as trade partners, now, and we have to play our enemies off against one another, one conflict, at a time.It is in our interest to put an end to the EU because it is welcoming in Jihadists, undermining Israel, and is also an economic rival.

  7. @ Wooly Mammoth:
    I think the financial aid, which is all military, is less than 1 percent of Israel’s GNP or GDP, take your pick, and, except for the hi-tech stuff, which could just as easily be partnerships on each weapon, and winds up being that in practice, much of the time, hurts Israel’s economy because it all has to spent in the U.S., phased in over ten years from the 75 or 76 percent it was before Obama. There are sound economic reasons for Congress to support military aid to Israel and sound diplomatic reasons for Israel to continue putting up with it. The loans were paid off years ago. Before LBJ, Israel only got developmental loans and surplus food. No weapons before JFK, who required cash on delivery and limited them to defensive missiles while giving aid to Nasser.

  8. Like it or not E.G.: For a variety of reasons, Israel, today, is dependent upon The US.
    Israel can not serve on the Security Council of The UN, even on a rotating basis. It is dependent upon The US for protection. Obama refused to veto an important initiative to condemn Israel. It was harmful. The US under Obama harmed Israel, because it has the power to do so, as Israel is dependent.
    When Saddam Hussein launched missiles into Israel, POTUS George Herbert Walker Bush pressured Israel to not respond to these missile attacks. Israel wanted to respond but obeyed Bush, because Israel was dependent upon support in The UN and financial aid. This was humiliating for Israel. The gov’t in place was torn.

    During the Obama Administration, Israel was told that it could not build additions onto existing homes for Jews in Jerusalem. Netanyahu obeyed the US because Israel is dependent upon The US.
    I could outline examples until New Years Day, no the one on the Jewish calendar.
    I just have so much time to waste.

  9. @ Wooly Mammoth:

    Actually whilst everything you say about the US-Israeli financial compact is true and valid, you spoil it by also remarking that Israel wants to, one day, not be dependent on foreign assistance. Israel is NOT DEPENDENT on …. In fact I don’t know why you made that point about the “future Israel”… at all…??

    Israel is a FIRST World country, and again you properly pointed out that the funds given to Israel are well spent and the US gets more..(much more) than it’s money’s worth. (paraphrased)

    You are actually a very funny guy (assuming you are male) You very self-righteously proclaim that you are not going to….. “respond in kind to the ad hominem” and then calmly proceed to launch some devastatingly offensive and VERY ad hminem attacks on Felix. in a series of posts including the initial one. And YOU don’t see the contradiction, so what does that make YOU… I have no axe to grind with you , but just had to point these items out.

    *****You’re like a fellow I knew (true story) ,always very serious, with no sense of humour at all. Very self-deprecating, but really smug …. There was a club election for president. He got up and seriously said…… “well folks, I’m not very good at “this” and I don’t know much abut “that”……but I’m a lot better candidate than anyone else in this room……

    I being there, could have strongly responded to that, but at the time, I was going around with his very attractive sister, who HAD a sense of humour …and a lot more of this and that than her brother…


  10. @ Felix Quigley:

    Don’t believe I ever called for any cessation, pause, quid pro quo, diminishment, or any changes whatsoever in the elements of The Israeli/US cooperative in which Israel more than pays The US back for any strategic cooperation agreement.
    If you are dyslexic, my sympathies, but you do not appear to understand what people are communicating. You are spinning your wheels.
    Once again, if I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times,
    Israel has envisioned a future when it is not dependent upon foreign assistance. As it presently stands it has evolved into more of an equal partnership than a charitable contribution. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what The US provides to Israel. One day, Israel will break through this impediment to its future growth, just like so many others.
    So, look, I will leave it to the readers to make up their minds, as you, Felix, are impossible. I urge you to read people’s comments carefully and try not to immediately “hurl stones” for no discernable reason.
    To put it another way, your analysis is flawed which gives way to inappropriate comments. Or, if you understand exactly what you are writing, a willfully obtuse so and so, as I previously alluded to.

  11. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    I don’t see anything inherently antisemitic about isolationism or populism

    While not inherently anti-Semitic, isolationists and populists do tend to be hostile towards Jews and Israel. This is from my own experience and searching through various right wing websites. There are probably exceptions.

  12. @ Wooly Mammoth:
    ran out of time. Congress/evidence: U.S. House Passes anti-BDS Resolution in Bipartisan Vote
    The resolution, which passed on an overwhelming vote of 398-17, puts the House on record opposing the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement and its efforts to target U.S. companies that do business with Israel

    I am reminded of the famous Mark Twain quote: “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

    And remember, Obama only took credit for Iron Dome funding after Congress over-rode his threatened veto, in an overwhelming bipartisan vote.

  13. @ Laura:I don’t see anything inherently antisemitic about isolationism or populism and the Democratic party still has some defenders of Israel. For example, whatever else you may not like about him, Governor Cuomo signed the first in the nation anti-BDS bill and one with teeth. The last NY State Democratic Primary was a battle between pro and anti-BDS forces. In evidence:

    Nixon had, in fact, signed a letter endorsing a boycott.

    Of the Democratic Presidential candidates, here’s Andrew Yang:

    n terms of the money we’re giving to an ally like Israel, my first instinct would be, why would we reduce it?”

    “There are certain relationships we have, that we need to rebuild and strengthen, and I would suggest that our relationship with Israel is one of them.”

    “If someone’s been working with us for a long time, they should be rewarded for that, frankly, and if someone has an interest in working with us, we should be open to rewarding that, too. But for each country, you’d have to look at what’s going on,at that time and what the lead-in has been. “

    “My stance on this is that it is going to be hard for the United States to constrict an ally, or really just about any of its partners, in a decision that they feel is central to them, and I don’t think that is our priority. It’s not that we’re somehow giving people aid so that we can then twist their arm about things that they find important.”


    Biden also said he is against cutting aid but we know he is lying because he advocated it in ’82 and has mostly been hostile but he is saying it.

    Congress has been mostly supportive.

  14. @ Felix Quigley:

    Trump could call a press conference, sign a document and do this inside the very hour. America owes this to the Jews for its neglect of the Jews in their worst time, the Holocaust of the Jews. Do it Trump or else stop your dammed posing.

  15. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    I can go through this and show it all means little. But what would mean something if Trump does What I outlined in another post…Increase the aid, no strings attached, my figures on money may be arguable but not the essence of all out defence of Israel.

    “These are the reasons I argue for the aid continuation and massive increase.

    1. The American elites highly involved in the Holocaust of the Jews

    2. A large section of the American people today support Jews and Israel.

    3. Israel is a small country besieged by Islam and Christian Antisemitism, and also is a defence against schemes for EU type world government. Defence of nation is a principle wrapped up inside of Zionism

    Having said that I would campaign to have this aid or help increased to at least a trillion. Trump has wasted 6 trillion.

    I would have the ideas of Martin Sherman on all fronts especially the truthful telling of the Jewish story in the world aided by a hundred billion.

    In other words for the American people to insist on their government giving massively no strings attached.

    And take THAT fight up. The American people and all good people will respond.”

    And publish this dammed deal thing so we know what this character is made of.

  16. @ Wooly Mammoth:
    What has “gay marriage” got to do with anything here? You are off your rocker!

    And what does this mean except you are a nasty individual and a homophobic as well. An evil one who does not know the history of the Nazi Holocaust.

    “Jesus loves you Quiglingtonston, The Pink Elephant in The Room.”

    But what I said remains true. By the way check my words I never said you were an antisemite. I said you were helping the Antisemites like AOC.

    These are the reasons I argue for the aid continuation and massive increase.

    1. The American elites highly involved in the Holocaust of the Jews

    2. A large section of the American people today support Jews and Israel.

    3. Israel is a small country besieged by Islam and Christian Antisemitism, and also is a defence against schemes for EU type world government. Defence of nation is a principle wrapped up inside of Zionism

    Having said that I would campaign to have this aid or help increased to at least a trillion. Trump has wasted 6 trillion.

    I would have the ideas of Martin Sherman on all fronts especially the truthful telling of the Jewish story in the world aided by a hundred billion.

    In other words for the American people to insist on their government giving massively no strings attached.

    And take THAT fight up. The American people and all good people will respond.

    But you do the opposite and hand victory to the antisemites like Sanders and AOC.

  17. @ Felix Quigley:
    a)Got out of the Iran Deal (b) Recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights (c) Cut aid to the PA and UNRWA, (d) recognized Jerusalem, moved the embassy and passports to say born in Jerusalem, Israel (e)appointed pro-Israel UN ambassadors and withdrew from antisemitic UN Human Rights Committee ((f) withdrew from committment to Two State Solution and stopped pressuring Israel about Jewish Settlement. (g) Threatened the ICC that if they move against Israel it’s an attack on the U.S. (h) increased aid to Israel despite Obama ordering that Congress couldn’t increase the aid for 10 years.

    He’s done a lot of other great things, too but that’s enough for me. These are the things that determine how I vote. Dayenu. Do you know what that means?

    As far as Syria and other foreign policy issue go, I trust his judgement and I don’t expect him to to be predictable, nor do I want him to be. He’s playing a complicated long game and we have to see how it plays out. That’s why we have elections every 4 years and not every week.

    Savage is too full of himself. I can’t listen to him so I didn’t know.

  18. @ Felix Quigley:
    I don’t listen to Michael Savage much so I didn’t know, and what’s more, I don’t care. He kept the following promises: He removed the committment to the Two State Solution and stopped pressuring Israel about Jewish settlements. He ended aid to the PA, UNRWA and the UN Human Rights Committee. He is pressuring Universities to stop antisemitism in Middle East studies programs. He recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. He got out of the Iran Deal. He’s supporting all of Israel’s military actions, He appointed UN ambassadors that always defend Israel in the UN. He is building the wall. He got out of the Paris Accords and NAFTA. He negotiated fairer trade deals with Canada, Mexico, Japan, and other countries and is in the process of negotiating a better deal with China. He has been cutting regulations, making the U.S. energy self-sufficient and soon to be a major exporter of oil. He has jump started the U.S. economy. Minority unemployment is at an all time low. He has cut funding for Planned Parenthood. He has signed a crime bill that sets lesser penalties for non-violent drug offenses and offers community service paths back to society that has disproportionately helped Black Men. He signed or is trying to get signed a bill that makes drugs for seniors, in particular, cheaper by making it legal to order from Canada where the same drugs are cheaper. He reversed Obama’s executive order that said that Congress couldn’t increase the aid to Israel and he increased it. That’s just all I can think of at the moment. Oh, yeah, he moved the Embassy to Jerusalem, recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and now, ordered all passports of people born in Jerusalem to say, born in Jerusalem Israel!

    Wow, any of the Israel-related things he’s done is plenty for me. They named a neighborhood after him in the Golan Heights, “Trump Heights.” They are naming parks and subway stations after him. He is a hero there. This is a pro-Israel site, you know.

    Syria is infinitely debateable but it is not an election issue for me. I trust his judgement. That’s why we have elections every four years and not every week. We will have to see how it plays out.

  19. @ Laura:

    Laura, I agree it seems that way, but; sadly, the perceived anti-semetism was always there on the right as well as the left.
    This is the reason Israel is constructively work toward becoming independent, especially from the necessity to accept financial aid. It is something to slowly work toward. I am optimistic.

    It can not be ruled out considering the formidable intelligence and commitment to these goals by Israelis.

  20. Though the democrat party has gone full-fledged anti-Semitic, I find a disturbing trend of anti-Semitism creeping back on the right as isolationism and populism become increasingly popular among conservatives.

  21. @ Felix Quigley:
    Folks, we all know The Quig Pro Quo likes to “project” rather than bother to think and understand what other people actually mean. I am not going to respond in kind to the ad hominem. I always find his comments to be irrelevant, so this one is no different. Actually it is a complement as I am in good company. He probably thinks I am opposed to gay marriage too.
    Jesus loves you Quiglingtonston, The Pink Elephant in The Room.
    Just for starters, I made it clear I was projecting into the future when Israel will me self sufficient, that is, not dependent upon The US for financial assistance. That is, I am certain a goal of every government of Israel since Ben Gurion. How I become an “anti Semite or a supported of AOC is beyond me.

  22. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    Yes on his first morning 3 years ago.

    but consider this. Trump made promises on election night to Michael savage, which was to travel immediately to Syria, (he meant indeed was explicit with Savage before the Inauguration) and do a deal with Putin, and I presume with Putin and Assad, to defeat ISIS. An Alliance against ISIS which is also an alliance against Islam.

    But Trump did not do this.

    The reality is that Trump betrayed and betrays. So the future as I see it is Trump wins again and America is led by a betrayer who cannot oppose Islam in America. Or he loses and Islam is given even more of a boost by a Democratic party assisted by Left Fascists actively promoting Open Doors and Islam.

    So your comment is deceptive and leaves out, or covers for, the massive and historical betrayal of Trump

  23. @ Wooly Mammoth:

    So you are on the same side of the Antisemites like AOC who want to stop help from America to the Jews and Israel.

    The Antisemites like AOC will just love hearing stupid people like you.

    You are really so stupid. Such a stupid man or woman you are.

    Have you not thought this out, that you are doing exactly the work of BDS.

    Why do you then write on a Jewish site. Why not join BDS?

    Why does Belman not scrap people like you because you are IN EFFECT a traitor to the Jewish people.

  24. Well….this is the “Progressive Agenda”.
    Israel has to prepare for the day when it will have to “pass” on US aid for good reason. When asked, “…why is Israel declining such generous AIDS to Israel, reply, ” Sorry, just too much liability…”.
    In the meantime, it should take advantage of this next year to build and build and build, everyplace and demolish the illegal structures, paid for by the dreck Europeans, every single one. No exception.
    Bennet deserves the Defense Ministry. If Netanyahu can not find the courage by now. Retire him.





  26. Trump needs to designate all organizations like CAIR as foreign terror entities and shut them down, deporting all who are foreign born and prosecuting or interning the rest.

  27. The prime directive of Islam is obedience. The question remains who are these New Rising Star politicians obedient to?