World War III is Here and We’re Losing It

By Daniel Greenfield, 07 Nov 10:26 AM

World War III is everywhere and nowhere. Politicians and pundits predict it and warn about it as they’ve been doing for 70 years. And for all of that time we’ve been fighting World War III.

Is WWIII in Iran or Ukraine? Yes in its own way. Is it in the confrontations in the South China Sea, the Hamas attack on Israel or in the riots in the streets of our own cities? Also all yes. Not to mention cartels smuggling drugs and foreign influence operations being run in D.C.

And it’s in a thousand other incidents and crises, some that make the news and some that don’t, but that are all around us and others which have long become part of our history. It’s all WWIII.

“I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones,” Einstein was quoted as saying. But Albert was as good at physics as he was bad at politics and he had it the wrong way around. It’s WWIII that‘s fought with stones.
The atomic bomb, but not just it, had ended world wars as we knew them. Even more decisively than Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States had conclusively demonstrated that nations with superior production capacities combined with manpower and technological advancement will win any world war. For the Soviet Union, a world war against the country whose factories had supplied it with everything it needed to beat the Nazi war machine was unthinkable.

Instead the Soviet Union launched its own third world war fought not with atom bombs, but in some cases with stones and sticks, but mostly a political war that depended on spreading Communism, building third world alliances, and subverting America from within. It won that war even as its politics and economics imploded, finally leading to the fall of the Soviet Union.

While the United States was the last man standing in the Cold War, after paying a bloody price from Korea to Vietnam to the Middle East, it had inherited a world order shaped by the USSR. America had built multinational institutions, beginning with the United Nations, that had been hijacked by what we, in less politically correct times, would have called ‘subversives’.

Asia, Latin America and the Middle East were dominated by socialist and nationalist movements that had been allied with the Soviet Union and shaped by its Communist ideologies. All that the fall of the USSR did was cut off some of the funding. It also encouraged China to step into Russia’s place as a much more credible peer rival to the United States and the West.

But it wasn’t China that picked up the Soviet mantle: it was the Islamists, many of whom we had nurtured as anti-Communists. From Iran to the Muslim Brotherhood, they were the ones with a global vision, a knack for running secret organizations and a murderous belief system that was just as compelling to its adherents as Communism was to its acolytes earlier in the 20th century.

While most people still think of WWIII as some grandiose phenomenon in which nuclear weapons will rain from the sky leaving behind a poisonous wasteland filled with lurching zombies, the real world war was being fought before many of us were born. WWIII does look like Ukraine, but it also looks like Vietnam and like Iran bombing the Marine Barracks 40 years ago. And it’s also China stealing our technological secrets and barraging us with propaganda.

WWIII is small scale and deep. It’s compact proxy wars that fall short of a nuclear exchange. It’s information warfare that exploits our weaknesses. and It’s ideological, economic and social. Instead of nuclear explosions, it’s narrow territorial conflicts, it’s influencers on social media spreading lies and it’s hacking attacks. It’s death by a thousand cuts rather than one big smash.

The winners and losers of the first two world wars were conditioned by their history to think of a world war as something apocalyptic, but WWIII as it is now is being fought by nations and movements that were on the sidelines or bit players in those conflicts, but who have absorbed the post-war strategies of those wars that terrorism, guerrilla warfare, influence campaigns, economic warfare and limited hostilities are better tools of ju-jitsu against great powers.

The WWIII that so many imagined never came because we were the victims of our own success. With or without nuclear weapons, no one wanted to fight an unrestricted global war against us so they found ways to undermine us, to tie us down and small wars to drag us into. They focused on undermining our morale, fracturing our society, turning our youth against us, corrupting our morals, buying out our economy and invading us through immigration.

While we still keep waiting for a big war to begin, our enemies have been winning it. World War III is here and we’re losing it because we don’t see what’s going on around us as a war.

And so we never really fight back.

A world war plays to our strengths and our enemies, from the Soviet Communists of the Cold War to the Chinese Communists of today, from the local and international Marxist and Islamist coalitions, prefer to exploit our weaknesses. We may have the strongest army, but the worst internal security. There is nothing stopping foreign enemies from robbing us, ripping us off or just walking across the border. We hate the idea of war so we bribe our enemies to leave us alone, to return our citizens that they have taken hostage, and to win their hearts and minds.

Why try to tangle with an Abrams tank or an A-10 when you can bribe our politicians, corrupt our universities and fund terrorist groups to attack us around the world. That’s the real WWIII.

Americans have a weakness of thinking that history begins and ends, that it explodes outward in world-changing events, when history is just a record of the things going on around us. The world wars were not abrupt cataclysms that divided the past and the future, they were extensions of events that had been underway. War has a way of marking periods in time, but the absence of great wars is not an absence of history: it just means that they are being fought by other means.

Our unhealthy obsession with World War III has all too often blinded us to what is going on around us. We did not take Islamic terrorism seriously because our enemies seemed too small and backward. And we only view small wars in terms of their risk of exploding into big wars as if the only wars that really matter are the ones that might lead to the ‘Big One’.

Instead of fighting a war as we imagine it to be, we need to be ready to win the ones we’re in.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.
November 8, 2023 | 2 Comments »

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  1. This is a very interesting article, which explores concepts of asymmetric and unrestricted warfare.

    The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has a manual first published in 1999, which argues that modern warfare “is about impeding the enemy’s ability to wage war and to defend itself against a barrage of attacks against its economy, its civil institutions, its governmental structures, and its actual belief system. This is not a manual for achieving an overnight victory. Rather, it is a recipe for a slow but inexorable assault on an enemy’s institutions, often without the enemy’s knowledge that it is even being attacked.”

    For those interested, this manual is here:

    It is required reading at West Point. It should be required reading for all Americans.

    This is the strategy set forth in Unrestricted Warfare, waging a war on an adversary with methods so covert at first and seemingly so benign that the party being attacked does not realize it’s being attacked. In the age of the worldwide internet, what seems like the free flow of information is also an open door policy for one country to insert its propaganda into the thinking and belief systems of its enemy.

    The article above by Daniel Greenfield describes the success of the Chinese military strategy of unrestricted warfare in the United States.

    Similarly, the KGB had an approach to unrestricted warfare as described in the YouTube video of KGB informant Yuri Bezemov, who said that indoctrination would begin in the American elementary schools and proceed to high schools and then secondary education in college and university and in one generation Americans would be anti-American and pro-socialist or Communist.

    Now we can all just acknowledge that this has been successful, the infiltration of all our institutions has worked, and the US is no more, or we can consider inherent flaws in these plans.

    The main inherent flaw in these infiltration and indoctrination plans is that the people of the United States have a history of liberty that is unlike that of the Russian or Chinese people. It is unlike that of most countries in the world. Very few, if any countries have a history of liberty as the foundation of the country’s values.

    In addition, the American history is one of successful rebellion against a major world power, while the American colonies were still barely peopled and in no way had anything like the prosperity of England’s monarchy.

    The successful rebellion led to American independence, and the creation of a government in which the sovereign were the people, and the purpose of government was to assist the people of each colony or state in forming a unified government of the states.

    So it is possible for a time to indoctrinate young people in Marxist ideology and woke fanaticism, but these ideologies conflict with the mass of Americans who are not the bi-coastal elites who understand our history and will not tolerate the country becoming socialist or Communist. So the young people will first have to convince the mass of Americans that they are wrong, or else the young people will find out that they, themselves are wrong about this country.

    Americans find themselves at a crossroads, similar to that of the colonists, who felt that when a government fails to secure the natural rights of its citizens, that government must be overthrown and rejected and replaced with a government that more effectively secures these natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    If a few thousand colonists could end the tyranny of one of the greatest and most powerful countries on earth in the few years after 1776, Americans can end this tyranny now too.

    We are going to have to, because no one will do it for us.

    Our current government is using the powers of a vast and powerful surveillance state to target patriots for this very reason! The police state they are in the process of developing is a sign of weakness. It is a sign that those in charge know their policies are profoundly unpopular and have failed Americans in every single area of life.

    They have failed to bring prosperity to Americans. They have failed to bring peace to Americans. They have failed to secure our border from invasion. They have failed to create safe and secure cities. The cities they have created are full of filth, crime, and illegal drugs. Criminal gangs own the southern border. Human trafficking of children is being exploited by members of our own government for profit. Our government has become a criminal cartel, and it protects the criminals in government and outside of government at the expense of the law abiding citizens.

    Those in government know the people have rejected them so they are trying by means of force to hold onto power, but the more they try this, the more the people see their weakness and criminality.

    It is time for them to give up, because they cannot stop the Americans who are patriots from seeing the truth. It is just a matter of time, before a landslide of Americans makes known that this government has utterly failed in all its responsibilities.

  2. American elites are corrupt, they will sell at bargain the rope to be hanged by Iran ( let them have nukes , it’s a matter of pride ..) , they will fight up to the last ukrainian and also lose this war ( after having skillfully provoked Russia for 12 years )..let’s keep on trading with China in unfair, disloyal manners ..China is our future jail warden …and let’s take care of wokism-islamism- palestinism-ecologism ….we need to have fun too…