Wisconsin Supreme Court Reversed Themselves – Approves Widespread Use of Mail-In Ballot Drop Boxes

Peloni: Is anyone in the RNC paying attention to this??  CC: Laura Trump

Sundance | July 6, 2024

Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never watch the performance and not see them.

Last weekend James Clyburn visited 10 key ballot counting precincts in Wisconsin {link}.  On Friday George Stephanopoulos interviewed Joe Biden from Wisconsin {link}. Today, the media is full of the story about how the Wisconsin Supreme Court has reversed its own prior ruling and will now expand the use of ballot collection boxes.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Friday that officials can place ballot drop boxes around their communities in this fall’s elections, overturning its own ruling two years ago limiting their use in the presidential swing state.

The court limited the use of drop boxes in July 2022, ruling then that they could be placed only in local election clerks’ offices and no one other than the voter could return a ballot in person.

Conservatives controlled the court at that time, but Janet Protasiewicz’s election victory in April 2023 flipped the court to liberal control. Seeing an opening, Priorities USA, a progressive voter mobilization group, asked the court in February to revisit the decision.

At least 29 other states allow for absentee ballot drop boxes, according to the U.S. Vote Foundation, and expanded use in Wisconsin could have major implications in the presidential race.

Wisconsin again figures to be a crucial swing state after President Joe Biden barely won it in 2020 and Donald Trump narrowly took it in 2016. Democrats believe that making it easier to vote absentee will boost turnout for their side. (more)

In 2017 California hired former Attorney General Eric Holder to oversee the Secretary of State office creating a new voter registration link to the Dept of Motor Vehicles.

In the midterm election of 2018, the first California widespread mail-in ballot program was used.  California Republicans won races on election day, then lost massive seats in the days and weeks that followed.

CALIFORNIA – […] Five California counties—Madera, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento, and San Mateo—implemented a new model of conducting elections for the first time in 2018. In these counties, every registered voter was mailed a ballot, and voters had the option of returning their ballot by mail, at a ballot drop box, or any vote center open in their county.

All five counties exceeded the statewide turnout rate of 64.5%.  All five counties saw voter turnout that was higher than the county average during statewide gubernatorial general elections during the previous 20 years.  (FULL DATA)

What is a representative from South Carolina doing in Wisconsin on June 28 and 29, visiting ten key ballot counting precincts in three key cities, Madison, Milwaukee and Beloit?

The timing here is not coincidental.

Sunday June 30th

Tuesday July 2nd


Internal Link



Ballots in the mail are apparently very important to My Vote Wisconsin.

(Via AP) […] The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Friday, July 5th, that officials can place ballot drop boxes around their communities in this fall’s elections, overturning its own ruling two years ago limiting their use in the presidential swing state. {link}

Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.

July 7, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. @JG

    They say citizens have no “standing.”

    My comment: Indeed, I was just pointing that out to somebody yesterday to no avail. Like talking to a wall.

    You know, I think the Supreme Court – all these cowardly, perfidious courts – should be sued (can judges be sued?) for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. No standing, indeed!

    Well, just “gag me with a spoon.” 😀

  2. …and the Supreme Court supports election fraud by refusing to adjudicate any cases brought by AG’s, citizens or anyone else as to the industrial scale election fraud as they claim citizens are not remotely hurt by who is elected.

    They say citizens have no “standing.”

    I suggest Chief Justice Roberts might inquire of any European Jews left from 1945 as to whether the elections in 1933 Germany mattered at all to them. According to SCOTUS, apparently not at all. Then again the German courts were of the same mind in so far as Jews having any rights at all.