Wisconsin Investigators Allege Illegal Aliens Are Flooding the Voter Rolls in Swing States

by Jay Valentine at Omega4America.

Leftist election fraud happens every 2 year cycle – it just happens a little differently each time.

In 2024, the unique new fraud scheme – demonstrated in the data – at scale, in multiple states – now – is allegedly registering illegal aliens, flown in via the Biden Express, delivered to newly formed homeless addresses – then sending the migrants on their way – and collecting their ballots – and voting them.

This was discovered by the Wisconsin team – using INNOVATION.

This is happening at super scale – think hundreds of thousands already – it is completely invisible to all current relational technology. It is equally invisible to the RINO bunch telling you to vote early, ballot harvest and do not question elections.

The only difference is in 2024, the Wisconsin team found it early – and has a successful, tried and proven strategy to fight it.

Here’s the scam.

Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and then allegedly register them.

The details are fascinating.

These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.

We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on Omega4America.com.

The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote.

Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.

In a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”

Or someone can do it for them! What can go wrong?

This is what the Republican Party allowed to happen – bending over and taking it – with literally zero push back.

This is what the national voter integrity orgs – and their dopey donors – allowed. Maybe instead of raising millions of dollars for “voter guides” and useless seminars, they would invest in opposing this kind of madness. But, they passed.

This is just the start.

Fraud is interesting when you study it for decades.

March 25, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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