Will Quebec Decide to ‘Reasonably Accommodate’ Islam?

By R. John Matthies, The American Thinker

As religious prescriptions for living lately have come to be infused into daily life in novel and provocative ways, the question is often posed: Has the presence of Islam changed the face of social relations in the West? The question has especially animated Canada’s bilingual Quebec province – a political entity that seeks to apply the rule of law to all its residents, without exception. This is a debate we’d do well to consider, as voices raised to implement and to protest exceptions to the law become more frequent, more strident, and more divisive.

In the beginning was the town of Hérouxville (motto: Carpe Diem), whose municipal council unanimously adopted a code (in English and in French) of “societal norms” in January. These applied to the town’s 1,300 residents, but concerned future resident immigrants, especially. Most noted was language condemning public stoning of women and genital excision.

The point? The fact that “men and women have the same value.” And that from this derives “a woman’s right to drive an automobile, vote her conscience, sign checks, dance, and decide for herself.”

The town’s normative code also remarks that Quebeckers are wont to decorate Christmas trees and patronize physicians of either gender, that cuts of pork and beef may very well mingle on the butcher’s table, and that girls and boys do swim together.

This being, the charter continues, “we consider it unacceptable to stone women to death in the public square, or to burn them alive, disfigure them with acid, or subject them to genital mutilation.”

It also requires residents to expose their faces, at all times, in public, for purposes of identification (All Hallow’s Eve excepted).

The Hérouxville code was inflammatory by design, and resembles the resolution, passed unanimously by Quebec’s National Assembly in May 2005, that opposed the creation of Islamic tribunals in the province (and across the nation, they hoped). This resolution was the product of disputes that had gripped Ontario over the reasonableness of Islamic arbitration, and made Quebec the first province to expressly forbid Islamic (sharia) law.

After the vote, the Premier noted:

    “It’s important to send a very clear message that there’s one rule of law in Quebec.”

    “In our case, we are very much an inclusive society, but a society that will govern itself by one set of rules.”

Quebeckers largely agreed, and 80% of those surveyed in February claimed to support the elimination of religious accommodations across the province.

Finally, the Hérouxville “norms” raised such a chahut (ruckus) across the province that Quebec Premier Jean Charest felt impelled to charter a special commission to examine the lengths to which the province ought to “accommodate” religious minorities. And in a surprising turnaround two weeks later — on the heels of a visit from a Muslim women’s delegation, and threats of action by the Canadian Islamic Congress and the Canadian Muslim Forum — “genital excision” and “public stoning of women” were dropped from the code for reason of perceived anti-Muslim bias.

And yet, Quebeckers did not abandon the discussion of religious concessions; the Hérouxville code served to ferment the debate, which has exploded into view since the Premier’s commission began its work this month. Since January-and in the last weeks, expecially-the number of articles published on the subject of “reasonable accommodations,” and the commission’s own charter, has become difficult to ignore.

September 16, 2007 | 2 Comments »

2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. It’s unbelievable that there even has to be the need for such a resolution in a western country in the 21st century. And it is even more astonishing that “genital excision” and “public stoning of women” were dropped. There is no room for such barbaric practices in western societies and those who engage in this behavior should be imprisoned. This crap doesn’t belong here, period. No accommodations should be made to islamists, if they don’t like it, get the hell out. We did not drag them here kicking and screaming, they chose to immigrate to western countries, and either they leave behind these medieval practices or they must leave our countries. We cannot give an inch as Jonathan points out.

  2. Unfortunately there is no such thing as to “reasonably accommodate” Islam. Their goal is clearly to gain one inch at a time and proceed from there. The only choice is complete accommodation or no accommodation. This applies of course to Sunys and Shia, not to Druse, Bedouin, or Bahai

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