Peloni: This article was written before Trump became president, but the arguments are still relevant and important.
By Walter E. Block
Will Iran Drop a Nuclear Weapon on Israel? The jury is still out on that one.
On the one hand, according to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: “No, we aren’t thinking about nuclear weapons. I have said many times that our nuclear weapon is this nation. Our nuclear weapons are these youths. We don’t want nuclear weapons. A state that has so many young believers and this unified nation doesn’t need nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons, their production, storage, and use, each has a problem. We have also expressed our religious opinion, which is clear, and everyone knows it.” He went on to say that that the “use” of nuclear arms is “haram” (forbidden).
On the other hand its leadership has stated that “Iran warns it will change (its) nuclear doctrine if (its) ‘existence (is) threatened.’” And what, in turn, would count as a threat to the very existence of Iran? If Israel were to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities, something the Jewish state is indeed very likely to do, opposition from the Biden-Harris administration or no opposition from the Biden-Harris administration. Under Trump, opposition of this long overdue act is far less, possibly zero.
However, if there is even the slightest chance that Iran will develop its nuclear capacity, and then drop an H bomb on Israel, and there is indeed more than just a slight chance that this will occur, then the safety of the Jewish state requires that it do everything possible to ensure that such an occurrence never takes place.
One step in the right direction in this regard is to bomb into smithereens the nuclear capacity of the Persian state. Israel should immediately cease and desist from placing such great present weight on dealing mainly with Iranian proxies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthies, and focus almost entirely on the head of its major enemy, Iran.
This does not mean no effort at all should be spent upon dealing with these minor leaguers of terrorism; no, they deserve a good slap with the back of the hand. Hamas for its inexcusable brutality of October 7; Hezbollah for its inexcusable rocketry into northern Israel; the Houthies for their inexcusable interference with shipping as well as their bombing of Israel. But the major emphasis should be placed on dealing with the nation-destroying nuclear threat. It is time, it is way past time, for Israel to step up to the only other major leaguer in the Middle East, Iran, and in a devastating way, not limited to a few missiles and a few assassinations of several leading terrorists.
Israel’s main military might ought to be reserved for ensuring that its greatest threat, that emanating from an Iranian nuclear weapon, never comes to pass. Yes, it has to play “whack-a-mole” smiting the B team whenever they get too obstreperous, but always keeping its eye on the ball as they say in sports: a nuclear armed Persia.
What should the IDF do? Simple. First, bomb Iranian nuclear capacity back into the Stone Age. Second, while they are at it, pulverize, too, its factories, oil refineries, electrical generation, etc. That’ll teach them not to wage war, whether directly or by proxy, against the only civilized country in the Middle East.
Stipulate, arguendo, that Israel is itself nuclear armed. Should its air force drop a few of them into the men’s room in Tehran? No. There is only one country that had ever employed such weaponry. Israel should not become the second to do so. The destructive power of A bombs and H bombs, by their very nature, cannot possibly be confined to the guilty. These armaments must necessarily devastate innocents too. But a heavy Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear and industrial capacity, coupled with the usual pre-bombing civilian-warning leafletting of that country, is what civilized values requires; this, certainly, is within its ability.
But wait. There is a senile old coot in the US who adamantly opposes the Israeli destruction of Iranian nuclear capacity, or almost anything else for that matter. True, he happens to be the president of the United States. “Would you support an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites by Israel?” Biden was asked by a reporter. “The answer is no,” he responded. Should “the Zionist entity,” then, allow Iran to develop nukes? Yes, if this country wants to commit suicide. If not, then, not a bit of it. Biden’s advice, his threats, his imprecations, his deleterious whining, should all be ignored.
Why anyone should pay attention to the ravings of this man, when the very existence of the country is at risk, is beyond comprehension. Kamala ignores Biden. Obama does so too. Bibi Netanyahu should emulate the present Vice President of the US and this former president of that country, at least in this one regard.
But this action must be taken soon. The sooner the better. Assassinating Persian nuclear scientists is a step in the right direction. However, what is direly needed at present is quite a bit more ferocity. These are both direct threats to the very existence of Israel.
Yes, it cannot be denied, Iran is located some 1,000 miles away from Israeli launching pads. This should occasion no insuperable barrier for the Israeli air force, one of the very best on the entire planet. The men’s room in Tehran’s military central command desperately needs a serious refurbishing.
Should Israel formally declare war on Iran before the mopping up operation begins? At one time in world history, this was considered civilized. The last major war for which this practice occurred was World War II. It is time to revive this practice. But only if this decision can be made in five minutes or less, so great is the need for conquering Iran.
There is a major problem with Mr. Block’s suggestion that the IAF bomb the Iranian program back to the stone age. That fissile material lying around will be dispersed too if it doesn’t accidently explode as it was intended to. Although the fallout patterns tend to move eastwards, that is not a promise and as they say, you might actually be pissing against the wind.
Of course I agree with every word that Walter has written. It’s irrelevant to me when it was written. Why are some of the comments so rude?
Until Iran’s Ayatollah regime and its nuclear arsenal are wiped off of our planet, Israel and the rest of the world will remain a target.
The article was written shortly before Biden left office.
I guess word has not reached the Israpundit offices that Biden is no longer president. You really should try to keep up with current affairs.
At least one line has dropped out or has been left out of this column. Unclear when this was written. It seems to have been written when Biden was still president and Kamala was vice-president, from certain references in the text. Peloni, as usual, you don’t inform us where this was originally published and when. I always liketo have this information.