Wikileaks Reveals Alexei Navalny’s US Funding as Washington Exploits His Death

B. Kalman:  This video reviews the way US funded NGOs go into various countries, develop a network of “dissident” political groups, media, corporations, etc, in order to undermine a government that the US has deemed “undemocratic” and then proceed to create a color revolution to overthrow the government.  The US has done this in countries all around the globe.  Navalny’s activities concerned a US State department funded mission to overthrow the Putin government.  Mr. Berletic discusses the evidence for this so it becomes crystal clear who is responsible for what.  In a related substack (links below) there are concerns that the US likewise is now involved in a potential false flag attack in Poland to blame on Russia and Belarus.

By Brian Berletic, THE NEW ATLAS                        20 February 2024

– Alexei Navalny’s political activities were funded by the US government through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as part of an effort to repeat US-backed 2014 Ukraine regime change inside Russia itself.

– The Western media had previously (and reluctantly) revealed Navalny as far-right, racist, and xenophobic despite efforts to pass him off as a progressive pro-democracy activist;

– US government-funded polling agencies consistently found Alexei Navalny extremely unpopular in Russia with single digit approval ratings;

– After an alleged 2020 “Novichok” poisoning, Navalny’s popularity “surged” to 20% as the Western media accused Moscow of being behind the incident;

– The US is now exploiting the death of Navalny to advance its anti-Russia policy while the Western media collective omits all relevant context regarding Navalny’s background and US funding.


Is The West Plotting A False Flag Provocation In Poland To Blame On Russia & Belarus?


February 26, 2024 | 21 Comments »

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21 Comments / 21 Comments

  1. @inna2

    February 7, 2024: Ukraine’s National Memory Institute marks birthday of Vasyl Levkovych – commander of Nazi Shutzmannshaft and Auxiliary Police, the murderer of more than 4 thousand Jews of Dubno on October 5, 1942. In 1943 he joined UPA and took part in mass killings of ethnic Poles.

    Levkovych was buried at the Honorary Alley of Lytchakivske Cemetery in Lviv.

  2. @Inna1

    Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor
    Violence from Svoboda party activists a concern for some in small northern city.
    DECEMBER 21, 2015 17:41
    Updated: DECEMBER 22, 2015 02:55

    “Two months after local elections were held across Ukraine, residents of the small northern city of Konotop are expressing shock and dismay over the behavior of newly chosen Mayor Artem Semenikhin of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party.
    According to reports, Semenikhin drives around in a car bearing the number 14/88, a numerological reference to the phrases “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” and “Heil Hitler”; replaced the picture of President Petro Poroshenko in his office with a portrait of Ukrainian national leader and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera; and refused to fly the city’s official flag at the opening meeting of the city council because he objected to the star of David emblazoned on it. The flag also features a Muslim crescent and a cross.
    Svoboda, known as the Social-National Party of Ukraine until 2004, has been accused of being a neo-Nazi party by Ukrainian Jews and while party leaders have a history of making anti-Semitic remarks, their rhetoric has toned down considerably over the past years as they attempted to go mainstream.”

  3. @Inna1

    The group’s activities date back to April 2014, after a collection of ultranationalists evolved into an irregular military detachment. The organisation took part in early post-Maidan hostilities in Mariupol against pro-Russia separatists, and was later formally incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard. The contingent has expanded over its history, becoming a battalion and, more recently, a brigade.

  4. I advise readers to pay very close attention to (all of) the HARD TALK BBC episode of recent vintage with Stoltenberg. The presenter is Sarah Montague a particularly lethal variety of the obnoxious BBC propaganda dept crop.

  5. Inna2

    To seriously ask THAT question shows immediately you have made no study at all of this issue and it is not working for you at all.

    The reason being some people on this site have (studied the issue) and no longer will be fooled by a lying BBC led Media.

    Not on Russia. Not on Israel.

  6. @inna2

    Why are you calling the Ukrainian Maidan -THE NAZIS COUP?

    He is calling it the nazi coup because the nazis carried out the coup.

  7. @Felix
    Yes, I recall reading that about Navalny’s wife some time ago. Also,

    Ideology is preventing people seeing what is in front of their eyes. Often happens.

    A very valid observation.

  8. Peloni…as to why Navalny returned it may have just been an act of despair. But a small detail. Sometimes Mothers know more. I read her statement and she blames his wife for much of this, but this is a murky world driven by CIA money, lies and ideological warfare, which sadly I see reflected here on Israpundit as well, not surprisingly. Ideology is preventing people seeing what is in front of their eyes. Often happens.

  9. Russia is divided. When Putin decided to invade many Russians got out to avoid fighting. They did not like war and that is a reality of life. But please take care here, historical care if you like, there is in Russia a memory of the Nazi invasion of Russia in 1941 so many also were ready to fight. Putin went in with one main argument – that Ukraine must be a neutral state and not be a member of NATO.

    Here as a Trotskyist I am critical. It was a tactical error which brings to mind Trotsky in disagreement with Lenin when Trotsky opposed Lenin invading Poland arguing in part that their side did not have a party there to mobilise support and warning that you need that. That was before Stalinism when FREEDOM of discussion reigned. It must be understood that when Trotsky lost the argument he backed the line of the winning majority. But events proved him right.

    But in our day as opposed to Civil War times having struck out against the Ukrainian Nazis of course I defended Russia AGAINST THE NAZIS OF THE MAIDAN COUP.

    I remain defending against the Nazis. Things are as they are.

  10. @Peloni @Inna

    “.Why…was he was being paid by the Americans…?

    Maybe he was a lobbyist like me? Did he have Pachelbel’s Canon and Eine Kleine Nacht Musik memorized? What instrument did he play? The article didn’t say. Who paid him? The groom? Before or after the wedding?

  11. @inna2

    Navalny did not have to manipulate his nation’s public against its own govt. There was no manipulation.

    So why was he being funded by the US if he was not acting on their behalf? Forgive me but this is silly.

    Russian economy is based on selling oil and gas, but the money do not go towards improving the living condition of Russian population. Siberia has been already given to China. It is called a 50 year lease, but the priceless trees are going to China from taiga for almost nothing, and it will never stop. Where do the money go, definitely not to people. It’s just a tiny episode.

    This may be meaningful to the Russian people, but it is irrelevant to the fact that Navalny was acting as an American agent.

    Russia is a tyranny. Navalny, as well as Nemtsov and other dissidents, wanted Russians to be free.

    If this is so, why did he sign up to be a tool of the American govt? Foreign agents are prosecuted for such things, particularly in tyrannical regimes. By the way, this is why the Biden family has not been prosecuted, because as you noted, the US is being run by a tyrannical regime which is being run by the Biden family. .

    So, going back to Navalny,

    Yes, let us focus on Navalny.

    he was a hero. He managed to organize people, to fight Putin’s tyranny, was not afraid to be killed, as Nemtsov and other dissidents were. I am not sure whether he received money from the US

    He did take the money. It is well documented. So why was this Russian patriot action on behalf of the American govt? This is a serious crime in any country, more so in a country where the nation is in a state of growing tension with the US as was Russia when Navalny was caught being financed by the Americans.

    Navalny was not used, he could stay in Germany after he almost died of KGB poisoning, he knew that Putin could kill him, but he returned to Russia to fight against the regime. Is killing a “severe penalty” he deserved? Thousands of Russians do not think so.

    If he wasn’t being used by the Americans why was he working for them?
    You say thousands of Russians do not think he deserved the death penalty. First of all there are about 150 million people in Russia, so thousands of Russians seems to be a small number, but in any event, he knew what he was doing when he returned to Russia as did Kara-Murza. They were looking for their incarceration to generate the basis of a popular revolt, but the truth is that the Russians have no opposition movement. They have people who oppose the govt but there is not organization which might take advantage of the thousands of Russians which you referenced, even if their were millions of them. Navalny was a fool, as was Kara-Murza. They may have done what they did out of love for Russia, love for freedom and for the benefit of all, but the truth is that they were acting on behalf of the Americans, and delivered themselves to be sacrificed for what they were being paid for, err, what they believed, while having no expectation that their sacrifice would generate anything. In truth, I believe that there could have been a potential for rioting in Russia after the war began, but it failed for two primary reasons. First, Putin was well prepared to stem the economic attack on the Russian people, who are tolerating their de-dolarized status quite well. Second, the west demonstrated their contempt and hatred for all things Russian, even ostracizing trees for the silly offense of just being called ‘Russian’. While Putin’s ability to survive the economic war was significant, I believe that the demonstration of Western hatred for all things Russian likely held a resounding effect on the Russian people.

    In any event, in all that you have stated, you still have not explained why, if Navalny was not an American stooge, spy, or tool, he was being paid by the Americans. It is an important point, as it demonstrates his corruption and guilt at the same time.

  12. @Inna2

    ‘Liquidated’: Two ‘Traitors Of Ukraine’ Killed In Separate Incidents

    Two Ukrainians who collaborated with Russian authorities have been killed — one in a shooting in a village southwest of Moscow and the other in a car bombing in the Russian-occupied part of Ukraine’s Luhansk region.

    Ukrainian law enforcement sources told RFE/RL on December 6 that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) “liquidated” former Ukrainian lawmaker Illya Kyva by shooting him to death in a special operation.

    Russia’s Investigative Committee later confirmed Kyva’s death and announced that a criminal investigation has been opened.

    The Investigative Committee said in a statement that an unknown person shot Kyva in the village of Suponevo southwest of Moscow and he “died of his injuries on the spot.”

    Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence, said in televised remarks that Kyva was “done,” adding that “the same fate will befall other traitors of Ukraine and accomplices of Putin’s regime.”

    Yusov did not say who was behind his death but said “justice takes different forms.”

    Kyva was known for his pro-Russian stance. A court in Ukraine’s western city of Lviv last month sentenced him in absentia to 14 years in prison after finding him guilty of high treason.

    After Russia launched its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Kyva moved to Russia, where he took part in televised pro-Kremlin talk shows and roundtable discussions.

    The death of the other Ukrainian who collaborated with Russia, Oleh Popov, a former de facto lawmaker in a part of Ukraine’s Luhansk region occupied by Russia, was also reported on December 6. Popov was killed by an explosive device that detonated in his car in the city of Luhansk.

    The Investigative Committee said in a statement that it launched a probe into Popov’s death.

    Popov headed the Russian-installed government’s committee on state security and defense, law enforcement agencies, the judicial system, and the protection of human and civil rights.

    Yury Yorov, a member of the de facto parliament in Luhansk, was quoted by Interfax as saying that in September 2022 an attempt was made on Popov’s life that he said was organized by the SBU.

    Several Ukrainian nationals accused of collaborating with occupying Russian authorities have been targeted in recent years, and some of them have been killed.

    Most recently, a de facto lawmaker of the Russian-installed regional assembly in Luhansk, Mykhaylo Filiponenko, was killed last month in a car bombing. Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence claimed responsibility for that killing.

    Russia has accused Ukrainian special services of organizing the assassinations. Kyiv rarely claims responsibility for the attacks.

    Days before Russia launched its ongoing invasion, Kremlin-backed separatist leaders of parts of Ukraine’s Luhansk and Donetsk regions asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognize the two regions’ independence from Ukraine.

    Russian lawmakers in mid-February 2022 also called on Putin to recognize separatist-controlled parts of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent states and ratified corresponding documents after Putin signed them.

    Moscow used the documents to justify its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, launched on February 24, 2022.

    With reporting by AP and Interfax

  13. @peloni1986
    “The use of foreign money to manipulate a nation’s public against its own govt would not be tolerated in the US, and it should not be tolerated in Russia.” Well, Navalny did not have to manipulate his nation’s public against its own govt. There was no manipulation. Russian public, forget about Moscow and St. Petersburg, live in poverty. Russian economy is based on selling oil and gas, but the money do not go towards improving the living condition of Russian population. Siberia has been already given to China. It is called a 50 year lease, but the priceless trees are going to China from taiga for almost nothing, and it will never stop. Where do the money go, definitely not to people. It’s just a tiny episode.
    “The use of foreign money to manipulate a nation’s public against its own govt would not be tolerated in the US, and it should not be tolerated in Russia. “ Don’t you know facts about the use of foreign money by American lefties including the Congress people, the Bidens? It’s strange if you don’t know it. What the US is doing about it? Nothing. Russia is a tyranny. Navalny, as well as Nemtsov and other dissidents, wanted Russians to be free. America is becoming a tyranny too, we see it on Jan. 6 case, with innocent people being put in prison. As of foreign interfering in national election – it took place. It seems that you do not know how voting machines work, how the the previous presidential election was rigged and what foreign participants were involved. It’s a big story. I do not have space here to discuss the situation in the US. You can read professor Halderman’s report to CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) about how the previous election was hijected. There are so much information about it, that people who want to know – know what is going on. There is civil war in the US, and the only escape is to elect Trump. So, going back to Navalny, he was a hero. He managed to organize people, to fight Putin’s tyranny, was not afraid to be killed, as Nemtsov and other dissidents were. I am not sure whether he received money from the US, but it does not change anything. Your last sentence: “Navalny allowed himself to be used to manipulate the Russian people against the Russian govt. Regardless of tyrannical nature of Russia’s govt, the penalty should have been severe for him being caught in such a foreign undertaking in Russia.” does not make any sense. Putin is a tyrant and aggressor with nuclear weapons. Navalny was not used, he could stay in Germany after he almost died of KGB poisoning, he knew that Putin could kill him, but he returned to Russia to fight against the regime. Is killing a “severe penalty” he deserved? Thousands of Russians do not think so.

  14. @Inna2

    Whether there was a US funding or not does not change the fact that there is tyranny in Russia.

    I emphatically disagree. What would we call a foreign power funding “the only real opponent” of the govt of Israel or the US? The use of foreign money to manipulate a nation’s public against its own govt would not be tolerated in the US, and it should not be tolerated in Russia. The claim that Russia is a tyrant govt, amusingly as if such a claim were exclusive to Russia, would only make the expectation of any response to be that much more immediate and the penalties that much more severe.

    In fact, what did they US do when the found foreign meddling in US elections? Ignoring the reality that the foreign meddling was actually part of the Russia Hoax to overthrow the US govt, the Russians were sanctioned, stripped of the use of their wealth in the open market and they were indicted for their abuse against the American people. Maria Butina was actually sent to prison on a plea deal to avoid spending the rest of her life in a US prison, even as the US govt was fully aware of everything that Butina was doing in the US and manipulated her to smear and condemn Donald Trump.

    What do you premise that they would have done to a US citizen involved in a Russian run against the govt? Look what the US justice system did to the January 6 defendants, who were completely innocent and not implicated in a foreign plot to challenge the govt. Many of the J-6 defendents have been placed in solitary confinement for years, many have yet to actually have had a trial.

    The use of foreign money to corrupt a national election is a serious offense in any democracy because it injects foreign interests over national sentiments. If this were an ally, anyone connected to such an operation would be seriously compromised politically and legally. If this were an enemy state, as the US has clearly positioned itself with Russia, this would make anyone connected to such an operation subject to treason charges.

    Navalny allowed himself to be used to manipulate the Russian people against the Russian govt. Regardless of tyrannical nature of Russia’s govt, the penalty should have been severe for him being caught in such a foreign undertaking in Russia.

  15. At this time, Navalny was the only real opponent of Putin. Dissidents, such as Nemtsov, Starovoytova, Politkovskaya, Novodvorskaya, and many others, were killed by Putin. Whether there was a US funding or not does not change the fact that there is tyranny in Russia. It is the same as it was under Stalin. Putin is a threat to Russia and to the world. Current events – his aggression against Ukraine, imprisonment of anyone who is against his dictatorship, killing Navalny – shows real Russia. Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, is a Russian puppet. Quote from the article you put the link to: “Lukashenko’s warnings should be taken seriously because they make sense… .” Really? It looks like the author has no idea what is going on in that region.