Omri Ceren has a great take on what went down at Obama’s meeting with Saudi King Abdullah.
- It didn’t get nearly as much play as it should have, but Obama’s June 2009 meeting with Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah ended with the monarch flying into a tirade and more or less telling the President to get a grip. This was the Riyadh meeting that Obama took on his way to his insulting and failed Cairo Speech, the better to prepare himself by visiting “the place where Islam began.” The sit-down was such a disaster that Dennis Ross was hurriedly brought into the White House and given a broader role, yielding the impression that the President wanted a Middle East adviser who kind of understood something about the Middle East – and didn’t think he had one.
There were two theories on why the meeting went so badly.
“On one side you had typical left-leaning foreign policy experts, the ones who had been advising Obama from the beginning and who now needed to explain why things turned out the opposite of how they predicted. Their approach to the Middle East is grounded in the two dogmas of anti-Israel foreign policy sophistication: (a) linkage, according to which Middle East pathologies are a result of the unresolved Arab/Israeli conflict rather than vice versa and (b) “if only Israel would…,” according to which the Arab/Israel conflict could be resolved were Israel to offer more concessions. They had promised that an “even-handed approach” to the Middle East that “put daylight” between the US and Israel would lead to Israeli gestures, at which point Arab regimes would reciprocate. Nothing of the sort came out of the Riyadh meeting. Instead of admitting that they had somehow gotten Saudi priorities or intentions wrong, that crowd doubled down and insisted that the Saudis cared so much about the Palestinians that Obama needed to put even more pressure on Israel to bring around Arab countries.
On the other side you had Middle East experts like Dan Diker, who insisted on One Jerusalem Radio’s Omri Ceren Show that the Saudis gave Obama a bruising lecture on what they actually care about, and it wasn’t the Palestinians. Under this theory King Abdullah expected to talk about militarily confronting Iran, and he couldn’t believe it when Obama kept reciting bromides about the earth-shattering importance of the Israeli/Arab conflict and his enthusiasm for solving it. That was a regular public topic between the two – Obama’s first talk with Abdullah focused on Gaza and the President later emphasized his abiding support for Saudi Arabia’s “Israel Has To Commit Suicide” plan – but the King kind of thought he was dealing with a serious person who could separate spectacle from policy. Instead he got the equivalent of an International Relations graduate student enamored with pseudo-sophisticated “insights” he’d gleaned from Arab media outlets. Ergo, meltdown.
Its a great article and includes many links. Plus references to Wikileaks.
Unless you are completely deluded you would know that prophecies are remembered very selectively, with all due respect to the Prophet Ezekiel. I don’t know what percentage of his prophecies came to pass.
Having said that, he is generally correct in this case though not literally correct, because the world’s two largest democracies, India and America support Israel. While the former’s support is more of the moral and economic variety, the only support that really counts is from America, because America is the only one who has and will go beyond moral support, as history has shown time and time again.
Don’t mind Max – he’s just jealous of the old prophets because he sees himself as a new prophet:-))
However, he writes wonderful movie scripts for the Mad Max movies, complete with fantasies of a Superclass who are plotting to destroy the rest of us – and thus their own income:-))
I guess this is how Max came up with his fantasies of a Superclass:-))
However, has anyone noticed that the Bible-thumping Yamit falls strangely silent when his buddy Max goes on a rampage against Jewish religious beliefs?
AiYa! People debating that their fantasy is more correct that the other one’s fantasy is ludicrous.
Stick with the politics and the real world. If your religion is all about fantasy stories then anybody can just make up any fantasy story they choose.
Actually, I believe the prophecy of the book of Jor-El where Superman will marry Wonder Woman and their seven progeny will save the earth from the Legions of the Demon.
Silly people – no wonder people blow themselves up when their parents repress their sexualities and tell them fantasy stories – are you people any different?
Americaneagle : I write with no hubris. I am only saying what the prophet Ezekiel has said. All nations will turn against Israel. America isn’t mentioned in the Scriptures, so I pray that America stands strong for Israel but with the muslim pretender in the White House, who knows. I pray for the peace of Israel.
Here’s how it works.
Yonatan writes that it is Hashem who is responsible for Israel’s survival. OK, fine.
Since Hashem doesn’t work directly, notwithstanding the Bible, and anyone with more than half a brain knows that Israel would have been toast by now without the US standing behind it, logic says that Hashem has been working through the US.
WOW – did you really just write that? Remember this statement a short time from now when you are looking around you and wondering “how did it come to this?”. If Hashem has truly used the US to help, the US is busy using their reserve of merit. And don’t bother replying with the “saved and grace” mumbo jumbo – I really don’t give a squat.
To paraphrase Steven Colbet: Truth has a prosemitic bias.
If any proof were needed to demonstrate that the G-d of Israel and the Christian gods are not one and the same AE, just provided us with it.
Don’t be a putz, Yonatan. Here on earth Hashem works through the benevolence of the US to make sure Israel survives and is able to defend itself.
Ezekiel 35:14
Thus said the Lord Hashem/Elohim: When all the earth rejoices, I Will Make you desolate. (15) In accordance with your rejoicing that the Heritage of the House of Israel had become desolate, so Will I Do to you; you shall be desolate, Mount Seir and every bit of Edom! Then they will know that I Am G-d.”
Ezekiel 35:
The Word of G-d Came to me, Saying, (17) “Son of man, the House of Israel dwell on their Land, and they have contaminated it with their way and with their acts; their way has become like the contamination of a menstruous woman before Me. (18) So I Poured My Wrath upon them, because of the blood that they had shed in the Land, and [because] they had defiled it with their idols. (19) I Scattered them among the nations and they were dispersed among the lands; according to their way and according to their acts did I Judge them. (20) They came to the nations where they had come, and they desecrated My Holy Name when it was said of them, ‘These are the people of G-d, but they left His Land.’ (21) I Took Pity on My Holy Name, which the House of Israel had desecrated among the nations where they came. (22) Therefore, say to the House of Israel:
(24) I Will Take you from the nations and Gather you from all the lands, and I Will Bring you to your own soil. (25) Then I Will Sprinkle pure water upon you, that you may become cleansed; I Will Cleanse you from all your contamination and from all your idols. (26) I Will Give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I Will Remove the heart of stone from your flesh and Give you a heart of flesh. (27) I Will Put My Spirit within you, and I Will Make it so that you will follow My Decrees and guard My Ordinances, and fulfill them. (28) You will dwell in the Land that I Gave to your forefathers; you will be a people to Me, and I Will be a Judge Over you. (29) I Will Save you from all your contaminations; I Will Summon the grain and increase it, and I will not inflict famine upon you. (30) I Will Increase the fruit of the tree and the produce of the field, so that you will no longer be subject to the shame of hunger among the nations. (31) Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good, and you will be disgusted with yourselves in your own sight because of your iniquities and because of your abominations. (32) Not for your sake do I Act–the Word of the Lord Hashem/Elohim–let this be known to you! Be embarrassed and ashamed of your ways, O House of Israel!
(33) Thus Said the Lord Hashem/Elohim: On the day when I Cleanse you from all your iniquities, I Will Cause the cities to be inhabited and the ruins will be rebuilt. (34) The desolated Land will be tilled, instead of having been desolate in the eyes of every passerby. (35) People will say, ‘This very Land, which had been desolate, has become like the Garden of Eden; and the ruined, desolate, and demolished cities have been fortified, inhabited!’ (36) The nations that remain around you will know that I, Hashem, Have Rebuilt the ruins and I Have replanted the wasteland; I, Hashem, Have Spoken and I Shall Act.
Bullshit – we are here not by the US’s grace but Hashem. The Saudi’s may be more worried about the Iranians, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want Israel served up on a silver platter also.
Where does such hubris come from? Israel would be toast without the US behind it.
We now know that the Saudis are far more worried about Iran and doesn’t give a hoot about Israel.
hijinx60-you are so right! Israel will stand forever, alone temporarity.
When I look at this pic on the top, all I can think of ‘this cretin’ bowing makes me sick in my stomach!
I also think that Obama, Hillary, Mitchell, and the rest of this incompetent team took their ‘personal’ hatred towards Israel in their own mind to bludgeon Isreal for suicide, while all the while were working throughout the Middle East to get support. Reality hit them over the head, and here we are-leaks they were never thought possible until Obama arrived!
Jerry: I see Israel standing, but alone, while a new confederacy arising in Europe consisting of ten nations will control all the Middle East and Europe.
John Bolton would have the leaker to Wikileaks tried for treason and probably hung, but BlandOatmeal would have the leaker deified. They are both right, unfortunately. Instead of speculation, there will be evidence. Instead of closed doors there will be open windows.
On the other hand, Bolton sees a conspiracy afoot here. If all sorts of websites can be dismantled, then why not Wikileaks? The leaks are permitted to stand because it serves someone’s purposes – Obama, no doubt. With this information available to the public, foreign affairs becomes a free-for-all. Instead of solutions and actions, the time will be spent distracted by discussions of motive and personal animosities.
When things get this complicated there is usually a war to simplify them. War produces deaths and single narratives, rather than conflicting ones. That is why Europe will not become Eurabia. It is too complicated to be stable. It is also why the EU will probably fall apart. It is too complicated to be stable. That is, it takes too much individual and social energy to maintain. That is precisely why Israel will persist as a Jewish state or it will not persist at all.
So, the conclusion one comes to is that the saudi regime is less consumed with Jew-hatred than obama.
An illustration of the sickness that is the oldest hatred; here is a comment following Reuters’ story on the many Saudi exhortations for the US to attack Iran:
Thanks, Ted. Even DEBKA didn’t give this much insight into what the papers revealed.
I imagine there are more surprises forthcoming: Before the papers were released, the scuttlebut was that Obama was contacting the ISRAELIS and TURKS to prepare them for possible embarrassment. Apparently, Obama & Co feel especially senistive about thowe two. Either Assange is witholding something from us for his own agenda, or Washington fears that Wikileaks knows something about Turkish and American double-dealing concerning Israel. Maybe we’ll see something about this in the next installment.
God bless Wikileaks.