Why would the US even think about cutting a deal with the mullahs

By Andrew McCarthy, NRO

Just the regime (Iran) that has been a state sponsor of terrorism for over 30 years, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and whose top policy imperative, since 1979, has been “death to America.”

Once again, the problem in Iran is the regime, not the nukes. The foreign policy of the United States should unapologetically and overtly be organized around the goal of regime change. That doesn’t necessarily require military invasion, although we should not shy from that when they kill and threaten us. But Obama — like his predecessors — is using the levers of American power in an effort to obtain a grand deal with the mullahs, myopically focused on nuclear power with no accounting of the regime’s much more serious decades of terror promotion and incorrigible anti-Americanism.

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Why would we even think about cutting a deal with the mullahs — on nukes or anything else? Nothing this regime could say or do at this point could be trusted. We should not want a deal with these guys, so it’s just mind-boggling that we keep groveling for one. We should want them gone, we should be squeezing them every way we can toward that end, we should make no secret about it, we should support the regime’s opponents in Iran, and we should make other countries understand that if they want to have cordial relations with Iran, we are going to make their lives difficult.

October 23, 2012 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. @ Yidvocate:
    This has been going on for more than 30 years, BHO was not there yet. But he tried the peaceful way with no result. Can & will he do what it takes??? Will his ideology stand in the middle?
    Why are the democracies standing by? Are they all stupid enough to believe that selling the Jews will solve their problem. Many are, but are they all!

  2. @ barbara dobbin:

    Obama is a very close friend of Israel, not of Bibi. Many in Israel share that view. Bibi is not Israel. Most of Bibi’s adversaries are Likud members and MK’s.So please make that very important distinction.

  3. @ barbara dobbin:
    Most of the Israeli government is very firm in their disclosure. THE CURRENT AMERICAN ADMINISTRATION HAS PROBABLY BEEN THE MOST SUPPORTIVE IN PROVIDING SECURITY ASSISTANCE TO ISRAEL. I would accept their words over the biased attitudes of the Belman’s of this world.

  4. Obama is no friend of Israel; in fact, he demeans Israel every chance he has. It is extremely naive of American Jews to view him as a ‘messiah’!But, most of them are Democrats!

  5. It’s based on complete and total ignorance!! The U.S. Govt.– The entire
    News Media– The Pulpits and Pews have little to no knowledge or understanding
    of why The Mind-Set of the Middle East is, has been and will be continue to be
    hostile and totally different from All others– including their own people. This
    Mind-Set began with Ishmael and his descendants and continues to prevail on a
    Global Scale. It’s what they do and will continue to do. WAKE UP!!

  6. @ terrence:
    >>Israel might talk attack, but without U.S. consent, it is not going to happen.

    Nonsense. When your only other choice is to be annihilated in a nuclear attack then you do the only thing left for you to do which is to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities before they get the bomb. Unfortunately, few in the US understand the magnitude of the Iranian threat.

    Matthias Kuntzel – Antisemitism, Messianism and the Cult of Sacrifice:The Iranian Holy War

    Why are Bernard Lewis’s views on MAD ignored?

  7. Question- What is the alternative to cutting a deal? No one in the U.S. would countenance another war. America is broke, demoralized and attempting to get out of the Afghan morass. Israel might talk attack, but without U.S. consent, it is not going to happen.

  8. “Cutting a deal” would imply that the Mullahs come clean, completely clean, lifting the veil, all the veils – if that should be possible. But is it possible for them to have gone so far towards achieving their secret nuclear dreams and – with or without taqiyya, come completely clean, transparent, verifiable, submitting to all and every possible inspection and monitoring etc etc…?

  9. Why would the US even think about cutting a deal with the mullahs

    Because BHO and his administration are fellow travelers and Jihad enablers.

    That’s why.

    Alternatively or in addition thereto, BHO is so narcissistic as to believe that his charm alone will convince the Mullahs to abandon their wayward ways.