“Why will the protest succeed? Support from the Hague Tribunal”

Peloni: It should be recalled that on September 6, a threatening statement against the Netanyahu govt was made suggesting that due to the pursuit of Judicial Reform by Bibi’s govt, the govt would find itself without the army, without Shin Bet, and without Mossad.  One month later, Hamas attacked the Otef, and as was threatened, the army and intelligence was seen to be terribly absent.  This statement was released via X by Shikma Bressler, who was the leader of the Black Flags, which is a violent activist group formed back in 2020 to manipulate the govt.  This is the same activist leader who is released a very revealing message, again via X, and is described in the following article.

Shakma Bresler shared the link, deleted it – and published an apology

One of the prominent leaders of the protest against the government shared a briefing document for activists under the title “A friend brings a friend” • In the sections “Why the protest is likely to succeed”, it is written that it is supported by the President of the United States, heads of government in the West and the Middle East and the Hague Tribunal – and because of “his illness of the Prime Minister” • In the end she deleted the link: “I shared a website where nonsense was written that has nothing to do with reality”

Or Ravid | N12 | May 26, 2024

Shakma Bresler, one of the leaders of the protest against the government, published a link that offers “tools for a conversation that will bring the members back to the protest.” The link included, among other things, “common positions against the protest” such as the claims that the demonstration raises the price of the kidnapped and harms unity. In the section called: “Why the protest is likely to succeed”, it is written: “Powerful international factors are helping the struggle, including: the President of the United States, heads of government in the West and the Middle East, and the Hague Tribunal.” In another section, it is claimed that the protest will succeed because “the public prosecution And the media for exposing the Prime Minister’s illness is increasing.”

After a few hours she deleted the tweet, and published a new post in which she retracted it. “Unfortunately, earlier today I shared a website where nonsense was written that has nothing to do with reality,” she wrote. “Of course I didn’t know the text in full and I wouldn’t have shared it if I did.”

From the briefing document for protest activists
Protest against the government in Kaplan Photo: Naama Zeevi Ravlin

The problematic content was written in “Restart – the site of the struggle for a democratic and liberal Israel”. In a post that she first wrote on social media, then deleted, Bressler emphasized the importance of reinvigorating the protesters – even those who do not find it appropriate to go out to protest in these charged days. “For the protest to be successful, more people are needed on the streets and in the networks,” she wrote. “The girlfriends and boyfriends don’t come? Come on – give them hope. Worn out? When the house is on fire – you find tremendous strength.”


In response to the position that “the demonstrations do not help because there is no chance of forcing elections on the government”, it is written on the “Restart” website that “the protest disrupts and will disrupt the lives of the prime minister and ministers, government operations, transportation and the economy. It exacts an internal and international price from the regime and damages its legitimacy. A broad demand to take responsibility for the failure and the unfolding destruction and to return the mandate to the public will sweep more publics suffering from the government’s crimes.”

The website also states that “the public and media demand for the exposure of the Prime Minister’s illness is increasing. Transparency and fairness to the public is required regarding his health ability to wage a multi-arena war.” It is also claimed that “the conscription law has the potential to bring down the government. It is the one that brought down past governments and this time too the ultra-Orthodox leaders are threatening to bring down the government if it passes.”

Later, the organizers of the protest also referred to the “need for security” and wrote that “the government isolates the families of the abductees and incites against them. It abandons the abductees by delaying and thwarting the chance of deals. The abandonment of the abductees to their death by torture, rape and murder means a breach of contract and a historic violation of our basic trust in the country. We demand To uphold the value of the mutual guarantee, a deal will be with the consent and guarantee of the security system.”

May 27, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. “the government isolates the families of the abductees and incites against them. It abandons the abductees by delaying and thwarting the chance of deals”

    How can you make “deals” with people whose sole goal in life is to kill you and all your fellow Jews?

    I agree with you Felix; without even considering the fine details, such people (the Black Flags) are living in the usual fantasy world, a world that is defined by an array of psychoses.

  2. Peloni thanks for finding this. It’s on the same level of poison comments I see on Irish sites. But being in Israel makes it lethal lethal.

    A close awareness of these political positions is very important.

    I look forward to contributions