Why the Palestinians Are Not like the Irish

By Mike Konrad, AM THINKER

President Biden’s recent comment at a Palestinian hospital in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel — where he compared the Palestinians’ situation to the Irish under British rule — could be dismissed as a simple gaffe, except that the false analogy (the technical terms is casuistry) is gaining ground in Europe for all the wrong reasons.

In simple terms, the Irish have almost nothing in common with the Palestinians — not in their history, not in their culture, not in their situation.

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Yes, the Irish were oppressed by the British, but that does not make them similar to the Palestinians, as if severe oppression were unique to the Palestinians.  It makes the Irish similar to much of humanity.

Let’s go over some facts:

1. The Irish are indigenous to Ireland.  They have roots going back thousands of years in Eire.  While I am not one to dismiss Palestinian nationality, it does not go back thousands of years.  In fact, it is the Jews who go back thousands of years in the Holy Land.  In the matter of indigeneity, the Irish are closer to the Jews.

2. The Irish — indeed, all of the Celts in general — are famous for strong women.  The Irish produced Grace O’Malley, the Pirate Queen.  The pre-English, indigenous British Celts produced Boudica, the queen who nearly drove the Romans out of Celtic Britain.And the Muslim Arabs?

The Muslims mutilate their women with FGM and honor-kill them to keep them terrified and weak.

The Jews, on the other hand, honor Deborah, one of their prophetesses, who showed more courage than the warrior Barak.

In the case of women, the Irish are closer to the Jews.  Jews and Celts produce strong women, while Muslims kill them.

3. And this is a biggie: the Irish really do drink.

Jews will drink, albeit moderately.  Observant Muslims don’t at all.  By inspection, the Irish and Jews are closer.

This is not laughable.  It indicates that the Irish and the Muslim Palestinians have genuinely different worldviews on basic levels.


July 16, 2022 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Not only that Sebastien, Note how the new “pride/trans” flag is a rainbow version of the LGBT murdering “palestine” rag.

  2. You need to remember that ol’dead-shark-eyes Biden like so many American Plastic Paddies supported the IRA that was bombing and maiming is way around the UK and like the vast majority of plastic paddies is a rabid Jew hater. US Plastic Paddies as well as supporting the IRA were fervent supporters of the PLO who coincidentally trained and provided arms for the IRA funded by Noraid Plastic New York Paddies. Why else would ol’dead-shark-eyes Biden be so keen, like the Israel hating Obama, to hand over billions of dollars to the Ayatollahs while pretending that it won’t allow them to build a nuke.