Why Romney and not Obama



[Yesterday] in Wisconsin, Mitt Romney delivered what his campaign calls his closing argument in support of his candidacy. It focused on the economy and featured Romney’s themes of change and optimism. Here are some excerpts:

    Four years ago, candidate Obama promised to do so very much, but he has fallen so very short.

    He promised to be a “post-partisan president” but he became the most partisan– blaming, attacking, dividing.

    He was going to focus on creating jobs. Instead, he focused on Obamacare, which killed jobs.

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    He said he was going to cut the federal deficit by half; then he doubled it.

    He said that the unemployment rate would now be 5.2%; today we learned that it is 7.9%–it is 9 million jobs short of what he promised. Unemployment is higher today than when Barack Obama took office.

    He promised that he would propose a plan to save Social Security and Medicare from insolvency. He did not; rather, he raided $716 billion from Medicare for his vaunted Obamacare.

    He would lower health premiums by $2,500. Now they are higher by $3,000. And gasoline? The American family pays $2,000 a year more for gasoline today than when he was elected.

    He said he would work across the aisle on the most important issues. He has not met on the economy, or on the budget, or on jobs, with either the Republican leader of the House or the Senate since July. Instead of bridging the divide, he has made it wider.

    How is it that he has fallen so short of what he promised? In part, it is because he has never led, never worked across the aisle, never truly understood how jobs are created in the economy.

    And today, he makes new promises, promises he will be unable to keep, because he admits that he will stay on the same path. The same course we have been on will not lead to a better destination.

    The same path means $20 trillion in debt, crippling unemployment, stagnant take-home pay, depressed home values, and a devastated military. And unless we change course, we may be looking at another recession.

    The question of this election comes down to this: do you want more of the same or do you want real change?

That is very strong stuff, which sums up the case for Romney. The rest of the speech was less focused, but included plenty of good moments:

    You know that if the President is re-elected, he will continue to promote government and demote business. He chose his own jobs council, made up of business leaders. And he hasn’t met with them in 9 months. 9 months.

    I like business, I don’t see it as a necessary evil. I see it as a means for people to fulfill their dreams. …

    You know that if the President is re-elected, he will say every good thing he can about education, but in the final analysis, he will do what his largest campaign supporters–the public-sector unions–insist upon. And your kids will have the same schools with the same results.

    When I am president, I will be a voice of the children and their parents. There is no union for the PTA. …

    If there is anyone worried the last four years are the best we can do, if there is anyone who fears that the American dream is fading away, if there is anyone who wonders whether better jobs and better paychecks are things of the past, I have a clear and unequivocal message: with the right leadership, America will come roaring back.

    We are Americans. We can do anything.

    The only thing that stands between us and some of the best years we have known is lack of leadership. And that’s why we have elections.

    This Tuesday is a moment to look into the future and imagine what we can do … to put the past four years behind us and start building a new future.

    You saw the differences when President Obama and I were side-by-side in our debates. He says it has to be this way. I say it can’t stay this way. He’s offering excuses, I’ve got a plan. He’s hoping we’ll settle. I can’t wait for us to get started.

    Americans don’t settle. We build, we aspire, we listen to that voice inside that says, “We can do better.” A better job; a better life for our kids; a bigger, better country.

    That better life is out there, waiting for us. Our destiny is in your hands.

Then on into the conclusion, which struck me as rather sappy; but then, I’m not an undecided voter. All in all, a powerful message and one that goes back to where the campaign started: with Obama’s terrible record on the economy, and his utter failure to make good on the promises he made in 2008.

November 3, 2012 | 71 Comments »

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50 Comments / 71 Comments

  1. A thought for Memorial day:

    There are 200 countries now. Do all our patriotic people think that God is sitting around picking out his favorites? Why would he do that? Why would God have a favorite country? And why would it be America or Great Britain or even Israel, or any western country. Is it because he has a preference for a particular flag, or national anthem? Does God favor America because it produces delicious pizzas? Now the other side has exactly the same mind set. A lot of delusional thinking. Military cemeteries around the world are packed with brainwashed dead soldiers convinced that God was on their side. America prays for God to destroy our enemies. Our enemies pray for God to destroy us. Somebody’s wasting their f—k-ng time. Could it be everyone is wasting their time?

  2. yamit82 Said:

    China Is Quietly Becoming Gold Superpower

    China is the nation that must be considered. It has its plans and there is no democracy to prevent them. They are pragmatic and consider their own long term interest not short term campaigning and certainly nothing touchy feely. They have no problem claiming what they want and it does not matter who is against them. They are focused and ambitious. The odds are in their favor and they will be accommodated. Profits from the US , etc. funds their military buildup and there is no turning them back now. Their energy and food consumption will drive up all prices.

  3. yamit82 Said:
    My last reply is in moderation

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promises that by the time his term is over, Iran will not have a nuclear weapons program. Certainly it is good to put Obama on notice so he has something to consider before returning to the attack.

    Does he keep his word or is it just talk to deflect the current “controversy”? what do you think about Olmerts reply

    “What is this talk about us being the ones to decide alone about our fate and not take anyone else into account?” said Olmert. “Someone please explain to me exactly with what planes we’ll attack if we decide to attack alone contrary to the opinion of others? Will it be aircraft we created here? With which bombs we will bomb? With bombs we made? And if we find that we are missing something, who will we ask for it? Those in the face of whom we spit today?

    Sorry to quote him, he keeps returning like a bad penny, but he was in the same article.
    So it is your thought that Obama would be good for Israel because it would cause Israel to be weaned off US aid. But what about US vetoes at the UN? How would Israel handle sanctions?

  4. yamit82 Said:

    They got rid of Both Saddam and Gaddafi because they were promoting the Gold dinar and were about to demand payment for oil in gold.

    There may be truth in this but I remember that with the african single currency the african states were afraid of domination by ghadaffi, he made a number of attempts to play africas leader. The other thing I remember reading was that Libya was about to make a massive deal to sell its oil to china which could explain the large European involvement as a lot of their oil comes from Libya. Do you know where Qaddafi and Libya’s gold is, actually a simple “robbery” could be reason enough for that amount. Ore thing always struck me regarding Bush Jr and Saddam: Saddam tried to have Bush Sr assassinated and for some sons revenge can be a motivator. Certainly it would be sweet to see Saddam arising from his hole, which apparently was what scared Qaddafi into his nuke surrender.
    When I see how so much of the worlds population has such blind hatred for the Jews I am not adverse to theme being imperialized or robbed or in chaos.
    yamit82 Said:

    I can accept the figure of half million kids. Even if the numbers were less so what,

    do you have any thing on this, I dont remember this story, and I just dont believe it. So much corruption was going on with oil for food program; maybe such figures were linked with that. Also, I remember at one time it was being claimed that Israel had massacred hundreds of thousands in Jenin. The news agencies use the same “reporters” who are arabs in the area.

  5. @ Bernard Ross:

    I don’t care who wins. Obama could be worse for you American Jews and at the same time be the best thing that happened to us since the felafel.

    Netanyahu: I Will Attack Iran Alone if Necessary

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promises that by the time his term is over, Iran will not have a nuclear weapons program.

    Between open hostility of an Obama and the insidious kind of a Bush and probably a Romney I prefer the open kind. You always know where you stand and allows one to preempt and to take necessary remedial actions. Enemies we will always have and America will always as it should be for America. Time for Israel and it’s few Jewish supporters to grow up.

  6. @ rongrand:

    I was going to email you to find out where you disappeared to? I never connected the storm with you?

    Glad to hear you are back in the saddle. 🙂

    Yamit, any chance Honey Bee is related to Ayn??

    Dunno, she has a good sense of humor but like me she is a lousy speller. Ayn could spell.

  7. @ Bernard Ross:

    They got rid of Both Saddam and Gaddafi because they were promoting the Gold dinar and were about to demand payment for oil in gold.

    The Gold Dinar: Saving the world economy from Gaddafi

    I can accept the figure of half million kids. Even if the numbers were less so what, there was a lot of them. Does it matter that America killed over a million Vietnamese or a half a million? Of the six or 7 million Jews who died in the holocaust well over a million died from disease and starvation.

  8. @ yamit82: I looked at the 2 links. the petro dollar one I dont really buy. I was immediately turned off with the 500k children who died in Iraq which reminded me of the Jenin massacre figures and the now syrian figures which all come from the same local “news” sources. Also,I think there are avenues of recourse if countries switch from dollare use. Furthermore, countries like china and russia in the past nationalized foreign holdings and canceled debt. If I owe the bank 100k I should worry but if I owe the bankk 100 million k he should worry. What will they all do with their US dollars if they switcch? America can hyperinflate the US dollar and make their debts worthless. It can issue new dollars only in the US and wipe out foreign holdings of US $. US has the ability to be almost self sufficient.
    Regarding the second link it stated they were both the same re states rights but Romney and the reps are for increasing state rights and controls. I have difficulty choosing between them for different reasons and one of those is Israel and the Jews and Obama has some very bad associations. I feel there is a personal hostility not only towards BB but also Israel by Obama and I dont think Romney would pressure Israel as much to come to agreement and give away land. I can see Obama taking the road of incitement against the US Jews. Also, I think Obama is getting the US into a real mess with the MB approach.

  9. @ yamit82:

    Yamit, any chance Honey Bee is related to Ayn??

    Been out of action for awhile, no electric, no cable however, can’t complain, unlike Israel no rockets raining on us.

    What worries me is the rockets may get bigger and travel further.

    Time to pull the plug on Gaza. Clean house and rid the land of the scumbag Hamas.

    Should never have given Gaza or the Sinai up.

    G-d willed the Holy Land to the Jews and I don’t recall Him giving anyone authority to give any of it away.

  10. @ yamit82

    The middle-east will never give up arms of any type including the arrow and the spear. I like the LDS, you can visit both Moab and Zion in the Beehive state with out leaving the USA. As you know the the three patrearches reside in Utah.

  11. @ yamit82:

    My Dad use to say when the Pole’s dogs give birth to kittens,they come for the Jews! Texas and Israel have a lot in common I believe, deserts,the Alamo,Mossada,tortillas and beans,pita and humas and of course lots of check-points.

  12. @ Honey Bee:

    What bit you today,this bee has been ceaning out the hive,big wind again, hive full of West Texas all over the floor. Cowboy in good old fatalistic manner say ” Que Sera,sera.

    Maybe cowboy is on to something!! 8) why disturb the bees when you can’t do much, maybe nothing to change things. West TX and The Negev have a lot in common.

    Must be because My dog is in heat and she is trying to do the cat. Most of the time the cat enjoys the attention but I think she has had enough of being licked and fondled. She needs her space. So she has retreated to my lap for protection and peace and quiet. Dog will have nothing of it and she sits watching us and drooling. They are driving me up the wall. “Que Sera,Sera” is good advice.

  13. @ yamit82:

    What bit you today,this bee has been ceaning out the hive,big wind again, hive full of West Texas all over the floor. Cowboy in good old fatalistic manner say ” Que Sera,sera.

  14. @ Bernard Ross:

    Tarpley is a fiscal conservative with a liberals soft heart for the disenfranchised. He is a strong anti war advocate and can like most Libertarians not justify American involvement in imperialistic wars. That is economic imperialism as opposed to territorial imperialism.
    He places Israel and in many cases the Mossad in the same contexts as he does America. Now most of us do not have a clue as to what the Mossad is up to and who can really say what is true or not.

    He is opposed to the Banksters and wall street speculators and crooks and as you have seen the austerity that will surely come that will enrich the wealthy and destroy what’s left of middle America.

    He opposes both sides of the political Isle and is convinced that a third political option is a necessity.

    World War 3: the unthinkable cost of preserving the petrodollar

    2012 Obama vs Romney: the illusion of choice

  15. yamit82 Said:

    I can’t know if he includes Israel as a SOP to the many right wing shows and internet blogs he appears in daily or he really believes his own rhetoric .

    This is interesting as I had the impression he was left wing as he was against austerity, for national health,for federal participation in the economy,being interviewed by an anti semitic muslim,. However, perhaps he is neither right nor left so I should not categorize him as many like to do to me.

  16. @ Bernard Ross:

    It would be nice if one could vote on particular issues rather than parties, I think the Swiss do something like this.

    It’s called direct democracy and today where one can do all his shopping and banking via the internet I see no reason why we can’t vote as well.

    Voting via the internet would allow many propositions to be put on each ballot and each citizen can comfortably read research and then decide how he will vote from the comfort of his home office or public library etc. The American system is soo 18th century. Too expensive too exposed to corruption, influence peddling and other undemocratic practices. I would limit to election campaigns of no longer than 45 days and every candidate who can show enough popular support XXXX? be allowed on the ballot ( to be determined actual numbers) be totally financed by the Federal and State governments. Nobody allowed more than what they get from the public coffers. Any found to receive outside funding will be automatically disqualified. Junk the electoral college as it is undemocratic and a potential violation of the principle of equality of votes.

  17. @ kim segar:

    The fact the Romney is a stand with Israel was what made me decide to vote. His morals are true and line up with the ten commands.

    Some of The Ten Commandments are for Jews only. Like the Sabbath, Gentiles have the 7 Laws of Noah.
    Romney has violated or not observed most of the 10 commandments both as a believing and practicing Christian and Mormon and in his Business dealings

  18. @ kim segar:

    The fact the Romney is a stand with Israel was what made me decide to vote. His morals are true and line up with the ten commands.

    The Ten Commandments are for Jews only. Gentiles have the 7 Laws of Noah.
    Romney has violated or not observed most of the 10 commandments both as a Christian and Mormon and in his Business dealings.

    According to traditional Judaism, G-d gave Noah and his family seven commandments to observe when he saved them from the flood. These commandments, referred to as the Noahic or Noahide commandments, are inferred from Genesis Ch. 9, and are as follows:
    1) to establish courts of justice; 2) not to commit blasphemy; 3) not to commit idolatry; 4) not to commit incest and adultery; 5) not to commit bloodshed; 6) not to commit robbery; and 7) not to eat flesh cut from a living animal.

    These commandments are fairly simple and straightforward, and most of them are recognized by most of the world as sound moral principles. Any non-Jew who follows these laws has a place in the world to come.

    The Noahic commandments are binding on all people, because all people are descended from Noah and his family. The 613 mitzvot of the Torah, on the other hand, are only binding on the descendants of those who accepted the commandments at Sinai and upon those who take on the yoke of the commandments voluntarily (by conversion). In addition, the Noahic commandments are applied more leniently to non-Jews than the corresponding commandments are to Jews, because non-Jews do not have the benefit of Oral Torah to guide them in interpreting the laws.

  19. @ kim segar:

    The fact the Romney is a stand with Israel was what made me decide to vote. His morals are true and line up with the ten commands.


    The Jewish “Ten Commandments”

    1. Belief in G-d
    This category is derived from the declaration in Ex. 20:2 beginning, “I am the L-rd, your G-d…”
    2. Prohibition of Improper Worship
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:3-6, beginning, “You shall not have other gods…” It encompasses within it the prohibition against the worship of other gods as well as the prohibition of improper forms of worship of the one true G-d, such as worshiping G-d through an idol.
    3. Prohibition of Oaths
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:7, beginning, “You shall not take the name of the L-rd your G-d in vain…” This includes prohibitions against perjury, breaking or delaying the performance of vows or promises, and speaking G-d’s name or swearing unnecessarily.
    4. Observance of Sacred Times
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:8-11, beginning, “Remember the Sabbath day…” It encompasses all mitzvot related to Shabbat, holidays, or other sacred time.
    5. Respect for Parents and Teachers
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:12, beginning, “Honor your father and mother…”
    6. Prohibition of Physically Harming a Person
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not murder.”
    7. Prohibition of Sexual Immorality
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not commit adultery.”
    8. Prohibition of Theft
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not steal.” It includes within it both outright robbery as well as various forms of theft by deception and unethical business practices. It also includes kidnapping, which is essentially “stealing” a person.
    9. Prohibition of Harming a Person through Speech
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not bear false witness against your (JEWISH) neighbor.” It includes all forms of lashon ha-ra (sins relating to speech).
    10. Prohibition of Coveting
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:14, beginning, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house…”

    The Ten Commandments are for Jews only. Gentiles have the 7 Laws of Noah.
    Romney has violated or not observed most of the 10 commandments both as a Christian and Mormon and in his Business dealings.

  20. @ kim segar:

    The fact the Romney is a stand with Israel was what made me decide to vote. His morals are true and line up with the ten commands.


    The Jewish “Ten Commandments”

    1. Belief in G-d
    This category is derived from the declaration in Ex. 20:2 beginning, “I am the L-rd, your G-d…”
    2. Prohibition of Improper Worship
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:3-6, beginning, “You shall not have other gods…” It encompasses within it the prohibition against the worship of other gods as well as the prohibition of improper forms of worship of the one true G-d, such as worshiping G-d through an idol.
    3. Prohibition of Oaths
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:7, beginning, “You shall not take the name of the L-rd your G-d in vain…” This includes prohibitions against perjury, breaking or delaying the performance of vows or promises, and speaking G-d’s name or swearing unnecessarily.
    4. Observance of Sacred Times
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:8-11, beginning, “Remember the Sabbath day…” It encompasses all mitzvot related to Shabbat, holidays, or other sacred time.
    5. Respect for Parents and Teachers
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:12, beginning, “Honor your father and mother…”
    6. Prohibition of Physically Harming a Person
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not murder.”
    7. Prohibition of Sexual Immorality
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not commit adultery.”
    8. Prohibition of Theft
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not steal.” It includes within it both outright robbery as well as various forms of theft by deception and unethical business practices. It also includes kidnapping, which is essentially “stealing” a person.
    9. Prohibition of Harming a Person through Speech
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:13, saying, “You shall not bear false witness against your (JEWISH) neighbor.” It includes all forms of lashon ha-ra (sins relating to speech).
    10. Prohibition of Coveting
    This category is derived from Ex. 20:14, beginning, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house…”

    The Ten Commandments are for Jews only. Gentiles have the 7 Laws of Noah. According to traditional Judaism, G-d gave Noah and his family seven commandments to observe when he saved them from the flood. These commandments, referred to as the Noahic or Noahide commandments, are inferred from Genesis Ch. 9, and are as follows:
    1) to establish courts of justice; 2) not to commit blasphemy; 3) not to commit idolatry; 4) not to commit incest and adultery; 5) not to commit bloodshed; 6) not to commit robbery; and 7) not to eat flesh cut from a living animal.

    These commandments are fairly simple and straightforward, and most of them are recognized by most of the world as sound moral principles. Any non-Jew who follows these laws has a place in the world to come.

    The Noahic commandments are binding on all people, because all people are descended from Noah and his family. The 613 mitzvot of the Torah, on the other hand, are only binding on the descendants of those who accepted the commandments at Sinai and upon those who take on the yoke of the commandments voluntarily (by conversion). In addition, the Noahic commandments are applied more leniently to non-Jews than the corresponding commandments are to Jews, because non-Jews do not have the benefit of Oral Torah to guide them in interpreting the laws.

    Romney has violated or not observed most of the 10 commandments both as a Christian and Mormon and in his Business dealings.

  21. I keep my eyes on scripture. G-d never does anything least we are told in His word. I had a hard time about voting for anyone ..The fact the Romney is a stand with Israel was what made me decide to vote. His morals are true and line up with the ten commands. For sure he does not want a obama world. America is awake and I say at least half is and is going to vote and HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. Obama and the Dem’s held the congress and Senate but did nothing but continue to break our back a ilegal radacal muslim. Knowing he only ever told the truth was when he said: I will stand with Islam and not to forget his double forked tounge in Cario day one. I would get angry the times he spoke to the Jews in his fake speeches and then did the oposite. He is a liar.
    I would think anyone would just dig a lttile deeper and see Ronmey is being lied about too. How many go to the gov web to see who was who and what they voted for..not many. Even the business who some claim he trashed say differet publicly. He is not perfect but far from a muslim who has infested America with Nazi and muslim brothehood. Romney doesn’t want his family to live in a war zone and is against all obama speaks of. take obama who said: vote for revenge. Romney says vote for G-d and country. How sick that Americans have gotten this immoral. Even so, one thing I keep my heart on is what G-d says will be..Israel and the world too will be in war. I have no doubt we will see Russia bombs or the grid down to try and control. One thing too is Israel will win the next three wars.. Damascus Syria which will be rubble, Isaiah 17 and then Psalms 63 when the nations around her attack and finally when Russia brings all nations against HER and Messiah will Roar thru Zion and do to them what they have done to HIS Chosen People. and I will forever stand with Them…G-d bless Israel and the Jews and Forever like Messiah says He will.

  22. yamit82 Said:

    There are many like Barret in America and they command a large and growing following. Personally I think they are more dangerous to Jews in America than are Muslims.

    Actrually Barrett said he was a muslim. I got a similar impression as you on Tarpley in that he appeared to deflect some of the anti Israel/zionist, etc statements. coming from Barett during one of the the interviews.
    yamit82 Said:

    I look for details, facts and general information I was not aware of and form my own conclusions.

    I tend to do the same as it is so difficult to get acurate information I find that I have to get different versions and piece them together, with filters. I did like Tarpleys approach in general, in that specific report, and some specific approaches such as the Wall Street Tax. There was another link re Romney and the Mormons which I found interesting as I remember there were Mormon Links to the CIA back in the days of Howard Hughs. I found some of the details interesting. It would be nice if one could vote on particular issues rather than parties, I think the Swiss do something like this.

  23. @ the phoenix:

    I did give you my opinion. I supplied links describing some of what traditional Jews believe and opined that on this matter I am agnostic. I don’t know the answer and anyone who tells you that they know for sure are not telling you the truth. They may believe but they do not know and can’t know. The Torah is G-d’s instructions for living in this world. There is no direct reference in Jewish scriptures to life after death. What we have today is rabbinic speculation and there are a myriad of different speculations. A Jews reward is that which comes from living a moral and ethical life as per the teachings in the Tanach. It’s like the instructions and warnings when you purchase an electrical appliance. If you follow the instructions it should work properly with no hazard to yourself but if you do not follow the instructions or heed the warnings bad things can happen both to the appliance and yourself (electrical shock even electrocution).

  24. @ yamit82:
    you have never struck me as one who would withold his opinion and go around in circles.
    why now?
    please forgive me, but except for a vague notion and some speculation…i still do not get it 🙁
    could you help me?

  25. now you are actually asking for “reasoned criticism and or agreement”…
    having taken the time to address a few posts directly to you on different threads (genuine questions) with no response, would this thread be any different?

    Will this do?

    Olam Ha-Ba: The Afterlife

    I am agnostic on the subject but If I had to choose any of the options I would go for reincarnation. It’s as plausible an idea as any other.

  26. @ Bernard Ross:

    Tarpley is a very smart guy

    I don’t think he is antisemitic in the classical sense but he is no friend of the Jews , Zionism or Israel he comes from the extreme right of America first Isolationisism and the extreme left on social issues. on Economics he seems to have a mix of Libertarian/socialist view of the world and America.

    When I could check his facts I found no error. In many of his talks, interviews and I suppose books he list the mossad and Israel as major partners sharing the blame with America, Britain and France. I can’t know if he includes Israel as a SOP to the many right wing shows and internet blogs he appears in daily or he really believes his own rhetoric .

    I read him with a filter, glean facts and different slants then those we usually get here then try to verify what sounds to me relevant and if it seems to be credible I use them. Tarpley is not only a Historian he is also an economist who speaks several languages fluently

    As I said ignore the author who may be controversial to some readers and deal with the subject matter at hand. I seldom reject outright well reasoned and presented material because I don’t like or agree with an authors personal prejudices and biases.

    Never heard of Barret before I heard the Tarpley interview on his radio show.

    There are many like Barret in America and they command a large and growing following. Personally I think they are more dangerous to Jews in America than are Muslims. They are the vanguards of most of the conspiracy theories and of course they must have Jews as villains. I listen and read some of these characters because much of their facts are correct and not found in any of the MSM and even conservative blogs but you need a good filter. To get to the truth of the matter you need to check out all sources.

    I find that even when many of their facts are correct they mix and confuse context to serve their agendas. I look for details, facts and general information I was not aware of and form my own conclusions.

  27. yamit82 Said:

    I don’t want to get into a discussion on the author, that we be a distraction, only the substance.

    I understand your point, however, I did look at associated links, especially the Kevin Barrett interviews and columns. Some were very interesting if facts are true. But the pro muslim, anti semitic and anti zionist bent I find disturbing and cause me to question their “facts”. What do you think of this?

    My main reply to your request re the report was spammed(disappeared)this comment was secondary. I wrote ted to try and get it on.

  28. @ yamit82:

    I found this interesting and would appreciate reasoned criticism and or agreement by others on this forum and thread

    i truly find this forum, a TREASURE of information, a dynamic pulsating marketplace of views,ideas and opinions. and yes, also at times some entertaining exchanges between various posters.
    indeed, after a while, it is not THAT difficult to discern who’s who, and whose comments are worth the time necessary to properly offer a reply, be it in agreement or as a counterargument.

    as you have replied to another poster, ‘you are posting your opinions and whoever agrees agrees, and whoever does not, well it’s no skin of your back’ (you may have used slightly different wording, but that was the message)
    i agree with the sentiment.

    now you are actually asking for “reasoned criticism and or agreement”…
    having taken the time to address a few posts directly to you on different threads (genuine questions) with no response, would this thread be any different?

  29. yamit82 Said:

    I found this interesting and would appreciate reasoned criticism and or agreement by others on this forum and thread

    I read the report, and some associated links,and agree with some suggestions and not others:
    1-I agree that the current economic depression be paid for by big business/finance and the top 20% rich. A financial transfer tax of 1% is alleged to solve the financial crisis. I do not know the accuracy of this assertion but I have no problem with such a minuscule tax and in fact would like to see a greater portion of the responsibility being paid, including jail time and asset seizing, by those who caused the problem and have been looting the economy. furthermore this looting has been going on throughout my lifetime. Those who control the economy are looting it.
    2-I agree with the refusal of the austerity program as I see that as the way that all these cycles end with the re-pauperization of the masses by the rich and corrupt usually using the fed reserve system.
    3- I agree with the basic principle of “medicare for all” or a national health program to guarantee health security not tied with employment. As medicare stands now it is more interested in preserving the business interests of the health and insurance corporations that “serve” it.
    4-RE unions I have mixed feelings. I am for the protection of collective bargaining rights but not for the “exclusive membership clubs” that restrict the rights of non union members and have a monopoly on doling out jobs.. I am not for the unions advancement at the expense of the middle class or in a movement which polarizes the “working class” against business. I am for the free enterprise of small business with real govt help to small businesses not just the fig leaf that now exists. I have been a small businessman all my life, my last salaried position was in 1975 and I have been an employer of over 50 persons. However, I do not confuse the actions of the conspiratorial thieving cabal of the rich and big business with the problems and values of small business. Small businessmen need the protection from these thieves just as much as the poor.
    5- I think there are some interesting ideas worth considering in the report regarding feral funding of bond projects geared towards national infrastructure re development. I am absolutely against funding projects in foreign countries based on the ludicrous assertion that it will create more jobs in the US
    What is missing from this repport is any strategy for dealing with the export of jobs, capital and production to Asia and it severe impact on the US economy. My view is that the US economy needs an economic security policy to protect the US economy and most importantly the economic security of its citizens. A form of the taboo protectionism and a temporary or permanent exit from the WTO may be necessary to re produce in the US. I am totally against the notion protrayed in this report regariding competitiveness with Asia. There is no need to embrace a god of free market and competition with foreign economies at the expense of the US economy. When the US entered the WTO it was to the advantage of big business and US exporters. NOw that Asia has taken these export markets there is no reason to tout these policies which only serve big business and the rich interests. My guiding principle is that the economy is a characteristic of the community and that the community as a whole has the right to say who does business with the community’s economy. If the business is creating little value other than cheap jobs then the community has a right to rescind its licensing or impose duties and taxes. Those companies, including US companies who base abroad and use the profits from the US economy to the benefit of others should be limited in doing business with the US. Cheap jobs are not enough and the canard of lower prices is now proving to be BS as the taxpayer must now pay those costs. I believe that the US is an economy big enogh to create wealth and security for all its citizens and that those who divert that wealth that wealth to other agenda should be repudiated. Big business has now proven since the 1970’s that it will not develop the US economy to the benefit of its citizens, only a select few. According to the CIA factbook 80% of gains have gone to 20% of the richest households. This is unacceptable and those who accomplished the task of pauperizing the US should not be again trusted with its reins. I believe that there must be an economy mixing private and public sectors as the private has abdicated its responsibility.
    The best thing about this report in my eyes is the concept of supporting platforms rather than parties as too often I find that those I am in agreement with on some platforms I am far from on others.
    yamit82 Said:

    I don’t want to get into a discussion on the author, that we be a distraction, only the substance.

    I understand your point, however, I did look at associated links, especially the Kevin Barrett interviews and columns. Some were very interesting if facts are true. But the pro muslim, anti semitic and anti zionist bent I find disturbing and cause me to question their “facts”. What do you think of this?

  30. @ yamit82:
    Yamit, for some reason I cannot fathom, I get moderated — whatever that is — but finally, the software lifts the moderation curtain from the comment in question. On just a few occasions, whatever I wrote did not get in at all. I don’t typically complain about being censored, partly because I don’t really believe in civil rights, human rights, and the rest of whatever falls close to those liberal holies of holies.

    However, some of my preachings are far more radical than just about written by anyone else on Israpundit. Not for nothing did I spend so much time with Dr Yisrael Eldad in his Rechavia apartment learning about triue hard-core Zionism, and some years later with Rav Meir Kahane, studying what he referred to as the Authentic Jewish Idea.

    So, all things considered, I have to rate Ted Belman as a top-rank blogsite editor who seems to be interred in opinions that may well differ from his own. (Thanks, Ted.)

    And thank you too, Yamit. I don’t always agree fully with what you write. But I have picked up more than one piece of observable truth about the contemporary Israeli scene just from reading your viewpoint.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount WI

  31. @ Bernard Ross:

    I agree the Republicans want to institute the same economic policies that created the problems in the first place..Deregulation low interest rates and tax cuts mainly for the wealthy. Businesses will hire when they see a sustained higher demand for their products. Many have stayed afloat this long by increased productivity (replacing people with automation thus lowering their cost of doing business adding more profitability at the expense of labor (jobs). Outsourcing is another popular method of America businesses and when all else fails moving their complete production to Asia or off shore. The concept of a service economy replacing solid manufacturing base has been shown to be a fantasy promoted by those who profit the most from it. Apple does not produce a single product in America and the American staff besides R&D and product development work in Apple stores. So over 90% of apple employees or contractors and subcontractors are not American.

    The Republicans are Union busters and conceding Union excesses, without the Unions American Labor will be defenseless against big government and bottom line American business. If there is or was a vibrant middle class in America it was because of the Unions. They set the standards for all non Union shops essentially pulling them along on the Unions coattails.

    Note: The Unions are the only organized groups that can oppose a fascist dictatorial government and that I fear is the main reason they are in the cross-hairs of the republican party.

    Union Busting and Drastic Austerity are the Essence of Fascism

    So far there are no black shirted or brown shirted storm troopers in American streets, and thus no classical Central European fascist movement, but this is beside the point. In a country with an entrenched tradition of elections and representative government, and a country which is so far not reeling from millions of war dead on the scale of World War I, fascism will inevitably look different in modern America, but the essence is likely to be the same. The top priority for both Mussolini and Hitler was to smash the trade union movement, and this is something the United States is well on its way to achieving by more gradual means. And then came the austerity. In Fascist Italy, the Mussolini regime reduced wages between 1927 and 1935 by 60% to 75%, even as the cost of living was rising by 30%. In Nazi Germany, Hitler cut wages in his first 2 ½ years in power after 1933 by 25% to 40%. Taxes and special contributions skimmed off another 20% to 30%. So, cutting the standard of living of working people by two thirds to three quarters appears as one of the essential features of fascism. Union busting and austerity are fascism. We are here to fight that fascism.

    I found this interesting and would appreciate reasoned criticism and or agreement by others on this forum and thread
    I don’t want to get into a discussion on the author, that we be a distraction, only the substance.

    Political Report to the United Front Against Austerity, New York City, October 27, 2012

  32. @ Arnold Harris:

    @ Bernard Ross:
    Don’t write anything controversial, and your comments will not disappear. I am not certain it is a spam filter, because you are not sending an email. But it mostly likely is some sort of content filter used to silence troublemakers.

    Don’t think so. Last week I posted a link to a previous post by Ted Belman and it got moderated. I’ve had one liners with no links and nothing untoward in it and it got spammed. I’ve had short comments blocked and long ones passed through. My guess is that it’s a terrible piece of software whose algorithms don’t make any logical sense and are totally arbitrary.

  33. @ Bernard Ross:
    Don’t write anything controversial, and your comments will not disappear. I am not certain it is a spam filter, because you are not sending an email. But it mostly likely is some sort of content filter used to silence troublemakers.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  34. Americans don’t settle. We build, we aspire, we listen to that voice inside that says, “We can do better.” A better job; a better life for our kids; a bigger, better country….That better life is out there, waiting for us. Our destiny is in your hands.

    He’s starting to sound like Obama hopey changey…undecideds dont want more BS hopey changey but instead credible, feasible plans which demonstrate good judgment wrt the causes of the situation which are: 1)short term-an unregulated corrupt financial market resulting in huge capital losses 2) long term- shipping of Jobs, production, capital to Asia 3)Correcting an economy whereby 80% of gains since the 1970’s have gone to 20% of the richest households.

    He’s offering excuses, I’ve got a plan.

    The only plan I see is to deregulate business(you know the same businesses who caused the last 3 bubbles and shipped everything to Asia) and cut taxes to the rich a la Reagan trickle down(as if the rich 20% haven’t had enough since 1975)to create jobs(you know the jobs that the same businesses shipped to Asia) I remember the Reagan trickle down years when mortgages were at 18% and loans at 24% interest, when properties were being foreclosed bought by the resolution trust and then resold to connected parties and the mafia, I remember the S&L and bank deregulation when organized crime were forming and looting banks. This economic policy is irrelevant to today’s times where the Asian behemoth is the supplier to the world and america s markets are lost. Bringing down wages to create competition with 3rd world countries is not a solution. Even devaluing US currency through printing money would be a more successful plan.
    Dont get me wrong and dont bother to write about how bad Obama is, you have no argument there: he is corrupt inept, and just plain BS. But also dont expect anachronistic political BS to work either. I dont hear anyone first identifying the real problems and therefore I dont expect any of them to be genuinely for any real solutions. The same for foreign policy: if you cant identify the real problems you are unlikely to come up with any real solutions. If I vote for Romney its not because he is any good as in my view he has no credible economic policy either. Romney hopes that those who shipped out the jobs will create them and Obama is just trying to allocate a shrinking pie more equitably. Romney appears(in foresight) less hostile to Israel and his ignorance of foreign policy may be less damaging than Obamas ignorance(or agenda). Two mediocre empty suits.

  35. I live in southern Wisconsin, and I strongly support Romney and Ryan for president and vice president of the United States.

    Nevertheless, they must minimally win 270 electoral votes. If the two candidates tie at 269 electoral votes, then the US House of Representatives chooses which candidate shall be declared winner. Inasmuch as the Republican Party controls the US House of Representatives, that means Romney and Ryan can displace Obama and Biden with 269 votes. So everything in this election hangs on the electoral college.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  36. Americans don’t settle. We build, we aspire, we listen to that voice inside that says, “We can do better.” A better job; a better life for our kids; a bigger, better country….That better life is out there, waiting for us. Our destiny is in your hands.

    He’ starting to sound like Obama hopey changey…undecideds dont want more BS hopey changey but instead crdible, feasible plands which demonstrate good judgment wrt the causes of the situation which are: 1)short term-an unregulated corrupt financial market resulting in huge capital losses 2) long term- shipping of JObs, production, capital to Asia 3)Correcting an economy whereby 80% of gains since the 1970’s have gone to 20% of the richest households.

    He’s offering excuses, I’ve got a plan.

    The only plan I see is to dregulate business(you know the same businesses who caused the last 3 bubbles and shipped everything to Asia) and cut taxes to the rich a la Reagan trickle down(as if the rich 20% haven’t had enough since 1975)to create jobs(you know the jobs that the same businesses shipped to Asia) I remember the Reagan trickle down years when mortgages were at 18% and loans at 24% interest, when properites were being foreclosed bought by the resolution trust and then resold to connected parties and the mafia, I remember the S&L and bank deregulation when orgnaized crime were forming and looting banks. This economic policy is irrlevant to todays times where the asian behemoth is the supplier to the world and amercas markets are lost. Bringing down wages to create competition with 3rd world countries is not a solution. Even devaluing US currency through printing money would be a more succesful plan.
    Cont get me wrong and dont bother to write about how bad Obama is, you have no argument there: he is corrupt inept, and just plain BS. But also dont expect anachronistic political BS to work either. I dont hear anyone first identifying the real problems and therefore I dont expect any of them to be genuinely for any real solutions. The same for foreign policy: if you cant identify the real problems you are unlikely to come up with any real solutions. If I vote for Romney its not because he is any good as in my view he has no credible economic policy either. Romney hopes that those who shipped out the jobs will create them and Obama is just trying to allocate a shrinking pie more equitably. Romney appears(in foresight) less hostile to Israel and his ignorance of foreign policy may be less damaging than Obamas ignorance(or agenda). Two mediocre empty suits.