Why Romney and not Obama



[Yesterday] in Wisconsin, Mitt Romney delivered what his campaign calls his closing argument in support of his candidacy. It focused on the economy and featured Romney’s themes of change and optimism. Here are some excerpts:

    Four years ago, candidate Obama promised to do so very much, but he has fallen so very short.

    He promised to be a “post-partisan president” but he became the most partisan– blaming, attacking, dividing.

    He was going to focus on creating jobs. Instead, he focused on Obamacare, which killed jobs.

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    He said he was going to cut the federal deficit by half; then he doubled it.

    He said that the unemployment rate would now be 5.2%; today we learned that it is 7.9%–it is 9 million jobs short of what he promised. Unemployment is higher today than when Barack Obama took office.

    He promised that he would propose a plan to save Social Security and Medicare from insolvency. He did not; rather, he raided $716 billion from Medicare for his vaunted Obamacare.

    He would lower health premiums by $2,500. Now they are higher by $3,000. And gasoline? The American family pays $2,000 a year more for gasoline today than when he was elected.

    He said he would work across the aisle on the most important issues. He has not met on the economy, or on the budget, or on jobs, with either the Republican leader of the House or the Senate since July. Instead of bridging the divide, he has made it wider.

    How is it that he has fallen so short of what he promised? In part, it is because he has never led, never worked across the aisle, never truly understood how jobs are created in the economy.

    And today, he makes new promises, promises he will be unable to keep, because he admits that he will stay on the same path. The same course we have been on will not lead to a better destination.

    The same path means $20 trillion in debt, crippling unemployment, stagnant take-home pay, depressed home values, and a devastated military. And unless we change course, we may be looking at another recession.

    The question of this election comes down to this: do you want more of the same or do you want real change?

That is very strong stuff, which sums up the case for Romney. The rest of the speech was less focused, but included plenty of good moments:

    You know that if the President is re-elected, he will continue to promote government and demote business. He chose his own jobs council, made up of business leaders. And he hasn’t met with them in 9 months. 9 months.

    I like business, I don’t see it as a necessary evil. I see it as a means for people to fulfill their dreams. …

    You know that if the President is re-elected, he will say every good thing he can about education, but in the final analysis, he will do what his largest campaign supporters–the public-sector unions–insist upon. And your kids will have the same schools with the same results.

    When I am president, I will be a voice of the children and their parents. There is no union for the PTA. …

    If there is anyone worried the last four years are the best we can do, if there is anyone who fears that the American dream is fading away, if there is anyone who wonders whether better jobs and better paychecks are things of the past, I have a clear and unequivocal message: with the right leadership, America will come roaring back.

    We are Americans. We can do anything.

    The only thing that stands between us and some of the best years we have known is lack of leadership. And that’s why we have elections.

    This Tuesday is a moment to look into the future and imagine what we can do … to put the past four years behind us and start building a new future.

    You saw the differences when President Obama and I were side-by-side in our debates. He says it has to be this way. I say it can’t stay this way. He’s offering excuses, I’ve got a plan. He’s hoping we’ll settle. I can’t wait for us to get started.

    Americans don’t settle. We build, we aspire, we listen to that voice inside that says, “We can do better.” A better job; a better life for our kids; a bigger, better country.

    That better life is out there, waiting for us. Our destiny is in your hands.

Then on into the conclusion, which struck me as rather sappy; but then, I’m not an undecided voter. All in all, a powerful message and one that goes back to where the campaign started: with Obama’s terrible record on the economy, and his utter failure to make good on the promises he made in 2008.

November 3, 2012 | 71 Comments »

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21 Comments / 71 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:

    Soy me acorda,which I agree. We a slowly becoming two nations red and blue, rich and poor, oppertunity and dependence,enery rich and freezing in the cold like NJ.
    I enjoy debaate with you. Did youu see the movie” No Contry for Old Men”. Enterprising people.

  2. @ Honey Bee:
    Honey Bee Said:

    I’jumped the broom”

    Haven’t heard that term used since Brenda Lee,the rockabilly song “Let’s Jump The Broomstick”, although there is a movie by that name I haven’t seen. I do agree that “Being Good is boring” so… 🙂

    A civil war is a potential but I think not soon. let’s see what the Black Plague comes up with in the next 4 years.

  3. @ yamit82:

    I’am so busted, yes I’am married or as they say I’jumped the broom”. I like the poem. Being “good” is boring”. Note the election map, ooks like a civil is ooming, politics have split the family.

  4. @ Honey Bee:

    Who says he my hubby,maybe I’am bad Jewish girl.

    Well darlin, I think you did. That does not reflect on your character. You may be a bad Jewish girl. I like bad Jewish girls even bad not Jewish girls.

    Honey Bee says:
    October 22, 2012 at 1:31 am

    @ Alan:

    Sorry Alan, oh so married to a Texas comboy who keeps me chained to a stove baking pletzels and bisquets. If you want learn about Jewish Texas girls google Sopfie Hertzog MD of Brazoria,Tx.

    You live in Israel,then you’ve met lots Honey Bees and Cowboys. THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!</blockquote

    Hmmm, I’m thinking :

    This might come out a little crazy
    A little sideways, yeah maybe
    I don’t know how long it’ll take me
    But I’ll do my best

    My dear Ol Dad always said spelling a grammer are just a convention.

    I agree with your Ol Dad.

  5. @ yamit82:

    Who says he my hubby,maybe I’am bad Jewish girl. You live in Israel,then you’ve met lots Honey Bees and Cowboys. THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My dear Ol Dad always said spelling a grammer are just a convention.

  6. @ Honey Bee:

    I use Honey Bee because its my name.

    No foolin? I never met a Honey Bee in my whole life, you’re my first. Is your hubby’s real name is Cowboy?

  7. @ yamit82:

    I use Honey Bee because its my name. Cowboy says,” I don’t spell good but I smell good”. I like Ayn Rand,met Cowboy in a hurricane shelter,winds 125 miles an hr.,saw a shrimp boat under the only stop light in Port Lavaca. My Grampa came from Poland,” a land of mud and peasants”, he said. Anyhow remeber the hurrican in Houston? Texas handles things.
    In Texas we don’t call it a sence of humor,we call it Hoo Rah ing ints an art develope on trail drives to pass away the time.

  8. Donald freyman Said:

    Somebody’s wasting their f—k-ng time. Could it be everyone is wasting their time?

    The answer may be yes but in what way does this help Israel or the Jews? Based on your statement what is your advice to Israel? Should those marching in the streets of the nations shouting “kill the Jews” be ignored? I think that is the advice that the world is giving Israel and the Jews. After giving that advice, oddly, many countries are experiencing what ii is like to live with them.

  9. C.R. Said:

    There needs to be drastic austerity in the USA

    I agree, and that austerity needs to begin with those who have managed the econmy into the grounda, took compensation far beyond their worth merely because they were left in charge of the books,even give themeselves extra compensation during austerity for others. The guillotine was one solution and even the chines execute corrupt politicians and CEO’s.
    C.R. Said:

    they have to pull their own weight.

    I agree, very few of those making the billions did anything themselves other than make deals and handle the cash. They have abused their trust by robbing the till and lying about false expenses. The billionaires made few of the inventions and improvements to society themselves. They will be carrying their weight when they are down in the ditch digging withe everyone else. The economy of a community is to benefit the community and not a few beyond reason. Those who have been peut in trust, and given the reins, have sent all the jobs production and capital to asia and forced those in the ditch to pay for their theft. Nothing is wrong with unequal compensation if it is of value to the entire community but who can argue for what has happened?

  10. @ yamit82:

    Union Busting and Drastic Austerity are the Essence of Fascism

    Union busing and drastic austerity–are not elements of fascism–just because Hitler did some of that does not make it so, as everything a fascist government government does is not fascism.

    The unions in the USA are out of control–as they have turned into extremely corrupt Marxist organizations–overly high union wages, “benefits” and pensions–have caused so much harm to the American people and to the economy.

    There needs to be drastic austerity in the USA–as some mostly union citizens do not have any right to live on the backs of others–they have to pull their own weight.

  11. @ Donald freyman:

    Let’s take your argument re: G-d’s preferences for nations and apply the same principle to people.

    Let’s apply that same principle to You!

    It appears that even G-d has made some mistakes, you being conclusive evidence of that fact.

    In any event those minor mistakes are easily correctable.

    How is your heart these days?