Why Is No One (Except the President) Calling Out Kamala Harris’ Communist Ties?

Peloni:  This 2020 report by Loudon presents an important analysis of Harris’ Communist backgroud.

By Trevor Loudon | October 14, 2020

On Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” on Oct. 8, President Donald Trump described Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D-CA) as a “communist; she’s left of Bernie!” The president went on to cite Sen. Harris’ views, which are indeed even more extreme than Senators Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) or Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA).

But there’s much more compelling evidence to indicate that, yes, Kamala Harris may indeed be communist.

Communist Parents

Harris’ parents, her mother Shyamala Gopalan, an Indian cancer researcher, and Donald Harris, a Jamaican economist, were both hard-core leftists.

In the early 1960s, the couple was active in the Berkeley-based Afro-American Association.

According to one former member, Aubrey LaBrie, “Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of some of us. … We would talk about Black Muslims, the liberation movements going on in Africa, everything.”

The group’s leader Donald Warden mentored two young Afro-American Association members Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, who would go on to found the Black Panther Party in 1966. The Panthers followed a Maoist philosophy and supported communist China. They serve as a model for today’s Black Lives Matter movement.

Years later, Warden (by then known as Khalid al-Mansour) would play a role in helping Barack Obama get into Harvard Law School.

In 1975, Donald Harris was recruited to the Stanford University economics department as an open Marxist.

Pro-Communist Boyfriend

After playing at student radical at Howard University, Kamala Harris returned to the Bay Area to launch her legal career. Thirty-year-old Harris formed an eyebrow-raising romantic relationship with then 60-year-old Willie Brown, a leading California Democrat, soon to become mayor of San Francisco.

Brown helped Harris’ career and steered her into a couple of board positions that paid her about $400,000 over 5 years, according to the San Francisco Weekly.

Brown was a long-time communist sympathizer. He was first elected to public office with the help of the Communist Party USA youth wing. He was funded by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, a communist newspaper owner once awarded the Lenin Prize by the government of the former Soviet Union.

Several years after his affair with Harris, Brown was still openly sponsoring Communist Party fundraisers in the Bay Area while serving as San Francisco mayor.

Today, Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party’s best friends in the Bay Area.

Communist-Affiliated Protégé

While serving as the San Francisco district attorney, Harris mentored a young San Francisco activist named Lateefah Simon. After hiring her and helping Simon get through college, Harris introduced her young friend to many influential San Franciscans. Today, Simon serves as president of the leftist Akonadi Foundation and chairs the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) board.

When Harris first met Simon, the younger woman was serving on the board of directors of the Oakland-based Youth Empowerment Center. Every single other board member—Harmony Goldberg, Adam Gold, Cindy Wiesner, and future Obama Green Jobs Czar Van Jones—were members of the Maoist communist group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM).

Gold is today a member of LeftRoots, an affiliate group of America’s main pro-China communist party Liberation Road.

Simon is best friends with another LeftRoots member, Black Lives Matter founder Alicia Garza.

Harris openly supports Black Lives Matter and is still close to Simon and Garza. In turn, Garza is a long-time friend and associate of LeftRoots comrade Alex Tom—a man with close ties to the radical Chinese Progressive Association and the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco.

Communist Financial Benefactor

Harris’ sister Maya Harris was a student activist at Stanford University. She was a friend of Steve Phillips, one of the leading Marxist-Leninists on campus and a long-time affiliate of a pro-China group League of Revolutionary Struggle.

According to Phillips’ blog “Political Intelligence”:

“First, let me make clear that I come out of the Left. I’ve studied Marx, Mao, and Lenin. In college, I organized solidarity efforts for freedom struggles in South Africa and Nicaragua, and I palled around with folks who considered themselves communists and revolutionaries …, and I did my research paper on the Black Panther Party.”

After leaving Stanford in the early 1990s, Phillips led many of his comrades into the Democratic Party. He also married into the multi-billion Sandler family Golden West savings and loan fortune, which enabled the young revolutionary to buy himself considerable political influence.

Sandler money has funded the Center for American Progress, ProPublica, and multiple candidates and ballot initiatives around the country. In 2008, Phillips spent $10 million through his PowerPAC-plus on voter registration drives in Southern and South Western states that got his friend Barack Obama ahead of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary.

In 2013, Phillips helped elect his old Stanford friend Cory Booker to the U.S. Senate from New Jersey. In 2018, he almost made his proteges Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum the governors of Georgia and Florida, respectively.

Phillips is a friend of the Harris family and helped Maya Harris’ husband Tony West become associate attorney general in the Obama administration. He has also been a major sponsor of Kamala Harris’ political career.

In 2003, Phillips helped elect Harris as San Francisco district attorney. Ironically, she beat incumbent Terence Hallinan, who as a young communist helped Willie Brown win his first election.

Phillips’ PowerPAC-plus helped elect Harris as California attorney general in 2010 and then to the U.S. Senate in 2016.

Pro-Communist Chief of Staff

In the early 2000s, Harris’ current Chief of Staff, Karine Jean-Pierre was active with the New York-based Haiti Support Network. The organization worked closely with the pro-China/North Korea Workers World Party and supported Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the far-left former president of Haiti, and his radical Lavalas moment.

In April 2004, at the Whitman Theatre at Brooklyn College, 2,000 gathered to hear a program entitled “An Evening with Friends of Haiti: The Truth Behind the Haiti Coup.”

The rally was co-chaired by Jean-Pierre and Kim Ives of the Haiti Support Network, along with Pat Chin and Sara Flounders from the Workers World Party.

In May 2004, Jean-Pierre joined a delegation to Haiti with two well-known Workers World Party comrades Steve Gillis and LeiLani Dowell.

Around the same time, Jean-Pierre worked for China-friendly New York City Council member James Sanders. Her duties as part of his reelection campaign included working with the local branch of the much discredited “community organizing” group ACORN.

Communist-Affiliated Husband

Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff works for the law firm DLA Piper, which “boasts nearly 30 years of experience in China and over 140 lawyers dedicated to its ‘China Investment Services’ branch,” according to the National Pulse.

Writes the National Pulse:

“To facilitate DLA Piper’s China practice—which has received countless prestigious awards from the China Business Law Journal and China Law and Practice—the company employs a host of former Chinese Communist Party officials.

“Ernest Yang, who serves as the firm’s Head of Litigation & Regulatory department and Co-Head of International Arbitration, was appointed to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in 2013. The CPPCC serves as the top advisory board for the Chinese Communist Party, and Yang was promoted to the body’s Standing Committee in 2019.

“Jessica Zhao, a Senior Advisor, served as the Deputy Secretary-General of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), a government-owned body established by the Chinese Communist Party in 1956. It was developed under the auspices of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, ‘a governmental body for the furtherance of Chinese trade promotion.’”

Several other high-level DLA Piper employees, both Chinese and American nationals, have served the Chinese regime in some capacity or another.

Emhoff took a leave of absence from the firm in August, the New York Times reported.

Background Check Anyone?

If Biden is elected president, Harris will be one heartbeat or a few brain cells away from the top job.

If Harris was to apply for a mid-level job in the Department of Agriculture, she would almost certainly fail the security background check. She owes her entire career to sympathizers or active enablers of the Chinese Communist Party.

Fortunately for her (and potentially disastrous for the country), elected office-holders are not subject to the security clearance process.

President Trump has said that “If Joe Biden ever got elected, China will own America.”

Biden picked the ideal running mate to help out.

July 30, 2024 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. @Felix
    I appreciate the time you have taken to explain your point about the use of the term ”Communists” with some clarity. I understand that you bristle anytime the likes of Obama et al are described as Leftists, but the truth is that most people would argue with your view that Obama does not merit to be included in with the Left, as he is a collectivist, just as they would lump Lenin, Stalin, Marx, Engles and Trotsky in the same Left as well, even as there are distinctions to be made between them all.

    The world is split into lumpers and splitters, and most of us are a mix of the two, and for ease of conversation and time, it is simply convenient to not be too technical in defining the ‘Left’ too definitively, and to use these terms more generally, even as it may be technically in error based upon the definition being preferred by some, such as yourself, who might hold the term Communist as an ultimate goal rather than a loathsome scourge, which I would argue is more the norm in Western Societies at large, particularly of late.

    So, you suggest to call Harris a Communist is a lie, but also explain that terms must be defined. In truth the latter comment is more accurate than the first, I would argue, and in suggesting that the Loudon’s comment was a lie, you too failed to initially provide us with your own definition of that term, Communist, which you were preferring in suggesting he was being dishonest.

    In any event, I appreciate your perspective, but still hold that Harris is well tied to Communists, even if that term is more broadly defined than your particular reading of its meaning thru the history of those figures you hold dear as compared to that of those you hold as rogues.

    One thing more to note is that the common tongue is meant to convey meaning, but the common tongue is intentionally vague – this as compared to the use of scientific jargon. For instance, we might say that the fork is next to a person’s hand, but in truth, this is a rather vague description of where the fork really is. It might be more acurate to state that the fork lies aproximately 3cm lateral to abaxial aspect of the person’s left carpus. Now, the reality is that almost no one in the general public would understand this latter statement, but everyone would understand the former statement. Using such technical jargon is fatiguing and overly specific for most purposes, which is why we don’t use it when telling someone where to find their fork. And this is relevant to your suggestion that we should all adopt your detailed perspectives on what the term Communism means when describing Harris or anyone else as a Communist.

    I hope I am making myself clear in making this analogy.

  2. Peloni the issue being discussed is the analysis by Trevor Loudain and his full political position being expressed on the powerful Fox News, especially the Mornings with Maria show. A lot of people watch that show.

    My point being that there is a total misrepresentation on what Communism is.

    I am saying that to understand what Communism is it is necessary to go into the history of the subject.

    I think it is accepted that Karl Marx and his friend Engel were the first to put down on paper, and their practice also, what is meant by Communism.

    Follow up with the total experience of Lenin and Trotsky.

    Also using that method when it comes to discuss Joseph Stalin his differences with the above will become clearer

    Then Voila one is getting close to the meaning of Communism. I would add that in dealing with history there are no shortcuts.

    This is where Trevor Loudain goes completely off the rails.

    He is fixated on Kamala Harris, Obama also of course, and neither she or Obama, or any others in his analysis, have anything to do with the above leaders of socialism I mentioned.

    Those leaders I mentioned all are of relevance to Zionism and of course to Israel…I argue strongly.

    So Peloni this is an overall and extended analysis I make of how Trevor Loudain leads many many people astray and perhaps to add later a little on why.

    But that’s enough to be going on with.

  3. Peloni

    There’s a picture of a fully automated electric car manufacturer in China, no I mean a video, and it is something to behold. I do not think anyone can compete. Hence they survive against China only by sanctions.

    In the case of Russia it is more they try to stage coups to capture Russia’s raw materials.

    So capitalism is
    not planning Free Trade

    The other side is Harris is part of the NeoCon world in America. This means a sure world nuclear war. The threat from Harris is serious. Last week we read of Ukrainian Nazis launching drones to hit Russia from Finland and since this is from a NATO country it is reáson for nuclear war. But Putin hopes for a Trump win in November. He is always cautious but he won’t lie down either.

    These are thoughts Loudain never voices.

    He is stuck in the groove of showing her to be a communist. The terminology needs defining.

  4. @Felix

    If Peloni had any knowledge of the pivotal Spanish Civil War then he would know about the role of Stalin and Trotsky, and the role of Stalinism.

    He seems though to have no idea.

    With all due respect to you, this seems to be a silly and irrelevant standard to base your claim upon. I am well aware of the Spanish Civil War, but recognize no relevance to the Camala Harris. Your contention seems to always bring us back to Trotsky and so I was little surprised by your chiming that chord once again here, but it is as irrelevant as is the Spanish Civil War with regards to Camalla’s historic position with Communism. Since all you have done is pronounce me wrong, once again, and mention the Trotsky and now the Civil War, you might do us all a service and actually explain how Kamala’s communist ties have any relationship to these historic events or any other points of historical interest you care to cite in your next reply. In other words, you haven’t answered the question of how Kamala is not tied to the communists as Loudon explains she is.

    No need to make it personal. Just answer the question.

    Also, Kamalla has no defense of capitalism. She is intent on undoing the free market, not protecting it.

  5. Adam Dalgliesh

    “She is definitely a Communist. But that may be the least of her evils. After all, some Communists, such as Kruschev and Gorbachev, were fairly humane and honorable as indiviuals. But Kamala is not only a Communist. She is a Stalinist. Or perhaps like Lenin in his harshest and cruelist moments.”

    Your level of understanding is truly appalling.

    You seem to think it is wrong to be harsh against enemies.

    You yourself are full of affection for the Nazis who murdered Jews in great numbers

    1. In the 1918 to 1920 Ukrainian pogroms

    2. In the Shoah

    You have repeatedly lied about these Nazis and their total Nazism post the Nazi coup of February 2014 which has been documented here.

    For that open betrayal of Jewish memory any self respecting Jew would seek you being kicked off the site.

    Because principles cannot be compromised.

    But Peloni and Belman don’t grasp principles.

    But you are far from alone. That empty talker Caroline Glick is no different. And Netanyahu sucked up to the NeoCons in his speech and so inevitably keeps Jews in chains.

    You have some arrogance when you attack Lenin or Trotsky by implication. Give an example and ensure it’s not a lie. I will answer

  6. Peloni

    “This 2020 report by Loudon presents an important analysis of Harris’ Communist backgroud.”

    It is not by me pronouncements.

    But statements of fact.

    These people whom Loudain describes have nothing to do with Marxism and Communism.

    All of them and I mean all are creatures of the American capitalist state

    They are defending capitalism.

    This is the role of Marxist Revisionism and mostly Stalinism.

    The key moment in all of this history was the assassination of Trotsky, an atheistic Jew, the centre of the revolution against capitalism.

    It happened in August 1940 in Mexico carried out by Mercader, trained by the GPU

    All of those mentioned by Loudain would be in agreement with the foul deed of the GPU. That murder was also a continuation of the murderous acts of Stalinism in the Moscow Trials.

    Those very people are who Loudain claims to be Communists.

    His basic premise is an absurdity.

    Peloni stands in that blood filled trench with Loudain. His great crime is to not be an explainer of this history, but a falsifier of history.

    The history is already there to be studied. Peloni in slavishly being a follower of Loudain shows where he is at.

    If Peloni had any knowledge of the pivotal Spanish Civil War then he would know about the role of Stalin and Trotsky, and the role of Stalinism.

    He seems though to have no idea.

  7. Felix

    Peloni your comment is a lie.

    No, it is not, unfortunately for everyone. Kamala is a Communist.

    Now do us all a favor and prove to me with more than pronouncements to the contrary, that what Loudon wrote was in error. No stinting on the detail, please.

  8. She is definitely a Communist. But that may be the least of her evils. After all, some Communists, such as Kruschev and Gorbachev, were fairly humane and honorable as indiviuals. But Kamala is not only a Communist. She is a Stalinist. Or perhaps like Lenin in his harshest and cruelist moments.

  9. Peloni

    Some like Trevor London like to write about Stalinist movements, it is already discredited, and then claim that this is revolutionary socialism.

    But it’s not.

    That’s a lie.

    Peloni your comment is a lie.