Why is HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE not getting the respect it’s due (from higher-ups at least)

Howard Laitin poses for questions for Thomas M. Burton author of  What We Know About Coronavirus Tests, Treatment and Vaccines- published by WSJ ( If anyone can forward this article to me I would appreciate it.)

First,  if we have one third [or one quarter ]as many test kits now as necessary,  why not concentrate these  available tests and then reopen a  major portion of the country? Would not it be better to have some [  a significant portion]  the country  functioning, rather than the alternative   which we are facing —which is to have no  one functioning?

 Second, concerns positive field reports from front-line  medical practitioners relating to HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE


An international  survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.

The survey also found that the most commonly prescribed treatments are analgesics (56%), azithromycin (41%) and hydroxychloroquine (33%).

Azithromycin, known by the brand name Zithromax or Z-Pak, was rated the second-most effective therapy at 32%, followed by “nothing,” analgesics (including acetaminophen), anti-HIV drugs and cough medicine.

Hydroxychloroquine, which is sold under the brand name Plaquenil, was prescribed mainly in the United States for the most severe cases, but not so in other countries.

“Outside the U.S., hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the U.S. it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The 30 nations surveyed included those in Europe, Asia, North America and South America, as well as Australia. No incentives were provided to participate in the poll, conducted March 25-27, according to Sermo.

Hydroxychloroquine usage was most widespread in Spain, where 72% of physicians surveyed said they had prescribed it, followed by Italy at 49%, and least popular in Japan, where 7% had used it to treat COVID-19.

The poll found 23% of U.S. medical professionals had prescribed the drug, which has been FDA-approved for malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

2.   ACCORDING TO THE WASHINGTON POST DR. BRIGHT PUBLICLY MADE THE FOLLOWING REMARKS: “I insisted that these drugs be provided only to hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 while under the supervision of a physician. These drugs have potentially serious risks associated with them, including increased mortality observed in some recent studies in patients with COVID-19.”—     BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, DR. BRIGHT IS  UNILATERALLY INFRINGING UPON THE MEDICAL JUDGMENT OF THOUSANDS OF PHYSICIANS.

3.    Quoting Sermo CEO Peter Kirk [ which would be direct  counter to Dr. Bright’s insistence that these medications be only provided to hospitalized patients] “Physicians should have more of a voice in how we deal with this pandemic and be able to quickly share information with one another and the world,” he said. “With censorship of the media and the medical community in some countries, along with biased and poorly designed studies, solutions to the pandemic are being delayed.”

 4. Information from Dr. Michael Hirt,  Tarzana California

So far in my clinical experience, I can tell you that Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin combo has been 100% effective for my CoV patients, when used in conjunction with all of the Integrative …. I employ.  Needs to be given early enough in the course of the illness to be maximally effective.  Much like a fire extinguisher can put out a small kitchen fire, but if a house is engulfed in flames, you need a fire hose.  Doesn’t mean fire extinguishers don’t work for house fires, just need to be used early in the event……

As we no longer have the domestic capacity to manufacture these medications [Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin]  in the quantities needed on the timeline required, the Federal government should immediately work to re-tool US chemical factories that are capable of retrofitting to manufacture these two drugs.  The raw materials of these medicines can then be shipped directly to vitamin manufacturers who have the capacity to conservatively and collectively make 5 – 10 millions pills daily.  As a contract manufacturer of vitamins, I know first hand that these facilities follow strict FDA guidelines that are equivalent to the regulations of Big Pharma. Therefore, quality control will not be a concern.  Compound pharmacies are also capable of participating in this effort.

If this protocol were to be adopted, some 150M doses of these life-saving medications would be available in the next two weeks to treat all patients in need and any first responder/front line healthcare worker.

While not scientifically proven, it has also been anecdotally observed that chloroquine may offer significant prophylaxis so that those most at risk (the vulnerable patients and front-line healthcare workers) may never develop a primary infection during the epidemic.   This preventive intervention should be immediately offered to vulnerable populations and healthcare workers in an open-label, observational study.

With the cure in the hands of pharmacies, hospitals and first responders, the concern for the health and wellness of the vulnerable population (whose characteristics have been well described) can be assured. By treating these vulnerable patients in the early part of the 5 day prodrome (when mild symptoms begin), demands on hospital resources will be effectively countered.

 5.    Information from  Monroe, New York


initiate treatment in the outpatient setting as soon as possible, it prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), prevents the need for hospitalization and saves lives.

1- hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days

2- azithromycin 500mg once a day for five days

3- zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for five days

Seen approximately 1354 patients in Monroe, New York with eithetest proven or clinically suspected coronavirus infection. The majority of the patients were treated with only supportive care.

The patients with shortness of breath or who are in the high risk category were treated with the above regimen (approximately 405 patients at this point)..
Of this group  we have had two deaths, six hospitalizations for pneumonia, and four intubations (all extubated now).

We have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.

           6. To help establish my professional qualifications with you I am   enclosing two items. The first, [A] is the write up prepared by the Department of Defense in conjunction with my  scientific and operational advisory activities with them. The second, [B] is a page from a more  extensive summary prepared by the Department of Health and human services, also for use in my various advisory capacities with them. My purpose for doing this is to permit you to evaluate my inputs.

A. Howard Laitin, Torrance , California 

Harvard, Ph.D.(Economics; Public Health). National Defense University Graduate Program; U.S. Army Command and General Staff College;  Career Officer Course; Lt. Col. USA (Retired).

Chief Scientist, Hughes Aircraft Company & Raytheon  Corporation (Retired). Adjunct Professor of Engineering, USC. Clinical Associate Professor of Public Health, UCLA. Registered Professional Engineer (California).

US Military Advisory Groups to: Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia; Iranian Nuclear Program: Review of technology and sustainable development. Iraqi Intervention: Review of alternatives and probable outcomes.

Consultant/Advisor: Center for Strategic and International Studies; Hudson Institute; Institute for Defense Analyses; Rand Corporation. Policy Development and Evaluation: Government Accountability Office; Office of Management and Budget; Department of Defense; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Transportation; US Treasury. Army Science Board, Member. National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration. National Science Foundation. US Customs Service. US Public Health Service.

Chairman Environmental Quality Programs: Governor Ronald Reagan, Governor Jerry Brown.


May 4, 2020 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. After SEVENTY years of use with ultraminimal ST changes on the EKG perhaps the OH-Chloro produced now may contain “impurities” that are responsible for the sudden increase of cardiac events!!!
    A number of approved meds have been removed from the market for being carcinogenic (due to impurities: Zantac, Losartan), !

  2. Look at Professor Didier Raoult ,Medecine Professor , head of IHU of Marseille ( Institut Hospitalier Universitaire ) specialist in tropical infectious disease. Out of 1061 patients , 971 have been totally cured of COVID 19 by immediate prescription of HCQ + AZT + Zinc sulphate at the very first symptoms . 46 patients did not reacted to this treatment and 4 ( four ! ) died . HCQ ( plaquenil brand name ) box ( 30 pills ) costs 4 € 17 cents – HCQ is a generic drug no more under patent hence the modest price . AZT is more expensive ( 200 € a box for 10 days ) .
    Professor Raoult can demonstrate that his own combination works very well for cheap .
    For that success , he was denigrated by the Health minister in the Macron Government , and Macron payed a visit of courtesy to cover his own back in case the big Pharma labs are unable to deliver a costly vaccine . But Macron added that Raoult treatment is ” still under scrutiny ” and several pundits barked out of jealousy at Professor Raoult . Now Prof. Raoult is a popular hero like Asterix fighting the Roman empire .

  3. The reason I’ve been making a fuss about Fauci’s advocacy of remdesivir and opposition to the use of hydroxiqloriquine is that it reveals he has no concern for the health of the American people, but only for the profits of the pharmaceutical “majors,” Clinical experience so far has shown hydroxichloriquine to be far more effective in healing COVID-19 patients that remdesivir. However, it is a generic drug and inexpensive. Remdesivir, on the other hand, is patented by the Gilled corporation, a Big Pharma firm, and hence is expensive. If remdesivir is approved for use in treating COVID-19, Giliad stands to make big profits. Fauci’s opposition to the use of hydroxichloriquine, while he favors the use of the more expensive but less effective drug, shows that his goal is not making the American people, but making big bucks for the pharmaceutical industry.