Why in the world did Israel release Hamas terrorists?

July 4, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. Just Out Of Reach
    Everyone in Chelm was scandalized: A thief had broken into the synagogue and made off with the poorbox. The Council of Seven immediately convened, and after some deliberation they arrived at a unanimous decision: A new poorbox would be installed, but suspended close to the ceiling so that no thief would ever be able to reach it.

    But the moment the shammes [synagogue caretaker] heard about the decision he raised a new problem. “It is true that the box will be safe from thieves,” he declared, “but it will also be out of reach of the charitable.”

    The Council of Seven held another hurried meeting, and once again the wisdom of Chelm prevailed. It was decreed that a stairway be built to the poorbox so that the charitable might easily reach it.


  2. You play into the hands of all of Israel’s enemies and all of the world’s antisemites by promoting this conspiracy theory.

    Plain and simple… High treason. The same filth knew about October 7th in advance.

  3. No one seems to have noticed that Israel, or more specifically the Shabak, did exactly the same thing during or after the most recent previous round of fighting between Israel and Hamas prior to the Oct. 7 invasion. In 2008? or 2014? 2014? I can’t recall the exact date of this ‘lawn mowing” operation. But what I do remember is that the Shabak released exactly the same number of prisoners-50’- that they did over the past two weeks. And they gave the same obviously phoney excuse–overcrowding in Israel’s prisons. Obviously, Israel has plenty of places where it can hold Hamas prisoners without “oveercapacity.” So what is the motivation for the Shabak to do two identical prison releases of Hamas terrorists during or shortly after wars with Hamas? Someone shoulld investigate the relatinoship between this release of 50 Hamas terrorists and the past one.

    My guess is that in both cases of 50 terrorist prisoner releases. the released individuals that the Shabak had earmarked to rule Gaza once the Israeli military operations in Gaza end. That these 50 indiviuals are the ones that the Shabak believes will make the best leaders or rulers of Gaza after Israel’s “Swords of Iron ” operation ends. Or maybe even when it is still going on. I don’t think the Shabak supports “Swords of Iron.”They prefer that Hamas remains in control of Gaza.

    Is this treason? Absolutely. The Shabak has had numerous traitors in its ranks for many years. I believe that many Shabakniks remain loyal to the original buy=them-off with-mpney-and political-support “conceptzia.”