By Lynne Kessler Lechter, HADASSAH MAGAZINE
The United Kingdom’s recent decision to leave the European Union was predicated on its citizens’ choice between self-government and the continuation of anonymous rule by bureaucrats in Brussels. The British polls, pundits and politicos didn’t accurately predict the outcome of the vote. Donald Trump did, and he did because sovereignty—the authority of a person, group or state to govern itself—has always been the consistent subtext of his messaging.
We Americans are blessed with a Constitution and jurisprudence (based in large measure on laws set forth in the Torah) that honor individual life, dignity and self-determination. In this system, government’s main purpose is to protect us from internal and external harm. In exchange, we abdicate vigilantism and agree to abide by the government’s laws. Power flows to and from the citizens and the state.
Similar to citizens in the United Kingdom, many Americans feel their power incrementally shifting away from them toward the state. Vast, anonymous, unaccountable and increasingly imperial bureaucratic agencies spit out rules and regulations, wrapping a net around the individual’s autonomy.
Americans are dying in faraway places for a war that has not been ratified against an enemy that shall not be named. At home, veterans are dying due to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs’ inexcusable lag time in tending to their needs. The list goes on. Political correctness, university safe spaces and “victim categories” have made free speech a four-letter word. The illegal flouting of our immigration laws, illustrated by the existence of multiple “sanctuary” cities, is evidence that the rule of law, on which our compact with our government is maintained, is crumbling.
Our foreign policy in the Middle East lies in shambles. ISIS, the brutal self-declared caliphate once deemed a JV team, now controls swaths of at least two countries. The FBI is investigating over 1,000 jihadist cells in the United States, and terror attacks here are escalating. The Arab Spring has morphed into the Arab killing grounds, and the incomprehensible Iran nuclear deal has added to the danger, as Iran now has additional monies to fund terror.
Trump gives the country an alternative to bureaucratic failures and to those who refuse to name the true misogynists, racists and enemy: the radical Islamic terrorists who enslave women and murder gays, Jews and Christians.
I am inspired by his formula to “Make America Great Again,” including his vows to:
• Streamline the bureaucracies and overturn needless regulations that hamper growth;
• Institute programs like the Keystone pipeline, renegotiate trade deals and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, all of which will provide more job opportunities;
• Overturn and replace Obamacare, which has increased costs, limited doctor access and converted good-paying, full-time jobs into low-paying, part-time ones;
• Reduce corporate and personal taxes and offer a sensible, one-time deal to repatriate billions of dollars currently held off-shore;
• Streamline the Department of Veterans Affairs and offer access to private providers;
• Rebuild our military in order to negotiate foreign policy from a position of strength; and
• Build a wall on our southern border and monitor visa stays to stop illegal immigrants, including the terrorists among them.
Trump deems terror in Israel equivalent to terror in the United States and elsewhere, and he has Israel’s back. The safety of United States’ citizens is paramount and he will fight to ensure our security. Trump has seen the dramatic need for change and is the leader with the bold and comprehensive plans to move us forward.
Lynne Kessler Lechter is a founding partner of a Philadelphia-area law firm and serves on the President’s Council of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
Actually, but for the threat of another Holocaust, my view of the world would be more like this:
Ted Darlin, modified again , oy !!!!!!!!!
@ Sue Roberts:
@ Sebastien Zorn:
@ bernard ross:
@ yamit82:
Sebastien Zorn Said:
The Jihadist and Progressives have form a deadly alliance.
Sebastien Zorn Said:
Ah ha a Southern boy. !!!!!!!!!!!
stevenl Said:
I taught in an 8 room school in South Texas. My Hispanic students came from very poor circumstances. I taught them to speak English, read, write and basic math in 9 months. I did it by rejecting all teacher manuals, giving a damn and using my own skills. I also refused to join the Teacher’s Union. Most of my fellow teacher were only concerned with two things, their paychecks and pensions.
I’m more worried that Hillary is telling the truth than that Trump is lying. Hillary wants to continue bullying Israel to dismember herself and ethnically cleanse her own people. Trump Doesn’t. Unless they are lying. If Trump is lying, he will be the same as Hillary. So, as he said to the African-American community that, like the Jewish-American community has been voting dem in lock-step since 1936: “Things are already so bad. What have you got to lose?” Frankly, as far as I am concerned, all the rest is just fiddling with the window curtains on the Titanic, instead of crying out, “Look out, there’s an iceberg up ahead!*”
It’s like the old riddle about the neighboring lying and truth telling tribes. You can’t tell them apart. But members of the lying tribe always lie and they are cannibals. Members of the truth-telling tribe are vegetarians and generous hosts who never lie. You are at the crossroads at which one road leads to the liars and the other to the truth tellers. There is a sentry. You don’t know which tribe he belongs to. You may ask only one question. Which question will lead you to safety?
Traditional answer: Which road leads to your village? (the truth teller will tell the truth and direct you to his village, and the liar will lie and also direct you to the truth-teller’s village.
My answer(since I am reminded of Israel and PA/Hamistan here): So, Nu?
* Mostly irrelevant (though I suppose it does address the Balkanization and collective guilt-tripping that the Obama and Co have created and want to continue but Trump wants to end) but I couldn’t resist — maybe you haven’t heard it — as I have met young people who never heard of Marlon Brando–before their time, don’t you know–that could be an updated version of the Wicked Son’s line at a Passover Seder, [dismissively] “Oh, that’s before my time.” — So, (not that this is likely to have every happened, it’s really a metaphor for anti-semitism. My secular assimilated father used to say proudly — whenever he heard about an awesome Jewish contribution — “Clever these Chinese!.”
A Jewish-American guy and a Chinese-American guy are sitting next to each other on a plane. The Jewish-American guy throws his drink in the Chinese guy’s lap.
“Why’d you do that?” said the Chinese guy in outrage.
“That’s for Pearl Harbor!” Said the Jewish guy.
“Pearl Harbor? Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. I’m Chinese!”
“Chinese, Japanese, what’s the difference?”
— There was silence for a few minutes. “”
Then, the Chinese guy threw his drink in the Jewish guy’s lap.
“Hey, what was that for?” cried the Jewish guy.
“That was for the Titanic!” triumphantly replied the Chinese Guy.
“The Titanic??? The Titanic was sunk by an iceberg.
“Goldberg, Iceberg, what’s the difference?, he replied.”
and for hate groups like “Black Lives Matter” that blame Black perps being shot by Black cops on White racism and before that Obama demonizing White Americans for racism on account of NYC Blacks being bypassed by mostly foreign, Muslim, often Black African cab drivers.
By the way, Happy New Year.
Mazeltov, y’all.
bernard ross Said:
Dear Heart, you know I loves ya Yankee Boy, but don’t be forgettin the Rio Grande !!!!!!!!!
Sebastien Zorn Said:
Keep your day job!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you heard the shocking news about Donald Trump?
He’s a little over-weight!!!
@ Sue Roberts:
Please provide facts and figures to support your allegations against Donald Trump,
@ Sebastien Zorn:
Hindu Kush in Persian means ‘Hindu Slaughter’ or ‘Hindu Killer’.
What they did to the Indians, they want to repeat on Israel!!!
Hindu Kush is also the region where the slaughter took place. As someone would say: a retribution for the “Crusaders”!!!!
Sebastien Zorn Said:
He recognized that Holt and dems bringing up the birth certificate was to create a red herring distraction from the real issues of Hillaries crimes, security dangers, incompetence and immense corruption. He likes to fight back but likely recognized that battle was already lost years ago due to the GOP establishment deals with obama. Hence, he should avoid all those issues which seek to wast his time and degenerate into time wasting arguments. He needs to keep debate focus on those issues that can bring him voters from the middle and the dems: hillary’s incompetence, Hillaries security risks, hillary’s lies, Hillary’s corruption, but MORE importantly the muslim risk that hillary will increase, the crony capitalism that corrupts politicians to ship our jobs and fire americans, the dems drive to bring in illegal immigrants and register illegal voters…. petty issues that devolve into unresolved arguments should be left to ads and media.
Independents, undecided, disillusioned bernie voters, influential pro trump hispanics and blacks… he should concentrate now on their issues and concerns… the trumpers have made up their mind… the gop ship jumpers must now be ignored.
He must stop saying “beleive me”, because those undecided have that as their problem… he must speak the facts which support his arguments and act “presidentially”, avoid petty arguments, ……
choose the major battles which are the concerns of the undecided
his major asset is the desertion of the elite donors
he can appeal to bernie voters on those issues in better detail than just talking “trade”.. he must talk of american workers being fired and forced to train foreigners
he must talk of what is happening in europe due to the muslim flood
He must show that the serial liar will not implement any thing she says
I forgot Hindus:
Why I support Donald Trump:
And the stuff in the Democrat platform about an un-divided Jerusalem as the home of all faiths is lies anyway (especially the acknowledgement that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel as “the designated yeller” herself made an issue about Jews living in Jerusalem.) Both platforms denounce BDS but only the Republican platform proposes concrete legislative action to combat it, as opposed to the usual lying Democrat lip service that this statement is full of. The only pro-Israel measures that Democrats usually support are the ones that benefit the U.S. economy (the aid help us more than it does them, seeing as it mostly has to be spent here and undercuts the Israeli defense industry.) All the pro-Israel legislation has come from Republicans and we know how anti-Israel Hillary and her crowd are, regardless of what they say at election time knowing that Most Americans support Israel. The stuff about qualitiative military edge and so on that both say is just boiler plate nonsense to the Dems but the key difference is that The Republican platform opposes imposing a two-state solution on Israel and supports Israel and not the Palestinians unconditionally.
That, plus Trump opposes the Islamization of America and Hillary supports it. All of the “Muslim countries” , including Saudi Arabia, were originally Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Animist, Zoroastrian before the Muslim migration following or preceding ethnic cleansing changed that. The Muslims collectively are like the Borg in Star Trek. They swallow, absorb and replace the peoples they conquer. Individually, it is impossible to know who is a moderate. In Mumbai, Ft. Hood, San Bernardino, Chelsea./NJ, and countless other massacres, everybody said of the murderers, “but they seemed so nice.” On the other hand, “at the Hypercacher massacre in Paris, it was a Muslim employee who saved the surviving Jews by hiding them in the freezer and there were the Israeli Arab teenagers who had to flee their relatives because they put pro-Israel images on their web page. But, there is no way of telling who is who, especially when law enforcement can’t profile or place Muslims organizations, schools and mosques under surveillance. You’ve heard of un-requited love? They are waging war against us and we are asleep at the wheel. It’s an un-requited war.
Huh???? Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee (Twilight Zone theme.)
As with Obama’s birth certificate, sometimes Trump backtracks under fire, when he shouldn’t and probably doesn’t mean to. It’s human nature. Makes him more human. And likeable. I agree that global warming is a scam that is about de-industrialing the West and developing our Third World enemies, including China. Apropos of nothing: here is a hilarious parody I found about Hitler in the bunker raving about the lost winter campaign in Russia (where his troops froze in their summer uniforms) because he had relied on Global Warming data (actually, like Napoleon before him, he thought the war would be over before the winter set in.)
?Hitler on Global warming fraud-parody – YouTube?
” don’t understand why everybody so afraid of Muslin. Why does Donald Trump want to keep Muslin out of the country. We need all kinds of cloth to have a warm and diverse society.”
“Uhh.. that’s “Muslims” not “Muslin.'”
“Ohhhh.. That’s different. Never mind.”
LOL, they all laughed at donald building a border wall and having mexico pay… no rocket science there on either count. Those who laughed knew nothing of finance or border security.
yamit82 Said:
he knows how to go about getting expertise… he has already gone to the experts at border fence building and at profiling muslim terrorists for decades… his first step is to check those who are succesful… like the skating rink that NYC couldnt finish building in years and he fininshed in 3 months…. but the real measure was that they had a MIAMI refigeration corp who put in copper refrigeration pipes with refrigerant fluids costing a fortune to build AND maintain. The first thing he did was real simple and obvious… he called the montreal canadians to ask them what they do and they advised him to rip out the copper and put in rubber hose pipes with saline water at a much lower cast. When refrigerant pipes leak the maintenance costs are high, but not salt water.
Gov and academics lose sight of simple solutions.
yamit82 Said:
agreed, they dont mention his policies because they dont follow ideological patterns and they dont even understand what he is saying. I have no problem with his changing his mind based on conditions unseen or arising… thats real life.
yamit82 Said:
they dont understand that he will change his pathways if he finds he cannot complete his platforms… he, like any developer, will identify new paths which he can successfully complete. He will not waste time trying to cover up mistakes, obstacles, new conditions because his time will be spent getting things done. Politicians spend all their time covering their ass and hoping their words agree. Donald doesnt give a crap, its up to the listener to understand what appear to be inconsistencies in his presentation. What is waffling to some is simply the normal flexibility of folks who get things done.
His starting points are sound and he is capable and competent to achieve them, that does not mean that everything goes according to plan. He does the same with his campaign because his goal and plan is to WIN
yamit82 Said:
Exactly… and he spends his energy on getting things done, not on wordsmithing.
One of the things he competently got done as a novice was to whip all the GOP establishment candidates and experts and steal their voting base out from under their noses… he played the media as suckers to give him free coverage and made megyn and murdoch come publicly crawling back… thats no piker no matter how unpolished.
Sue Roberts Said:
A Jew who votes democratic party is an idiot.
For the last 8 years anti semitic attacks, abuse, threats have increased enormously in the USA at schools and college campuses all under the auspices and facilitation of the democratic party administration. This is because of the increase of the leftist muslim alliance whose voters ALL vote for the democratic party. There has not even been any recognition of this disaster and Jews are either ignorant or in denial. What is incredibly ludicrous is that liberal jews are in the forefront of defending muslims from islamaphobia thus guaranteeing future attacks on their children from the very muslims they defend.
Furthermore, ALL of the current violence, rioting and lunatic political beatings are commited by supporters of the democratic party…. there are no GOP roaming mobs beating folks, rioting, killing cops, beating down Jews. This leftist muslim alliance has already driven many european jews to emigrate to Israel and those left behind are afraid to look Jewish. Hillary will cater more to the emerging leftist muslim base and increase the danger to Jews.
Furthermore, not only are jews enabling and facilitating anti semitism by defending muslims but are increasingly being seen as being responsible for flooding western nations with muslims… therefore Jews supporting the democratic party and the muslim immigrant floods will be hated by americans and increasingly seen as a 5th column.
American Jews particularly are incredibly naive and ignorant of real anti semitism and think it just comes from the right and nazis but the greatest fascist anti semites today, the biggest threat to Jewish life is the alliance of leftists and muslims.
Jews who vote democrat must not whine or seek sympathy when their idiocy increases attacks on their own Jewish children.
Furthermore, the dem party has libeled donald as an anti semite supported by neo nazis when in fact it is only democratic party supporters and voters who have been attacking Jews. Only an idiot Jew does not understand what it means when donald has, and lauds publicly, his orthodox jewish daughter, grandchild and son in law AND surrounds himself in business with Jewish professionals, advisors and consultants.
What is the basis of your lunatic suggestion that a Jew should not vote donald when donald is far better for jews and Israel and the dems are a safety threat? Support your laughable and dishonest narrative.
@ Marsha Roseman:
They all said that; proof is in the doing. I’ll believe it when I see it.
@ Sue Roberts:
HE GRADUATED wharton school eco- summa cum laude. You don’t build a private business conglomerate as diverse and as large as his, if you are stupid.
So he is not articulate but he is authentic and no attempt to hide his deficiencies like Shillary the vile crook and pathological liar.
His policies are well thought out make sense for the most part in righting the American condition after 16 terrible years of BUSH AND OBAMA. Unlike Shillary the crook he has invested his own money in his campaign.
he will be good for Israel and America compared to Shillary the crook.
What he may lack in polish he makes for by demonstrating great instincts and insight when defining problems, he has a great vision for the future.
A Jewish person can vote for Trump because, unlike Hillary, he will keep JERUSALEM undivided and, unlike Hillary, will not tell Jews where they can and cannot live in their own homeland.@ Sue Roberts:
Early reports (WSJ) indicate that GB is already improving economically!
@ bernard ross:
A rightful fiery response!
From WE the ignorant, the bigoted, the crybaby, the thin-skin etc.
As the left keeps repeating the more poor poor in America the more poor become poor (the more the better) while the rich become richer. For the socialists: a win-win deal!
Sue Roberts Said:
Actually I beleive you have described yourself very accurately here.
Sue Roberts Said:
Perhaps you could elucidate on this parroted mantras. Keep in mind that this is the definition of the word
try to be accurate in your rendition as some folks here become impatient with illiterates pretending to be well read.
Sue Roberts Said:
it appears that you are unable to recognize the “bottom line” technique of trump which suggests that you have never achieved anything and have always been employed and instructed by others. Let me inform your ignorance: trump reduces his analysis to simple one line sentences as he has lived in a world where achievers regularly demand “whats the bottom line” because they usually already understand the issue and want to just evaluate your conclusions. Trump is actually incredibly adept at this technique as he has spent many decades dealing with those who achieve and accomplish, unlike the crook you follow… here is a perfect example of his incredible ability to reduce an issue to its “bottom line” to a single sentence which brilliantly has identified both the problem and immediate solution in a single sentence…although I doubt that your parroting PC correctness will allow you to see the beauty of this technique and the incredible accuracy of his analysis and thought
a thing of beauty is a joy forever… in this one sentence he has accurately concluded that the problem arises from muslims, that muslims are doing it, …. we do not know what type of muslims are creating problems, terror, intolerance etc globally but we can be 100% sure that the problem arises from muslims. As he has not been able to identify what type of muslims are prone to following their creeds archaic instructions he has decided in favor of taking no risk with american lives and safety and has made muslim foreigners inconvenience to be subordinate to the safety, security and interests of americans.
Contrast this simple conclusion of his with the deceptive and ludicrous practice of hillary and obama who keep telling us that…. LOLROFLMAO….. Islam is a religion of peace. One who cannot accurately identify the problem cannot solve it. Only an ignorant illeterate fool who is unaware of the history of Islam could make such a ludicrous statement… but then obama and hillary rely on their constituents ignorance and lack of knowledge plus their MO as parrots echoing the latest PC fashions. we are well aware here that both in europe and the USA the leadership has been censoring news of muslim intolerance, crimes and atrocities in order to give wings to their propaganda.
I suggest you “emancipate yourself from mental slavery” and break out to independent research, cease being a parrot
@ Sue Roberts:
I searched very carefully through your entire post to see if I could find any evidence or support for your opinions. It led me to wonder for what purpose you came here as it appeared similar to the rantings and tantrums of a toddler. Nay, in fact it is much more reminiscent of times long ago when I was repeatedly engrossed in wiping similar meaningless dribblings from the mouth and anus of my young babies. I suggest that you might feel much better if you beg your mummy to give you a new bib, or more appropriately to change your diaper.
However, upon rereading your ridiculous tantrum I came to the conclusion that you might be an adult whose mummy never taught them good manners or civilized behavior nor the rude perils of spreading slanders or libels. Perhaps you arrived here to engage in masturbation or merely to seek a venue to pull out your hair and stomp up and down. As an adult you should be aware that on an adult forum such as this you are expected to give evidence and support for each and every one of the libels you uttered here or you must be considered an intellectual bankrupt to which this adage applies:
“its best to keep quiet and appear the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”
Until you are able to give any evidence or support for your silly and childish rants you should not expect to be taken seriously here or treated as anything but a fool who lost her way on the way to the echo chamber of her ignorant peers.
Until then I await with baited breath for your attempt to submit support for your rants.
Sue Roberts Said:
this appears to be the only factually accurate statement which you made…… but when finding yourself to be in a state of ignorance it is best to read and humbly ask the literate and experienced to fill you in or you will continue to live in a state of frustrated ignorance.
/@ Sue Roberts:
Too much socialist ELITE KOOL-AID!
With Hillary we just need to look across the Atlantic and France or Germany are the defective models that the US socialists are embracing!
The Teacher Union dirty little secret!
According to the teachers (a few of my friends), the failure of kids from poor incomes must be placed squarely on their parents. The parents are a LOST cause therefore the kids are a LOST cause. Why therefore waste $ on them?
A number of charter schools have definitively destroyed this FALSE narrative. The TU and the democrats want, at any cost, to destroy the charter schools and preserve their control over education, healthCare and ultimately over society.
That will keep the poor in shackles UNLESS they open their EYES and LISTEN.
Who is talking about increasing the number of charter schools?
You, I suspect, must be siding with H against the Poor!
To add insult to injury, a disproportionate of TU members are liberal Jews! What a SHAME!
A vote for Trump is voting for bigotry, hatred, ecological destruction and all kinds of evils. The man cannot even complete a thought that contains any kind of coherent plans – just empty, hyperbole-filled, self aggrandizing words. He is a thin-skinned child who reacts from his gut rather than from intelligent thoughts and consideration of possible unintended consequences. I don’t understand how any intelligent person – let alone any Jewish person – can even consider this man for this position.