Why I no longer hate Israel

Op-ed: Portuguese blogger explains why he changed his views, fell in love with Israel

Romeu Monteiro, YNET

I’m a 22-year-old Portuguese gay activist and PhD student. I’m not Jewish, Israeli or even religious, but I am a Zionist and strong supporter of Israel, and I want to explain why.

My story begins at the age of nine, when I went to the school library to get the Diary of Anne Frank. I had no prior idea about the Holocaust and I could not comprehend such persecution. I had never met a Jew, but I was raised to see other people as similar to myself.

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The book’s story haunted me: This girl, slightly older than me, hiding for years, confined, isolated, being persecuted for who she was, constantly fearful of being discovered… How horrible; how could this have happened?

A few months later, I discovered I was gay. I was 10 and in Anne’s attic: Confined, isolated, hiding who I was, fearing what would happen if I was discovered… I felt strongly identified with Anne and the Jewish people, and this feeling never abandoned me.

Shortly after, the second Intifada started. I began seeing Israel, a country which I knew almost nothing about, on the news constantly, for the worst reasons. I learned that the Jews had invaded Palestine after the Holocaust to get a country and were occupying and controlling the native Palestinians who lived in the remaining land.

Romeu Monteiro - A Zionist
Romeu Monteiro – A Zionist



The TV showed us these people blowing themselves up inside buses and cafes and I, like most people around me, thought: “How desperate must someone be to kill themselves like this? How could the Jews go from being oppressed to oppressors? Have they not learned the lessons of History?” I grew up loving the Jewish people but hating Israel.

In 2008, when I was 18 and in college, I found myself criticizing Israel and the Gaza Strip blockade in a YouTube video about the death of Rachel Corrie. I got an answer from an Israeli commenter about my age, who wrote that there was no blockade, as several trucks were crossing into the Strip daily.

This greatly confused me and I asked him to present me with his arguments in defense of Israel. I said I would change my mind if they were convincing. He wrote me a long message, telling me about the massacres of Jews in Palestine before Israel existed, the wars of extermination, and the indoctrination for hate of Jews and Israel in the Middle East, among other things, which he compared to several examples of the humanist character of Israel and its society.

I read it all and, after verifying the information, I was convinced…

Angry and betrayed

My world shook. I became aware that I was making unfair judgments and spreading hate and false propaganda about Israel… I was sad with myself and I felt angry and betrayed that I had trusted so much in organizations I thought were fighting for peace, equality and against prejudice, like I saw them doing for gay rights.

I realized I was being fed ignorance and hate by people who were, at best, as ignorant and prejudiced as those they were “fighting” against while believing themselves to be enlightened individuals and making me believe it too…

I read more and more about Israel, and I became fascinated with the amazing story of a people who, against all odds, had managed to survive and remain united through centuries of persecution, fight for their homeland, rebuild their country and revive their language – just like a phoenix rising from the ashes, striving for freedom and peace.

I realized Israel is a democratic, tolerant, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, rapidly developing nation. A place I could live in free and more accepted than in my home country, and the only place I could safely set foot at in the Middle East.

I found myself in love with Israel, something I never thought I would do and never really want to be.

In 2010, there was the flotilla incident. Suddenly, all media were reporting about Israel. The news reports were grossly distorted and I knew I had to do something. I found myself arguing about it with professors at the university and I started sharing videos of the IDF through my Facebook account.

I thought I would be risking much socially, but I knew it was a matter of justice, as someone had to tell the truth and not allow Israel to be demonized with no right to defense once again. After the flotilla I kept posting pro-Israel stuff, and had serious and even ugly discussions about this issue with several people.

Each discussion revealed more ignorance and double-standards and made me a stronger Zionist and supporter of Israel and its people. I thought I was the only one defending Israel but I gradually discovered other people doing it.

Once, a friend whispered in my ear: “I am also more on the side of Israel… but, please, don’t tell anyone!” She was scared to voice her opinion, and this reinforced my conviction that I had to be vocal about my defense of Israel; I was speaking for many people who were afraid to do it.

At the end it’s a matter of justice. If there’s a people that fights for its right to self-determination and to live in peace, I will be on their side. If there’s a group that is demonized by prejudice and ignorance, I will fight prejudice and ignorance with them. If there’s a culture whose main values include tolerance for different sexual orientations, races and religions – clashing with another one that educates for intolerance and hate – I know which side I’ll support.

I am a Zionist and I support the right of the Jewish people to self-rule and to life in peace, like I believe every thinking human being should.

Romeu Monteiro is an electric engineering Phd student at Carnegie Mellon University. You can see his blog here

April 8, 2012 | 18 Comments »

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18 Comments / 18 Comments

  1. This young man’s change of viewpoint is not unlike my own – I discussed mine some years ago at http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Radio/News.aspx/716

    As frustrating as I find the blithering absurdities spouted by anti-zionists (and I shudder when I think that I used to spout many of them as well), it’s important not to assume that our anti-Israel adversaries are motivated by antisemitism.
    This represents a challenge to pro-Israel activists to lift their game in the creation of honest and evidence based propaganda.

    One tip: If confronted by an antizionist of the “Left/Human rights” type, instead of dismissing them as a “bleeding heart” etc, challenge their Left/Human rights credentials. After all, the Palestinian Movement which they’re supporting is ultra-right wing and anti-Human rights. They need to be challenged on their contradictory/paradoxical position.
    Similarly, the “anti-racist” anti-zionists can be confronted on the fact that the PM is racist. Perhaps more importantly, they can be challenged to demonstrate that they’re not anti-Arab racists. After all, effectively treating the Gaza and West Bank Arabs as though they’re not really responsible for their actions is a rather serious form of anti-Arab racism.

    Put simply, anti-zionists who are essentially benevolent but misguided can be confronted and challenged with their own values. The genuine bigots who are manipulating other’s benevolent intentions will then be exposed and marginalised and shown for who they really are.

  2. @ Eric R.:

    Mr. Monteiro, thank you for responding. I can tell you that it is very bad for Jews elsewhere in Europe, I had one cousin leave another European nation and come here, where he got an advanced degree, a good job – and an American wife. He has no plans to return except to visit his aging parents.

    His brother is now also looking to come to North America.

    What I do not understand is why French Jews do not leave France altogether.

    From what I see France is ready to explode. The French are fed up with Muslim extremism; but seem to feel the Jews are part of the problem. They sort of blame the Jews for inflaming the Muslims and the French want to be rid of both of them.

    A half Million French Jews in Israel would stem the demographic tide, and if they brought their wealth with them would cause an Israeli boom.

    The French are tired of Islamic gang rapes, tourantes, but bizarrely seem to blame Israel for Islamic extremism.

    Great Video
    Quick Restaurants – serving Halal meals in France.

    What is amazing about the French is that the French do not understand that criticizing Israel only aggravates the problem.

    My own opinion: If they Halal restaurants are in public areas, it will get the Muslims out of their Casbahs and force them to assimilate.

    But the Jews should leave France, because the Europeans blame Israel for their own Muslm problem.

  3. @ Eric R.:
    First of all, Chile has perhaps 15,000 Jews and 300,000 Palestinians, so you know where their loyalties lie. All South American nations have far more Arabs than Jews.

    Second, the anti-Islamism of average Europeans is irrelevant. Europe is run by a Marxist European elite that does not give a damn about what the people think; they look down upon “average” Europeans as nothing but degenerate racists – much the same way our Marxist scum media thinks of Joe Six-Pack.

    I have heard numbers from 20,000 to 67,000 for Chile’s Jews. I suspect it varies. I tend to trust the higher numbers. 60,000 would be roughly equivalent in percentage to Argentina’s 180,000 Jews. Chile is 1/3 the size of Argentina in population. The societies are roughly equivalent in ethnic makeup and prosperity. I would expect an equivalent number of Jews. So I would expect 1/3 the number of Jews in Chile as in Argentina. I suspect many do not indentify as Jews publically.


    YNET reports:
    March 28, 2006

    Most Jewish gov’t outside Israel – in Chile

    Following the Israeli government, the newly elected Chilean cabinet is the most Jewish government in the world, with three Jewish ministers, one deputy minister serving in government

    What the article does not state is that there was an equal number of Arab-Chileans in the Chilean government.

    So the Jewish community in Chile has clout, and influence way above its numerical demographic. Nothing wrong with that, per se; but some here cannot stand that it gets mentioned. But their protests should then be aimed at YNET, not me.

    The same is true of Palestinian-Chileans. They have influence above their numbers, and it seems to be winning in Chile.


    Evangelicals tend to be pro-Israel. In Chile, they number 15%.


    The number of Arabs in Chile is about 800,000 of which 400-500,000 are Palestinian Christian.

    The rest are Syrian and Lebanese Maronites. Lebanese Maronites were viciously persecuted by Muslims in the 19th and 20th centuries. They have NO illusions about Islam. Syrian Christians came from a Ba’athist background and tend to be crazy.

    Only 30% of Chilean Palestinians are Palestinian on both sides of the family, from their own sources. Many are 2nd to 5th generation Chilean and monolingually Spanish.

    You would not expect these to be radically pro-Palestinian, unless outside influence was being brought in.

    The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism
    Chile 2001-2

    The 300,000-strong Palestinian community in Chile is the fourth largest in the world after those in Israel, Lebanon and Jordan. The Palestinians, who began arriving in the country at the beginning of the 20th century, are well integrated into Chilean economic, political and cultural life. Until the outbreak of the first intifada there was no evidence of Palestinian antisemitic or anti-Zionist activity.

    That is an Israeli source which monitors these things. They say that Palestinian activity in Chile was almost unknown until the First Intifada.

    The development of Palestinian sympathies in Chile is relatively recent.

    I disagree with the low number for Palestiian Christians. I think 500,000 is more accurate.

    And the Palestinians did have some sympathies before the First Intifada.

    Pro-Palestinian sources report that Palestinian Christians in Chile did get the pro-Zionist President of Chile in 1947 to rescind the vote for Israel, and Chile abstained in the Partition vote in New York in 1947.

    But that was the limit of Palestinian involvement in Chile; the obtaining of a neutral vote in 1947.

    But what was clear was that large scale, organized Palestinian support was unknown in Chile before the First Intifada.

    Israel did not worry about Chile. The country was tolerant and moderate concerning Jew, outside of Pinochet’s dictatorship. Pinochet was not an anti-Semite and many Jews worked in his government. Many Jews were on the opposition, too. This was not a Jewish stuggle, but was a political struggle.

    The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism
    Chile 2001-2

    After the eruption of the second intifada in September 2000, the Palestinian community worked vigorously, using the weight of their numbers and status within the country, to place the Palestinian cause on the Chilean public agenda. In 2001 the level of activity and cooperation of the various groups (Asociacíon de jóvenes por Palestina – AJPP; Union General de Estudiantes Palestinos – UGEP; Fundacón Palestina Belén 2000 – Comité Belén 2000; Comité Democratico Palestino – CDP; Federacíon Palestina de Chile; Centro de Estudios Arabes de la Universidad de Chile; and Federacíon Arabe de Chile – FEARAB) was unprecedented and their tone was extremely anti-Israel and often antisemitic. The transmissions of Radio Nuevo Mundo, linked to the Communist Party of Chile, were influenced by this trend. Further, Congressman Eugenio Tuma Zedán, a member of the center-left party Partido Popular Democratico (PPD), publicly asked the Ministry of Defense, on behalf of the Palestinian community, in early September 2001, to investigate the continuous presence of Israeli youth in Pumalin Park (a tourist attraction for many young Israelis). He also asked for an investigation of Zionist activities in Chile and questioned whether they were legal in Chile in light of Zionist racist practices.

    Leading groups galvanizing the community were the UGEP and the AJPP, which became the foci for Palestinian youth, while the Federación Palestina, Comité Democrático Palestino and Fundación Belén 2000 organized masses in the nation’s churches, rallies and demonstrations, and fund raising and cultural activities on behalf of the Palestinian cause.

    NOW, after 2002, the Stephen Roth Institutes noted less pro-Palestinian activity in 2003.

    The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism
    Chile 2003

    The Palestinian Community

    A much lower degree of extremist activity was recorded among Palestinian groups such as the Union General de Estudiantes Palestinos (UGEP), the Asociacion de Jovenes por Palestina (AJPP), Palestinian Foundacion Belen 2000 and Club Palestino, from the second half of 2002 onward (see ASW 2002/3). The UGEP and the AJPP participated in joint events in 2003 such as a rally at the Israeli embassy on 15 May, Israel’s Independence Day, to commemorate the naqba (Palestinian tragedy), at which comparisons were made between Israel and Nazism/neo-Nazism and a life-size puppet representing Sharon, with a Star of David on its torso, was hung from a tree. They also took part in events of left-wing organizations, but unlike in previous years, there were no significant anti-Zionist/antisemitic activities.

    Yes, the Palestinian loyalties are against Israel; but that is a recent development from what I have read — from Israeli sources. (See above)

    However, other sources are troubling.

    This concerns a soccer team called Palestinos,
    and the Palestine Foundation, which claims to be a Christian Charity but
    send money to Hamas

    The Media Line Reports:
    The Palestinian community, which is 90 percent Christian, is not without influence in Chile and has been successful in keeping the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the forefront of the Chilean media. Four Members of Parliament are of Palestinian descent. The mainstream paper La Hora de la Tarde even published a cartoon on March 13, 2002, supporting the creation of a Palestinian state and showing a Jewish/Israeli Star of David together with a swastika to represent Israel.

    At first glance, Palestino’s Internet site looks like that of any other soccer team. But in its links, one can find the Fundacion Palestina Belen 2000 (Palestinian Belen Foundation 2000). According to official sources, the stated aim of the foundation (translated as “Palestine-Bethlehem 2000”) is to provide “scholarships, medical and economic aid to the Palestinian Authority.” Yet, a Chilean government source described the organization to The Media Line (TML) as a lobby. The Anti-Semitism and Racism Institute claims that this foundation is the chief fund-raising organization in Chile for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Wealthy Palestinians from the Chilean community support the fund, which publishes the monthly journal, A-Damir. In celebration of its first anniversary on June 25, 2002, the foundation organized an event, attended by more than 1,000 invitees that included ministers, Members of Parliament, clerics, army officers and judges. Minister of the Interior Jose Miguel Insulza and Government-Secretary Heraldo Muoz both posed for a photograph, wearing a kafiyah decorated with a map depicting a Palestinian state that encompassed land that today is the entire state of Israel.

    A Chilean source connected to the Chilean Intelligence Agency (CIA) told TML that this particular fund managed to collect $6m in one year, but that the funds do not always find their way to needy Palestinians. Instead, much of the money goes to charities identified with Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization. According to the source, many of the fund’s activists are themselves members of another terror group – The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The CIA said that it has information concerning the trail of money from the foundation to Hamas, but declined to provide specifics.

    Palestine Foundation claims to be Christian but sends money to Hamas

    Oil Money has gone in to propagandize them.

    Aggravating this is the wealth of Palestinian Christians in Chile. They form an elite. Some of the most powerful men in Chilean history were of Palestinian extraction. The Yarur family once owned 60% of Chile’s textile factories. They are now heavily into banking.

    So there is a competition between Palestinian and Jewish influence. Both groups are educated and very properous. Here, NUMBERS works in favor of the Palestinians.

    HOWEVER, HISTORICALLY, THIS GROUP WAS CHRISTIAN. It avoided Mideast politics for the most part.

    Most Palestinian Chileans have ancestors that arrived before 1930.

    So the sudden surge of Palestinian Chilean interest in Palestine, and the violence of its rhetoric is a recent phenomenom, which according to the Stephen Roth institute was relatively unknown before the first Intifada, and only started getting nasty with the Second Intifada.

    The Palestine Foundation, noted above, only opened in 2000.

    So where were these Christians from 1948-2000? Mostly uninvolved.

    It is clear that outside money and influence is pushing this.

    There is no historical reason why Christians driven out of the Mideast by Muslim tyranny should now be supporting an Islamic struggle UNLESS outside money was coming in.

    FEARAB-Chile is scary. Its has a map which denies Israel altogether. Violently anti-Israel. It has been recently taken down. I do not know why.
    The name mean Federation of Arab Societies in Spanish. It looks worse in English.

    By contrast, FEARAB-Argentina is very mild.

    This is because Argentina’s Arabs are mostly Lebanese and Syrian. They have no illusions about Islam. Fearab-Argentina is basically about assimilating into Argentina. They recently got into a fight with the Islamic Center in Argentina. They were furious at the creeping power of Islam in Argentina’s Christian Arab society.

    So FEARAB Argentina opposes creeping Islam. The Lebanese influence.
    (they were furious at the cancellation of a Secular show to make way for Islamic propaganda)

    FEARAB Chile supports Islamic movements. The Palestinian influence.

    The scariest group is the Union General de Estudiantes Palestinos (The General Union of Palestinian Students)

    But again, all this is a recent development.

    Until 20 years ago, this was unheard of in Latin America.

    The Arabs were assimilating and becoming properous. Their chief enemies were the juntas of Chile and Argentina.

    But OPEC is a mixture of South American and Arab Oil Exporting Countries. This was the door which opened Latin America to Palestinian propaganda.

    Summit of Latin America and Arab countries

    It is oil which is driving this connection.

  4. @ Romeu Monteiro:

    Mr. Monteiro, thank you for responding. I can tell you that it is very bad for Jews elsewhere in Europe, I had one cousin leave another European nation and come here, where he got an advanced degree, a good job – and an American wife. He has no plans to return except to visit his aging parents.

    His brother is now also looking to come to North America.

  5. @ CuriousAmerican:

    First of all, Chile has perhaps 15,000 Jews and 300,000 Palestinians, so you know where their loyalties lie. All South American nations have far more Arabs than Jews.

    Second, the anti-Islamism of average Europeans is irrelevant. Europe is run by a Marxist European elite that does not give a damn about what the people think; they look down upon “average” Europeans as nothing but degenerate racists – much the same way our Marxist scum media thinks of Joe Six-Pack.

  6. @ Ted Belman:

    I appreciate you supplying us with all those links.

    You are welcome.

    There is a large degree of support for Israel outside the USA, which is never reported.

    Latin America is culturally very anti-Islamic. They are descended culturally from Spaniards who fought the Moors for 781 years.

    HOWEVER, as I pointed out in other places, Saudi money is moving in and some ugly anti-Israel stuff is starting to surface. I posted links to those anti-Israel propaganda pieces in another post.

    The thing is: We do not see this in the USA.

    AIPAC is powerful enough to counter Saudi money.

    Some get mad at me for saying AIPAC has such influence, but go outside the USA, where there is no AIPAC, and where Saudi money is uncontested, and you see quite a difference.

    Israel and the USA have ignored South America, to their own detriment. The Iranians and Saudis waltzed in with major propaganda efforts.

    However, Latin Culture is based on the 8 century long Reconquista of Spain from the Muslims. There is a historic mistrust of Islam which retards Islamic growth.

    Chile is only 0.025% Muslim (Yes, only 1 in 4,000)

    Argentina is less than 1% Muslim (the Muslims claim it is higher, but Pedro Brieger, a Jewish academic at the University of Buenos Aires, and TV reporter, wrote a report that the real numbers are far lower than the Muslims claim – click here).

    In 2003, there were only 3 Halal butchers in all of Buenos Aires (about 13 million people).
    That is next to nothing.

    Argentina is 9% Arab but most are Christian and whatever Muslims who did come in were usually Christianized.

    The Pen and Its Message
    The Arab community which is overwhelmingly Christian was furious at this Saudi effort.

    When I look at Latin America, I see a culture which is historically opposed in every way to Islam.

    And pro-Israel activity tends to be grass roots like here.

    Website, Chile Cristiano

    But, while the West was NOT paying attention, Saudi money started sneaking in. Iranian money in Venezuela. The Iranians subsidize a TV network, Telesur.

    The Saudis and Iranians will not convert the Latins, except a few loonies. Latinos like wine, tango, and samba too much. But the propaganda is starting to make them pro-Palestinian.

    The difference in procedure is amazing.

    Israeli support tend to come from local churches and synagogues.
    (from the bottom up)

    Islamic propaganda comes from Organizations subsidized by Saudis or Iranians.
    (from the top down)

    There is still time. This war of words is in its early stages, starting only after the 1988 Intifada, when the newsreports went worldwide.

    If the USA, or Israel gets off their duffs, they could easily counter this. Latins, as a rule, distrust Islam intensely. Their hero was EL CID.

    But right now, the Saudi money is uncontested.

    Argentina is still furious over the 1994 Bombings of the Jewish centers in Buenos Aires.
    They are furious

    I am just an American, who came upon this war of worldviews when trying to study Spanish on the web. I am passable, but not fluent. Were someone fluent, they could suss out – as you Canadians say – much more.

    My own view is that the Solution to the Mideast may lie in South American.

    South America has over 20 Million Arabs. Almost all are Christian, though many have one Muslim ancestor.

    This and general history shows that Latin America is very good at converting Muslims who arrive in their culture. If one were to move 2 Million West Bank Arabs to South America, in 2 generations they would be dancing the tango and probably be Catholic or Pentecostal.

    The Arab countries will not assimilate the Palestinians. The South Americans have a history of assimilating and eventually Christianizing Muslims who enter their countries.

    BUT … the Saudi and Iranian propaganda machines have to be countered.

    They are starting to have an effect, particularly in Chile. Chile is 5% Arab, mostly Palestinian.
    99% of the Palestinians are Christian. Almost none are Muslim.

    Yet, Saudi subsidizies have radicalized these Christians to be viciously anti-Israel.

    And oddly, their ancestors fled Chile to escape Muslims.

    These people should not be so pro-Palestinian; but Saudi propaganda has gone in.
    99% or more are Christian.
    Most do not even speak Arabic any more.
    Most are only part Arabic.
    Most have ancestors who fled Muslim persecution.
    ARAB IMMIGRATION TO CHILE (which I translated)

  7. @ Eric R.:

    Hi Eric!

    Although many places in western Europe are dangerous for pro-Israelis, and there’s a general anti-israeli feeling, nothing like that would ever happen in Portugal. In fact the events I talked about happened in Portugal, since I only came to the US last August. I argued with friends, online and in real life, with professors in my university in Portugal and I received a book about the History of Israel from my friend of the LGBT organization I’m part of in my 2010 birthday. I use a keychain with the national symbol of Israel and I have also worn a t-shirt with the symbol of Israel and the name of the country to University and nothing happened, I didn’t hear any comments.

    Portugal is a quiet place, since we don’t have significantly problematic religious or immigrant minorities, and the anti-israeli feeling is not that agressive. Portugal even had a Jew as President of the country from 1996 to 2006.

    I wrote this op-ed from America because I was inspired by the many conversations, and explanations I had to give, when I talked with pro or anti-Israel advocated which I found in the US. That’s the only reason. I’m going back to Portugal in less than 2 months, and I don’t think I’d be more in danger there than in the US, probably it will be the other way around.

  8. Israel thrives, in spite of it all

    Israel exists, and thriving, it is in the forefront of scientific and technological innovations,
    all because we the Israeli, Jewish people.

    Instead of placing blame,
    We chose to reconcile, and make the best of things yet to come.

    Instead of bickering among ourselves,
    We chose to support one another, and celebrate our differences.

    Instead of being victims,
    We chose to steadfastly, fight back, and defended our lives and honor.

    Instead of dwelling on the past,
    We chose to move on, and embrace progress over failure.

    Instead of teaching hatred, and evil,
    We chose love, respect, and compassion.

    Instead of antiquated laws and ignorance,
    We chose justice wisdom, and knowledge.

    Instead of a theocracy, and religious intolerance,
    We chose a Democracy.

    Instead of calling for the annihilation of other nations,
    We advocate coexistence.

    Instead of waging war,
    We choose to call for peace.

    Bill Vidor, Oakland CA © 4/20/2007 E-mail: billvidor@yahoo.com

  9. There is massive support for Israel in places you would not believe.

    Latin America is an inheritor of Spain and Portugal, the cultures which produced the Spanish Inquisition.

    But, everybody forgets that Spain fought 781 years to free itself of Islam. So large parts of Latin America support Israel because they hate Islam.

    The same for many countries.







    Uruguay (Hillel TV)

    I remember finding an Argentine YouTube Channel where the user said he supported Israel because he was a good Roman Catholic who hated Islam. He posted a video of himself and his Uruguayan friends disrupting a pro-Palestine rally in Montevideo, Uruguay. He thought it was good fun to heckle the Palestine lovers.

    THIS IS HIS CHANNEL – I translated some of his comments

    http://www.youtube.com/user/Marcelo100ARG (Marcelo 100% Argentine)
    Note: Many Argentines have Italian ancestry, hence Marcelo
    This channel has tons of video, often in English.

    (Proudly Argentinian who supports Israel against the cursed Terrorists of Islam.)

    (Christians support and alway will support the country of Israel)

    (The Falklands belong to Argentina, enough with the occupation of the Falklands by England – Note: He is Argentine).

    (The Vatican and Italy are one. – Note: He is very Catholic)



    My friends from Uruguay pass in their car with the Uruguyan flag and Israeli flag to show their full support in Israel’s war against Islamic Terrorism. As they pass, the uncivilized Palestinian barbarians try to attack their car and show their true colors and proves Israel right on what they say about them.

    After the one puto (whore) tried to spit on the car, they passed by again and spit on the Extremist puto (whote). Latinos support Israel and always will and we will never forget what they did in Buenos Aires in 1992 & 1994.


    (France is having a large surge of anti-Islamic sentiment for years now)

    France Paris (2009)

    Moroccan Berbers

    So stop being paranoid. There is a lot of support for Israel. The Palestinians just scream louder.
    The Arabs are notoriously disorganzied. They can rally crowds to protest, but that is all.

  10. @ Eric R.:

    You notice though, he is now able to speak openly now that he is in America, and at a primarily engineering school, that is not, compared to most universities anyway, a hotbed for radicals?

    If he wrote this in Portugal, I venture that he would be beaten or killed for it.

    He would not be beaten or killed for it.

    He might be socially ostracized, but there is a large anti-Islamic consensus in Europe, which would support him, out of hatred for Islam more than love of Israel.

    What he might get in trouble for are those pesky European hate laws.

    For ex: Latin countries are regularly condemned for anti-Semitism; but I have seen Argentine and Chilean supporters of Israel who do so from a strong anti-Islamic sense of their Christianity.


    Check out this video with Chilean and Israeli flags.


    Many of these people are Christians

  11. That is the irony or stupidity of the liberals Eric. The Rule of Law, Constitution, and most importantly The Bill of Rights is what gives Liberals and Romeu the safety to do whatever it is they want to do.

    The Founding Fathers understood the dark side of human nature and by some freak on nature developed a political document that takes power away from themselves and gives it to the people.

    We talk about these topics and many others at The Radio Jihad Network

  12. Reading this article reminded me of a chance meeting with a 20+ fem tourist from Finland in the old city of Yaffo 2 weeks ago. With righteous indignation she condemned Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and even of Arab communities in Israel. Facts did not interest her. After all Israel with its 6 million Jewish population is militarily and economically way too powerful for the 300+ million Arabs. All the history of Israeli successes in wars against threatening and invading Arabs, exercising an effective and often preemptive defense, were perceived by her as aggressive oppression of poor Arab victims. Is her thinking and identification with the Arab “underdog” also symptomatic of her generation? Harping back to an ancient Ephraim Kishon tale, should Israel lose and be annihilated to regain world sympathy? There are far more of those like her than of the Portuguese writer, even festering in JUIish (Jewish Useful Idiot) circles.


  13. You notice though, he is now able to speak openly now that he is in America, and at a primarily engineering school, that is not, compared to most universities anyway, a hotbed for radicals?

    If he wrote this in Portugal, I venture that he would be beaten or killed for it.

  14. It is encouraging to read about an individual who is an honest critical thinker. Romeu was politely challenged for his views on Israel. Romeu asked his challenger for his facts and positions. Romeu researched his challengers facts and conclusions on his own.

    What Romeu found is that his original views on Israel were wrong. It is at this point where many people are so invested in their “political position” they refuse to change. This human character flaw of “concrete positions” even when debunked is true of Politicians, Law Enforcement, political appointees, paid activists, and individuals whose identity and social networks are tied in one political group or the other.

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