Why I hate the “peace process”

By Ted Belman (first posted Nov 28/07)

1. It ignores Israel’s legal right to all the land. The Arabs have no legal right to the land.
2. It ignores that Jerusalem is the holiest site in Judaism. Christianity and Islam can’t make such a claim.
3. It ignores that Israel conquered Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria in a defensive war thereby entitling Israel to keep them.
4. It ignores that the Charters of Hamas and Fatah call for the destruction of Israel.
5. It ignores that Islam requires that Israel be wiped off the map.
6. It ignores that any “peace” agreement with the Arabs is a Hudna only.
7. It ignores that the PA has never lived up to its commitments undertaken pursuant to the “peace” process.

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8. It ignores that the PA harbours, aids and abets terrorists.
9. It ignores that the PA has always incited its people to hate and kill Jews
10 It ignores that the PA has never done anything to advance peace.
11 It ignores that Abbas is a puppet without power or authority.
12 It ignores that Hamas is the elected government of the PA.
13 Although it ostensibly supports negotiations, it constantly puts restrictions on what may be negotiated, e.g., Palestine must be created, must be viable, must be contiguous, must have its capital in Jerusalem
14 It requires the right of return to be open for negotiations.
15 It is under the auspices of the UN which discriminates against and demonizes Israel
16 The US under the guise of being Israel’s friend, forces Israel to act contrary to its interests.
17 No one in the Quartet is impartial
18 The end result is a foregone conclusion.
19 Israel doesn’t have the right to say “no”.
20 The Arabs are not held accountable for creating both the Arab and Jewish refugees.
21 The Arabs are not held accountable for terror or anything else.
22 All promises made to Israel by the US and the PA are routinely broken.
21 Israel is accorded no respect.
22. Israel is denied the right of self-defense
23 Israel is subject to constant criticism.
24 It will bring war not peace.
25 The Arabs refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

I could go on but will leave that to you.

February 18, 2008 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. davidstill: Germany and Japan were DEFEATED at the end of WWII. The war convinced them that their fascist ideology was dead in the water, immoral, inhumane and useless. With defeat, they became allies rather than enemies. They prospered as a result of their change of direction. I don’t know why you include France in that list, perhaps you are confused.

    The Arab Muslims have never been completely defeated and they have never given up their fascist ideology – the US, Russia and most others prevent Israel from the kind of victory that they would insist upon (and have enjoyed in the past) were they the victims of Muslim aggression, fascism and conquest.

    The Arab refugees would have had their own country in Jordan or Egypt by now had the Arab Muslims given up their fascist conquest and treated their own people with kindness and concern.

  2. davidstill I like you but you have a revisionist sense of history. they were not conquered lands, but LIBERATED LANDS. We liberated them from those who took them from somebody else. Jordan!!! Or do you suggest we give it back to Ottomans who no longer exist? or the British Ha thats a good one who took it from the Ottomans? As a matter of fact Russia still occupies several small Islands of Japan and won’t give them up, War booty and all that. Since there never in the History of Mankind existed a country, people, or culture called Palistine to whom would you suggest we give up our ancient heartland too? But if you insist on ascribing national rights on those who history will not back up I ask you the following and if you manage to ans. I will then agree with heavy heart your positions. :If you are so sure that “Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history”, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine:

    When was it founded and by whom? What were its borders? What was its capital? hat were its major cities? What constituted the basis of its economy? What was its form of government? Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat? Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation? What was the language of the country of Palestine? What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine? What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date. And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur? You are lamenting the “low sinking” of “once proud” nation. Please tell me, when exactly was that “nation” proud and what was it so proud of? And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call “Palestinians” are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over — or thrown out of — the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War?

    I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day “Palestinians” to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won’t work here.


    he truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it “the Palestinian people” and installed it in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the “West Bank” and Gaza, respectively? The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so called “Palestinians” have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel, and in my book that is not sufficient to consider them a nation” — or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled. In fact, there is only one way to achieve peace in the Middle East. Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel’s ancient sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying again was its beginning?

    You are absolutely correct in your understanding of the “Palestinians” murderous motives. I am afraid however that you, along with 99% of the population of this planet have missed the beginning of WWIII (the enemy call it Jihad) quite a few years ago. The siege of the US embassy in Tehran in 1979, an event to which the latest Nobel Peace Prize winner had so miserably failed to respond, can be very well used as the day WWIII stepped out of the pages of the Koran and into the current events.

  3. You gt to keep lands you conquered during a war? then why doesn’t the US claim all of France and Germany and Japan?

  4. Bill, I know you will not accept nor agree with me but it seems weird that the more we Jews try to divest our slves from the Land of Israel, the more difficulties get thrown in our way, It seems that God has taken a position on this subject and won’t allow it!