Why do US Jews still vote for Obama?


In a recent Jerusalem Post interview, former deputy secretary of state Elliot Abrams said President Barack Obama “sees Israel as a problem,” reminding us of the question that won’t go away.

It’s a question being asked by many a political pundit, and not just on the island of Manhattan or in Israel. As an American-Israeli who is often interviewed by perplexed conservative talk show hosts, and having written extensively about this president’s relationship with Israel, the recurring question of American Jewish support for Israel has become one I can no longer avoid.

It goes something like this: – Is Obama really hostile to Israel, and if he is, why does he still have massive Jewish support? Furthermore, will there be a lateral shift in 2012? Concerning the first question, I believe the answer is clear to almost all Israelis. Three major opinion surveys taken in Israel in the past two years have posed the question, “Is President Obama pro-Israel?” The results have ranged from only four percent answering affirmatively in the first poll to 15% in the most recent one (taken at the onset of the 2012 presidential campaign).

With few exceptions, Israelis have been appalled ever since that first confrontational White House meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, when, after receiving a stern lecture from the president about the illegality of Israeli settlements, Israel’s prime minister was ungraciously left alone to fend for his dinner. Furthermore, most Jewish Israelis, whatever their views, were offended by Obama’s unprecedented political ambush this past May, when he publicly “suggested” that Israel return to its precarious pre-1967 borders just as Netanyahu was boarding his plane for a visit to Israel’s “best friend” in Washington.

BUT MOST Jewish Israelis are not Jewish Americans, and that is where the difference lies. Having lived in the United States for 35 years before immigrating to Israel almost 20 years ago, I know as well as anyone that Jews are not monolithic supporters of Israel. I wish it were otherwise, and it’s painful, but as with any American voters, there is a process of prioritization that occurs when selecting presidential candidates – and for most American Jews, Israel is not at the top of the list.

In short, the litmus test determining American Jewish support is not a candidate’s position on Israel. Liberal positions on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, school prayer and health care are what determine the vote in the core of America’s Jewish community.

Obama’s confrontational positions on Israel may be problematic for many American Jews, but are easily rationalized away by Democratic talking heads, who insist that most Israelis actually support the pre-67 borders, even though the undoubtedly left-leaning former foreign minister Abba Eban once referred to them as “the borders of Auschwitz.”

The reality is that most American Jews, while not necessarily economic liberals, are definitely social liberals who would find it difficult to support a staunchly pro-Israel conservative candidate like Michelle Bachmann. The term “knee-jerk liberal” or “knee-jerk Democrat” certainly applies here, and while most American Jews would decry such a characterization, the facts validate its veracity. In 1980, Ronald Reagan ran against incumbent Jimmy Carter, whose anti-Israel credentials certainly rival those of Obama.

When Reagan succeeded in capturing 35% of the Jewish vote, it was considered a major accomplishment, as many independent-minded Jews for whom Israel was a highpriority issue shifted to the other side of the aisle; but the majority remained faithful to the overall Democratic agenda and rationalized away the anti-Israel feeling that Carter conveyed.

Obama is a similar case. This president, whose sympathies clearly lie with the Islamic world, is no friend of Israel. His lack of appreciation for the Israeli narrative was obvious long before his victory in 2008. It’s no coincidence that his first major foreign policy speech was given in Cairo, during which he repeatedly proclaimed his deep respect for the religion of Islam. It’s also no coincidence that he bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Last but not least, it’s no accident that he has chosen not to visit Israel even once during his term. Ideological litmus tests aside, the time has come for American Jews who truly care about Israel to remove their rose-colored glasses and consider an alternative.

The writer is a former mayor of Shiloh, and founder and president of the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund. He is the author of two books, including his latest, The Islamic Tsunami (Israel & America in the Age of Obama).

July 18, 2011 | 37 Comments »

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37 Comments / 37 Comments

  1. P.Kalinsky Said:

    I am liberal, Jewish, but not anti-G-d. 100% Pro Israel, left wing, and a Democrat. I am not anti-American. Don’t sterotype.

    The perception is still there, regardless of whether or not it reflects reality.

  2. No offense, but as a Conservative Republican Jewish American, I find that your ‘sleazy’ remark comes across as an anti-semitic, bigoted and small-minded.

  3. BHO is most likely a universalist like many Jews except that this is in fundamental contradiction with the notion of a Jewish Israel (state).
    Idealism is one think and realism another. The world is not ready for universalism and will probably never be.

  4. I don’t think Mr. Rubin has seen that McLaughlin poll yet showing only 43% of Jews here being willing to re-elect Obama. If that poll is accurate, it would reflect a sea-change in Jewish American voting behavior.

    Yes, Reagan got only 35% of the Jewish vote against Carter, and that was the best any Republican had done among Jews since WW2. During the summer of ’08, McCain, at his high point among likely Jewish voters, was getting 38%, and if that had held, that would have been historic. But then Obama went on his pro-Israel, lying-through-his-teeth PR campaign, which was transparent to myself and most American posters here I’m sure, but most Jews wanted to believe his lies….and the rest is history.

    [By the way, I don’t agree with Rubin at all that Carter was “as bad” as Obama. Yes, he was bad, but not nearly as bad as Obama. Today, Carter is that bad, but not when he was president. For example, at least he sold Israel F-15s, which would be like selling Israel F-22s today, which even Bush #43 wouldn’t do. Yeah, Obama agreed to sell Israel the F-35, but that isn’t even in production yet, and if Obama gets another term, he’ll likely cancel it…which is why Obama agreed to sell Israel these planes in the first place. And, under Carter, his UN Ambassador was officially sanctioned for even TALKING to representatives of the PLO. Look how far we’ve come today…when the U.S. President openly sides with just about every position of the descendants of the PLO today, and is even talking with Hamas and Hezbollah. No, there is no comparison between President Carter and President Obama; the latter is incomparably worse.]

    I’m involved with grassroots-level Israel advocacy; have been for eight years now. My gut tells me that, based on my numerous conversations with Jews on this topic, the McLaughlin poll is indeed accurate. If Obama’s support among Jewish Americans stays in the 40s – or better yet, even drops – that will be historic indeed.

    And what that will tell us, contrary to the perception of most Israelis, is that Israel really DOES matter to Jews over here. There can be no other explanation for these recent poll numbers. Because on every other issue, Jews remain very liberal, and Obama has done nothing to upset Jews on such domestic policy matters. It really is all about Israel for the 55% or so who are not going to vote for him in 2012, or it is all about Israel for most of these.

    I live in a medium-sized city in the Midwest, and belong to a Reform congregation. The community here was not as enthusiastically pro-Obama as some other communities back in ’08, but still, the majority here supported him. I’d SWAG it at somewhat below the national norm for Jews, perhaps at about 60%. I saw a few Obama stickers on cars; I didn’t see ANY McCain stickers (besides mine). At that time, I tried to warn people about Obama, and most wrote me off then as as “paranoid alarmist” for my troubles.

    Today, most see that I was right on target in my predictions about Obama, and I am treated with deference I never knew before. We’ve got people here that I KNOW voted for Obama, going around telling people they voted for McCain, they are so ashamed. I know others who admitted they voted for Obama, but are clearly regretting that choice. It is hard to find a Jew in these parts who will openly defend Obama today.

    Last year, I delivered a guest sermon at my local temple, in which I slammed Obama’s Mideast policies. I was a little nervous about this – as was my rabbi, who was also pro-McCain. I was looking at an audience that, as I said above, was probably about 60% made up of Obama voters. I fully anticipated some hostile questions in the wake of my sermon. I didn’t get ANY, and my speech was VERY well received.

    Still, the Jewish vote – at least in terms of raw numbers – is not such a huge factor in a national election. There just aren’t enough of us to be decisive that way. We make a greater difference in terms of campaign contributions and activism, and I can tell you, Obama better hit up George Soros and/or his Muslim buddies this time around, ‘cuz he ain’t getting that kind of support from us. Nothing anywhere near what he got in ’08. And that will hurt him.

    One more thing: For most of my life, I was largely unconnected from my Jewish community. It wasn’t until my late 30s that I started getting pro-Israel letters to the editor published in my local newspaper on a regular basis that I was noticed, and then encouraged by community leaders to become involved in an official capacity. A trip to Israel in ’07 made a huge impact on me, and it was only then that I joined a congregation.

    I mention this because I take great exception to the comments above about many or most Jews here being “sleazy”. That is bullshit. Some are, yes, but there are sleazy people to be found among any and all ethnic, national, or religious groups. Since becoming involved with my local Jewish community, I would say that overall, I have found my fellow regular guy/gal Jews to be decent people. Many are “knee-jerk liberals” out of a sincere – if misguided – sense of sympathy for the “little guy” whom they see as being taken advantage of by the large moneyed/business interests whom they perceive as running the Republican Party. This liberal world view is flawed and wrong in many ways. I was raised on this. I don’t agree with it today – life experience in the real world and business school changed that – but it derives from misplaced idealism, not “sleaziness”, in most cases.

  5. Most American Jews are like what the German Jews use to be: more Catholic than the Pope and not interested in Israel.
    An Obama trip to Israel has not much to do with supporting Israel but rather to convince falsely the US Jews that he cares for Israel.
    The US State Dept has always been antisemitic and they has one more member: BHO

  6. Michael Ejercito Said:

    charlie Said:
    Islam hates liberal values, yet it’s thick with the liberal left who happily help and support them.
    What do you think “liberal” values are? charlie Said:
    The Democrat party today is so different to what it was when Jews first started voting for it.
    Democrats back in the ’40?s did not have the perception of being an anti-God, anti-American party.
    Reply – Quote

    I am liberal, Jewish, but not anti-G-d. 100% Pro Israel, left wing, and a Democrat. I am not anti-American. Don’t sterotype.

    The constitution of the USA separates state and religion. It is supposed to be secular. Anyone can worship as they please, or not, it shouldn’t be the responsibility of any party, Democrat or Republican or any religion to bring G-d into politics.

  7. @charlie

    Charlie, you are correct. The Democratic party has changed drastically over the years.
    But the mindset of US Jews has not been able or willing to accept the changes.
    So they still TRADITIONALLY, unthinkingly vote Democrat.

  8. I am anAmerican Jew.Please do not judge all of us by those who vote for the likes of obama.I do not understand either. obama is a danger to Israel and America.With everything he has done I cannot understand why Jew or any other American would vote for him or most in the Democrat party. The Republicaans are really not that much better-just willing to go slower on their agenda.

  9. @Bert – All Jews are Jews by choice these days. Being Jewish is as much a cultural identification as it is religious. While it is true that the younger generation does not have the same affiliaion with Israel, the majority of voting Jews have strong links. Sometimes it is a question of how one sets priorities when voting, depending on domestic issues. Most Jews (if that is possible to identify) favor liberal social programs. Currently, I think many of these people will move to the right on the Israel issue. If it appears to be Life or Death issue, they will move right. Obama will have a difficult time with them in 2012

  10. charlie Said:

    Islam hates liberal values, yet it’s thick with the liberal left who happily help and support them.

    What do you think “liberal” values are? charlie Said:

    The Democrat party today is so different to what it was when Jews first started voting for it.


    Democrats back in the ’40’s did not have the perception of being an anti-God, anti-American party.

  11. Shy Guy Said:

    charlie Said:

    The tea party was a revolt of the peasantry, look at their social and educational status

    Snob. Elitist. Yes, you there.

    Reply– Quote

    Do you mean to say that they are not the peasantry, and that their social and educational status means they have not a hope of getting anywhere in politics leave alone winning in 2012? I think it’s time you stopped dreaming and look at the reality. It’s not a pretty picture. Where are they going to get the funds for their campaigns? How are they going to get the support of people when they can barely read or write? Do you see the liberal elite voting for them? Take you tin foil hat off. Yes, if it makes me an elitist and snob, so I am. The tea party has fractured the Republican party, and made it weaker than before they came on the scene. All they succeeded in doing, is making the Democrat party most likely to win in 2012.

    Sarah Palin’s mistake was aligning herself with the tea party.

  12. Shy Guy Said:

    Once you’re there, then it’s obvious that you can only vote for the Democrats. However, both parties have slid left over the years for this reason.

    True dat, but it doesn’t explain why those who happily embrace liberalism and leftism, embrace Islam too, when you consider they reject Christianity and it’s intefering in public life. Liberals hate Christianity but pal up with every Islamic cause, helping them in their quest for world dominiion. How to break this bond, and what do they possibly see in each other? Islam hates liberal values, yet it’s thick with the liberal left who happily help and support them. The tea party was a revolt of the peasantry, look at their social and educational status, and you realise they don’t have much to offer in politics. The key here is to break the bond between Islam and the left, rather than support movements like the tea party.

  13. Mickey Oberman Said:

    I think the problem with American Jews as with many Americans is TRADITION.

    No. The tradition is one of the breakdown of ethics and morals which were once the norm, one generation after another, sliding into deep leftism and liberalism. Once you’re there, then it’s obvious that you can only vote for the Democrats. However, both parties have slid left over the years for this reason. If only the Republican Party today had as honest and reasonable a candidate as Hubert Horatio Humphrey was in his time.

    And that is why the Tea Party was formed.

    BTW, the same is true in Israel. Netanyahu and today’s Likud are in many ways (not all) more left that Israel’s Labor Party was 15-20 years ago.

    Appropriate musical interlude

  14. I think the problem with American Jews as with many Americans is TRADITION.

    My great grandfather voted Democrat as did my grandfather as did my father and so will I. What was good enough for them is good enough for me. “That’s the American way.” “Let’s go wave a flag and sing America The Beautiful.”

    No thinking. No reasoning. No upsetting the apple cart. No qualms.
    Take the easy road.

  15. Why do US Jews vote for Obama?

    Cuz they are lefty’s and liberals mostly. Islam and liberals are very tight. Liberals will fight Christianity, but why do they have a love affair with Islam? Can’t they see they are Islam’s useful idiots, and helping promote the Caliphate.

  16. The following, so far as I can see, is IN ADDITION TO the NYC poll that showed only 35% of Jews planning to vote for Obama:

    Poll: Only 43 Percent of Jews Would Reelect Obama
    July 12, 2011 2:23 P.M.
    By Tevi Troy

    Secure America Now has just released a new poll showing that only 43 percent of Jews plan to vote to reelect Obama in 2012. ..

    In addition, in a positive sign for the future, Obama’s worst showing in the poll was among Jews under 40. Sixty-one percent of these younger Jews reported that they planned to vote for someone other than Obama for president in 2012. This could indicate that the strange and continuing hold that the Democratic party has had over American Jews could finally be loosening. This latest poll is bad news for Obama in the short term, and problematic for the Democrats in the long term as well.


    That’s encouraging news.

  17. Originally Posted By birdalone

    Liberal positions on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, school prayer and health care are what determine the vote in the core of Americaâ??s Jewish community


    A majority of American voters really are tired of social conservatives wanting all levels of government intrusion. But Jewish voter affinity for the Democrats started with Truman, and ends with Obama, the first Democratic President to finally emerge from the anti-war left, who only won because McCain then flubbed his response to the financial meltdown, and picked Palin who suddenly transformed herself into red meat panderer to the social conservative base, something she did NOT do during her short tenure as Alaska’s governor.

    @birdalone – At least you will admit Palin is a panderer. That’s why I like Debbie Schlussel(though it’s very difficult to find anyone that Debbie approves of.)because she calls Palin out for the pandering, empty-headed, look @ me look @ me phony she is.

  18. Originally Posted By Bill Levinson

    Originally Posted By HCQ

    Liberal positions on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, school prayer and health care are what determine the vote in the core of Americaâ??s Jewish community.

    No offense, but most of American Jewry overwhelmingly come off as sleazy.

    I do take offense–sort of like when somebody points to a specific Black person who has acted badly and then says “Most of them n***ers overwhelmingly come off as sleazy.” There are definitely “Jews” (the National “Jewish” “Democratic” Council comes to mind immediately) who could turn ME into an anti-Semite if I didn’t recognize that they are a fringe minority and/or political whores with no shame or honor whatsoever. There are also plenty of purported “Christians” who are every bit as bad. I did not vote for Obama and I will never vote for this disaster.

    @Bill Levinson – You’re right it can be used to smear all Jews and is being used to smear Jews collectively. Louis Farrakhan has used the argument that it’s “dirty hollywood Jews that promote homosexuality, promiscuity and abortion” via the pop culture medium.

  19. Liberal positions on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, school prayer and health care are what determine the vote in the core of Americaâ??s Jewish community


    sweep that insulting generalization into the deluded crevices of the writer’s brain.

    new Siena Poll has only 35% of registered voters in New York who claim to be Jewish as willing to vote for Obama in 2012. And they did not include me.

    links to Siena Poll. “just 35 percent [of Jewish respondents] would vote to re-elect Obama in 2012, while 52 percent would vote for someone else.”

    I went through the poll, and NY Catholics not real warm to voting for Obama either.
    On page 7, Siena says only 9% of respondents identified as Jewish, but 25% respondents chose “other religion” which means there either a LOT of Muslims and Animists, and/or Secular/aetheist is how many see themselves.

    BTW, 13% of NY voters are Jewish, not 9%.

    A majority of American voters really are tired of social conservatives wanting all levels of government intrusion. But Jewish voter affinity for the Democrats started with Truman, and ends with Obama, the first Democratic President to finally emerge from the anti-war left, who only won because McCain then flubbed his response to the financial meltdown, and picked Palin who suddenly transformed herself into red meat panderer to the social conservative base, something she did NOT do during her short tenure as Alaska’s governor.

    2012 will still be about jobs and the economy, and Obama’s failure to wave his magic wand to eliminate partisanship from the dysfunction that is the current two-party duopoly of American politics.

  20. One thing that should be noted is that many “American Jews” aren’t real Jews – at least according to the Jewish law. Conversions conducted by reformist/consevatives/other new-age crap, children of mixed marriage when the mother isn’t Jewish, a great deal of Russian immigrants…

    Based on the numbers about assimilation and mixed marriage, I’m pretty sure the Jewish population in America is not more than half the number they claim to be. And those who aren’t conected to Israel usually are on the non-Jewish part of the numbers.

  21. Originally Posted By AnObserverMost of America’s Jews have lost contact with the Torah and the G-d who gave the Torah. Therefore, they don’t know or don’t care that it’s wrong to engage in sexual immorality, baby killing, disbelief in G-d, and numerous other prohibitions that separate human beings from monsters. If it’s popular, they are for it since they, not having been raised in a moral environment, can’t bear the thought that Jews are supposed to have a higher standard of morality that’s defined by G-d and that they would have to exert themselves. It’s human nature to seek the path of least resistance and laziness is the path of least resistance. Incidentally, the Torah contains rules of living for both Jews – the 613 mitzvot (commandments) – and for non-Jews – the 7 Noahide laws. G-d runs the world whether lazy people want to acknowledge it or not and does expect better from His sentient creations.

    That is correct.

    For Israel to defeat the sand Nazis, they must first get right with God, who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

  22. Most of America’s Jews have lost contact with the Torah and the G-d who gave the Torah. Therefore, they don’t know or don’t care that it’s wrong to engage in sexual immorality, baby killing, disbelief in G-d, and numerous other prohibitions that separate human beings from monsters. If it’s popular, they are for it since they, not having been raised in a moral environment, can’t bear the thought that Jews are supposed to have a higher standard of morality that’s defined by G-d and that they would have to exert themselves. It’s human nature to seek the path of least resistance and laziness is the path of least resistance. Incidentally, the Torah contains rules of living for both Jews – the 613 mitzvot (commandments) – and for non-Jews – the 7 Noahide laws. G-d runs the world whether lazy people want to acknowledge it or not and does expect better from His sentient creations.

  23. Its no secret whose side many American Jews are on – the enemy’s side. I am Jewish but I have no connection to the Jewish community. No interest in dealing with duplicit people, socially or in business.

    It’s duplicitous to make anti-Semitic comments under cover of claiming to be Jewish.

  24. @ Shy Guy:
    Shy Guy Said:

    HCQ Said:
    No offense, but most of American Jewry overwhelmingly come off as sleazy.
    Wow! There’s much I don’t like about the majority of my fellow people in the US but “sleazy” has nothing to do with their description.Reply – Quote

    Sorry, Shy Guy, but many of them, not all, tend to back some really sleazy causes, perhaps that’s how I should’ve phrased it. Probably makes you cringe a little to hear someone speak harshly of your compatriots, the same way I cringe when my teenage cousin starts slagging my mother, even if what my cousin says is accurate it still hurts to hear it coming out of someone else’s mouth; the whole “they may be a jerk but they’re my jerk” defense mechanism kicks in.

  25. I’m grateful for the 22% of American Jews who did not vote for Obama. I’m also grateful that Israeli Jews are somewhat less New Age than American Jews, and that some Jews actually believe the Bible. That’s a good start. Under the right circumstances, Kol Israel might become a Godly nation. Ditto for Christians, who have similar problems.

  26. Sorry, Shy Guy, but many of them, not all, tend to back some really sleazy causes, perhaps that’s how I should’ve phrased it. Probably makes you cringe a little to hear someone speak harshly of your compatriots, the same way I cringe when my teenage cousin starts slagging my mother, even if what my cousin says is accurate it still hurts to hear it coming out of someone else’s mouth; the whole “they may be a jerk but they’re my jerk” defense mechanism kicks in.

  27. James B from Canada Said:

    As far as going to Israel, does ElAl give lessons on how to throw my children from a car as I am to get crushed by a steamroller stolen by an Israeli “arab”? Is there an extra charge for this?

    Yes, a small additional flat fee.

  28. HCQ Said:

    No offense, but most of American Jewry overwhelmingly come off as sleazy.

    Wow! There’s much I don’t like about the majority of my fellow people in the US but “sleazy” has nothing to do with their description.Bert Said:

    One writer called biological Jews “Plop Jews”

    They’re commonly known now on the blogs as JINOs – Jews In Name Only.

  29. Thank Gd, Baruch Hashem that US Jews are such a small minority, else we would have seen US Health Care as bad as it is here in Canda, Aushwitz Lines and a war, gay marriage, transexual marriage to dogs and chickens and millions of dollars for Palestine.

    Its no secret whose side many American Jews are on – the enemy’s side. I am Jewish but I have no connection to the Jewish community. No interest in dealing with duplicit people, socially or in business.

    As far as going to Israel, does ElAl give lessons on how to throw my children from a car as I am to get crushed by a steamroller stolen by an Israeli “arab”? Is there an extra charge for this?

  30. We need to review the terminology. Being Christian means a conscious decision to adhere to a certain religion. No so with being Jewish. The term Jew only means a biological marker and nothing more. People who are called Jews may or may not have any conscious identity for their people or their heritage. Years of little or no Jewish education for so many Jewish children has yielded predictable results – namely ignorance which leads to assimilation.
    We need to delineate between biological Jews and affirmative Jews, i.e. Jews by accident and Jews by choice. One writer called biological Jews “Plop Jews” because they simply plopped out of the womb of a Jewish mother.

  31. Liberal positions on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, school prayer and health care are what determine the vote in the core of America’s Jewish community.

    No offense, but most of American Jewry overwhelmingly come off as sleazy.