Why do the US and the EU support the “Palestinians”? A Symposium

The conspiracy to shrink Israel by Ted Belman.
Tolerism: The bizarre transition in the West, by Howard Rotberg

By Ted Belman   Oct 3, 2021

I asked Victor Rosenthal, Malcolm Dash, Mordechai ben Menachem, Howard Bochner , Ron Jager and Victor Sharpe the following:

I am just beginning to write an article in which I identify the interests of the US and EU which are being served in supporting the Palestinians.

It used to be that it was all about currying favour with the Arabs in particular and the Muslims in general. That case is harder to make today with the advent of the Abraham Accords and US self sufficiency in energy.

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Or put another way, what is the globalist interest in perpetuating the conflict rather than resolving it.

I am looking for something that goes beyond, human rights, supporting the underdog, justice and all the other reasons claimed.  On the other hand if you believe that these are the decisive issues, make your case. I think not.

My article will also contain a list of all the reasons why not to support them. Please add to the list.

  • There is no such people as the “Palestinians”
  • There is no truth to their narrative.
  • They have no national rights.
  • They want the death of Israel.
  • Their movement was advanced by terror and murder and is maintained by it.
  • Judea and Samaria are not “Occupied Palestinian Land”
  • Israel has the only right to the land


By Ted Belman. The conspiracy to shrink Israel
By Howard Rotberg. Tolerism: The bizarre transition in the West


By Victor Rosenthal, Abu Yehuda blog

The answer to your question is, “it’s ideology, baby.”

With regard to Europe, only of few percent of Iranian oil and gas production goes to Europe, and I doubt that there is heavy pressure from the Sunni oil producing countries. There is of course the increasing size and political strength of the European Muslim population. Then there is the lingering effect of Soviet anti-Israel propaganda on the Left, academic Israel-hatred, and of course the guilt felt by the former proprietors of the Belgian Congo and other colonial projects, which make them susceptible to the Durban program in which Israel is a “settler-colonial” entity. There is the EU prejudice against any kind of nationalism, including Zionism.

All in all, it seems to me that the phenomenon of Palestinism (which is really anti-Israelism) is primarily ideological and not based on realpolitik.

In the US, the situation is similar. There is the effect of the huge subsidies to universities and think thanks from the oil-producing nations since the 1970s, which now even extends down to k-12 education. There are large amounts of money being pumped into anti-Israel propaganda and support of anti-Israel organizations from Soros-related charities, as well as sources like the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and others.

As a result, academia is a cesspool of Israel-hatred, exploited by ideologically committed Arab, Muslim, and extreme leftist students. There is the highly effective (but factually absurd) propaganda that analogizes the situation of black Americans to that of Palestinian Arabs, and recently has gone as far as blaming Israel for allegedly racist behavior by American police officers.

There is the exploitation by certain politicians of latent (and not so latent) antisemitism, which is presented as concern for Palestinians but is actually anti-Jewish. I could go on, and on, and on, but — as in the case of Europe, it is more ideology than realpolitik.


By Mordechai Ben-Menachem

Here are my first impressions:

You have a hard job here.

A.  All the reasons to not support them are historic and correct, and totally irrelevant to why the left supports them

B.  I differentiate between “the left” and the EU.  The reasons are totally different.

C.  The EU’s reasons are simple.  They are still Christians and Christians can never support a State for the Jewish people because that fundamentally conceives Christianity as defined by Augustinian Philosophy.  Basically, they are the same antisemites they always have been.

D.  In the US, the reasoning is different.  Basically there is “the left”.  The left desires a massive cancellation of Westphalia.  For that to occur, there must not be any “conservatism” or “nationalism”.  Israel is the consummate “nation state” and as such, fundamentally anathema to them and always shall be.  There is no way this can be fixed or mitigated.

E.  The reason for the EU is not that they support the Palestinians, but that they despise Jews and the idea of a nation state scares them to their core.

F>  The reason for the left is that Israel scares them to their core.  If Israel exists, and even worse when it is prosperous and strong, this negates their existence and the idea of any nation state scares them to their core and a Jewish Nation State, even worse.

G. The irony is that both attitudes prove that we are right.


By Ron Jager

The question: Why is there a “globalist” interest in perpetuating the Palestinian conflict rather than resolving it?

What begins with the Jews never ends with the Jews. The first commercial flight hijacked was an ElAL plane and today the whole world undergoes security checks throughout the airports of the world.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has never been a conflict as a result of the occupation or settlements or even Jerusalem despite what we have been lead to believe. The real core issue has been and will always be the “right” of all Palestinians to settle en masse in Israel so as to undue and prevent Jewish sovereignty and Jewish self-determination. The core issue has always been about returning the entirety of the land to the Palestinians, that is undoing history, and taking back what was once theirs according to their historical memory. The purpose of the Palestinian movement and armed struggle using terror against the Jews and the State of Israel for over the past 150 years has been and will be to serve the goal of undoing Israel. The Palestinians imagine a future when the past is reversed and Israel is gone.

The resiliency of global Palestinian support for the Palestinians over the years and across the board defies logic and historical precedent. The global community has consistently moved on in response to almost all similar conflicts over the past century. Why have the Palestinians been an exception?

The Palestinian demand of the “Right of Return” is an affirmation of intergenerational memory and historical restitution. The Black American writer Ta-Nehisi Coates has observed about the US, that historical crimes that go unaddressed generally reappear. The globalist perspective uses the Palestinian conflict to empower movements throughout the world to face and redress historical wrongs so as to enable demands of redistribution of stolen wealth, property and so forth for indigenous populations such as descendants of slaves, Black Americans, Native American Indians, and so forth. The New York Times’s 1619 curriculum is a result of this process of redressing historical wrongs, and the Palestinians’ large support that they receive from Western progressives is simply two sides of the same coin.

The globalist support of perpetuating the Palestinian conflict rather than resolving it is a major part of the globalist narrative to demand of Western society (White Americans, White Europeans, Owners of Capital) to redistribute wealth, reparations, and/or compensation. Israel, and/or the Jews are “White Supremacists” according to the globalist progressive narrative. The past can be and should be reversed according to the progressive globalist agenda. The Palestinian conflict serves as a constant and convenient reminder of this agenda. What begins with the Jews never ends with the Jews.


By Howard Bockner

My own view is that Biden is following the general globalist plan for one world government. He doesn’t want a strong nationalist US. Although many of the things he has done are for “the environment” like cancelling the Keystone Pipeline and putting pause on all oil and gas leases on federal lands, the real objective is to keep the US dependent on foreign oil, to ship jobs to oil-producing and third world countries and to give the UN a broader mandate on health, immigration, the environment, guns, equity, world security and even Israel.

Regarding Israel: 
Since (and including) the Yom Kippur War Israel has not been allowed to win a war with any of its enemies decisively. By that I mean so decisively that its enemies are demoralized to the point of loss of initiative, motivation and spirit. Israel is given and allowed to develop weapons for defence only. Thus the 3 times Bibi went into Gaza but never finished the job.

How would you react if you were the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Syria or Iran? You would rapidly come to the conclusion that Israel is beholden to Western countries who have successfully tied their hands. So you would ramp up everything that would cause Israel to eventually implode on its own: non-stop hate propaganda, BDS, lawfare at the International Criminal Court, attempts to run the Israeli military blockade of Gaza (to prevent Hamas getting arms and weapons of mass destruction), anti-Israel movements on all campuses in the West, demands for “aid” in the form of constant international financial assistance for “the starving people of Gaza and the West Bank”, sympathetic Western NGOs confronting the IDF in Judea and Samaria, fighting demolitions and deportations in the leftist Israeli Supreme Court, and building illegal settlements for the Arabs in Judea and Samaria, and funding Bedouin and Arab settlements on Israeli state land in the Negev and Galilee. In addition you would never come to the negotiating table unless some demands were met eg. freeing of Palestinian terrorists in Israeli jails as Bibi allowed in one of his useless attempts at making peace. And you would insist no peace deal without full right of return for millions of “refugees”, the result being the swamping of Jews who would then have no state.

As you know this is only part of the strategy to finish Israel off by its own hands with the pressure coming from Israel’s Western “allies”. I don’t have to tell you that many politicians in the West wished there had never been an “Israel”. Some are saying it out loud. The rise of anti-Jew hatred has coincided with the weakening of Israel as above and the takeover of the Democrat Party which is now controlled by anti-Jews. Trump got the Abraham Accords but Biden is doing as much as he can to undermine them so I have no confidence they will be “the building blocks” to peace breaking out between Israel and its neighbours. Here is an example: recently Biden blocked $130 million in military assistance to Egypt due to Egypt’s “poor human rights record”. HA- no such thing when Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood President of Egypt oppressed the Copts ruthlessly and said he intended to break the peace treaty with Israel.

We are headed to a biosecurity states run by China and the UN (will send article) in which there is no room for Israel. Too many are against us. All the more reason for Bennett to demonstrate who is in charge by bombing Iran’s nuke sites as he just threatened at the UN. Bibi’s “status quo” regarding the Palis and Gaza and “on board with the globalists” re: vaccines and oppressive measures (I believe this was a deliberate attempt by Bibi to show Israel can be counted on by the globalists in order to pre-empt their desire to take Israel off the map) are failed measures which continue to weaken Israel and enhance the chances of Israel’s demise at the hands of the globalists.

It’s in the globalists and western defence contractors’ interest to keep the conflict going on all fronts: war, propaganda and the civil war between Jewish supporters of Israel and assimilated leftist Jews.


By Victor Sharpe

During eight baleful years, President Barack Hussein Obama made Israel’s life utterly miserable as he pursued relentlessly his warped vision of a ‘Two State Solution’ to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. But that vision, being imagined yet again, would remain national suicide for Israel.

Still pushed by too many in the international corridors of power, it is in reality an appalling euphemism not unlike the German Nazi’s ‘Final Solution’ which ushered in the Holocaust. And now, lo and behold, the Biden/Harris administration — which many see as Obama’s third term — is currently pushing yet again for the disinterment of that rotting corpse known as the ‘Two-State Solution.’

It will spell the destruction of the reconstituted Jewish state and the extermination of its people by a Muslim world that will never accept a non-Muslim nation and will wage eternal war against it — the Dar al-Harb — until it is utterly destroyed. The existing and proposed “Two-State-Solution” ushers in an eventual and guaranteed destruction of the Jewish state.

Of course, if Israel declared its justified rejection of the ‘Two-State-Solution’, such a statement of the truth would be considered inflammatory and assured to provoke another Palestinian Arab outburst of violence and barbarism (dignified by the Arabic term intifada).

But isn’t that what is happening throughout Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) with almost daily atrocities committed by Arab thugs against Jewish civilians?

The over 3,500-year-old Hebrew and Biblical names, Yehuda and Shomron, (Judea and Samaria), refer to the heartland of both the ancient and modern Jewish homeland. But a malevolent world prefers to call the territory the West Bank; what was the mere 19-year-old Jordanian name applied to the land after it and much of Jerusalem was illegally invaded and occupied by Jordan from 1948 until 1967.

The Jordanian Arab Legion, after invading and occupying the territory, immediately began desecrating Jewish graves on the Mount of Olives, using the headstones to build latrines for their troops, destroying 57 ancient synagogues and holy sites, and forcibly expelling Jewish residents from their villages and ancient homes in Jerusalem’s Old City.

There has never in all recorded history existed an independent, sovereign state called Palestine. The so-called Palestinians are an Arab invention. No such people by that name have existed in centuries past. An Arab leader and PLO executive committee member, Zuheir Mohsen, admitted this fact himself on March 31, 1977, in the Dutch newspaper, Trouw:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese … Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people.”

Today there are Jewish properties, illegally occupied by Arabs, scattered throughout areas of Jerusalem. They have remained in legal limbo because of international pressures against successive Israeli governments. This has led to endless delays in the return of the land and properties to their rightful Jewish owners.

All who know history know that Jordan sits on four-fifths of what was until 1922 the entire Palestine Mandate, large tracts of which was promised to the Jewish people as a National Home. The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians already possess, de facto, a state on the east bank of the River Jordan, which in size dwarfs tiny Israel. There already has thus been a Two-State-Solution in existence for 100 years since 1922.

The reality is that the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians do not and never have wanted a state side by side with Israel: they want a state in place of Israel. That is why breathtakingly generous — nay, suicidal Israeli offers — are always rejected.

The Arabs continuously smother parts of Biblical and ancestral Jewish Judea, and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) with illegal buildings paid for by certain oil-rich Gulf states, by the EU, the UN and anti-Israel NGOs, and the world remains deathly quiet. Only when an Israeli family dares add a room to their tiny home or some new apartments are built within the ancestral heartland or in Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem, does the same world scream bloody murder.

Indulging in self-imposed building freezes to placate enemies and so-called friends alike, while the Arab enemy constructs illegal settlements with impunity, is insanity for the embattled Jewish state. For Israel to lose the precious Jewish homeland and return to the horrors of exile is beyond imagining.

Without retaining the hill country that runs like a spine north and south through Judea and Samaria, Israel’s pitifully narrow nine-mile-wide coastal plain will be at the mercy of a Palestinian Arab thugocracy, just as southern Israeli towns and villages endure relentless aggression from the Hamas-occupied Gaza Strip. That is why the Two-State Solution, as envisaged yet again and peddled by the EU and the morally bankrupt UN would usher in a new ‘Final Solution.’

The world has fallen for a fraudulent Palestinian narrative. It allows an uninformed world to embrace the falsehoods of an Arab people who call themselves Palestinians and creates an atmosphere where the embattled Jewish state is unjustly and grotesquely demonized. This increasingly allows such foul anti-Israel and anti-Semitic movements as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) to continue its dirty work — the latest being the despicable Ben and Jerry’s boycott of Jewish villages throughout Judea and Samaria.

That the conflict is not territorial but based on Islam’s unchangeable refusal to accept a Jewish state or any non-Muslim state whatever its borders in territory once conquered and occupied in the name of Allah is lost on so many who inhabit the international corridors of power. Most diplomats, with few exceptions, still harbor the illusion that territorial compromise will satisfy the Arab and Muslim world. So again and again the discredited corpse known as the ‘Two-State-Solution’ is exhumed and presented as the default plan.

It was Albert Einstein who said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The same can also include those without ears to hear or eyes to see.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer and contributing editor. He is also a published author of seven books including The Blue Hour, a selection of thirteen short stories, and the acclaimed four volume, Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.


By Malcolm Dash

The USA designed its diplomatic activities in the Middle East to achieve hegemony over the region: the proverbial gateway to India and the far East. A supplementary and no less important foreign policy aim was to safeguard the unrestricted flow of energy to Europe and Japan. Last but not least, to prevent the Soviet Union from obtaining a foothold in the region. The Europeans endorsed the US plan of action and followed its lead. America identified Israel as the most stable country in the region, and Israel could defend US regional interests and foil Soviet meddling. They helped Israel build up a military force capable of dominating the Middle East.

With the collapse of the Berlin Wall and end of the Cold War, the West’s strategic requirements changed. For the US, the Middle East was no longer a primary issue, its sponsorship of Israel became less robust. In the interim, the Europeans romanticized the ‘noble’ Arab and launched a crusade to delegitimize the Jewish state. And what better measures to undermine the state of Israel than to advance the ‘Palestinian’ narrative? This then allowed the Europeans to mitigate their own responsibility over the holocaust; enabling them to revert to their pathological antisemitic antecedents, but now under the disguise of anti- Zionism.

The capitals of the West yielded to Progressive Leftwing elites who unashamedly reveal their overzealous antisemitism. In addition, and, more often than not, most American Jews identify with the Leftist Progressive movement and provide legitimation for the Lefts’ anti-Zionist/Antisemitic messaging. Clearly, the West’s policy towards Israel is no longer one of national self-interest but is now inspired by hostile anti-Israel and anti-Jewish animus.  


April 10, 2023 | 63 Comments »

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50 Comments / 63 Comments

  1. Sending money to the Palestinians may be WIN-WIN for both Palestians and the politicians who vote to send it.

    Could it be that a significant percentage of the money is recycled back into the pockets of the politicians ?

  2. The historical review by Ted Belman at the very start of the Trump Presidency actually left and leaves Trump out. The why is instructive.

    Trump had just been elected. It was vital to forewarn Jews that there would be nothing but betrayal of the Jews by Trump. Belman and Israpundit could not and DID NOT forewarn.

    The sequel to all of that has been quite disastrous for Jewish people everywhere.

    This was a time when Ted had spent the previous period building up Trump as the great friend of Israel.

    This position contained in this article actually, it is plain to see, disarmed people as to the real future.

    In early 2017 we were in the new emerging intensification of the crisis in the overall crisis of capitalism.

    Belman was taking a different tack to the Marxist Trotskyist analysis which is the objective reality of economic and political crisis of and in the capitalist system itself, to which all leadership in America are tied.

    Belman opposed this perspective which is actually reality. It is the system which brings danger to Jews – and this capitalist system has to be destroyed.

  3. I will adress Howard Bockner analysis: the western globalist elites ( WEF-Davos-Bilderberg – UE – Obama-Biden ) are looking for a buyer of their worn out societies as long as a leading job for themselves is kept in the new world order. .The buyer is China . China is picky and will not buy the whole western shop in one single deal. China plays the long view game , a 20/ 30 years scope at least . In that period China will grow much stronger by creating the new currency for BRIC nations + OPEP oil cartel. This BRIC-OP currency will unseat the US $ ( O stands for Or / Gold ) . Remember this currency bring together 4 billions people + Near monopoly in Energy + Massive Gold hoard .
    The globalist cabal is to join this new dominant power despite it will bring down western lifestyle by 40% or more. Think ahead what will be the $ value ( a nation near collapse due to unshrinkable debt ) when the BRICOP currency is launched digitally . Then Israel will have to join the winner’s side or to stay among the losing side . And the losing side is willing to offer Israel on a silver plate to is ennemies from within the winning side because Israel is only a small part which can be disowned without major problems. Israel stands alone as usual ; only a major swift away from its very weak ” next week policy ” can stop this decline scenario . I guess some readers here have caught what I mean. A massive preemptive blow to the no.1 enemy is the one and only way to upset the decline scenario.

  4. Thanks for re-publishing your article.
    The history you give is accurate but buried by the media. In the Yom Kippur War Kapo Kissinger was Nixon’s willing foil so the latter could avoid the heat. Then Nixon took credit for rearming Israel after Israel got “the bloody nose” Kissinger wanted. He then did everything he could to help the PLO with Nixon’s blessing.
    Obama/Biden Administrations have turned the U.S. firmly against Israel. They have given Iran the bomb. In line with the globalists they are determined to destroy our State. Nothing can convince them that it is in the interests of the U.S. to ditch the Palis and make Israel a priority ally.
    The Israeli left including Lapid and Gantz have been co-opted by the WEF/US/EU/UN agenda. They are willing, useful tools participating in the planned self-strangulation of their country…and apparently the people are on board.
    Today a poll in Arutz Sheva shows Gantz with 26 seats, Lapid 24 and Bibi’s coalition at 52. Ben Gvir barely makes the cut-off and Smotrich is way down. Gantz is way ahead of Bibi in the poll for the job of Prime Minister.
    What will it take to wake the people up?
    A deadly attack by Iran?

    Best, H.

  5. the basics are,
    The Jews believe that God Created Man in his own image!
    That is all men are created equal! In America,the Declaration of Independence
    says the same thing.
    If this is so,it invalidates European ruling governance based on the Christian Doctrine of a few people born to rule & the rest born to serve & all mandated by Heaven.this is why the European elites fear that their masses may grow familiar with the Jewish Idea & seek the same for themselves!
    That is why they built the Ghettos in Europe hundreds of years ago!

  6. Macgregor in a number of his videos said that the war in Ukraine goes on because it is good for the military -Industrial complex who share the wealth with the supporters of the war both Dems and Rinos so they all profit from it.

    Globalism thrives on instability not stability. Perhaps that is why the Arab /Jew conflict is never ending.

  7. @Sebastien

    How much of the contradictory policies of the Biden administration are just due to incompetence

    In truth, I see there being too much competence in the incompetence conducted by this administration, yet, the competence only becomes apparent when you realize that the administration is not working for the US, but the International Liberal Order. Indeed, America has no advocate in this bought and paid for administration, as the national identity of this American govt is as false as are the vote tallies which have afforded them the power to systematically dismantle the American nation as its consequence. As in Israel, I would suggest that the Left and RINOs have tied their leash to an authority which in their eyes outranks their national identity, and the consequence of this tragedy is that they have no interest in maintaining good governance or even good order in either of these great nations. These charlatan patriots will conduct any treachery, cede every asset, and effect every betrayal imaginable simply to maintain or recapture the control of their respective govts against the will of the their respective peoples, and they have done exactly this while pursuing the interests of what they perceive to be a greater authority than that of their own nation. In short, the American nation has been captured at the highest levels by an extranational power and in Israel they are attempting to maintain the same effect thru the control of the unassailable judiciary.

    In the circumstance of command by chaos which you propose as the possible cause of these American policy disasters, the dominoes would not so rigidly align against American interests with such a strict adherence of disadvantaging the US as we have seen take place, IMO of course.

  8. @Peloni How much of the contradictory policies of the Biden administration are just due to incompetence, eg.,poor coordination of policies and advisors, forgetting policies, the left hand not realizing what the right hand is doing, and not thinking things through do you suppose? General confusion. A president who is a puppet with two many puppeteers at the helm. State dementia and bedlam, if you will.

  9. @Edgar

    Didn’t Biden close down most of ” the self sufficient in energy venues”???
    Or are they still all functioning??

    The efforts by the US to stymie the development of the Israeli EastMed pipeline deal have been overcome by Bibi’s new govt.

    He pulled US support for the pipeline between Israel and Europe, and curiously did so in January 2022, just as the US and Ukraine were raising tensions with Russia. The withdrawal of US support was reported at the time to have effectively killed the project, the consequence of which advantaged both Russia and Turkey – Russia having its Nordstream pipelines before the US blew them up, and Turkey who was keen to force Israel to structure any pipeline from Israel to Europe to transit thru Israel.

    In any event, this past December, one month after Israel elected a govt desirous of pursuing Isreal’s interests, Israel signed a deal with Greece and Cyprus to build their own pipeline which will be completed in 7yrs and is expected to supply 10% of Europe’s energy needs. FYI, the original US backed project was expected to have been completed in 2025, indicating that the withdrawal of US support caused a 5yr setback to the project, presuming these details are as reported.

  10. @Felix

    “This was the position of Trotsky when he was at the height of his political powers of analysis.”

    “An observer at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel in 1903, the young Trotsky branded Herzl a “shameless adventurer” who had the impudence and “devilish perfidy” to seek a fatherland for the Jews. Later, at the height of his Bolshevik glory in 1921, he dismissed a plea from Moscow’s chief rabbi to intercede on behalf of starving Russian Jews. The rabbi is reported to have commented after the meeting: “The Trotskys make the revolutions, and the Bronsteins pay the bills.”

    The beginnings of a change in Trotsky’s attitudes came during the struggle for power in the Soviet Union, in which Stalin, using anti-Semitism in the Bolshevik ranks as a weapon, defeated Trotsky. In the 1930s, the exiled Trotsky began to take an interest in the Arab-Jewish conflict and Zionist colonization in Palestine. He was distrustful of what he called the “reactionary Muslim” and “anti-Semitic pogromist” elements in the Palestinian Arab national movement.”


    I am not familiar with Veidlinger. Does he contradict everybody else?

    Quoting is not cherry picking unless the quote by itself contradicts the rest of the passage. But, I did not do that.

    I wasn’t picking on you for a typo. I was just verifying that it was just a typo and not a statement that some other event that was the unknown real “launch” of Israel was in 1945 since the next passage made just as little sense. Catholic church? Irish Parliament? What?

  11. Sebastien

    Your reply of 10.55 pm is in a word superficial or in two words superficial and slanted.

    You are also a born provocateur.

    I am not going to engage with you on that level. Or indeed with anyone.

    Is it possible you haven’t read Veidlinger’s book?

    I feel obliged to answer this one sentence though:

    “But one was a Zionist and the other a Communist/ from the start.”

    It is obviously still the case that it hasn’t yet dawned on people that it is possible to be a Communist like Trotsky and ALSO for the Jews having their nation state.

    This was the position of Trotsky when he was at the height of his political powers of analysis. Not at the end of his life as you said. This life was tragically for humanity ended by a Stalinist assassin, part of a large Stalinist plot, assisted by Capitalism.

    You seek to deny that key analysis by Trotsky, in this historical moment of vast misinformation, or so it appears.

    You will notice I have not run down any Jewish nationalist who hold their genuine views and I normally do not engage with communist haters.

  12. 99.9 per cent will have seen a typo as I did on rereading but no correction appears on my mobile and I decided to skip it.

    Now please address everyone the arguments in my post on the history contained in the book.

    I have plenty more to say but I am awaiting other replies to what I wrote.

  13. @Felix

    “It certainly was not the launch of Israel in 1945.”

    Do you mean 1948?

    “Read the basics of history. Israel came fitted out with its Arab Fascist Jew Murdering to be millions of Jew murderers.

    Thanks to the machinations of the Vatican, all those damned priests and bishops, all the petty bourgeois of the Dail and Parliament’s.”

    This is a word salad, just a random string of epithets. What are you trying to say?

    “The Jews armed themselves inside the Communists to stay alive”

    No, the Communists didn’t permit that but they denounced antisemitism and we see how well that went while the Jews of Palestine were arming themselves and that led to the rebirth of the Jewish Commonwealth.

    The U.S. is not an excrescence. The government has been a mixed bag and the American Jewish community, the largest in the world at that time, was Israel’s lifeline. Despite the blows from its misguided attempts at even-handedness, the U.S. is still the only major ally Israel has though Israel needs to become independent.

    Though you can’t really say the U.S. was an ally before the 70s.

    It was the British, the Germans, and the Russians who weaponized the Arabs and the Muslim world against the Jews not the Americans.

    Trotsky and Jabotinsky had nearly identical life experiences. Both were secular, assimilated middle-class Ukrainian Jews born in October a year apart (1880, and 1879}, were activists in 1903 and 1905 forced into exile, became journalists, political and military leaders. Both organized and led their nations armies before being shunted aside. Both were mavericks with their own ideology and following. Both died in August 1940.

    But one was a Zionist and the other a Communist/ from the start.

  14. @Felix Do you mean 1948? And what are you trying to say in this word salad?

    “It certainly was not the launch of Israel in 1945 Oh No!

    Read the basics of history. Israel came fitted out with its Arab Fascist Jew Murdering to be millions of Jew murderers.

    “Jabotinsky but he and Trotsky expressed different life experiences.”

    Actually, they were very similar. They were both Ukrainian Jews born the same month a year apart from middle class families who went abroad became journalists, participated in radical movements in Russia t the turn of the century going into exile only Jabotinsky was a Zionist and Trotsky a Marxist.
    Thanks to the machinations of the Vatican, all those damned priests and bishops, all the petty bourgeois of the Dail and Parliament’s.”

    And in the same period were the Jews in Palestine not arming themselves to stay alive under the leadership of Jabotinsky and Trumpeldor?

  15. @Felix Do you mean 1948? And what are you trying to say in this word salad?

    “It certainly was not the launch of Israel in 1945 Oh No!

    Read the basics of history. Israel came fitted out with its Arab Fascist Jew Murdering to be millions of Jew murderers.

    “Jabotinsky but he and Trotsky expressed different life experiences.”

    Actually, they were very similar. They were both Ukrainian Jews born the same month a year apart from middle class families who went abroad became journalists, participated in radical movements in Russia t the turn of the century going into exile only Jabotinsky was a Zionist and Trotsky a Marxist.
    Thanks to the machinations of the Vatican, all those damned priests and bishops, all the petty bourgeois of the Dail and Parliament’s.”

    And in the period during and following WWI, were the Jews in Palestine not arming themselves to stay alive? Have you never heard of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, of Joseph Trumpeldor?

  16. Let me put this Jabotinsky issue to bed so that we can see history clearly.

    You see I obviously have to be very sympathetic to Jabotinsky but he and Trotsky expressed different life experiences.

    Here your knowledge of history is just in one word – scant.

    So you cherry pick.

    And of course Trotskys concerns were only too valid.

    The Jews kicked the Brits out but they did not defeat the excrescence and the Jews lived with the excrescence…worse with the biggest excrescence of all – America.

  17. There has been in history just one occasion when Antisemitism was knocked flat, forced to flee the field

    Pay attention.

    It certainly was not the launch of Israel in 1945 Oh No!

    Read the basics of history. Israel came fitted out with its Arab Fascist Jew Murdering to be millions of Jew murderers.

    Thanks to the machinations of the Vatican, all those damned priests and bishops, all the petty bourgeois of the Dail and Parliament’s.

    But still you Jews go on supporting the West, and the capitalist model.

    It is not thought but the destruction of thought, the opposite of logic.

    Trotsky might have succeeded if he had taken up that invitation by Mrs Edelson in Mexico in 1937.

    This meeting is the most momentous of the 1930s and 1940s. If Trotsky could have gone to Israel he for sure would not have kept quiet.

    So it is back to that one occasion.

    It happened in the Pogrom movement in 1918 to 1919 in Ukraine and Poland and the Jews in their terrible peril consciously turned to Trotsky backed without a doubt by Lenin.

    The Jews armed themselves inside the Communists to stay alive

    They knew who they were dealing with and that the Red Army would eventually vanquish the Antisemites. Basically a matter of trust. That Trotsky and Lenin would not let them down.

    Only time really.

    The writer where you can get this information is an academic not a fighter. But he follows where truth leads

    Jeffrey Veidlinger
    In the Midst of Civilized Europe: The Pogroms of 1918–1921 and the Onset of the Holocaust

    If you are not familiar with this information ask who has been keeping it from you?

  18. TED-

    Didn’t Biden close down most of ” the self sufficient in energy venues”???
    Or are they still all functioning??

  19. Felix Speaking of bankrupt, yes, Trotsky changed his mind and supported a national homeland for the Jews at the very end of his life, but since he made it conditional upon the whole world being “liberated” from capitalism first or at the same time, if the Jews of the Yishuv had listened to him, they’d still be waiting.

    “He outlined his views on Jewish problems in an exclusive interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency here in 1937. Reversing his advocacy of assimilation of Jews, Trotsky declared that he recognized the Jews’ need for a “common homeland” but emphasized that the final solution of the Jewish question would come only through the “emancipation of entire humanity” by international Socialism.

    …”“We must bear in mind that the Jewish people will exist a long time,” he said. “But the people cannot exist without a common territory. Zionism is based on this idea, but the everyday facts do not demonstrate to us that Zionism is capable of solving the Jewish question. I do not believe the Jewish question can be solved within the framework of decayed capitalism and under the control of English imperialism.”


    Well, starting out with a mixed economy Social-democratic model, Israeli Jews threw off British imperialism and almost 60 years later, as finance minister under Sharon, Bibi began the process of making Israel a major player on the world stage by introducing free market reforms.

    Biographer Isaac Deutscher described Trotsky as a prophet in the title of his multi-volume work on his life.

    I think the appellation fits Jabotinsky far better.

    Weizman was also unrealistically picky about th conditions for statehhood. Jabotinsky was utterly correct in his rebuttal.

    “…Zionist Executive leader Chaim Weizmann colluded with the British government to set quotas on Jewish immigration to Palestine. For Weizmann, Zionism was about “the transformation of values” of the Jews, “converting into peasant farmers an urbanized people.” Such a transformation had to be done slowly. Jabotinsky responded with the creed of “Zionist monism,” the insistence on severing the cause of resettling the Jews from any other ideology, such as Bolshevism:

    I can vouch for there being a type of Zionist who doesn’t care what kind of society our “state” will have; I’m that person. If I were to know that the only way to a state was via socialism, or even that this would hasten it by a generation, I’d welcome it. More than that: give me a religiously Orthodox state in which I would be forced to eat gefilte fish all day long (but only if there were no other way) and I’ll take it.”


    As for Lenin:

    “Jewish national culture is the slogan of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie-the slogan of our enemies.” – Lenin on the Jewish Question, 1913, p. 13, republished 1934.


    Lenin later attempted a concession to reality in Birobidgan but neither he nor Trotsky ever grasped the lesson that Herzl learned with Uganda, which he only proposed ass temporary expedient.

  20. @Peloni How long has globalism been on the agenda of the West, would you say? Is it not possible that as with classical antisemitism. israelophobia morphs to fit whatever the prevailing worldview is and that it doesn’t need to be consistent or make sense to exert its pull?

  21. There is much truth in all that is written here, but most of it evades the question raised above.

    What about the Globalist model is achieved by perpetuating the fake pursuit of peace? Where lies the advantage to the globalist to have Israel constantly at war with the Pals? What is gained by maintaining this conflict in perpetuity? What is it about Israel that makes it the specific target of the Globalist in this game of never ending peace process which could never achieve peace, and yet the same failing model is knowingly reapplied over and over again.

  22. @Felix Speaking of bankrupt, yes, Trotsky changed his mind and supported a national homeland for the Jews at the very end of his life, but since he made it conditional upon the whole world being “liberated” from capitalism first or at the same time, if the Jews of the Yishuv had listened to him, they’d still be waiting.

    “He outlined his views on Jewish problems in an exclusive interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency here in 1937. Reversing his advocacy of assimilation of Jews, Trotsky declared that he recognized the Jews’ need for a “common homeland” but emphasized that the final solution of the Jewish question would come only through the “emancipation of entire humanity” by international Socialism.

    …”“We must bear in mind that the Jewish people will exist a long time,” he said. “But the people cannot exist without a common territory. Zionism is based on this idea, but the everyday facts do not demonstrate to us that Zionism is capable of solving the Jewish question. I do not believe the Jewish question can be solved within the framework of decayed capitalism and under the control of English imperialism.”


    Well, starting out with a mixed economy Social-democratic model, Israeli Jews threw off British imperialism and almost 60 years later, as finance minister under Sharon, Bibi began the process of making Israel a major player on the world stage by introducing free market reforms.

    Biographer Isaac Deutscher described Trotsky as a prophet in the title of his multi-volume work on his life.

    I think the appellation fits Jabotinsky far better.

    Weizman was also unrealistically picky about th conditions for statehhood. Jabotinsky was utterly correct in his rebuttal.

    “…Zionist Executive leader Chaim Weizmann colluded with the British government to set quotas on Jewish immigration to Palestine. For Weizmann, Zionism was about “the transformation of values” of the Jews, “converting into peasant farmers an urbanized people.” Such a transformation had to be done slowly. Jabotinsky responded with the creed of “Zionist monism,” the insistence on severing the cause of resettling the Jews from any other ideology, such as Bolshevism:

    I can vouch for there being a type of Zionist who doesn’t care what kind of society our “state” will have; I’m that person. If I were to know that the only way to a state was via socialism, or even that this would hasten it by a generation, I’d welcome it. More than that: give me a religiously Orthodox state in which I would be forced to eat gefilte fish all day long (but only if there were no other way) and I’ll take it.”


    As for Lenin:

    “Jewish national culture is the slogan of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie-the slogan of our enemies.” – Lenin on the Jewish Question, 1913, p. 13, republished 1934.


    And, yet, Lenin also made concessions to reality in trying to start a Jewish autonomous region in Birobidgan which American Jewish organizations like the JOINT tried to assist but it never caught on. Very few Jews were interested

    Neither Lenin nor Trotsky understood that only in Eretz Israel was Jewish self-determination possible. It’s not just “a” homeland. But “The” Jewish homeland.

  23. A lot of thinking around the edges of this discussion needs tidying or it misfires in its own misunderstandings.
    At 81 I remember H. Kissinger – jibed at by somebody as, “If he were a little less clever and a bit more honest he would be a great man;” and he was NOT a leftie so stop mislabelling the two state solution as “left”. It has UK, US origins.
    Some Americans should get off their primary school history cartoon strip and remember the British have been decidedly second division for a lifetime.
    The €U is NOT against nation states but it does want European nation states to cooperate so as not to be run over so easily by the US and Russia. Some attitudes to the €U these days look funny compared to irate Americans as late as the 60’s complaining why can’t Europe get it is act together… “like we did.” Well the 13 colonies started with the same language and culture, same law book – Blackstone’s Laws of England – and the same tax and admin and financial system and without rancours of old scores. Europe has 28 rough histories and thirty languages besides at least two legal traditions. It has not done too badly these sixty years.
    Some of the explanations of the support and non support of Israel can be found in a Balfour Project (qv their website) talk by Eugene Rogan in June 2021 when he explained the purpose of British White Paper on Palestine of 1939 that limited Jewish immigration as to peg the Jewish Yishuv to a permanent third in order to be a dependent but reliable local agent with which to frighten and be frightened by the Arab clients as necessary. In the 60’s and 70’s the by then openly anti – Israel USSR first, then the left fringe openly said the US maintained Israel to police the Arabs and to do US dirty work elsewhere eg arming right wing Latin Americans. Both charges appeared and were largely ridiculous and only stuck because Jews already were held in a traditionally magical and evil “respect.”

  24. This “symposium” (grand word) is bankrupt and reflection of the bankruptcy of Israeli leadership as a whole today.

    The title plays the victim card and consciously or unconsciously seeks to take away leadership responsibility from Israeli leadership which is the key factor.

    The title is:

    Why do the US and the EU support the “Palestinians”? A Symposium
    The conspiracy to shrink Israel by Ted Belman.

    By Ted Belman Oct 3, 2021

    There’s no question whatsoever of the rightness of the Lord Balfour wish for the Jews to have a little bit of earth to rest their national desires upon.

    But where has that rightful struggle led under Jewish capitalist leaders?

    I differ here strongly with the so-called “left” who are not socialist because they stand in a living contradiction to the wishes of Trotsky on the very issue.

    And where Trotsky stood on the matter in his mature and settled thought he represents the thoughts of Lenin also and against Stalinism.

    There’s not the remotest reference or connection to this great matter from this motley coming together summoned by the bankrupt Belman editor of Israpundit.

    I am turning to build a new leadership party and of course all will be welcome to take part in a new and more fruitful way forward.

  25. IMO Mordecai and Victor are the only ones who appear to understand the real problem. Oil is a side diversion. The problem with the idiotic extremist Muslims is that they are behaving in a manner that many do not appreciate … we are in the midst of a religious war which appears to be socio-political!
    It may not be in my lifetime but there will be another war.. more serious than the others…which Israel has to win decisively… to the point where there will have to be population exchange..and this time no one will object

  26. Theory: the liberal West subscribes to the theory that most people are morally incompetent and therefore must be ruled by a select group of competent people. The pals are used to show that even the Jewish people are morally incompetent and therefore must be ruled by the Western elites.

  27. I would also add: domestic political considerations. Owing to the recent influx of immigrants from countries hostile to Israel, politicians have become solicitous of their views and their money. These communities tend to vote as a block and they have access to financial resources. You can see this in Minnesota in the US and Toronto in Canada. Politicians in the West, who have no moral principles at all, will not do anything to alienate this block of voters.

  28. Actually, the road to the European-Arab “friendship” was started to be paved in 1967 after the Six Day war when De Gaulle, shocked by its results, called for a pan-European conference which, as I recall, happened that fall.

  29. Everybody here has made very good points about what the problem is. But ideas for solving the problem are scarce. When I’m arguing with anti-Israel people, I point them to the 1920 Mandate for Palestine, the original of which included, as designated for the Jewish homeland, if not all of what is now the Kingdom of Jordan, at least all the territory where the 12 Tribes of Israel were. They can find maps showing the location of the 12 Tribes on the Internet. Because many anti-Israel people imagine Israel as some behemoth, I then point them to Philippe Assouline’s Map of the Middle East, showing tiny Israel surrounded by a sea of huge Arab/Muslim countries:


    And I point them to Israel’s 1994 peace agreement with Jordan, available on a Jordanian government website in English and stating that the boundary line between Israel and Jordan shall follow the middle of the main course of the flow of the Jordan and Yarmouk rivers. This puts the so-called West Bank (actually Judea and Samaria) squarely within Israel.

    Rational people who still have doubts can read Karen Stahl-Don’s fine paper on the British Mandate:


    Alas, since many people are not rational and are simply anti-Semites, these ideas may not go far. But they’re convincing with rational people.

    I do like Martin Sherman’s idea of encouraging Arab emigration from Israel (all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea) to Arab countries. Not all of the Arabs in Israel are hostile to the Jewish State. But too many are, especially young people raised on a false narrative.

  30. They hate our guts, and they will always hate our guts.

    This is “why the US and the EU support the “Palestinians””.

    In the 1930s the Germans were the world’s Great White Hope for “showing up the Jews”, now it is the Arabs.

    It is really that simple.

  31. (2 of 2)
    The globalists see themselves as uniquely enlightened with the proper mindset to judge what is both moral and what is correct, what is fair and what is righteous. They presume an arrogance, typical of the left, that what is best for all is best decided under a cloud of secret negotiations by those elite members who best have an ‘appropriate’ understanding of what is most moral to impose upon the people of every nation – as opposed to that which is consented to by the people of each nation. They, in their Liberal mentalities, have lost track and time with both the spirit and the meaning of liberal rights that formed the basis of the Western Democracies. This is to be the old system, where their new enlightened model is one of mandated views where unique mentalities are to be punished and the adoption of uniformed assimilations are to be rewarded. In short, the new world order is to be a return to the Old World order where the elites were labeled as nobles, lords, kings and czars, with the distinction of their modern equivalents will be many bankers, political elites and well empowered families(presuming the Chinese don’t eat them all for lunch one day, but that is another topic).

    So, it is not that they have no interest in the democratic govts, but rather that they are the very antithesis of their newly envisioned enterprise. Further than this, the rise of democracies rose at the cost and fall of the very regimes that Schwabb and his associates hope to rekindle. If totalitarianism were a disease, democracy might be likened to a therapeutic treatment, and one that is neither hypothetical nor arbitrarily chosen. With this in mind, Israel rose to prominence over the past several decades with an increasingly competent govt while the govts of many of her neighbors rose and fell, with rather common regularity, and only a few managing to maintain both stable govts and a perception of certainty with regards to the continuity in their govt. Nothing can be as persuasive as a good example and such successful democratic models as Israel is something that gives the globalists sleepless nights, I believe.

    As the treaties of peace seem very readily achieved when actual peace is the guiding motive, a true stability in the region could someday be achieved. Such exchanges of trade and goods as seen with these Abraham Accords will also result in the exchange, at some point and in some degree, of ideas between the only democracy in the middle east and her less liberated allies. This was always a likely consequence of peace, as the seeds of democratic views established in America have swept many nations across the globe in just a little over 200yrs following the shot heard around the world. Such views are intolerable to the globalist elements found within these same liberated nations, who are always yearning for a return to the age when a few powerful nobles mastered the many enslaved serfs.

    In any case, this seems a valid motive for the Globalists to prevent a peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors, but I think it is just one of many.

  32. (1 of 2)
    I have been working on this topic since you first posted the question and this is my fifth attempt to answer your question, so forgive the delayed response, as I have other thoughts that are less easily supported than I present here. In truth your query has held a question in my own mind for many years. The comments listed here by my fellow bloggers all add to the conversation, but I find the responses wide of the mark, and not specifically addressing a specific tangible benefit gained by the globalist interests in the US and EU by pursuing the non-peace-seeking peace plans. Motivation is always a tricky topic to lockdown. It is not as easy a question as how are they doing this, or how it affects Israel, the region or the world – these are important but different topics. We are seeking a motivating principle that actually guides the actions of this immoral and authoritarian group of elites known as Globalists to design a peace plan that can never bring peace.

    It is true that the Globalists hate Israel for the nationalistic basis of the Jewish state, but the Peace Plan is not specifically relatable, I believe, to the topic of Zionism. Restated, I don’t see that the results of the recurring failures of the Peace Plan actually make Israel a less Zionist state or even less nationalist – as we have seen in recent elections, the very opposite has occurred. Indeed, it would be a difficult surgery to remove the Zionist identity from the Israeli public, but if there were such a possibility, these failing Peace Plans could never achieve this goal, I believe. So, I speculate that the real purpose for stoking Arab hatred for the Jews while arming the Jewish state with strong defensive capabilities, is related to other purposes. Some are less well settled in my mind, but one seems more certain to me. It lies within the battle between democracy and authoritarianism.

    The Middle East has historically been ruled by petty authoritarians and religious warlords, not for centuries but for all of history. Even the ancient Jewish state held no such enlightened views such as democratic principles which were to be adopted by the modern state of Israel, far from it. The changing govts and reigns were passed from ancient times upto the fall of the rule of Ottomans with authoritarian rulers and regimes passed from the vanquished to the victors with no hint of any form of democracy. It was with this historical background upon which the modern state of Israel was to be founded upon the precepts of democratic principles.

    It is no secret that the globalists have no use for such liberal ideals as they are too liberating to the people who live under them and afford no such regimented guidance(read as mandates) as can be found more pleasing to the likes of Schwabb and his fellow associates who plan to enact the nightmares described so well by the likes of Orwell. They mean to bring down the world order as it stands today and replace it with a utopian society based upon a world organized format. So, they have no interest in the useless input of the mindless masses to which they hold nothing more than severe scorn as they project their every desire as racist and their calls for rights as imperialist condescension.

  33. We are witnessing the end of another Jewish cycle, this time in the US (the Jewish life is finished in Europe even if the Jews refuse to believe it).

    Look at the Jewish history from the sojourn in Egypt on and you will know what is happening now.

    Fortunately, now we have a state.

    Unfortunately, we are not to eager to go live there (many American Jews think that we can actually do without our own state), and the “Jewish” state itself is not too crazy about aliyah, either.

    Even some Israeli Jews leave Israel to return to the Diaspora.

    Based on the historic pattern, we are going to start having HUGE problems in the US very soon, and, as usual, it will happen “overnight”.

  34. The “Pal” with the “Munich 1972” Olympic massacre showed that they had ONE exportable commodity! Terrorism!
    Forces deeply imbedded in the EU (Foreign Office, Quai d’Orsay, Nazis in Germany, etc.,) and the US (USSD and others) are clearly anti-Semitic. Some are related to Orientalism, others like “Protocol of the Elders of Zion” an hoax circulating in the Muslim world keeps reemerging wherever convenient, etc., etc.

  35. Ted the Pals have no products the EU or USA need so what they serve is the ideological needs of some of their constituencies be they Jew haters or sympathetic to the perception that Israel is the bully and the Pals are victims

  36. Peloni
    In my opening sentence i make mention of “the interests of the US and EU which are being served in supporting the Palestinians.”

    So far the primary question has been avoided, I think, by all commentators.
    Perhaps You could each give it a shot.

    I don’t think the concern is losing the financial support of the US or even the trade with the EU and the US. We can manage that. Our concern is that we don’t want to make them our enemy.

    We don’t want to be the brunt of UN Chap VII resolutions or ICC investigations backed by the US or subject to sanctions. Sometimes we say “yes, but” and sometimes we have to say “no, not now”. These are soft responses rather than agreeing with a firm “yes” or disagreeing with a hard “no”. We do not want to be on the outs with them.

  37. @pdale5
    Very well stated! I can not agree more. I have always regretted that Bibi’s words regarding a move to end Israel’s reliance upon US was never acted upon, but actually quite the contrary. I am not sure which path will be successful in the US, but Israel should pursue her own interests and her own goals. Dependencies make nations weak and limit their choices considerably. Israel was once a very isolated nation within the Middle East, hampered by the socialist limitation upon her economy. Today, Israel has a very strong economy and her former status of isolation amongst her neighbors differs very greatly to her current role of regional leadership against Iran. She should play to her strengths while parting with such dependent policies. Strength follows strength.

  38. All the excellent points raised by other commentators miss one important point; namely, the dependence of Israel on the good will of the US Administration for defence funding. The recent attempt to prevent funding for the Iron Dome should alert everyone to the necessity of getting out from under this dependence. There is little point in rehearsing, one again, the reasons for the hatred of the Jewish state; they have been done to death. You are not going to change minds simply by pointing out again the idiocy of those who hurl epithets from wilful ignorance of history.

    De Gaulle once said that nations have interests, not friends. The US follows its interests. When they coincide with those of other nations, support is forthcoming and when they diverge, the support is feeble or non-existent. The U.S. has the reputation of being the bastion of ‘freedom and democracy’ in this world. If, however, you remember history, you will see that it the reputation is by no means accurate. Despite its rhetoric, the US failed to support the uprising of the German Workers in East Germany in 1953; it did nothing to support the Hungarian uprising of 1956 or that of the Czechs in 1968. It did nothing to support the uprising in Hong Kong when the Chinese broke the 1997 Agreement and it did nothing to support the recent Cuban uprising. As everyone knows, Israel’s defence effort was hampered by the Obama administration’s revealing of Israeli plans to move against Iran.

    The Roman Emperor Caligula once said of the populace that he didn’t care if they hated him as long as they feared him. That principle should guide Israeli policy. That means true independence in all spheres especially defence. And the sooner, the better.

  39. Any religion founded on the basis of lies and other fantasies, is doomed to fail. It may take some time, but it will fail. But the stench of such a religion will linger for a long time after its demise, and we’re seeing it now to some extent; those who no longer have any form of religious or spiritual aspirations, still exhibit – lets call it – a “tension” when the word “Jew” is uttered.

  40. The overriding interest everyone has in destroying Israel is religious (regardless of the perceived state of Christianity, BTW, there are 2 billion Christians in the world).

    If there is a Jewish State where Jews live in peace and the Jews from Diaspora keep making aliyah, whose prophecies are coming true?

    Think what this does to all the ideas of Christianity and Islam.

  41. Sorry, but I have to disagree with Mordechai ben Menachem about the EU and their being Christians – most of them are not, and they refused to allow any reference to Christianity in the founding charters of the EU. In fact, many Christians do support Israel, just as in the USA, and some much more vocally than Jewish people do. I believe the real reasons for the EU’s failure to accept Israel is that they do not want nation states to exist any longer. And Israel is the nation state par excellence. Just as they hate us in the UK for Brexit, they can’t support either Poland or Hungary for wishing to remain culturally Christian, and the leaders are desperately trying to hang on to their power. One of the most anti-Zionist countries in the EU is Ireland, and that is because they identify with terrorism, having themselves used the IRA to break away from the UK. But the Irish have little influence outside their own country. Finally, the left hates Israel because they see the Arabs as engaging in the Marxist struggle against capitalism, as represented by Israel and the USA. Today, because of the Abraham Accords, the left’s position is much weaker.

  42. The Israeli-balestinian conflict is just one facet of a much larger game. We have moved out of the realm of economics, geo-politics, and ideology, into the realm of “the spiritual”. Before anyone starts rolling their eyes, consider the absolute INSANITY that is afflicting the world. Where is the benefit to anyone, (even the elites), if freedom is extinguished, if the world social order collapses and descends into barbaric tribalism, if a large part of the earth’s population is decimated, if the seas are fished to near extinction…on and on. No… the spiritual nature of the attack on the world and on humanity is now blatantly obvious. Evil is making its move to destroy Ha Shem’s creation and to conquer the earth. The crown jewel of that agenda is destroying the chosen people and taking, by force, the land and the city, (Yerushalayim), that belong to G_d.

  43. Mr Belman , you should think this support of the USA-Europe for one of the ennemies of the Jewish people has more filiation with classic antisemitism than with any other narratives. The same “strange neglect / willful passivity ” has been the rule followed by USA-Europe since Iran started its nuclear genocide program. Therefore I see this behavior as totally coherent with the past 100 years anti-jewish attitude of the ” western elites ” . Jewish ethical values – respect of the shabbat as a mandatory rest …etc…are still seen as an obstacle to the machinist spirit of the western elites . And above all 70% of the jews are not making any serious effort to fight back this willful passivity-appeasement of the west towards the worst ennemies of the jewish people .So how can you justify your exigence of support when 70% of the jews are standing idle ?

  44. This omits the point scoring between the EU, US , Russia and the Iranians, Turks and others “playing games” over their balance of power in the “outfield” at a distance from anything in Israel or on its borders.