Why do people support the Palestinians?

By Victor Sharpe

If we live in a nation and in a world that still consists of truly clearheaded and moral thinking people, why then would so many yet fall into a deep morass of mental idiocy and support the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians? Do they not know how violent, how racist, how brutal and how hateful towards democratic values and human rights the Palestinian leadership in both Gaza and in the Palestinian Authority truly is?

The question must be asked of such people. So why do they do it and what’s in it for them?

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Well first consider the journalists who cover the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Israel is a vibrant and mature democracy with a functioning judiciary. It is also a nice and comfortable place for journalists to report from. But at the same any journalist in Israel has the freedom to criticize fairly – or unfairly – the Israeli democracy as much as he or she likes without fear.

By contrast, non-democracies allow little or no access to facts on the ground. In Gaza, journalists live in fear of arrest or even death and to survive will write whatever anti-Israel lies they must to placate the Islamic regime and remain in relative safety. But few who read their screeds have the remotest idea that what they tread is true.

There are great numbers of journalists in Israel, perhaps far too many, whereas in the Palestinian Authority or in the Gaza Strip journalists for their safety and survival must toe the line set by their handlers who at the same time are terrorists and Islamic jihadis. Hence, in  wars launched by the Hamas regime from Gaza against Israel, little that is true or objective will ever be reported from Hamas occupied Gaza. On the other hand journalists in Israel who may sadly harbor animosity towards the Jewish state, are free to write harmful and often false reports. Israel thus gets more unjust criticism than most. So we see among members of the media the answer to what’s in it for them. Survival.

It is clear to me that every believer in democracy and human rights should be supporting Israel, for that ever so tiny and imperiled nation is a shining light of God given humanity and civilization and a beacon of strong and vibrant democracy set within the savage and tribal lands of the Middle East.

Now consider those who primarily work in the political sphere and who are quite well aware of the malign nature of the so-called Palestinian Authority and of the brutal Hamas occupiers of Gaza. Such individuals within the Biden Administration, however, may well harbor a murky animus towards Israel and it is apparent that many do. They can artfully further their ill intentions towards the Jewish state by supporting the Palestinians: the arch enemy of the Jewish state. They can do that in many ways.

One is by supporting again the rotting corpse of the discredited Two-State Solution which is fatal to the survival of Israel. Two states for two peoples resonates well with the uninformed and is gleefully pursued by the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel Left in the Democrat-Socialist Party which gloats at the prospect of driving a fatal dagger into the heart of the Biblical Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria.

Another question which begs an answer is what is driving the Biden/Harris Administration in its abrogation of the Abaham Accords? They after all warmed relations between Judaism and Islam, at least between some Persian Gulf states and Israel, between Morocco and Israel and potentially even between Saudi Arabia and Israel? Why then is the Biden administration trying to get rid of both the name and what it brings to future harmony in the Middle East?

Perhaps it’s because the administration isn’t too hot on religion. Consider how the White House recently omitted  the word “God” from its annual declaration marking the National Day of Prayer. The Blinken State Department has also repudiated  the Pompeo State Department’s Commission on Unalienable Rights, which championed religious freedom abroad.

According to Jackson Richman, a journalist in Washington, D.C., the Biden administration should keep its promise to build upon the Abraham Accords as they were designed. In both name and action, the Accords are a cause for good. But I doubt that it will. So what’s in it for those apparatchiks in the Biden regime: Sticking it to the Jewish state and to President Trump.

It is still unfashionable to be known and labelled as an anti-Semite, partly because the Holocaust is still too recent in living memory. So the haters of the Jews, of the Jewish faith, of the reborn Jewish state and of Zionism, the Jewish people’s National Liberation Movement, hide their prejudice by going out of their way to publicly support the fraudulent Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.

Since President Trump was defeated by the Democrat Party in an election fraught with allegations of voter fraud it has become more noticeable that Democrat outreach to Muslims in America is flying in the face of growing anti-Jewish violence in the streets of America perpetrated primarily by Muslim immigrants. This mirrors the State Department’s cozying up to the Muslim Brotherhood even as the Biden debacle in Afghanistan remains a searing blot upon the United States. What is happening and what’s in it for those who control American foreign and domestic policy?

The answer appears to be in the manner in which Biden is proving more and more his own hostility towards the Jewish state and how the State Department is increasingly complicit. Take for example Biden’s desire to open a consulate for the ‘Palestinians’ in Jerusalem to counteract the embassy that President Trump moved to Jerusalem. The consulate would violate Israeli sovereignty and would be illegal under United States law. Neither bothers Biden.

There’s no reason to set up a consulate to the Palestinian terrorists in Jerusalem, except to violate Israeli sovereignty over the city and stake a claim to the eternal Jewish capital for Hamas and the PLO. The Palestinian Authority operates out of Ramallah. The Russians and Chinese have their diplomatic missions in Ramallah. This is not out of sensitivity to Israel. It is just common sense. But Biden seems adamant and yearns to embrace a Pal-Arab terror state with close diplomatic relations So what’s in it for him. The answer may sadly be this. Joe Biden’s Leftist animus towards the Jewish state.

Palestinians are by no means the most oppressed people on the planet. There are truly oppressed peoples and hundreds of more worthwhile causes in the world. What is special about the Palestinians is that they are the most brutal and barbaric with oceans of blood spilled by them through their terror upon innocent civilians.

But due to the strange nature of humans and thanks to a compliant fake media and its useful idiots – the fraudulent Palestinians receive more attention and more support worldwide.

October 1, 2021 | Comments »

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