Why Can’t the Dwarfs Defeat Gulliver?

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Yossi Baum | Sept 12, 2024

The illusions of the left and their detachment from reality are heart-wrenching. The inferiority of the ‘heads of the democratic liberal camp’ compared to Netanyahu is due to their failure to present an alternative security-political strategy to Netanyahu? Is this the difference between the lion and the mice?

Let me clarify:

First: Netanyahu has demonstrated an unimaginable ability to withstand enormous international pressures from several fronts simultaneously, even while facing unbearable internal challenges. Not one of the leaders of the leftist camp has ever been ‘suspected’ of possessing such an ability. On the contrary: anyone who doesn’t surrender to Washington’s instructions cannot even hope to reach a significant position of influence within the left.

You on the left consistently ignore this fundamental Israeli sentiment, without which no one can become prime minister in Israel, except through deception and public fraud, like Bennett in the past or like Lieberman, who currently pretends to present a right-wing image.

Second: Leadership that leads the public, not ‘leadership’ that is led by the public. A leader is tested by their ability to take unpopular steps. Netanyahu is ‘accused’ of doing this quite often by his supporters, and he has done so many times. When exactly did Gantz, Lapid, or Bennett take any ‘unpopular’ steps?

Third: The vast experience that Netanyahu has, with his tenure being the longest in a democratic country since World War II, is unparalleled.

Fourth: The unique international status of the man. Strong people know how to appreciate such a lengthy tenure, especially in the face of endless internal and external forces that stop at nothing to oust Netanyahu. It’s no wonder that he and the Pope are the only non-Americans on the list of the ten most popular figures in America.

Fifth: The man’s phenomenal abilities, his immense wisdom, and his intellectual capacities in countless subjects, which place him at the top of the global intellectual elite. Alongside his intense work with very few hours of sleep over the years, to ensure the eternity of Israel.

How can cardboard figures like Gantz, Lapid, or Bennett, who are light-years away from him—a bunch of scarecrows who don’t come close to Netanyahu’s basic capabilities—be considered a real alternative to Netanyahu?

And the root cause, as mentioned, is the man’s unimaginable ability to stand firm for what the people see as the country’s best interests. In a country where maximum security is not a luxury but the air we breathe—you on the left have no chance of gaining power with the idea that Israel should strip itself of all its strategic assets in favor of foreign interests. You have—no—chance.

The public repeatedly ousts you at the polls precisely because of this dangerous worldview. You lost the Jewish majority in the country a long time ago, and in every election, you are surprised again to see that you are a minority, even among the general population. A minority.

Is Netanyahu perfect? No. Has there ever been, or will there ever be, a perfect prime minister? Also no. Perfection is the enemy of the good, and according to most of the people, Netanyahu is the best that can be at this time. Accept it.

September 15, 2024 | Comments »

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