Why a Rock-Ribbed Conservative Like Me Supports Donald Trump 100%

By Joan Swirsky

I’m watching the fierce South Carolina primary contest among the six remaining candidates for POTUS and a few things strike me as astounding.

The first is that all the seasoned politicians on stage—Governors Bush and Kasich, Senators Cruz and Rubio—have been relegated to straggler status by the non-politician in the race, billionaire businessman Donald Trump. (Dr. Ben Carson, the other non-politician, is hanging in there but not lighting any fires).

Second is that only Mr. Trump is raising the biggest issues facing our country, among them:

Closing our borders, which are being flooded with un-vetted illegal aliens who number, by now, into the millions

Bringing both corporations and jobs back to America

Fixing our Mt. Kilimanjaro of debt and Mt. Everest of unemployment

Strengthening our military

Third is that he is challenging our longtime and ridiculous policy of military intervention for the purpose of nation-building in exchange for…nothing! Why haven’t we taken our enemy’s oil or exacted other prices for the blood we’ve spilled and the honor we’ve spent?

Fourth is that he is saying out loud what most Americans have been thinking and feeling for almost eight years, specifically that as a result of our thunderously ineffective “leadership,” we have utterly failed to destroy ISIS and the other Islamic terrorists who spend every waking hour figuring out how to obliterate America, which they call “the great Satan,” and our staunchest ally, Israel, “the little Satan.”

ISIS has about 50,000 adherents, maybe even 75,000. In one week, the American military could obliterate this murderous sect from the face of the earth. But Barack Obama seems to have a peculiar aversion to fighting the enemies of America, hence the rise of this homicidal cult and the escalating threat it poses to our country.

And fifth is the degree to which Mr. Trump is already negotiating with both domestic and foreign leaders. He is letting American politicians know that deals can and will be made but that all of them must benefit America! And he is telling the entire world that the vacation that overseas leaders have had from true American leadership will be over the very second he enters the Oval Office.

All the while, Mr. Trump’s competitors and critics carp and whine about his “bluster,” “naiveté,” and “crudeness.” Wasn’t President Teddy Roosevelt accused of bluster? Wasn’t President Ronald Reagan accused of being naive? Wasn’t the liberals’ hero LBJ accused of crudeness? These are trifling criticisms, as are the accusations that Mr. Trump is “not a true conservative” and that in the past he was, gasp, a liberal. Well, we’ve given the self-described conservatives the entire House and Senate and they’ve failed us, so it’s time to give a born-again conservative a chance!

Once in office, I have full confidence, Mr. Trump would glassify ISIS into oblivion, take the oil they’ve stolen and give it to the families who have been destroyed by these psychotics. He would overturn and replace Obamacare in record time, build an impenetrable wall in record time to keep out the swarms of illegals who, again, Mr. Obama seems fatally attracted to. He would get rid of a half-dozen or more bloated government departments, reduce the tax code to less than 25 pages, and overturn all the Executive Orders Mr. Obama has inflicted on the nation in his eagerness to bypass the U.S. Congress and spit on the U.S. Constitution. Most important, Mr. Trump would immediately build up our military and promptly reverse the preposterous, Obama-dictated Rules of Engagement (i.e., don’t shoot unless the other guy shoots first).

How do I know this? Because I come from a business background where people actually get things done! Where executive decisions are made decisively, political correctness is considered the silly indulgence of people with too much time on their hands, accountability is the order of the day, and outcomes are regularly measured to gauge success—all of which is the polar opposite of how our government works, which is why both Mr. Trump and the American people hold our government and its current leadership in such contempt.

Those who point to Mr. Trump’s business failures purposely fail to mention the personal courage and financial risks it takes to pursue new, bold, entrepreneurial ventures, or the resilience it takes to weather failure, to rebound, and to go on to even greater heights. They also forget that a man who heads an incredibly successful organization with over 20,000 employees, who surrounds himself with talented experts, and who does business in dozens of countries (including Mexico, Canada, Mumbai, Philippines, Dubai, Turkey, Panama, et al) knows better than any of his rivals—in fact, better than any politician—how to run a complex bureaucracy, and a tight ship!

The political criticisms Mr. Trump has been receiving from the establishment wonks at National Review, Rupert-Murdoch’s puppets at Fox News, the hysterical and frenzied Republican National Committee, and leftists all over the place, are from people who operate in the rarefied and self-congratulatory realms of academia, the media, and of course Washington, D.C.—including the politicians who go out for drinks every night with the lobbyists they depend on to support their reelection campaigns and pay them enough to live quite richly in retirement. In common parlance, they’re known as whores!

That same American public, through their earnest efforts, managed to elect a Republican-controlled Senate and House in the 2014 midterms, only to realize that the people they elected have caved in to every Marxist initiative of the Saul-Alinsky-driven regime in power. We’ll never know to what degree threats, intimidation, and bribes played in this craven capitulation, but Americans finally understand they’ve been betrayed—hence the overwhelming support for a candidate who is absolutely impervious to bribes, threats, and intimidation.

There are certain qualities I’m looking for in the next president of the United States, which I can sum up in the acronym TRAITS.

Track Record
I want the next POTUS to have an impressive track record of accomplishment, not simply a laundry list of rosy promises. Now that Mr. Trump has effectively quashed the rest of the competition and is ahead by double digits in the South Carolina primary contest to be held on Saturday, February 20th, he may just run the table. Unlike everyone else in the race, he has run a gigantic corporation with immense success, a business that has required him to deal with titanic problems.

As Steve Cuozzo has written in the New York Post, long before The Donald considered running for president, he had already helped save New YorkCity by being “New York’s most important and bravest real-estate developer.”

And Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka remarked recently to Breitbart, “From day one, my father set the agenda for what the whole party is talking about.”

That is called Leadership!

I trust that Mr. Trump will come into office on Day One with the world’s biggest broom!

I remember watching the JFK-Nixon debates in the presidential contest of 1960. It was the first presidential debate of the fledgling TV era and it had a profound effect on the entire country.

Previous televised hearings about organized crime were held by Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-TN) in 1950 (the year my family actually bought our first TV), and about the infiltration of Communists into our government and military (sound familiar?) held by Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) in 1954.

JFK was a dashing and articulate Harvard graduate, and Nixon a sort of awkward, looking-for-the-right-word graduate of Whittier College, whose wife Pat was slim, blond and beautiful, as were his two young daughters. But who on earth could compete with Jackie, the breathy, willowy, gorgeous 30-year-old who had graduated from the tony Miss Porter’s School, Vassar College, and the Sorbonne, and had two adorable babies?

All the glamour of the Kennedys was featured in print by besotted newspaper editors across the country, and blared on TV by leftist anchors at the three networks that existed at the time: CBS, NBC, ABC. All of them, of course objectively, touted the always-intriguing ingredients of youth, glamour, sexiness, romance, scandal, and wealth of the “Camelot” couple. And guess who won the presidency?

However, it turned out that Kennedy, who had been in the Senate for seven years—longer than Obama, Cruz, or Rubio—was not as equipped as his rival Nixon would have been to deal with the Bay of Pigs invasion in April, 1961, which strengthened the position of the Communist Fidel Castro’s leadership and his relationship with USSR, and the disastrous Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, which was the closest the Cold War between the U.S. and Russia came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war.

In that era, Kennedy’s appearance proved to be just that, appearance.

Appearances still matter and certainly Mr. Trump and his family are amazingly glamorous, appealing, photogenic and wealthy. And his worldly business experience supersedes and eclipses that of his rivals by light years. Also, the billionaire mogul looks presidential! He’s big, like America. He’s bold, like our Founders. And he’s masculine, not one of the sissified, metro-sexual men of today who have been cowed into tiptoeing through the tulips of political correctness, too afraid to say what they think for fear of offending the perpetually aggrieved, oh-so-sensitive, hothouse-flower special-interest groups among us.

Who can forget when right out of the gate, Mr. Trump said he would close the borders and ship all the illegal aliens back to where they came from, including anchor babies? When a self-important reporter told him that the “anchor baby” term was offensive, Mr. Trump said, “That’s what I say, anchor babies.” Slam dunk.

That is called Leadership!

Barack Obama came into office intent on turning our country into his childlike utopian version of social-justice paradise, the better to cut down to size what he and his far-left cronies believe is the big, bad colonialist power known as the United States of America.

Using the Cloward-Piven strategy, outlined in 1966, to bankrupt the country through gargantuan expenditures, Obama increased welfare costs (through the importation of millions of illegal aliens), increased our debt to $19-going-on-$20-trillion, and financed a great number of phony-baloney schemes like Solyndra, which received a $536 million U.S. Energy Department loan guarantee in 2009 and then went broke in 2011. Ever wonder into whose now-bulging pockets all those millions went?

In contrast, Mr. Trump came on the scene and immediately said he would stop the tsunami of illegal aliens crossing our border by building a fence that Mexico would pay for! He then cited the Muslim jihadists and their carnage in San Bernardino and said he would immediately suspend all Muslims coming into this country until the U.S. Congress figured out what was going on.

That is called Leadership!

True Patriot
A Gallup poll of February 7th indicates quite persuasively that America is overwhelmingly conservative. The poll, wrote Bruce Walker in the American Thinker, reported that the number of states “in which conservatives outnumber liberals has been as low as 47 states and as high as 50 states. This ought to be a very big story, but Gallup, like nearly every other polling organization, tilts left ideologically.”

That’s exactly what people and pundits say about Mr. Trump, that he tilts left ideologically. So how can a rock-ribbed conservative like me possibly support him?

Simple! I gave birth to my first child when I was 18. Right there and then, practically when I was still lying on the delivery room table, I knew what my job was. It was not to give my beautiful little boy the most nutritious meals or the best education or a fancy home or the shiniest tricycle. It was to keep him safe! Without safety, everything else is moot. In fact, more than moot, non-existent! If you’re not safe, nothing else matters.

And here comes Mr. Trump, a non-politician, who gets it, who deeply understands that if we don’t close our borders and continue to let un-vetted aliens into our country, we are de facto not safe!

And how is the safety of our country secured? Only through the overwhelming strength of our military and local and national law enforcement agencies, which the current occupant of the Oval Office has systematically tried to decimate, right up to this month, when he issued an order—in keeping with his fetish about the hoax of global warming—that no military action can be taken without first assuring that no harm comes to the environment. Hard to believe, but true.

To compound the stupidity of this policy, consider that former CIA director, Michael Morrell, recently admitted that concerns about contaminating the environment have prevented the White House from bombing oil wells that finance the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which Barack Obama calls ISIL, the “L” standing for Levant, an area that includes Israel. Translated: Obama—as we know by now—considers Israel the enemy!

Before he formally announced his candidacy in June 2015, Mr. Trump attended the Iowa Freedom Summit the previous January, where he received a standing ovation when he said that he could “make this country great again.”

He said he believed that “any credible American foreign policy doctrine should be defined by at least seven core principles”:

American interests come first. Always. No apologies.
Maximum firepower and military preparedness.
Only go to war to win.
Stay loyal to your friends and suspicious of your enemies.
Keep the technological sword razor sharp.
See the unseen. Prepare for threats before they materialize.
Respect and support our present and past warriors.
That is strength…that is Leadership!

Don Fredrick, the creator of The Complete Obama Timeline, says that “the establishment is frightened to death that Trump will win…you can be certain that if an establishment candidate wins in November 2016, America loses.”

Former Navy SEAL and writer Jim O’Neill says that “Trump is a true-blue patriot…” He cites Harlem Pastor James Manning who says that Trump speaks truth to power. Trump “knows full well that Big Business, Big Media, Big Banking, and Big Government are all in bed together,” O’Neill adds, “and like no other major political figure that I can recall from my lifetime, he calls them on it. His love for the United States is obvious, deep-seated, and true.”

As for me, I’m as conservative as it gets, but Conservatives have failed me and our country. I’m counting on Mr. Trump to fix what’s been broken, to keep our country safe and employed and on the road back to a spectacular recovery!

February 21, 2016 | 38 Comments »

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38 Comments / 38 Comments

  1. @ Actually Mr. Danny (if I may be so formal) I do get it. I know you are not a fan but currently 538.com is forecasting –

    According to our latest polls-plus forecast, Marco Rubio has a 50% chance of winning the Virginia primary.Trump 38% – Cruz 13%

    Florida Trump 49%, Rubio 40%, Cruz 9%.

  2. What the Trumpians do Not get. In a general election many GOP voters will never vote for him.

    They get it.
    Re-read Outspeaker’s fine prose.
    They understand.
    What you do not understand, Mister Klein, is that the Trumpoids are not supporting a candidate in the traditional sense of the term.
    They are throwing a temper tantrum.
    South Carolinian Trump supporters were caught on tape saying as they left the polls, “We voted with our middle fingers.”

    Perverse, isn’t it? But that’s just tough shit, isn’t it?

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

    Do not attempt to apply logic or reason to a shit fit.


  3. What the Trumpians do Not get. In a general election many GOP voters will never vote for him. Lations will not vote for him. Yes some blue collar dems may vote for him. These polls below reflect this reality. I know the Trumpians will tell me many different ways how wrong this it. I understand this. Trump does not even look he could win North Carolina in most polls. Rubio looks like the solid canidate who could beat Clinton. GOP exit polls also reflected this belief in South Carolina.

    North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton SurveyUSA Clinton 43, Trump 45 Trump +2
    North Carolina: Trump vs. Sanders SurveyUSA Sanders 44, Trump 44 Tie
    North Carolina: Cruz vs. Clinton SurveyUSA Cruz 48, Clinton 43 Cruz +5
    North Carolina: Cruz vs. Sanders SurveyUSA Sanders 46, Cruz 42 Sanders +4
    North Carolina: Rubio vs. Clinton SurveyUSA Rubio 49, Clinton 42 Rubio +7
    North Carolina: Rubio vs. Sanders SurveyUSA Rubio 44, Sanders 45 Sanders +1
    North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton Elon University Clinton 47, Trump 41 Clinton +6
    North Carolina: Trump vs. Sanders Elon University Sanders 48, Trump 40 Sanders +8
    North Carolina: Cruz vs. Clinton Elon University Cruz 46, Clinton 46 Tie
    North Carolina: Cruz vs. Sanders Elon University Sanders 47, Cruz 43 Sanders +4
    North Carolina: Rubio vs. Clinton Elon University Rubio 48, Clinton 45 Rubio +3
    North Carolina: Rubio vs. Sanders Elon University Rubio 46, Sanders 43 Rubio +3

  4. watsa46 Said:

    Robots are in the near horizon and will create major dislocations due to the future lack of jobs.

    In the past the super wealthy still needed people to protect them and serve them… but with robots…. the people are a lot of unnecessary bother and pollution. In such a developing situation the people must take command and control of resources before its too late. With NSA type surveillance they will be able to identify and dispatch troublemakers before they even start making trouble. they will want a pristine earth devoid of the hoi poloi. Whats to stop them?

  5. Robots are in the near horizon and will create major dislocations due to the future lack of jobs. Some new thinking is urgently required to prevent more bodies availability for wars of the future!!!

  6. Perverse, isn’t it? But that’s just tough shit, isn’t it?
    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

    Let’s remember those gracious sentiments for future reference:

    Steve Deace

    While I’m doling out some tough love today, allow me to pass some along to people who really believe Trump is the anti-establishment hero they think he is. Understand this, they’re never going to allow him to give that nomination acceptance speech.


    And if you think they are, you obviously don’t know how the oligarchy called the Republican Party really works. There’s a reason only 4% of the Super PAC money has been spent on attacking Trump. He is a means to an end to these people. They want him to be the face of the opposition. They’re ecstatic to see he has stolen Cruz’s base from him. Because Trump is a loathsome figure, who’s far easier to screw over in broad daylight than a sitting U.S. Senator who’s not up for re-election until 2018.

    More and more real conservatives are coming forth saying they’ll never vote for Trump if he’s the nominee for valid reasons. And there will be more now that the ball is rolling. People will feel safer to speak their minds if they’re in good company. That will provide the GOP establishment all the cover they need to screw Trump.

    Because the #1 goal of any bureaucracy is self-preservation. Trump, as an electoral disaster in the making, threatens that. But Cruz is a bigger existential threat, because nominating him puts the whole “conservatives can’t win” scam they’ve been running on us since Reagan to bed. And these people have nothing if they don’t have that. They’ll be revealed as the progressives they really are.

    However, if Trump goes to convention the leader without the 1237 needed to clinch the nomination, the GOP gets to play hero for conservatives again by screwing Trump to save the country from Killary/Bernie. Thus the bureaucracy known as the GOP establishment continues for at least another decade or so, because as long as the Republicans don’t nominate Trump they will beat Hillary this fall. All the signs of her weakness as a candidate are there. She is their McCain 2008.

    This is why Rubio doesn’t have to win anything. He just has to stay in long enough for Trump to stop Cruz from consolidating the delegate-rich South, and then Rubio takes it in the more moderate states from there. Nobody gets to 1237, and then whatever rules exist now will be changed in the dead of night to suit their needs faster than you can say “Romney.” Rubio comes out of that convention AT WORST the VP. Heck, maybe you’ll even get a Romney-Rubio ticket if you’re lucky. As my buddy Ed Martin (former head of Missouri GOP) just told me, the RNC has already quietly tripled the amount of unbound delegates they control.

    So if you’re voting for Trump to burn down the system, I hope you like Rubio’s version of the status quo, too, because he’s really who you’re voting for once the game reaches its conclusion.

    You’ve been fooled, again.


  7. Bear Klein Said:

    Microsoft has brought this up.

    Teitelbaum said there are “contradictions” with policies that encourage more students to pursue degrees in engineering, science and mathematics, while at the same saying “we want to import more scientists and engineers, particularly, on a temporary basis.”

    “The message they (students) are getting is this is not an attractive long-term career path,” said Teitelbaum, who added that U.S. policies have produced a boom and bust cycle in STEM employment.

    “If we have mass layoffs at the same time that the employers are claiming they can’t hire enough people, which is what’s happening, seems to be happening, right now,” said Teitelbaum, “they are going to get the message that maybe I should do something else.”

    anyone who gets products from microsoft, apple and google know they tell lies. the problem is that they can leave and still sell their products here without tariff. Let them leave put tariffs on their products and that will encourage back a new set of entrepreneurs to take their place. the fact is that they have already done the damage by exporting most of the jobs, production and capital to
    asia… the remaining jobs they want to import the cheap asian labor. we need a whole new culture of ethics in this country apart from that of the corps. when everything is automated and they own all the robots, how do you live?
    they encouraged every one into the STEM fields and now they are not getting the jobs due to the corps importing workers cheaper. They are liars, plain and simple. When I think of how they operate I remember Pol Pot, fondly.

    “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” albert einstein (of course)

  8. Bear Klein Said:

    HIB Visas is great way to get talented people needed into the USA.

    they are firing americans and importing foreigners at a lower cost… I dont agree with giving visas to foreigners to work, putting americans out of work in order to give corps more profit. If I agreed with you I would vote for the other GOP but I would sooner vote with sanders on that issue.
    Bear Klein Said:

    Want companies to stay in the USA let them get the workers they or they move elsewhere. Microsoft has brought this up.

    let them move elsewhere and lets return to tariffs on items manufactured elsewhere. None of them are indispensable, every CEO dies and is easily replaced. the country belongs to the people, not the the corps and the chinese.
    Bear Klein Said:

    Legal immigration with good people helps the USA. Illegal immigration and letting in potentially dangerous people is opposed by Rubio and all other GOP candidates

    the HB1 are not legally used when used to replace existing american workers…. they are to fill shortages. It is an insult to make americans compete for salaries with asians… whose country is it? the GOP is in the pockets of the corps who simply want more profits by firing americans and hiring cheaper labor that isnt even here. Imagine importing workers to compete with our own… why?
    Bear Klein Said:

    Illegal immigration and letting in potentially dangerous people is opposed by Rubio and all other GOP candidates.

    Rubio is a proponent of TPP, HB1 and putting americans out of work. I would vote for Sanders before rubio.

  9. I think all four of Trump’s remaining competitors for the Republican Party presidential nomination will stay in place until the convention; even though two of the four, Kasich and Carson, must know for certain that they have no chance of winning the nomination. As for the other two, Rubio and Cruz, their only chance for the nomination might come if the Trump has no winning majority by convention time. Kasich may well get some of the voters of the type who were supporting Bush, but that’s not yet known.

    Remember, in this game, players cease to count for anything at all once they drop out of the contest.

    But only Rubio and Cruz are still attracting donations to keep themselves afloat. The other two are just coasting with whatever remains of their campaign funds. But Rubio and Cruz spend most of their time fighting each other, and that’s probably the way the game will be played out all the way through Nevada and then Super Tuesday next week. In most of those state contests, Trump leads everybody with double digit polling numbers. And the likelihood is that Trump’s crowds and votes will grow through the spring and summer months, as Republican expectations firm up that Trump will be the candidate. Power begets more power in this game. And as everybody is coming to understand, nothing that Trump says or does seems to lesson his crowds or his votes. As for campaign funding, Trump needs none whatsoever, and his expenditures per vote are by far the lowest of any candidate in either party. I’m not even certain how much television advertising he will have to buy when he comes up against Clinton.

    Perverse, isn’t it? But that’s just tough shit, isn’t it?

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  10. Bear Klein Said:

    Pro Israel canidates should have NO ISSUE SAYING I AM PRO ISRAEL AND SUPPORT ISRAEL.

    but what does that mean in actual detail?
    He has clearly stated his affinity for BB but does he know what BB’s defacto platform is?
    1-BB maintains the status quo on the Mount whereby the muslim abuse of Jews is institutionalized for posterity…. should Trump support that when he finds out?
    2- BB facilitates clandestinely the euro building of muslim homes in YS and gives area C land for building pal cities…. should Trump support that when he finds out what area C is and reads the international law on the issue?
    3- BB, Erdan, Yaalon and Rivlin all declared to the world that Jewish settlers burned a baby at Duma without evidence….. should Trump support such an incredibly incompetent behavior when he learns what they did?
    4- BB knows that Jewish settlement is legal and legitimate but NEVER states it where it matters…… should Trump be expected to say what BB is unable to say with his mouth?
    5- BB knows from Levy report that settlement should be resumed but he hides the results of Levy from the world AND from Trump…… should Trump be expected to support the principle of Levy when BB keeps it hidden?
    etc, etc, etc
    I think you can see where I am going as the list is longer than I wrote here.

    None of the candidates have done more and all have done more to support Israel than BB. Why do you expect foreigners to say and do what the right wing coalition cannot say or do?
    Trump thinks BB is right wing and has clearly stated his support for BB and his distaste for Obamas treatment of BB and Israel. But how will that support translate into action, who knows…. I think that depends on the leadership of Israel. Trump might be surprised to find out that he is to the right of BB.

  11. Bear Klein Said:

    He sounded like he did not know what he was talking about and did not want to step in it.

    this may very well be the case. that is not much of a concern to me because it is standard fare in business that an incoming CEO does not have a handle on much of the detail of the issues of the new corporation. remember Trump is a non politician, an outsider, who has a lot to learn about the facts of issues AND the truth and reality of the real facts under the table that every pres has to learn when he comes in.
    I do not judge him the same as someone already a working politician, someone who has worked their way up in the business, because I dont want that someone. I know that someone who knows little of the details but has a lot of the necessary abilities, competence and required “character” is fine.
    we have been completely hoodwinked and swindled on a serial basis by those who tell us the details before the election and everything changes after. My criteria in evaluating donald is completely different that evaluating all the others. I dont expect a competent, successful and wealthy CEO and businessman to waste his time learning all the details to play the usual game until after he is given the job. anyone with self esteem would not waste much time on that because at this time it would only be a form of butt licking to impress voters superficially. He is doing what I want, saying what I want. Folks dont appreciate the amount of talent, competence and savvy which went into his incredibly successful, brilliant and totally devastating campaign….. imagine that he took on this massive establishment… of both parties… and is beating them mercilessly AT THEIR OWN GAME, AT THEIR OWN EXPERTISE… he is thrashing the experts, thrashing the political stooges, thrashing the will of their donors…… no one has properly evaluated how incredible it is what he has accomplished thus far….. He has proven beyond a doubt, in facts, in achievement, brutally….. that he is far more than capable of taking on a large venture of which he does not have a lot of detailed knowledge and experience. Voters are discounting the need to hear details because they understand what is happening, they get it….. they are not acting foolishly or stupidly…. they are seeing clearly. the paradigm shifted, even if he loses he has accomplished an amazing achievement. whats amazing in addition to his achievement is that he has also opened up the carcass of PC brainwashing with every sentence he speaks….. he has done that for all of us who agree that PC is a major component of the current scenario of failure. People need to look more deeply at the facts of what he has done and does…. not as a judge but as an observer of how miracles can be achieved by a single person. I thought he was a clown unworthy of a shred of consideration until I started observing objectively. would I want to hang out with him? I doubt it.

  12. Report: Donald Trump Questions Marco Rubio’s Eligibility

    “Look, this is a pattern. This is a game he plays,” Rubio said on the same program. “He says something that’s edgy and outrageous and then the media flocks and covers that and then no one else can get any coverage on anything else. And that worked when there were 15 people running for president. It’s not going to work anymore.”


    Marco is correct that Trump employs a tactic, and it will continue to work even more when the field is narrowed. Its a tactic with a basis which is directed to voters: “do you want to waste your vote on someone that it is not 100% clear is a “natural born citizen?”

    “I’m going to spend zero time on his interpretation of the Constitution with regards to eligibility,” Rubio added.

    Marco does not fully get it… he does not care what Marco does because it is a “seed of doubt” directed at voters… making them think and consider. voters will consider it even more if it narrows to him and Cruz…right now they dont need to….. thats why Carson stays in.
    congress should really deal with this issue permanently with a congressional amendment defining “natural born citizen”. Until then it will pop up again and again as long as questionable cases keep applying for the job.

  13. @ bernard ross:Bernard I heard him live when he spoke. He sounded like he did not know what he was talking about and did not want to step in it. He was coming pretty close to dodging the question based I what I perceive as ignorance of the subject. So he resorted to a dodge “neutrality”.

    Pro Israel canidates should have NO ISSUE SAYING I AM PRO ISRAEL AND SUPPORT ISRAEL. That Hillary says she is Pro Israel and is not does not provide Trump an out to assert that he is clearly pro Israel. It makes me distrust him in-spite being against Muslim immigrants until they can be vetted. Rubio and all the GOP candidates also want to secure the USA against potential terrorists.

    Of course the only recourse on this for Bernard will now be to attack Israel or its politicians because deflection or distortion is the only remedy when Trump’s words are too weak if he was an actual Israel supporter!

  14. HIB Visas is great way to get talented people needed into the USA. If one thinks the USA has enough talented people no need for more. I doubt that however!

    Want companies to stay in the USA let them get the workers they or they move elsewhere. Microsoft has brought this up.

    Legal immigration with good people helps the USA. Illegal immigration and letting in potentially dangerous people is opposed by Rubio and all other GOP candidates.

  15. Bear Klein Said:

    If he is pro Israel as some of believers claim why does he say he is neutral?

    you should go back and see his quote in context… he never said he is neuttral in his support of Israel, in fact everything else he said is clearly the opposite. He said he wanted to act as a neutral broker when brokering or helping them negotiate a deal. Unlike every other prior pres seeking fame he clearly stated that a deal is not necessary if they both dont want it. Anyone who has ever negotiated in business understands the concept that if mediating a dispute then one can operate neutrally as a mediator and yet still hold a separate personal position. He recognized that if he were to take a role to mediate that pre stating positions now on details would hinder his role as mediator. Unlike all the other pretend brokers who clearly show their bias against Israel while pretending to be neutral mediators. In other words if he were to mediate he would not seek to coerce either party but to facilitate them if they are able to come to an agreement. This position is sensible especially when seeing the staus quo where “mediators” threaten Israel if they dont come to an “agreement”.

  16. Bear Klein Said:

    If Rubio could win this and a couple of more

    “if wishes were horses beggars would ride!”
    (rubio is for immigration, doesnt ban muslims, endorses the TPP and HB1…. dont know if he wants to cut medicare and social security…. because he lost me with the first 4.)
    As for Israel I dont think it matters because the only viable right wing coalition has little daylight between their position and the democratic party in terms of action, not rhetoric.

  17. Bear Klein Said:

    Trump is a populist. As I heard said over the weekend by a pundit. These voters do not want platforms they want someone to break the table. He has certainly hit the hot buttons of security and jobs. Great at stirring emotions.

    Trump platforms:
    1-ban muslim immigration until we figure it out.
    2- stop the unfair trade scenario with china/asia that has decimated our economy; negotiate in our favor; bring back jobs the reversing this situation which shipped them out.
    3-stop the abuse of the HB1 visa scam where corporations fire and humiliate american workers by making them train their foreign replacements.
    4- stop the open border flooding of immigration currently operating and secure the borders
    5-scrap obamacare and replace with system that still provides medical care to the needy
    6- no cutting of social security and medicare
    7- On Israel:Stay loyal to your friends and suspicious of your enemies; endeavor to broker a peace but only if both sides want it; walk away if they dont; treat Israel as a valuable ally unlike obama “despicable” behavior.
    there are more clear platforms which you can read here:
    none of the others fulfill all these platforms.
    I find it odd that you dont consider these goals to be platforms.

    A political party platform or platform is a list of the values and actions which are supported by a political party or individual candidate, in order to appeal to the general public, for the ultimate purpose of garnering the general public’s support and votes about complicated topics or issues.

    When Trump opens his simple mouth he usually states the problem and his solution(platform) in one sentence. His solutions consist of achieving relevant goals and establishing new MO’s.

  18. @ babushka:
    Trump did not endorse Hilary in the video – he came to the bottom line and refused to “support her”. He said he only likes her.
    He said the same thing about Jeb Bush whose behind he just walloped and Bush dropped out of the race.

    He said “It’s just not his time.”
    Reminds me of this film clip – any New Yorker especially Trump would have seen this one:

    “Kid, this ain’t your night.”


    “I coulda been a contender, I could have been somebody.”

  19. Hope for us non-Trumpters is in Georgia 538.com has Rubio forecasted barely 40% to 39% (Trump) chance of winning.

    If Rubio could win this and a couple of more plus a must is Florida he has a chance of stopping Trump. Long shot now but a chance.

    Arnold that fat lady has not yet sung even though she is clearing her voice at this point.

  20. Trump supporters will like the latest two polls (not me but it is reality it appears)

    Massachusetts Republican Presidential Primary Emerson Trump 50, Rubio 16, Cruz 10, Kasich 13, Carson 2 Trump +34

    Michigan Republican Presidential Primary ARG Trump 35, Cruz 12, Rubio 12, Kasich 17, Carson 9 Trump +18

  21. Arnold, not sneering but 75% of his support is from none college educated people. One man one vote. So if he gets enough votes he will win.

    Trump is not a facist. Trump is a populist. As I heard said over the weekend by a pundit. These voters do not want platforms they want someone to break the table. He has certainly hit the hot buttons of security and jobs. Great at stirring emotions.

    He is clearly the front runner. As you know I want to know more details on the economy and foreign policy. If he is pro Israel as some of believers claim why does he say he is neutral?

    That said I would prefer him to Hillary who is a known crook, incompetent liar and does NOT have Israel’s interests at heart and is basically anti-Semitic!

  22. Trump is the only Republican candidate who, if he is nominated, will capture enough of the traditionally-Democrat working class vote sufficient to end Hillary Clinton’s career.

    I watched the complete hour of one of Trump’s appearances before a multitude of people who filled a huge auditorium yesterday in Georgia. He not only is the most successful candidate in attracting overwhelming crowds; but he wraps his very presence around each and every one of them in a mass hysteria. The intellectuals among you no doubt will sneer at such tactics.

    But the family background of my wife and I is the eastern European white working class, irrespective of our advanced university degrees. We are consumed with distrust of the conspiracies of interlocked Wall Street political donors that have taken control of both of America’s main political parties.

    Trump is the leader of the revolution whose spirit grows here with each new electoral victory he wins in the state primaries.

    Some of you probably regard him as the leader of a resurgence of fascism. But unlike so many Jews, my wife and I — both of us authentic Jews — ignore such labels. We classify Trump as nothing less than the father of a comprehensive plan to restore and protect the national power, the manufacturing economy, the financial stability, the internal stability, and the dominance of Western civilization in our own United States of America.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  23. @ babushka:
    I’m confused. You make it sound as if Trump is running for prime minister of Israel rather than POTUS.Don’t we already have a president who claims he has Israel’s back? (To put a knife in probably) I don’t recall any president who hasn’t claimed to support Israel. Talk is cheap.

  24. Once upon a time I was told that only IDIOTS do not change! But I don’t need to change

    Only idiots do not change and you don’t change? Seems pretty self-incriminating.

    Returning to the theme of the thread, Trump is far too fickle to be trusted with something as essential as Israel’s survival. It is necessary to elect someone who has always supported Israel, supports Israel now, and gives every indication of continuing to do so.

  25. @ watsa46:

    It’s an old but dirty political trick to dig into the opponent’s past for all the dirt that you can sling at him while ignoring what he says and is doing in the present. Is it really that important that Trump may or may not have been adulterous? Or that he might have held Democrat positions? Remember, Reagan the shining light of conservatives was once a Democrat.

  26. And the “Veterans Affairs” will be managed like a “private business”!
    @ babushka:
    This was then and we are NOW!!!
    Definitely we are living interesting times.

  27. Joan Swirsky is a “rock ribbed conservative” supporting a dishonest adulterous lifelong liberal Big Government Democrat who favors a wealth tax and socialized medicine and gay marriage and abortion and neutrality towards Israel. With “rock ribbed conservatives” like Joan, how are “rock ribbed liberals” supposed to differentiate themselves?

  28. I agree with 100% that he is saying the right things and that is certainly a pleasant change.

    However, I do not back Trump because talk is cheap and the the tool of the professional con artist. He will say anything to get elected and has changed his position on issues when his rhetoric didn’t work. The is a sign of craftiness, not principle.

    Because of his past history of siding with the Dems, I don’t believe he’ll rule the way he is now speaking. And, that isn’t distant past. Two years ago, he gave $25k to the Dem candidate in our state (VA) but not the Rep candidate. Money talks louder than words.

    BTW, I’m allergic to RINOs

  29. An excellent article which describes Trump as America’s last and only hope. Trump is the only candidate up to the job that the next president has.