Who ordered the hit?

Tierney Real News | July 19, 2024

Since the CIA was formed in 1947 as an independent spy agency, there have been numerous political assassinations, attempted assassinations, coups and roughly 30 mass shootings in America. Do you think that’s a coincidence? I do not.

In the 1960’s, four major political assassinations – John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald, Martin Luther King by James Earl Ray, Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan and Malcolm X by Muhammad A. Aziz – were all immediately ruled by US intelligence as carried out by “lone gunmen” with personal, not political, motives and no connections to the US Government. Right.

Eyewitnesses, forensic evidence and a cursory examination of the timeline and facts about each shooting would lead any thinking person to dispute that conclusion. Yet, even 50 plus years later, we continue to pretend that’s what happened. It’s obvious that these assassinations were all carried out by what we today call the NWO Deep State and covered up.

The families of all these men do NOT believe the official narratives to this day. Neither do most Americans. The men accused of their murders were all framed and used as patsies to protect the real shooter or shooters and the people who hired them.

The same goes for mass shootings and school shootings – which have strangely skyrocketed since the CIA was formed and the Deep State NWO became more and more determined to remove our guns so we end up defenseless like Europe.

No thinking person believes the official narratives behind the slaughters at Columbine, Sandy Hook, Pulse, Vegas and Parkland. If you’ve never studied my in-depth reporting on Parkland from 2018 – WHILE IT HAPPENED – do it now. That autistic boy, Nikolas Cruz, didn’t murder anybody. Another patsy. They use the same playbook over and over.

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July 21, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Also, MLK was a Zionist, so that gave the black muslims an added incentive to murder him. So, you had both pro-Israel RFK and MLK assassinated in the same year, one year after Israel’s victory in the six-day war.

  2. RFK was murdered by a “palestinian” Arab because RFK supported Israel. Malcom X and MLK probably were murdered by Louis Farrakan who wanted to replace Malcom X as leader of the black muslims and he also hated MLK for his peace and brotherhood approach to the civil rights movement. Farrakhan is a black nationalist and separatist as well as a muslim. The Soviet and Cuban communists or mafia murdered JFK. There you have it in a nutshell. No need to read these books only written for the sole purpose of profit for the authors of these various assassination conspiracy novels.

  3. Government complicity in the murders of the four important political leaders–quite likely. The rest of Tierney’s claims are pretty flakey. The government was behing the shootings commited by emotionally disturbed students at schools? Not very likely.

  4. As a Brit I don’t know enough about the other American shootings to comment, but nobody believes Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. Of course it was the CIA, and likewise with the attempted assassination of Trump. I don’t think many people are fooled. Unlike Oswald, there was no need for a Jack Ruby to shoot the gunman and so nobody knows anything about him. He’s a perfect patsy.