“Who is the Prime Minister anyway?”

Google Translation:

Without detracting from the importance of the revelations about the nightly consultation of the heads of the security establishment, about the presentation of the commander of the division and the emails of the counter-intelligence on 8200, and also about the reckless decision not to send an alert to the forces in the field, but in all the revelations and discussions in the studios they make sure to ignore the giant elephant in the room: the decision The unfathomable decision of the top of the security establishment to isolate the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense from intelligence information that is important enough to wake up and put on the line the Chief of Staff, the head of the Shin Bet, the head of the Defense Forces, the head of the Operations Division and the RLS of the head of the IMN.

Exposure after exposure, panel after panel, they all conduct justified and proper discussions about the blindness, the conception and the intelligence and operational failures, and for some reason they all make sure to systematically ignore the fact that the night before the attack, there was no government in Israel.

Who is the Prime Minister anyway? And who is the defense minister anyway? The heads of the security establishment gathered for them and decided for themselves how to handle (do nothing) the intelligence information that, even in the estimation of the participants in the conversation, could indicate an expected day of battle and a strategic attack by Hamas. And even after their promiscuous decisions, including the compartmentalization of the government, ended in an unprecedented disaster, even then no one in the studios has a problem with the fact that Israel’s security establishment decided that it does not count the government. And another thing: if no one has a problem with the fact that the heads of the security establishment divided the government the night before the attack, how can we know that they do not continue to divide it even now during the fighting?

December 6, 2023 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. All these “top individuals” who failed abysmally the country are if am correct, left to left leaning ideologically speaking?
    A misplaced complex of superiority.
    Someone referred to “a lack of humility”!
    And plenty of illusions vis a vis a genocidal ideology!

  2. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/381515 Some sort of organization claiming to represent the families of the hostages was permitted to attend a cabinet meeting to discuss their demands. They want an immediate cease fire so that Hamas (they imagine) will release the remaining hostages. They want a permanent cease fire until Hamas releases all the hostages. They angrily verbally abused the cabinet ministers and “:got physical” with some of them. They were especially abusive towards Netanyahu. Worst of all, one of the hostage relatives who attended the meeting said that the other hostage relatives silenced her when she attempted to express support for the government position,and beat her to keep her quiet As long as so many Jews prefer to fight each other and blame their own leaders for their problems, not their true enemies, Israel;s future remains very cloudedl.

  3. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/381515 Some sort of organization claiming to represent the families of the hostages was permitted to attend a cabinet meeting to discuss their demands. They want an immediate cease fire so that Hamas (they imagine) will release the remaining hostages. They want a permanent cease fire until Hamas releases all the hostages. They angrily verbally abused the cabinet ministers and “:got physical” with some of them. They were especially abusive towards Netanyahu. Worst of all, one of the hostage relatives who attended the meeting said that the other hostage relatives silenced her when she attempted to express support for the government position,and beat her to keep her quit,

    As long as Israel’s political and military leaders, and even much of the Jewish population, are more interested in waging war on their fellow Jews than with Israel’s and the Jewish people’s enemies, there is no hope whatsover for Israel.

  4. These questions at the end of the article must be addressed before Bibi is dispatched. Since we now know that the deep states has its dirty fingerprints all over the situation over the last year or so and they are still busy stirring up unrest, a lot of heads will have to roll before Israel gets back on an even keel.