Who is J.D Vance?

MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Who is J.D Vance? He’s The Face of the New Republican Party Going Forward!

by George Mcclellan July 17, 2024

Guest Editorial:

Suppose you read Hillbilly Elegy when it came out in 2016. Were you shocked that the memory of a poor boy from Ohio’s Appalachian area, hard up against the Ohio River, about J.D’s life, would become so compelling that even Ron Howard made a movie out of it? Who could possibly care about the poverty-stricken poor whites in Appalachia’s Rust Belt? The Ohio voters did, enough to make him one of their US senators.

JD, encouraged by his grandma, escaped the grip of a dying industrial America, a rust belt of growing joblessness, poverty, and hopelessness, first by joining the US Marine Corps and getting through it unscathed, realizing his intellectual potential driven by a desire to address the situation of the people of his region to get them out of the poverty they faced. He tried college and passed, then won a slot at Vale Law School, from which he graduated (No good recommendation these days, however) and was hired by a prestigious law firm before realizing the potential in his hands to make good on his dreams. He ran for and succeeded in becoming Ohio’s junior Senator. In his campaign, he was asked about Donald Trump, and he acknowledged while he was a conservative, he didn’t like Trump and was a “Never Trumper.” During this 2021 campaign to become a senator from Ohio, he realized that Trump wanted precisely what he was campaigning for, and he changed freely, admitting he is a pro-Trump conservative. Vance took his place in the Senate chamber while Trump was battling off the slings and arrows of evil Democrat-Socialists, fearing their agenda could be in peril. He was ignored. The notoriety of his authorship of Hillbilly Elegy quickly saw him as a public face dispensing the common sense conservative economic ideas that could lift the poor to higher levels of prosperity. His political views were solicited, and his opinions, based upon what he wrote as a ‘redneck’ author who climbed out of the pit of “poor working-class Americans,” was compelling, even earth-shaking. No politician or political commentator in our modern times has ever earnestly solicited the opinion of an apparent ‘nobody’ who they thought rose above the horizon line, even for a short time, wouldn’t last, to make waves against the socialist establishment and succeed! So, here he is today, standing on the platform of the Republican National Convention, next to Donald Trump as the anointed heir apparent of the New Republican Party. How did he get here?

I suspect perseverance was the key, not intending to become a Vice President but altering the political scenery to return America to its inherent republican roots of constitutional conservatism. His elevation to be Trump’s successor was earth-shaking. The GOP has a deep and growing cadre of capable politicians, any one of whom could have been selected. Trump’s decision to choose a young JD Vance shines a warning light on the NeoCons in the GOP and the socialists on the Left; they have a fight coming. For them, get up, get with it, or get out!

Imagine the dichotomy, the two of them standing on that platform, an ultra-rich billionaire former president with a patch on his right ear and a once poor but growingly successful redneck hillbilly senator, coming together to save America. What brought them together? It was in the Ohio senatorial debate when Vance was the only candidate on stage to disagree with the proposition that NATO should enforce a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine because, he said, having US military aviators engaged in direct combat with Russians was “not in our vital national interest.” Vance’s political stature was enhanced when he became Ohio’s US senator, his public positions melding favorably with Trump’s vision to return the Republican Party to its original conservative republicanism fundamentally. It’s the “new right” of national conservatism where Trump has taken us; he expects to make America Great Again with Vance’s help. It will be young Vance’s job to continue the fight because evil never dies. This is a Cinderella story again. It’s got to have a happy ending. Perhaps it will, but in the meantime, we will face severe trials and tribulations before it’s over.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, get involved.

Help save America.

July 25, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @Ted
    In response to the email received:
    I can make the argument that Trump picking Vance is no more indicative of Trump’s turning to the Dark Side than was his pick of Pence, whose ties to the Bush/RINO wing of the Rep party were well known back in 2016. This being stated, we are all a lot more aware today about what comes from dealing with those described as Cowboys by Mike Benz, than was true when Trump chose Pence.

    I would further argue that it is beyond dispute that Trump picking Vance is a clear signal that some sort of a deal has in fact been struck with the Cowboys to get Trump back into office, not unlike the deal struck in 2016 with Bush when Trump picked Pence. Whether the current deal is a signal of a more substantial surrender to the Deep State than was his pick of Pence in 2016 will be better deciphered in the aftermath of a Trump victory, should such a victory come to ground.

    Of course, part of what came from Trump’s pick of Pence took form in the Jan 6 psyop to solidify the Nov 3 coup, but Pence also had a significant hand in picking much of the anti-Trump element of Trump’s White House staff, and we should never forget Pence’s role in managing the Covid scam from his position as head of the Covid Task Force. With all of this in mind, I was disheartened by the realization that Trump would likely pick Vance, but I don’t think it is clear or certain that in doing so Trump has betrayed everything he is running on, even as Vance appears to be the second telling of Obama, so to speak. Indeed, Trump needs to win in November to affect any changes at all, and no one has answered the simple question of how that might be affected if the victory in November will be manipulated based on the number of votes which Trump gets on election night, with an endless sea of mail in ballots to backfill his opposition’s victory announcement. The deal with the Cowboys might affect that announcement, but the Devil always gets his bite at the apple in such Faustian bargains, presuming this is not a complete surrender by Trump, which I am hoping it is not.

    I do find it interesting if not informative that the attempt on Trump’s life was so well monitored, allowed to proceed, and yet failed with just a nick to his ear, and injuring only 3 people with at least 8 shots in a crowded venue. And then Trump picked Vance a couple of days later. So have we been betrayed already? Possibly, though I am not convinced or certain that this is necessarily the case, given that Trump was publicly predisposed to likely pick Vance before the incident with the shooting.

    In any event, we can not reinvent Trump nor can we field an alternate candidate. So I would argue that we have no choice but to deal with the consequences of what comes next when it comes next, after Trump returns to the White House, when he will be forced to demonstrate the degree of fidelity or betrayal to his platform which he will be free to pursue. This will be made clear by both the policies he implements as well as the degree of opposition which is fielded against Trump implementing those policies, but we can’t know what we don’t know, at least until we know more.

    I remain concerned about the possible results of bargains which Trump may make in striking deals in his second term, as the art of the deal requires some give and take even when negotiating from a position of strength. But as was true in 2016 and which is still true today, Trump will not likely be victorious in November if he were to strike a pose of independence from those who control the mechanism of deciding the outcome of that victory. In other words, Trump needed to reup a new Pence-like deal as he did in 2016 or face the likely consequences of a 2020 defeat even as he had the votes to win.

    As you state, we are surrounded by dangerous potentials, and we should not be blinded to the possibilities, but I remain hopeful that Trump is as sincere in his support for a return of a strong American nation, even as he has chosen a globalist golem as his second.

    In any event, I hope Trump’s supporters, no matter what comes to be under Trump’s second term, will be wise enough to not swallow the well seasoned plate of Vance entire, as appeared would have been the likely result with Pence, had Pence not been motivated to show his Deep State colors so patently on January 6. Like I said, we are all far wiser than we were under Trump’s first term, so time will tell if the shape shifting efforts of the Hillbilly from Silicon Valley will ultimately come to play the Siren’s call so well as to manipulate the Conservative movement into self destructing as you describe. Vance’s true nature is already far more exposed than was that of Pence when he was added to the ticket 8 years ago. Consequently, it will be interesting to see how persistent the twin celebrations surrounding the twin Trump’s surviving a nicked ear and Vance being added to the ticket will continue to befuddle the Americans who want a return to a strong America.

    So, like Ted, I hope you are wrong. Vance is almost certainly a Deep State actor, but I am not convinced that Trump is molded from the same sinews as Vance, even as I think we should be cognizant of the possibility that what you suggest remains entirely possible.

  2. @Bear
    One more thing to add to my rant below. Do you believe that if Vance was a true opponent to Israel as is reflected in Bear’s commentary that the likes of Avivi and Glick would be celebrating him being Trump’s pick as is evidenced in their twitter feeds where they both have shared photos in celebrating Trump’s choice.

    We need to recognize that Israel has allies among the Uniparty and MAGA alike, and bipartisan support should never be shunned by Israel to the point that such support is actually supportive of Israel, as has been that of J.D. Vance.

  3. @Bear
    I have my own views to share on Vance, which I will do shortly, but Bear’s assertion that

    Vance has voted against sending Israel more military aid in the last few months

    is a complete distortion of what actually transpired.

    He voted against a JOINT Ukraine-Israel bill, which many others also supported defeating, and which Trump himself did not support. It was his opposition to added aid to the Ukraine money pit which held his vote, and not any opposition for aid to Israel. In fact, Vance stated clearly that the aid being voted to Ukraine should instead be SENT to Israel.

    It is a vile thing to maliciously attack such allies as support Israel in its current war against the Jihad waged against it, and the claim that Vance is anything but supportive of Israel has no merit behind it, none at all. I would challenge people who choose to support such nuanced distortions to provide any anti-Israel statement or action which is real rather than imagined to have been made by Vance in his, well, pathetically short political career. In fact, before Vance threw his hat into the political arena, he sought out the local Jewish community to gain their support. I don’t like Vance for various reasons, but all of that must be seen to be separated from Vance’s support for Israel and Jews alike, both of which I think can count on him to be as much of an ally as any Deep State actor might be counted upon.

    Here is a quote from one of Vance’s American political detractors, and even he provides the fact that it was a joint bill which Vance helped to defeat:

    “Despite some of his statements on Israel, he abandoned our ally after the October 7th terrorist attacks in opposing the emergency aid package for Israel and Ukraine. He was one of just 15 Republican senators to vote against the aid in April.”

    Such as Pence and Liz Cheney, many Deep State actors have been nonetheless good and true friends to Israel, outside of their efforts to derail the most philosemitic movement in American history. So, even as I recognize that they supported turning power over to the current administration, and administration which has been proven to be the most antisemitic by far, I would never betray the support which these Deep State actors provide to Israel by characterizing their support for Israel as less than it was.

    Likewise, I would suggest that if someone finds something which smells a little off about Vance in regard to his support for Israel, you might look a bit deeper than such reports as led to posting this distorting lie about Vance, who I suspect has more in common with Pence and Cheney than is commonly believed by most at the moment.

  4. Are we sure he boycotted the speech or did he have a previous engagement. I want to be sure what his reason was before I render judgement. Admittedly it does look bad, but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    Trump is still saying that Israel needs to complete the war fast. He also said that Israel is terrible at public relations which may be true, but it seems Trump doesn’t quite understand the level of antisemitism around the world that so many accept at face value what are obviously hamas lies reported as “news” by western media. I don’t know how exactly Israel can change minds when so many millions including among westerners view of Jews and Israel are baked in. I don’t think Israel’s problem is their own bad PR any more than Trump’s own image problem lies in the failure of his own PR. He should know it’s hard to overcome mass media narratives.

    JD Vance boycotted Bibi’s speech in front of Congress yesterday along with many leftist Democrats. The leftist Democrats we knew would do this!

    Vance has voted against sending Israel more military aid in the last few months and now boycotted Bibi.

    Very disappointing and a horrible statement by his absence. This is not how an ally or friend of Israel would act!

  5. Email received:

    “Trump’s Running Mate

    I believe that Trump could very well have been neutralized by the globalists’ pick in the #2 position. He was either conned into the choice or coerced. Much like he didn’t want the globalists’ choice – friend-of-China Benedict Pence.

    In Vance, I believe we have the other side of the UniParty, a once Never-Trumper reconstructed as a patriotic conservative. (Sounds like the other side of the Obama narrative)!

    Vance was recruited while a student a Yale, a known CIA recruitment venue. Squired by Bilderberg globalist elite Peter Thiel, he entered the world of Silicon Valley venture capitalism hobnobbing with the likes of Jeff Bezos and Eric Schmidt (also Bilderberg). Interesting that Thiel’s company Palantir works with the U.S. government to conduct domestic surveillance. How convenient for the Deep State to usher in the Great Reset. (Of course, outwardly, Vance opposes the IC, although he seems positioned to retain it).

    There’s the rags to riches story of going from broken home poverty to big money. (Sound familiar?) Thiel is the one who took Vance to Mar-a-Lago to broker the deal possibly after relieving him of his TDS.

    Vance worked at Sidley Austin, a law firm that employed the Obamas and other such operators. A cursory review revealed that a core part of their business is with Silicon Valley venture capitalists. Also, a partner who was the general counsel for the ODNI under BHO, represented Huwai and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

    Vance’s wife was on the board of directors at Gates Cambridge, a Bill Gates enterprise. JD has said that, “The sad fact is that I couldn’t do it without Usha. Even at my best, I’’m a delayed explosion – I can be defused, but only with skill and precision. It’s not just that I’ve learned to control myself but that Usha has learned how to manage me.”

    Another Yale graduate, Vivek, whose education was funded by George Soros, is Usha’s first cousin.

    Note that in the recent past, Vance called for a global carbon tax program, a tax on your personal carbon footprint. This is the system for the carbon trading platform (likely tied to digital IDs). It is evidence of yet another convenient position change (TDS to MAGA) on the green agenda. In 2020, he spoke at OSU about society’s “climate problem:” and said that using natural gas as a power source “isn’t exactly the sort of thing that’s gonna take us to a clean energy future.”

    According to OpenSecrets, Vance received $283,000 from the oil and gas industry for his 2022 campaign. In the years since, he has stated that he doesn’t think there is a climate crisis and questioned the human contribution to global warming.”

  6. JD Vance boycotted Bibi’s speech in front of Congress yesterday along with many leftist Democrats. The leftist Democrats we knew would do this!

    Vance has voted against sending Israel more military aid in the last few months and now boycotted Bibi.

    Very disappointing and a horrible statement by his absence. This is not how an ally or friend of Israel would act!