While the WH was quick to assert all the things it does in accordance with American values, it was silent on the one accusation Bibi made, namely that objecting to Jews living in Jerusalem, is un American.
Also I have heard rumours that prior to entering the WH Obama insisted that Bibi reaffirm two states for two people which he did in order to meet with Obama. Ted Belman
The White House rejected criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a withering response on Monday, accusing him of refusing to acknowledge how much help the United States has been to Israel over the years.
A long-time split between President Barack Obama and Netanyahu appeared to widen further after the Israeli leader’s visit to the White House last week.
Netanyahu, on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, said U.S. criticism of an Israeli move for a new Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem was “against American values.”
At his daily briefing, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said: “It did seem odd for him to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.
“The fact is American policy has been clear and unchanged under several administrations, both Democrat and Republican.”
Earnest added: “We oppose any unilateral actions that attempt to prejudge final status issues including the status of Jerusalem. These can only be legitimately determined through direct negotiations through the parties that this president has worked hard to try to facilitate.”
“The fact is, when it comes to American values, it’s American values that lend this country’s unwavering support to Israel. It’s American values that have led us to fight for and secure funding to strengthen Israel’s security in tangible ways.”
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Earnest said it was U.S. funding for Israel’s “Iron Dome” system that has prevented Hamas rockets from hitting their targets.
“It’s American values that have led us to fund and build an Iron Dome system that protected the lives of countless innocent Israeli citizens,” he said.
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bernard ross Said:
Some things must remain a mystery.
bernard ross Said:
Be careful: Logically, using Occam’s razor
( Occam’s Razor test as the simplest explanation of observed phenomena) there is no reason to rule out G-d’s mutability.
the phoenix Said:
well done
yamit82 Said:
which one is you and which one is dagmar?

@ yamit82:
‘Embargo’ of AWACS to Israel?
Since when was AWACS even up for consideration for Israel during the 80’s? Got a source for this?
There was a major showdown w/ White House & Senate over selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia — but when was it up for consideration to Israel, such that it could even be ’embargoed’?
Don’t recall Begin mentioning anything about AWACS for Israel in speeches, articles, or memoirs, nor any of his biographers.
@ the phoenix:
Occam’s razor!
@ bernard ross:
What do ya think?
bernard ross Said:
Only if there is a skin break and then only on rare occasions.
@ bernard ross:
@ yamit82:
Occam’s razor!

yamit82 Said:
do you have to be concerned with infection related to the shrapnel? What about lady friends offering to walk the dog?
@ bernard ross:
Thanks Bernie, I fell on my gimpy leg which compounded the pain. Still pieces of shrapnel embedded so the healing will be more painful and probably slower but it’ll be OK in time, I hope. Big problem for me is taking the dog out but I do it very slow and deliberate. No choice.
Going out now. Be back….?
yamit82 Said:
get well soon,
now you have more time on the laptop to corral the varmints
but obama appears to be trying to thwart and lessen the will of the american people in this regard as expressed through congress.
I would not have used that phrase if I were BB, it was an uneccessary distraction of no value. All he needs to say is that it is unacceptable to expect Israel to disallow Jews from living in any part of Israel or Jerusalem. He coined a phrase that begs for egoistic responses and distracts from the issue of the legitimacy Jewish settlement in Israel. Un-americanism is irrelevant to Israel and telling americans what is American is stupid and uneccessary. Next he will be pushed to make a concession to assuage american egos.
the phoenix Said:
Still foot!!! FIFY
I am in bed with my laptop.
So that’s a definitive “maybe” out of the previously promised 5000????

Israel publishes tender for 283 settlement homes
Land Authority announces expansion of Elkana in West Bank, days after land appropriation move
Comment to yamit in moderation
yamit82 Said:
And then they will ‘sell’ it to israel as part of u.s. Foreign aid???????
And also get to regulate the when and how much and under what ‘circumstances’????
This feeds completely my prior comment!
War or not, Israel’s a great place to invest: Moody’s
Another international ratings agency say that Israel’s economy is a safe, stable place for investors’ money
Defense giant Lockheed to draw on Hebrew U innovations
American contractor will work on advanced research projects via Yissum, the university’s tech transfer body
@ yamit82:
Is it even POSSIBLE, to imagine that a future GOI could EVER, make the us and eu govts GROVEL and make them jump through a whole bunch of hoops prior to starting to negotiate selling any one piece of Israel’s brains products???
Is my ‘idealized’ goi (one that reminds the whole goddamn world what they did to us and what they owe us, in no uncertain terms), a naive wishful thinking ?(à la ‘nuk’em Eric’
I’m afraid I know the answer…
Glad to see you’re back on your feet! You must have had good help!
US Navy to Acquire Gulfstream Jets With Israeli Radar Detection System
The United States Navy announced that by no later than the end of fiscal 2017 it will acquire Gulfstream jets which have been modified to carry an airborne Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) X/S band radar. This radar detection system was developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)/Elta Systems for airborne Aerieal Early Warning missions.
Israel Aerospace Industries is the largest aerospace & defense company and the largest industrial exporter in Israel. IAI is a global leader in the development and production of military and commercial aerospace and defense systems.
Note: Israel’s development of this system is a result of American embargoing AWACS under Regan forcing Israel to develop her own. Today Israel exports our versions of AWACS to many countries including India. China wants some too. Ironic!!!!Yamit
“putting your money where your mouth is.
Financing of Klinghoffer Opera Anonymous, Financing of Protest isn’t
Former Met patron used money earmarked for Met to fund protest against it in response to Klinghoffer opera.
A little perspective: In Two years Obama will be gone.
In the next ten years Hamas will be gone.
Iran will need to be dealt with along with ISIS etc.
In the next 50years Israel with hundreds of Billions bbl of oil will be the worlds dominant economic and technological superpower.
European civilization will have ceased to exist.
Russia will fade from influence and power as it’s Muslim minority becomes the dominant demographic majority.
China will peak and disintegrate.
America now at a historical crossroad can go either way.
I live 5 miles from Mamshit. adjacent to Two large craters we call mini-Grand Canyons . Awesome place and magnificent views. Those with an artistic eye can observe the changing unique color configurations with the changing light and shadows. I have found while exploring the site actual pieces of meteorites … Black smooth stones.
Point is we’ve been here a long time and will continue to be here when all the others have faded to obscure historical footnotes.
In Mamshit, even the poorest family had a 500-meter home
The ancient, wealthy Nabatean city in the Negev is marking Sukkot with a bazaar featuring music, dancing, arts and crafts
Mike Huckabee and other evangelicals rally for Israel
Not many Jew attended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shame but who expected differently?
Penny Nance, executive director of CWA, told me that in the wake of the Gaza war and with rabid anti-Semitism in Europe and the Middle East, “We felt we needed to do something.” That something turned out to be a rally in Washington on Oct. 5, co-hosted by former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.
“I’ve lost count!” says Huckabee when I asked him during a brief phone interview how many times he has been to Israel. In 2014 alone he has gone 3 times (the most recent departing Saturday night). “I first went 41 years ago. I was 17,” he recalls.
Cheer up we have Argentina?????
Más de 200 personas de todas las edades sorprendieron a los transeúntes con una magnífica coreografía que homenajeaba a nuestra bandera en su 200 aniversario.
Este fugaz encuentro organizado por YOK (www.yoktime.com), un colectivo cultural que propone a judaísmo como identidad sin exclusiones ni preconceptos, realizó esta acción bajo el lema “Festejemos la Historia”, dejando plasmado cómo lo judío participa de la diversidad cultural día a día.
Flashmob “Festejemos la historia” – YOK – Shopping Abasto
Perhaps because it’s the kind of line the GOP could run with next month.
The US State Dept bureaucracy is not animated by American values.
And neither is this Presidential Administration.
The American People are animated by American values
— but they are not the State Dept, and they are not the Obama Administration.
Those other entities have their own agendas which reflect a whole different set of values.