White House set for Obama-Netanyahu-Abbas summit. Israel downbeat

This is too clever by far. Evidently 120,000 settlers would be outside the borders of Israel (this includes Maaleh Adumin and Ariel). The settlers in them would have the “the option of relocating across the lines in pre-1967 Israel or remaining on the West Bank under sovereign Palestinian rule.” These settlements would retain “sovereign symbols”. These symbols would enable a deal to be worked out for joint sovereignty of Jeruslem.

This report is very credible. Bibi talked about settlements outside Israel’s borders and creative solutions to Jerusalem. I don’t like it and believe it won’t get anywhere. Ted Belman

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 27, 2011,

The White House is going full steam ahead with preparations for an early summit between US President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for restartng the peace process, debkafile’s Washington sources report exclusively. Sources in Jerusalem and Ramallah confirm that they too are getting set for the occasion. A high-ranking US official told debkafile: “Till now, we have had the curtain-raiser and opening positions: Now we are going for the real show – negotiations.”

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He was referring to the Middle East six-speech marathon launched by the US president May 19, countered by the Israeli prime minster and swinging back and forth up until Thursday, May 26 when Obama reiterated his concept of the Middle East peace track in London.
While many circles have accused the Israeli prime minister of taking a hard line on peace in Washington, Obama is reportedly congratulating himself on what was generally perceived as a debate between the two leaders but which he feels extracted from Israel three major concessions:

1. Netanyahu is the first Israeli prime minister to offer to leave settlements outside borders in a prospective accord establishing a Palestinian state. A high US official credited successful diplomatic cooperation between Obama and Netanyahu with obtaining this concession.

He noted that the Netanyahu government is now off the hook of having to evacuate settlements, which would have been politically impossible after the traumas still lingering from Israel’s 2005 pullout from the Gaza Strip and destruction of settlements there.
In the view of the US official, the prime minister is now able to give roughly 120,000 settlers outside certain pre-determined areas the option of relocating across the lines in pre-1967 Israel or remaining on the West Bank under sovereign Palestinian rule.

The US official elaborated on the president’s conception of the “mutual swaps of land”: These swaps need not entail the evacuation of large populations or numerous settlements but rather create Israeli and Palestinian pockets that would remain in situ in each other’s territories under the “sovereign symbols” of the opposite party, Israeli or Palestinian.

More crises obviously lie ahead for Washington and Israel as they hammer out the exact nature and scope of these arrangements. But the moment the Israeli leader accepted the principle of settlements outside borders, the door swung open for restarting peace talks.

The US official noted that the Palestinian leader had positively ruled out any Israeli settlements remaining under Palestinian rule. The White House was treating his position as negotiable.

2. If the Obama administration can bring the Israelis and Palestinians to agree on the nature of the “symbols of sovereignty” in the swapped pockets, it will have come up with the formula of joint sovereignty for solving the core issue of Jerusalem, said the official. Neither side would have to give up its sovereign rights in the city, and it would also be possible to introduce an international presence in defined areas.

3. After examining the ways in which the concept of 1967 borders was interpreted, the US official found no major differences between Obama and Netanyahu.

While the Israeli prime minister insists those lines are indefensible, Obama says they are the basis for negotiating changes that meet Israel’s security requirements. Both Israel and the Palestinians will be free to demand changes in the 1967 boundaries.

The official pointed out that although the Israeli and Palestinian leaders assert that the differences between them are too wide to bridge, both are busy preparing for the triple summit at the White House.

State Department sources told debkafile that, considering the Palestinian refusal for almost two years to sit down and talk to Israel, some members of the White House National Security Council and State Department as closely watching the Arab League foreign ministers’ meeting in Qatar Saturday, May 28,as the key to unlocking Mahmoud Abbas’ resistance to the peace track.

The White House has been working behind the scenes to ensure that the ministers give him the green light for the three-way summit to go ahead.

Those officials stress that the start of negotiations is the best way to stop Abbas turning to the UN in September for recognition of a Palestinian state within 1967 borders.

Sources in Jerusalem confirmed the preparations for the triple summit, but were absolutely sure that the US official was overdoing the optimism in order to squeeze Israel for more concessions.

They said the US president had loaded his Middle East speech of May 19 with pro-Palestinian arguments and laid down two propositions that Israel can on no account accept.

— No Israeli military presence would remain across the new agreed borders between Israel and the Palestinians, i.e. Israel would be denied security provisions;

— As part of the land swap, Israel would have to give up territory – or, in other words, withdraw not just to the 1967 lines but further west and give up chunks of pre-1967 sovereign land.

If Obama sticks to this position, Israeli sources stressed, the negotiations will end very soon after they begin and the distrust between Israel and Washington will only deepen.

May 29, 2011 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. There is going to be a war, almost for certain, in September/October time frame.

    This is 1967 again, in most respects. To include the massive butt-kicking the Arabs are in for.

    I just hope Netanyahu has the resolve to apply maximum force to win quickly, before the effects of the “Rhodesia treatment” of sanctions, etc., bite too hard. Going to be a tough year and a half after that before NCHO (Neville Carter Hussein Obama) leaves office. But then there will be better days.

  2. Apparently Salaam had a wee bit of a heart problem and opted to get medical care and some special training on the Soetoro plans… ;)while in the USA. Lets not even for a moment be deceived by the contortions of the fellow with the birth certificate and his pals. He intends to do his best to deliver us to his islamic controllers.
    The Hamas part of the Brotherhood is organizing full speed in Sinai. Right now they do not need to transfer their arsenal to Gaza and part of it will be set up along the Southern border anyway. Within hours they can move from Sinai to Gaza. I believe it is all coordinated with the Egyptians.
    Things are shifting into higher? gear.

  3. maybe Canada’s PM Harper should host the three-way talks so Obama can go campaign in Italy and Greece.
    Has Salaam Fayyad asked for asylum in Houston, Texas? without Fayyad, the appeasing Euros will not know what to do.

  4. Bibi should not have declared that Israel was prepared to make concessions for peace, when past experiences have shown that a mohammedan promise is not worth the ink of the signature. It seems that Bibi was again playing the diplomat, certain in the knowledge that the Palestinian Arabs will shoot themselves in the foot again. Hussein Soetoro, abu Mazen and Binjamin Netanyahu can get together for a pow-wow, but it will lead nowhere, because no Israeli concession short of national suicide will satisfy their enemies in Ramallah or Washington. It is grotesque to talk to a person whose term of office expired two years ago, who has just patched up his marriage with the whore Hamas which is also past its term of office and which is dedicated not only to the extinction of Israel, but to the global extermination of Jews. That Barakah Hussein insists on Israeli negotiations with a temporary leader now openly wedded to a terror gang outlawed in the US, reveals his true colours. And those colours are anti-Israel, anti-democracy (hence anti-US), anti-treaty obligations and antisemitic.

  5. I sense that September will come and go and not much will change. It is after all only three months away.
    Soetoro walked himself into a crowded dance floor and I doubt he will be able to get to the free chair…
    Having said all that, lets consider the following. Why is it that a principal item of reference, (at least in my view), is not being mentioned. And that is… WHAT will Netanyahu and Barak will be prepared to do to obtain a Nobel Prize.
    Lets never forget that Netanyahu voted in favor of “disengagement” up to the last vote which was merely a formality. So did Shalom, Livnat and others.
    So far it is unquestionable that Netanyahu is a formidable orator and has an incredible stage ability. But that will not suffice during the bloody free for all that is being prepared.
    I would suggest for Patriots to prepare now for the post September conditions.
    Dancing with Sephrei Torah is to many of us a great show of identification but… regretfully we have seen that the psychopaths in waiting will not be influenced. Getting clobbered on video is not either a procedure to be followed.

  6. The way I see it is that Obama is obsessed with the upcoming attempt by the Palestinians in September to achieve statehood by the UN. He wants to avoid having to veto it; his heart is on the palestinian side, not Israels. Rather then being exposed in the UN of his affection for muslims, he rather try to browbeat Bibi. The election has lots to do with it; after that he could go full steam ahead and throw Israel completely under the bus.
    I pray, that Bibi nips this in the butt as good as he can.

  7. DEBKA is notorious for their inaccuracy. Anyway, they are reporting what is obviously Obama’s effort to spin the embarrassment he suffered when he was exposed as not even in the same league as Netanyahu. Obama is clearly embarrassed that the PM of a country of 7 million looked much more statesman-like (which obviously is NOT very difficult). Bibi also knows ,especially after his recent trip, the American people in general are very supportive of Israel. Netanyahu knows Obama reelection chances are worsening each day as Americans continue to suffer economically in large part due to the incompetence of Obama. Netanyahu in my opinion may have humored the jihadist moron Obama when they met but knows the “peace process” is really ” The Israeli suicide process” Obama will not have another term as President despite what the traitorous scum in the American MSM think. He has ruined the economy so thoroughly according to Gallup the real unemployment is much higher than the current total unacceptable figure of 9%. Many of the total fools who voted for Obma in the following groups whites ages 18 to 24, and white independents,will not vote for him again. He will also lose some support from Hispanics who are also suffering from such things as $5 a gallon gas while Obama illegally continues to block drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. There can be no concessions nor real negotiations with the mafia gangsters aka the Fakestinian Leadership. It would make as much sense as the FBI “negoitating” with Italian American Mafia to not break any laws.

  8. Three issues that Israel must consider immediately:
    1. All lands west of the Jordan river to be annexed.
    2. Israeli forces to enter and control the Philadelphia corridor.
    3. Declare that any Arab-Israeli participating in civil disobedience will have their citezenship revoked and deported from Israel never to be allowed back in.

  9. Israel’s democracy at the government level sure is not what it is in other democratic nations. Usually when a leader sets out a position or policy, his caucus and party are solidly behind him.

    Given what Danon, Yishai and Eldad are saying on the right and what I expect Barak and Peres say on the left, it is difficult to see Netanyahu’s words regarding the great settlement giveaway, ie. generous territorial concessions, reflecting any opinion but his own.

    How can anyone listening to Netanyahu have any faith that his views are those of the government he leads or his own and thus rely on what he says to determine their own positions?

    I just don’t get that.

  10. Rightist MKs slam Netanyahu’s ‘painful compromises for peace’
    MK Danny Dannon of PM’s own Likud party slams Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, says his positions do not represent the party.

    MK Danny Danon, from Netanyahu’s own hawkish Likud party, told Army Radio that the premier’s positions, as outlined in the speech, did not represent the views of his party.

    “We were elected to safeguard, not hand over,” he said of Netanyahu’s comments about settlements remaining outside of Israel after a future peace deal.

    Interior Minister Eli Yishai also emphasized that Israel cannot make any kind of territorial concessions as long as the reconciliation deal between Fatah and Hamas remains intact.

    Hardline opposition MK Ariyeh Eldad, of the ultra-nationalist National Union Party, voiced similar sentiments.

    “There was no real need for Netanyahu to declare that he is ready to give the Arabs large pieces of the homeland, and nothing aside from weakness and defeatism required him to announce that in a peace deal he will abandon Jewish towns outside the borders of the state,” he declared.

  11. All the negotiations now are about what Israel will lose and what the Arabs will gain. This crisis is the inevitable result of our failing to simply tell the truth in our own behalf. We failed to invoke our biblical rights given to us by G-d. That meant our relying on the corrupt nations and the agreements signed by them. We failed to insist on the Palestine Mandate of 1922. When England detached 3/4 of that land to create Jordan we again failed to insist on our rights to the 10,000 square miles remaining. When the UN cut the land down from the original 45,000 square miles to 6,000 and to internationalize Jerusalem we accepted it. When the U.S. made various commitments that the Arabs must end terrorism we failed to hold the U.S to their commitments.
    We are to blame for casting away our Biblical rights and accepting the promises of corrupt governments in its place. We have shown the world that we are a self debased people who do not really believe in the justice our own own cause. We are now back to 1947 where everything that belongs to us is negotiable and the nations want to place Israel in a NON SURVIVABLE position where the Arabs will strike the final blow.
    No matter how bad things become the Jewish leadership remains totally corrupt and can not bring itself to ever claim that our Jewish rights come from G-d and NOT from corrupt governments.
    As long as we cling to the vanishing hope that we can trust ANY nation we will suffer more and more hostility of the entire world and we become more and more isolated. Even Netanyahu cannot ever bring himself to stop lying and finally claim our true biblical heritage. I fear that this time the nations smell blood and want to complete the “Final Solution” and are preparing the legal justification to do exactly that.