White House: IDF op in southern Gaza must be ‘different’ than in north

T. Belman. Why does the US treat the Gazans with kid gloves and didn’t give a shit about the Syrian refugees.

Also they keep putting new impediments in our way.

The Biden administration has “reinforced in very clear language” that renewed fighting must not “produce significant further displacement of persons.”

Israeli troops operating in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Nov. 22, 2023. Credit: IDF.

The White House says it has made clear to the Israeli government that its military campaign in Gaza’s south must differ substantially from its operations in the strip’s north in the opening weeks of its war against Hamas.

A senior administration official, briefing reporters on Tuesday, said U.S. President Joe Biden and others in his government have “reinforced in very clear language with the government of Israel” that the “conduct of the Israeli campaign, when it moves to the south, must be done in a way that is to a maximum extent not designed to produce significant further displacement of persons.”

During its campaign in the north, Israeli officials ordered an evacuation of civilians to the south to limit civilian casualties. Israel is expected, following a ceasefire that will carry through at least Thursday, to begin operating in Gaza’s southern portion, with the Biden administration fearful civilian casualties could explode.

The official said Israel has been “receptive” to the White House’s concerns.

“There is an understanding that a different type of campaign has to be conducted in the south than was conducted in the north,” the official said.

A second senior administration official said that the American and Israeli governments were no longer discussing the type of “safe zone” that was implemented in northern Gaza, but “practical arrangements on the ground … what you might call areas of deconfliction.”

According to that official, no Gazans will be forced to evacuate their homes in the south, but will have United Nations facilities or other designated shelter options available to them should the need arise. Those areas will not be subject to “kinetic activity,” according to the second official.

“This is a very different concept than the one initially declared by Israel,” said the second official.

Second humanitarian phase

The first official announced that the first of three relief flights facilitated by the U.S. military will be arriving in northern Sinai on Wednesday, carrying medical items, food and winter items to be delivered by the United Nations “to civilians in need in Gaza.”

Two further planeloads will arrive in the coming days.

Both officials stressed that sustained aid at a subsistence level is now consistently entering Gaza, and the aid mission must now enter a “second phase,” which involves 300 to 400 trucks daily of commercial goods.

“To get that volume of assistance in, inspection procedures will need to be increased and enhanced,” the first official said. “You’re going to need to resort to commercial contracting within Gaza to meet the trucks coming in from Egypt. We know how it should be done. We hope that after this pause concludes, that can be phase two of the humanitarian program.”

The second official insisted that increased humanitarian aid, including increasing fuel being let into Gaza, is not tied to the continued release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas and other terror factions.

“We have taken maximum advantage of the pause for the hostage releases to move as much as we can,” the official said of the higher volume of aid flowing in. “What we are doing stands on its own, and when this current phase of hostage releases is over, we have made very clear that this level or increased levels ideally need to be sustained.”

The first official indicated that the administration does not see the Israeli government opening up the Kerem Shalom crossing for the entry of humanitarian goods “so long as hostages are held by Hamas.”

Kerem Shalom sits at the junction of the borders of Israel, Gaza and Egypt. Currently, all aid is being sent through the Rafah crossing, which is controlled by Egypt.

The official noted that Kerem Shalom has “robust inspection facilities” which could be used to ensure proper aid is flowing through without contraband before being redirected to Rafah before entering Gaza.

November 28, 2023 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Duh, who exactly are the innocent civilians? Bibi could act like the dependent supplicant Biden wants him to be, and ask for help in figuring this out. Is it the thousands who streamed over the border not in uniforms to rape and slaughter? Or maybe the hundreds who roared who delight watching a replay of the progrom. http://vigilantsquirrelbrigade.blogspot.com/2023/11/should-israel-spare-gazan-innocents.html. And many other examples of lethality among the civilians, even the children americanthinker.com/blog/2023/11/westerners_must_understand_the_undiluted_savagery_of_the_gazastinians.html.

  2. Gazans wanting to avoid the fighting should flee now to Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Qatar or elsewhere in the Muslim world. These people are also a scourge on societies in the west wherever they show up!

  3. @Ted, Bibi should say nothing or use double talk! The answer should be in the IDF destroying Hamas and all terrorist installations in ALL of Gaza including the south.

    Biden is completely full of shit. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. One side says destroy Hamas but the other side says do not hurt anyone.

    The idiot in practice needs to be ignored! Just say we will do our best but need to safeguard Israeli soldiers and Israelis as our main mission while destroying Hamas.

  4. EvRe1 has it right.
    It ‘s obvious U.S. long term plans are for the self-strangulation of Israel.
    Israel has become a vassal state but Israelis don’t seem to get it…certainly most Jews in the Diaspora don’t get it.
    Bibi has through his weak policies brought Israel to its knees. Unfortunately the Israeli public has allowed him to do this. And if he falls they will choose someone to the left of him which will bring more of a weak Israel.
    Only the people can change the tragic trajectory Israel is currently headed on.

  5. It is sickening for Israel and for all Israelis. This is a problem which is due to Israel’s current dependence on the US for military supplies.

    I don’t know the history of this. I don’t know if this has ever been an issue raised by Israelis with their/your politicians. Moshe Feiglin had an article here that indicated he has done a lot of thinking about it and he made very reasonable suggestions.

    Whatever the reason for this long term dependency upon Israel, it would seem to me that Obama’s Presidency alone would have been enough of a wake up call to the defense establishment, given how open Obama was in supporting and enabling Iran.

    I think the Israeli defense establishment has a problem. As I see it, individuals who are in the business of national security, have a responsibility to take threats, ALL THREATS, seriously.

    Like a psychiatrist who hears his patient say he is going to kill himself or he is going to kill X, the psychiatrist must take responsibility for this person and hospitalize them. You can’t dismiss these threats as just “fantasy.”

    So when there are senior officers who dismiss credible intelligence as “fantasy,” and you have someone of the rank of Aharon Haliva not acting on the intelligence, it would appear that individuals in your security establishment are invested in not seeing Palestinian threats as serious. Perhaps they are still hoping for peace with the Palestinians. I don’t know. But their positions REQUIRE them to take these threats seriously whether they want to or not.

    Likewise, people charged with Israel’s defense have to have known for some time now that the US government is a fickle ally. With Trump in the White House, a good ally, but with anyone else the US government has been a very bad ally to an actual adversary. Currently the US Administration is much more of an adversary than ally.

    You can see it in the money given to Iran and Iranian assets. You can see it in everything Biden has done that has interfered with Israel’s attempt to prosecute this war. This is a man who basically wants the Palestinians to have the land from the river to the sea, but he cannot come out and say that directly. So he says it this way: “The PA will control Gaza and the West Bank, and Israel will have no control. Israel cannot cause any humanitarian problems in Gaza. Israel will not be able to have a naval blockade of Gaza.”

    This is a recipe for continued attacks on Israel WITH BIDEN’S APPROVAL!

    People of Israel you deserve better than this. You deserve a defense establishment that doesn’t outsource the defense of your homeland. You need to be completely free of the shackles of the US government.

    You have only your chains to lose.

    The Israeli defense and security establishment need to come up with a plan for Israeli independence from the US and soon! It doesn’t matter how many peaceniks in those agencies have to be fired and replaced. I don’t know what they have been waiting for. I cannot imagine that they are hoping Biden will change his mind, because that truly IS a fantasy.

  6. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that the Biden administration wanted Israel to “learn the lessons” of its ground incursion in northern Gaza and not begin operating in southern Gaza until it can ensure that Palestinian civilians are able to avoid the fighting.

  7. this is getting nauseating. daddy can i stay up late to watch a tv show? that’s what’s it like with the usa.