Where Obama is leading Israel


    Our World: Since his policy speech, president has taken a series of steps that only reinforce sense that he is most hostile US leader Jewish state has ever faced.

In the aftermath of US President Barack Obama’s May 19 speech on the Middle East, his supporters argued that the policy toward Israel and the Palestinians that Obama outlined in that speech was not anti-Israel. As they presented it, Obama’s assertion that peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians must be based on the 1967 lines with agreed swaps does not mark a substantive departure from the positions adopted by his predecessors in the Oval Office.

But this claim is exposed as a lie by previous administration statements. On November 25, 2009, in response to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s acceptance of Obama’s demand for a 10-month moratorium on Jewish property rights in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, the State Department issued the following statement:

    “Today’s announcement by the Government of Israel helps move forward toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    We believe that through good-faith negotiations the parties can mutually agree on an outcome which ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable state based on the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish state with secure and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments and meet Israeli security requirements.”

In his speech, Obama stated: “The United States believes… the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”

That is, he took “the Palestinian goal” and made it the US’s goal. It is hard to imagine a more radically anti-Israel policy shift than that.

And that wasn’t Obama’s only radically anti-Israel policy shift. Until his May 19 speech, the US agreed with Israel that the issue of borders is only one of many – including the Palestinians’ rejection of Israel’s right to exist, their demand to inundate Israel with millions of foreign Arab immigrants, their demand for control over Israel’s water supply and Jerusalem – that have to be sorted out in negotiations. The joint US-Israeli position was that until all of these issues were resolved, none of them were resolved.

The Palestinians, on the other hand, claim that before they will discuss any of these other issues, Israel has to first agree to accept the indefensible 1967 boundaries as its permanent borders. This position allows the Palestinians to essentially maintain their policy of demanding that Israel make unreciprocated concessions that then serve as the starting point for further unreciprocated concessions.

It is a position that is antithetical to peace. And on May 19, by stipulating that Israel must accept the Palestinian position on borders as a precondition for negotiations, Obama adopted it as US policy.

SINCE THAT speech, Obama has taken a series of steps that only reinforce the sense that he is the most hostile US president Israel has ever faced. Indeed, when taken together, these steps raise concern that Obama may actually constitute a grave threat to Israel.

Friday’s Yediot Aharonot reported on the dimensions of the threat Obama may pose to the Jewish state. The paper’s account was based on administration and Congressional sources. The story discussed Obama’s plans to contend with the Palestinian plan to pass a resolution at the UN General Assembly in September endorsing Palestinian statehood in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

According to Yediot, during his meeting with Obama on May 20, Netanyahu argued that in light of the Palestinians’ automatic majority support at the General Assembly, there was no way to avoid the resolution.

Netanyahu reportedly explained that the move would not be a disaster. The General Assembly overwhelmingly endorsed the PLO’s declaration of independence in 1988.

And the sky still hasn’t fallen.

Obama reportedly was unconvinced. For him, it is unacceptable to be in a position of standing alone with Israel voting against the Palestinian resolution. Obama’s distaste for standing with Israel was demonstrated in February when a visibly frustrated US Ambassador Susan Rice was forced by Congressional pressure to veto the Palestinians’ Security Council draft resolution condemning Israel for refusing to prohibit Jews from building in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

Yediot’s report asserts that Obama refused to brief Netanyahu on the steps his administration is taking to avert such an unpalatable option. What the paper did report was how George Mitchell – Obama’s Middle East envoy until his resignation last week – recommended Obama proceed on this issue.

According to Yediot, Mitchell recommended that Obama work with the Europeans to draft a series of anti-Israel resolutions for the UN Security Council to pass. Among other things, these resolutions, which Mitchell said would be “painful for Israel,” would include an assertion that Jewish building in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria is illegal.

That is, Mitchell recommended that Obama adopt as US policy at the Security Council past Palestinian demands that Congress forced Obama to reject just months ago at the Security Council. The notion is that by doing so, Obama could convince the Palestinians to water down the even more radically anti-Israel positions they are advancing today at the UN General Assembly that Congressional pressure prevents him from supporting.

Since General Assembly resolutions have no legal weight and Security Council resolutions do carry weight, Mitchell’s policy represents the most anti-Israel policy ever raised by a senior US official. Unfortunately Obama’s actions since last week suggest that he has adopted the gist of Mitchell’s policy recommendations.

First there was his speech before AIPAC. Among other things, Obama used the international campaign to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist as a justification for his policies of demanding that Israel capitulate to the Palestinians’ demands, which he has now officially adopted as US policy.

As he put it, “there is a reason why the Palestinians are pursuing their interests at the United Nations. They recognize that there is an impatience with the peace process – or the absence of one. Not just in the Arab world, but in Latin America, in Europe, and in Asia. That impatience is growing, and is already manifesting itself in capitals around the world.”

From AIPAC, Obama moved on to Europe. There he joined forces with European governments in an attempt to gang up on Israel at the G8 meeting.

Obama sought to turn his embrace of the Palestinian negotiating position into the consensus position of the G8. His move was scuttled by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who refused to accept any resolution that made mention of borders without mentioning the Palestinian demand to destroy Israel through Arab immigration, Israel’s right to defensible borders, or the Palestinians’ refusal to accept Israel’s right to exist.

If Harper had not stood by Israel, the G8’s anti-Israel resolution endorsing the Palestinian negotiating position could have formed the basis of a US-sponsored anti-Israel Security Council resolution.

Israelis planning their summer trips should put Canada at the top of their lists.

THE FINAL step Obama has taken to solidify the impression that he does not have Israel’s best interests at heart, is actually something he has not done. Over the past week, Fatah leaders of the US-backed Palestinian Authority have made a series of statements that put paid any thought that they are interested in peace with Israel or differ substantively from their partners in Hamas.

At the Arab League meeting in Qatar on Saturday, PA President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian state “will be free of all Jews.”

Last week the US-supported Abbas denied the Jewish connection to the land of Israel and claimed absurdly that the Palestinians were 9,000 years old.

Equally incriminating, in an interview last week with Aaron Lerner from the IMRA newsgathering website, Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath said that now that Hamas was the co-leader of the PA with Fatah, responsibility for continuing to hold IDF St.-Sgt. Gilad Schalit hostage devolved from Hamas to the PA. And the PA would continue to hold him hostage.

Shaath’s statement makes clear that rather than moderating Hamas, the Fatah-Hamas unity deal is transforming Fatah into Hamas.

And yet, Obama has had nothing to say about any of this.

Obama’s now undeniable antipathy for Israel and his apparent willingness to use his power as American president to harm Israel at the UN and elsewhere guarantee that for the duration of his tenure in office, Israel will face unprecedented threats to its security. This disturbing reality ought to focus the attention of all Israelis and of the American Jewish community. With the leader of the free world now openly siding with forces bent on Israel’s destruction, the need for unity has become acute.

MADDENINGLY, HOWEVER, at this time of unprecedented danger we see the Israeli media have joined ranks with Kadima in siding with Obama against Israel in a joint bid to bring down Netanyahu’s government. Yediot Aharonot, Maariv, Haaretz, Channel 2, Channel 10, Army Radio and Israel Radio’s coverage of Netanyahu’s visit and its aftermath was dominated by condemnations of the prime minister, and praise for Obama and opposition leader Tzipi Livni, who called for Netanyahu to resign.

The fact that polling data showed that only 12 percent of Jewish Israelis regard Obama as pro-Israeli and that the overwhelming majority of the public with an opinion believes Netanyahu’s visit was a success made absolutely no impression on the media. The wall-to-wall condemnations of Netanyahu by the Israeli media lend the impression that Israel’s leading reporters and commentators are committed to demoralizing the public into believing that Israel has no option other than surrender.

Then there is the American Jewish leadership. And at this critical time in US-Israel relations, the American Jewish leadership is either silent or siding with Obama. Right after Obama’s shocking speech on May 19, the Anti-Defamation League released a statement endorsing it. Stand With Us congratulated Obama for his AIPAC speech.

With the notable exceptions of the Zionist Organization of America and the Committee for Accuracy in Middle Eastern Reporting in America (CAMERA), leaders of American Jewish organizations have refused to condemn Obama’s anti-Israel positions.

Their silence becomes all the more enraging when placed against the massive support Israel receives from rank-and-file American Jews. In a survey of American Jews taken by CAMERA on May 16-17, between 75% and 95% of American Jews supported Israel’s position on defensible borders, Jerusalem, Palestinian “refugees,” Palestinian recognition of Israel’s right to exist and the right of Jews to live in a Palestinian state.

The refusal of most American Jewish leaders, the Israeli media and Kadima to condemn Obama today makes you wonder if there is anything the US president could do to convince them to break ranks and stand with Israel and with the vast majority of their fellow Jews. But it is more than a source of wonder. It is a reason to be frightened. Because Obama’s actions over the past two weeks make clear to anyone willing to see that in the age of Obama, silence is dangerous.

May 31, 2011 | 43 Comments »

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43 Comments / 43 Comments

  1. The VOTE must be specifically to deny money to maintain those units. The Parliament records must reflect that.
    I know that no one else has done that either so the guilt is common to all.
    Shorly we will see what in reality the special units will DO when riots start. Will they defend JEWISH homes and families or stand aside or worse?
    So far we see that the psychopaths have a free hand.

  2. Thanks, Yamit.

    Whichever way he voted, the budget deals with a million and one other things, many being essentials. I don’t believe this is the ruler by which people of repute should be measured.

  3. SHmuel HaLevi says:
    June 2, 2011 at 3:53 pm

    It is very easy. During Budget negotiations and votes Eldad etall can VOTE no as long as money is made available for those units. FOR THE RECORD. Even if Eldad is the only one voting against the Budget for that reason the impact would be very important.

    2 year budgets and NU did vote against the budget.

  4. It is very easy. During Budget negotiations and votes Eldad etall can VOTE no as long as money is made available for those units. FOR THE RECORD. Even if Eldad is the only one voting against the Budget for that reason the impact would be very important.

  5. SHmuel HaLevi says:
    June 2, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    You know very well that he has no power in the opposition to do anything you’ve mentioned.

  6. Shy Guy.
    Eldad and the rest of the MK’s roaming up there have not done a thing to stop the creation and financing of the “special forces” lately operated by Barak. NEKUDAH. Since times long on record there are “Jewish Sections” and other paramilitary aggregates whose function is to assault Jews. When I see that the MK’s cut the budgets keeping those psychopaths in uniform fed and trained, I’ll applaud. Until then talking in the controlled TV means nothing.
    It also means nothing running to the US to collect “gelt”.
    We have cut all connection with the israelitist TV almost ten years ago and we do not care of what anyone pipes to the wind there. The IBA radio has not even reported the latest attack by Barak on Jews…
    Again. Until I see that MK’s debudget the psychopaths, please do not talk to me about the MK’s blaberings for votes and donations.

  7. SHmuel HaLevi says:
    June 2, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    Why identifing only Netanyahu as a tacit supporter of the pestilent dwarf? Barak…

    On the contrary – bring it on! But keep in mind that it was Netanyahu who dragged the Likud into a coalition agreement with Ehud Barak’s (now dead) Labor Party and it was Netanyahu who agreed to make Ehud Barak the Minister of defense, no less.

    Added to that. Do we hear a word from Eldad…

    This is simply not true. Eldad speaks out plenty and doesn’t mince words. He did so again just this morning on Israel’s morning news show on Channel 2.

    Do not sully his name. He does far more than any of us can achieve.

  8. Why identifing only Netanyahu as a tacit supporter of the pestilent dwarf?
    Barak is a deviant and that was proven since he abandoned wounded soldiers in Tzehilim & Kever Yosef as well as abandoning allies in Lebanon those being just his known betrayal acts against our own and allies. SUltan Yakub is still to be analyzed as well. Who knows how many soldiers the creep has sent to their death knowingly. Sending the SHAYETET 13 armed with paint ball guns is just the latest. Why would anyone keep that item as member of government?
    Added to that. Do we hear a word from Eldad, Begin, and others in government? Not a one.
    They all know that those bestial “special units” are formed, trained and paid for out of the State Budget they all approve. Did we hear anyone looking into that before signing or voting for the Budget?

    Only a clean sweep can clear the deck… so to speak.

  9. jomit says:
    June 1, 2011 at 7:01 pm

    SHY GUY: Thanks for correcting my misunderstanding.

    On and on it goes:

    Violent Eviction Near Shilo: 11 Injured, Burnt Police Car

    Search in vain for similar Israeli thuggery against the myriads of illegal Arab structures throughout Judea and Samaria.

    Also read this article from March: Arabs attacked you? Don’t go to the police! by Kalman Liebskind

    To be fair, none of the leftist rot in the General Security Services (SHABAK), the police, the judiciary and the IDF was initiated by Netanyahu. However, nothing has changed under Netanyahu and he couldn’t care less. In fact, certain things are worse.

  10. Tony Jacobs:

    My sentiments exactly…but those couple of years are going to be hell; Obama & Co. will make sure of it!

    I expect Israel to prevail though at terrible cost (and lots more terrible for her enemies).

    A lot of us in the Diaspora will also be targeted. The local contingents of bad guys and their lackeys will see to that. If you are in the U.S. and you are Jewish, Tony, and you don’t own a gun…I’d recommend you purchase one.

    I only take exception to Ms. Glick’s contention – and others here – that Jews here “don’t care” about Israel.


    I’ve been involved in Israel advocacy at the grassroots level for eight years now. I can tell you that rank and file Jews DO care about Israel. They are deserting Obama in droves. Still too many defend him (one is too many), but most who voted for him are ashamed to admit it; I even know one who lies about it and insists she voted for McCain, even though I know better.

    There is only ONE explanation for Jewish American disgust with Obama: Israel. It sure ain’t his domestic agenda, which most Jews would still support.

    But Ms. Glick is right that Jewish organizations are far, far too silent. Many Jews are afraid to speak out, and that is the operative word here: FEAR. Not apathy. FEAR. It is very, very sad.

    Just as an example, last year, I delivered a guest sermon at my Reform temple concerning Obama’s foreign policy towards Israel. I BLASTED him. I was a bit nervous….I knew very well that my audience consisted of at least 60% Obama voters. I was prepared for some hostile questions. There weren’t any. My sermon was roundly applauded, very well received.

    We’re starting to get mobilized. It is not quite as bad as Ms. Glick thinks, but it could be a lot better, I admit. Just gotta get them over their fear of speaking up and speaking out. Doing my best in my little ‘sector’ of the ‘front’.

  11. Netanyahu will soon have to face the results of all of his various views and actions, past and present.
    The approach ramp that he has adopted to that moment is positive. Time will tell.
    Having seen the ghastly process leading to “disengagement” one has to be cautious since the same folk remains there. Meanwhile…
    He is building an ever larger election gap and that may assure degrees of freedom for his plans far larger than those he enjoys now. That is no assurance knowing the israelitist system.
    Presently independent polls place the Likud with a whooping 35 seats as opposed to 27 to Livni’s aggregate. Lieberman would have 15 seats, Shas 10, the former NRP 6, the Torah Parties 5.
    Labor 7, meretz 4, islamics 11.
    As to trusting anyone promissing “compensation” if… Anyone falling for that deserves whatever happens to them.

  12. I don’t quite understand the topic of this article. Isn’t it as clear as a day light? Hussein is continuing his predecessor’s the “Total Solution” process. I hope that Bibi is smart enough not to follow the policies of his past uneducated and unfit leaders like Begin (the putz started territory for peace process), Sharon (being always in comatose state of his mind), Peres (old brainless fart), Olmert (the total disaster), Bark ( degenerated military nothingness^2) with other shmucks. I hope Bibi will stay strong in his conviction not to follow hussein’s plan for Israeli suicide.

  13. You’re partially right and mostly misled.

    The approval was in Har Choma. That’s a neighborhood in Jerusalem, where building has been stifled in many neighborhoods.

    This is Jerusalem. Almost nothing for Judean and Samarian residents, other than destruction and harassment. All this on Netanyahu’s watch.

    Playing with fire.

  14. SHYGUY: Didn’t they just authorize many thousands of new building constructions in the West Bank?
    Correct me if I am wrong. I don’t think that there will be much more building freezes that we
    will be hearing about. If you know something that I don’t, please enlighten me.

  15. Let’s not be to downbeat here. Israel has energy technology that can save the western world and nukes to defend herself. If israel can find the will to stand firm for another few years, it’ll all be a downhill run.

  16. Jomit, you don’t have to teach me the ABCs of Arab fraud. But if they follow their historic game plan, Netanyahu will have painted Israel into a corner.

    And in the meantime, the Jews of Judea and Samaria are stifled from building just to keep day by day life going, while the refugees of Gush Katif, whom Netanyahu voted with Sharon to destroy their world, continue to live their never-ending unsettled lives.

  17. Don’t EVER believe what comes out of an arab’s mouth. Lip service? No…not lip service, just
    Lie, Lie, Lie. So far, since 1948 the arabs have given nothing. Not an inch. Who cares about
    lip service from an arab? They are so totally involved in being victims and lying about how the
    Jews are the oppressors. So far it is working for them. Don’t expect any changes in their
    methods. Amazing….untold millions of arabs surrounding little Israel and the Jews are the
    oppressors. What is so surreal, is that the world is going along with it and believing them.
    We are living in an “Alice in Wonderland” world

  18. jomit says:
    June 1, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    He says what he needs to say to keep the charade going…

    And what if the Arabs pay lip service to Netanyahu’s stated demands?

    I wish we had him for our President.

    That’s a no-brainer, both the wish and the President. 🙂

  19. No SHYGUY, like telling “His Majesty”, the President of the United States” that he’s full of crap
    and that Israel has no intention of abiding by the Obama Rules. Bibi has a lot of people that he
    has to satisfy (within and outside of his own country) to stay at the helm…he is doing the job and under the worst
    of conditions, has achieved in America the greatest Israel approval rating since 1967….and that
    without backing down in inch to our (hopefully) one term President. He says what he needs to say
    to keep the charade going….it’s what he DOES that counts. Don’t underestimate this guy. I wish
    we had him for our President.

  20. jomit says:
    June 1, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Netanyahu needs to stand staunch.

    You mean like sticking to his guns about us Jews making “painful concessions” and giving the Palianimals their own state?


  21. Netanyahu needs to stand staunch. We know he has the balls…he showed that in Washington.
    The Jews in Israel are too vital, too intertwined with their own history, too tough to
    allow Obama and those others who subscribe to the ’67 lines to push them into oblivion.
    Israel, surrounded by savages, hounded by “diplomats” who have never faced a bullet, will
    prevail in the end because they have no other place to go. So, they will stand and fight
    against people whose life is nothing, whose future is nothing, and whose past is nothing.
    Nothing do they bring to the world except hatred, and rage, and death. “And what does your
    people bring to the world”? “We bring hatred, and rage, and death”. Surely Israel which
    brings light, and peace, and progress, will prevail.

  22. Yamit, RONGRAD and all,
    While I was still refering to the former Jews pretending to be Jewish, JINO’s, I had one heck of a time dealing with them. The moment I found a new niche for them, things became clearer to our group. I defined them as unJews. Treacherous, untrustworthy, brown nosing trash. I believe that some of my colleagues in the US, not Jewish and part of several Universities Staffing Boards, viewed, soon after such unJews applying for professoral assignements as a bad crop. How likely would it be that said unJews will do to others exactly what they do to their former coreligionists?

  23. jomit says:
    June 1, 2011 at 4:59 am
    I am crushed to find that in one of its hours of greatest need that Israel finds itself at the mercy of
    Jews who side with Obama. How can this be? How can any Jew who loves his religion, who watched that
    wonderful country in its rebirth and through its agony during the various wars and ruthless attacks on its
    citizens side with Obama? I am blown away. I am utterly disgusted. I am bewildered. I am so frikken
    pissed off as to go out, get drunk, and try to forget that Jews can also be schmucks.

    You know Yomit I feel the same way.

    I find it difficult to understand most liberal American Jews. I have said it here and I remind Caroline Glick from time to time, “No matter where you reside in the world, if you are Jewish you are connected to Israel by heritage, faith and by G-d”

    More bothersome is the amount of Jewish democratic strategist who support Obama while he embraces Islam and is attempting to destroy Israel.
    They are not bothered by this??

    First of all Obama should keep his nose and dumbo ears out of Israel while sticking the 67 lines idea up his kiester.

    I believe G-d led the Jewish people back to the Holy Land, from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean, including Gaza, Judea, Samaria, the Sinai including the Golan Heights [tell that goose neck looking Syrian president he can’t have it].

    Besides I don’t recall any Arabs or Muslims on the manifest this time or the first time G-d led his people to the Holy Land.

  24. BO,

    It is not necessarily true that all nations must die. China’s first known king is dated to have ruled in 2852 BCE, about the time when the First Dynasty pharoahs were raising the pyramids of Egypt. Their neolithic history extends back about an additional five millenia to the time that crop growing along China’s great rivers and animal husbandry were become systematic. I am describing a society has been that has been essentially Chinese for far more than 5000 years, and which in current times has laid the groundwork for its own global power and perhaps predominance.

    In comparison, the mere Anglo-Saxon presence in this hemisphere has extended a bare 400 years, its independence only 235 years, and its acme of power only the comparatively brief period of its temporarily access to a ubiquitous and relatively inexpensive domestic supply of crude petroleum.

    And the Mediterranean-based power of the Roman republic and empire, some two millenia ago, were born, achieved total power, were exhausted, and died in the relatively brief pin-prick of time that matched only a handful of Chinese imperial dynasties.

    Our relatively long-lived Jewish nation has has endured almost 4000 years since our forefather Avram crossed the Euphrates River heading westward to his date with destiny. The tribulations that beset our nation were of a type that broke almost all other nations that underwent degradations of any similar measure. But here we are. A grand and terrible past. A troubled present. But even so, a nation that may well remember Avram/Avraham, the great prophet Moshe, and the words of commandment tasked to them by the ruler of the universe. The future of the Jewish nation is neither in the hands of the East, nor the West, nor any others of the variegated nations of this planet. But only themselves. Ourselves, for those of us who belong to it.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  25. What do real Zionist and some Anti-Semites have in common? They both want to see the Jews leave their Countries for Israel.

    What does Glick not have in common with Jewish Patriots and Lovers of Zion? Glick still supports BB. There was a short time when I thought she had finally come around and faced the unvarnished truth about BB but here we see she has reverted back to her old self, Lover of BB more than lover of Zion.

    Part of the poll (see comment#1) which it seems everyone except me ignores:

    In the upcoming 2012 presidential election, which candidate position is the most
    important to you? All of these matter, but which matters most?

    6% ISRAEL

    COMBINED ANSWERS) In the upcoming 2012 presidential election, which candidate
    position is the most important to you? All of these matter, but which matters most? And
    what is the second most important to you?

    12% ISRAEL
    12% TAXES

    What ever American Jews think of Israel when asked specific and directed questions it is also an apparent fact that Israel is not a major concern or priority of American Jews. That reinforces my position of A- never to count on American Jewry by Israelis and other Jews. B-we should write them off insofar as giving them any voice in-our affairs even if it means losing funding.

    Support in other meaningful ways is not there or forthcoming in any event. American Jewish leaders who support Obama and positions inimical to the Jews of Israel and the State of Israel should be shunned by the Israeli political leadership.

  26. We have been relaxing for a while now.
    No foreign “delegations” trotting in and out to negotiate on behalf of their oil and cash islamics to bother us. Further. Regardless of what the SD Clinton, the fellow with the birth certificate and the EU anti-Semites believe, their unJews are fast sinking away from relevance even if they still hold on to their self appointed or foreign governments paid perks.
    They have earned in common total desdain after their unqualified disasters in Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc.
    Thousands have been murdered by savage beasts “leading” many “un” members, while Soetoro and Cameron as well as the French one “negotiate” amongst themselves about… the Jewish Land of Israel.
    Those financial and social basket cases, bankrupt in every respect cesspool creatures trot around “fixing”, usually by murdering civilians at large, what they themselves caused all over the world.
    Glad to see that thye are now plotting to do “fixing” while meeting away from here.
    Israel is certainly poised to do what is needed to end that parade of abusers activities.
    It is also notable that the herds of “pacifists” hailing from those foreign lands and infesting ours, are dwindling as well.

  27. Hi, Arnold. You said,

    “The fundamental rules of existence are implacable, remorseless and ruthless. Each nation must determine for itself whether it shall live or die. Dying is relatively easy. Every organism, every animal, every human being, were all condemned to death the moment they were created. But nations can choose to permanentize themselves through the will to power that alone determines whether any such nation will be able to protect and keep its homeland.”

    Actually, relatively successful nations don’t “permanentize” themselves; they simply extend their lives. Eventually, they all die.

    You said the American Empire “reached its apogee” in 1945. That’s not all that clear-cut. In 1945, we gave away the Philippines, while simultaneously occupying Japan and parts of West Germany and Austria. We governed Japan directly for several years, and continue to exercise control over that country’s foreign policy — and Japan is certainly a bigger plum than the Philippines. After the N. Korean invasion, we occupied S. Korea, and continue to do so to this day. They have fought alogside us as allies ever since, often (as in Vietnam) as our most effective partner. South Vietnam was also an American puppet from 1963 to 1973, or thereabouts; and we also occupied several Latin American countries, as needed, to ensure that their leaders promoted American interests. In Guatemala, for instance, the very popular leader Efrain Rios Montt was ousted by an American coup (The coup leaders were all briefed on a US aircraft carrier the night before) and replaced with the old guard generals in 1983

    If you want to pick the year of America’s apogee, it was probably around 1967 or 1968. During the Tet Offensive in January, 1968, we scored a Pyrrhic victory over the Viet Cong — who were thenceforth replaced by North Vietnamese regulars. A few months later, US President Johnson admitted political defeat because of his conduct of the war, and refused to run for re-election. Richard M. Nixon then won the election, on a platform of withdrawing all US personnel from Vietnam. South Vietnam fell from the American to the Russian sphere, along with Laos, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea Bissau and other countries. We scored a symbolic victory by landing on the moon in July, 1969; but on earth, where it counts, we were backpedalling. In 1979, under the Carter administration, our mortal wounds were further inflamed by public humiliation; as our former Iranian allies led captured US embassy employees blindfolded through the streets, and President Carter was unsuccessful in trying to rescue them. In 1983, President Reagan was further humiliated when nearly all our Marine expeditionary force in Lebanon was annihilated in one attack. The only item on the plus side of our ledger then was a successful intervention in Grenada, an insignificant country.

    I believe President George H. W. Bush invaded Iraq in 1991, primarily to demonstrate to the world that we still had clout and were willing to use it; but the war did not result in an actual victory: Kuwait was restored to its previous status, but Iraq — upon whom we relied to keep virulently anti-American Iran in check — had turned against us and could not, at any rate, fulfill its anti-Iranian function anymore. Moreover, we followed up what success we did have on the ground by forcing our closest ally in the region, Israel, to accept a partnership with the very terrorists who had fought against her and us in 1983.

    I could go on to mention our military adventures since 1991; but that would be a misrepresentation: They were not OUR military adventures, but NATO’s military adventures, the “clout” end of G. H. W. Bush’s announced intention to replace American sovereignty with a “New World Order”. That order will certainly be led by the US President; but it is and will never be American.

    Except for the date (should be about 1968 instead of 1945), your assessment is correct. The creation of the United Nations in 1945 spelled the beginning of the end for the United States of America; but we continued to breathe and even grow for over 20 more years. Even today, as we are being “assimilated” by the monster we created, we are the world’s foremost economic and military power; and we probably will continue as such until Messiah comes.

  28. What many folks miss in this situation is that Biblical prophecy in being fulfilled as we watch. I am ashamed that my own country has completed this fulfillment by orchestrating Israel’s virtually total abandonment with few backers (at least our Canadian neighbors still support Israel). The beauty of it is that G-d will never desert His chosen people, and at some point we will see Him take some amazing actions to preserve the Jews. I don’t know what they will be, but I expect them to be very dramatic. Unfortunatley, most of the other earlier comments to this post will also be fulfilled. There will be war, and there will be much bloodshed. But after that there will be peace; there will be no hostile Arabs left to destroy the peace. How do I know? The Bible tells me so.

  29. Israeli law states that anyone giving away any part of the Land of Israel is guilty of treason and subject to execution. It is not only insane and suicidal to be giving away territory to a pack of terrorists, it is utterly unlawful.

  30. Responding to those foreign parties in any way outside our National interest framework is suicidal.
    Even Ben Gurion pointed out the fact that no one of us is entitled to deliver portions of Eretz Israel to others.
    Further. As it has been said above by others, not one of those people has been elected to “lead” Israel and they must not be elevated to that status.
    What the people must do is to prepare to erradicate the unJews from State control, this to start with and then deal with their “partners”. The Oslo “partnership” must be set aside.

  31. No, Keelie.

    There will not be peace. Not now. Not after the next Middle East war. Not ever. Once you accustom yourself to war as the normative reality of the Jewish nation, or of any other nation that wishes to dance to its own drummer, a certain serenity sets in. Israel’s pre-independence Yishuv came about solely because of one world war. The State of Israel was born as a result of a second world war. A major victory got Israel control of Jerusalem, Golan, Samaria, Judea, the Sinai peninsula and Gaza.

    This is precisely why I never have prayed for peace and I never shall pray for peace. Nations at peace decay. Those at war either naturally expand or are superseded by a stronger and more aggressive people. This itself is one of the iron laws of all organic matter — the territorial imperative as each organism fights for its existence against competitors. A nation that loses the power of self-defense, which frequently means outright aggression, gets disdained, then hated, then robbed of its dignity, then shoved into ghettoes, then murdered outright — all of which happened to the Jewish nation over the past 2500 years. Unless something changes this dynamic, all that may wwll happen to large parts of Europe that have allowed large-scale invasion of hostile Moslems to their shores, their cities, their bedrooms. And I see the same thing coming to an America that no longer has the force of will to expel illegal aliens who cross our borders. The children of those same aliens will become the successor population in large parts of the American imperium, which apparently reached its apogee in about 1945 and is now in steady decline.

    The fundamental rules of existence are implacable, remorseless and ruthless. Each nation must determine for itself whether it shall live or die. Dying is relatively easy. Every organism, every animal, every human being, were all condemned to death the moment they were created. But nations can choose to permanentize themselves through the will to power that alone determines whether any such nation will be able to protect and keep its homeland. The great Jews who determined to fight and conquer knew all about that will to power. They chose the path of life. Liberalism and peace, as unusual as this may sound, are the path of decay and national death.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  32. I am crushed to find that in one of its hours of greatest need that Israel finds itself at the mercy of
    Jews who side with Obama. How can this be? How can any Jew who loves his religion, who watched that
    wonderful country in its rebirth and through its agony during the various wars and ruthless attacks on its
    citizens side with Obama? I am blown away. I am utterly disgusted. I am bewildered. I am so frikken
    pissed off as to go out, get drunk, and try to forget that Jews can also be schmucks.

  33. What Obama and the entire anti-Israel crowd (almost all of the world’s leaders)are doing is forcing Israel to adopt an extreme position. When you are certain that there are no allies willing to back you up in some manner, you are forced to into a position of extreme ruthlessness. It’s called “survival,” for those who visit this site to add some brainless “spin” on the whole issue.

    The world’s fickle leaders are pushing Israel to the edge. After it’s all over, there will be peace.

  34. This is not a pretty picture and will not have a happy ending.

    At some point Islamists will have to be confronted and there will be lots of blood before it is decided one way or the other. There needs to be a winner and a loser before and in order for it to end. And the loser needs to beg for peace. Just like Germany and Japan.
    G-d bless Israel and America.

  35. Where is Obama is leading Israel?

    By God’s grace, Obama isn’t leading Israel. My prayer is that within less than two years, he won’t be leading America either.