What’s the plan to Save America?

Tierney’s Real News  Aug 29, 2024

People are wondering why all of a sudden President Trump has reached out to liberals and wealthy donors like Elon & RFK Jr. & Bill Ackman & Peter Thiel & David Sacks to form a Team of Rivals like Lincoln did. Trump has drawn together an alliance that includes a powerful and influential faction of Silicon Valley’s tech elite. I believe it’s because of BRICS, the dollar, AI, Bitcoin, energy and the New World Order’s desire to control us all with a centralized digital currency. They are ALL connected.

IMHO – there has been a HUGE shift in thinking by the deep thinker finance & tech guys on what this stuff all means for the future. Nobody really understands what prompted THAT shift. What’s their plan to Save America? I think I figured it out.

I’ve listened to dozens of interviews and read thousands of articles on this topic and here’s what you need to know in 15 minutes. First, I’m going to tell you WHAT they said out of their own mouths, then I’m going to provide you with data and information so you understand the current situation, and then I’m going to hypothesize on what they plan to do about it and how it will impact the wallets and lives of ordinary Americans.

\ELON: “AI is the fastest advancing technology I’ve seen of any kind, and I’ve seen a lot of technology. AI hardware and computers that are coming online – dedicated to AI – are increasing by a factor of 10 every year, if not every 6-9 months. My guess is we’ll have AI smarter than any one human around the end of next year. Trump has become, by far, the best candidate on my top voting issue – AI. He understands the energy challenges we face. He also understands that if China reaches “super intelligence” before we do, our country would immediately become subservient to them. It’s existential.”

RFK JR: “Do you really think President Biden has the savvy to deal with emerging issues like blockchain and Artificial Intelligence? We need a president who is thinking about those things – one who works to mitigate risks posed by unregulated AI and who sees the value in blockchain companies – rather than forcing them to relocate overseas.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “To be successful, to be a leader in AI, the amount of electricity that we need is double and even triple what we have right now. The farmers need it, everybody needs. AI will be the oil of the future. To meet the electricity requirements will require investing in both fossil fuels and nuclear power and building lots of small plants at the sites of data centers.

Nuclear now has become very good, very safe – you build the smaller plants and you attach them. We have to produce massive electricity. We will create tremendous electricity for our country and that will allow AI to compete. Whoever gets that will have a big advantage. And we have to be the main player. They don’t want us to produce any energy. They want our country to go to hell, while China is building a coal plant every single week.”

Trump will basically revive Nixon’s Project Independence.

The team that Trump is building is going to bring an economic boom – using AI and Bitcoin – that fuels innovation like we have never seen. A new Golden Age for America. The connection between President Trump and his new alliances is based on a common goal to double or triple the electricity output in the United States to be Bitcoin and AI dominant – while saving the dollar and protecting our nation from foreign threats.

Elon and his Silicon Valley pals get to ride the MAGA wave because they would have never been able to clear Biden’s regulatory hurdles if it wasn’t for the AI and Bitcoin executive orders that President Trump has agreed to write in January 2025 if elected. Everyone wins. BTW – JD Vance is Peter Thiel’s guy.


August 30, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. I think Tierney makes a number of thoughtful points.

    I would just like to comment upon the idea that computers are already surpassing human intelligence. Computers can simulate human learning by simulating memorization of facts. It is not difficult to program a computer with many, many facts. In this way a computer can remember more facts more quickly than a human being.

    There are other cognitive skills that can be programmed into computers, such as visuo-spatial capabilities, measuring, etc.

    But computers cannot be programmed to create or to develop imagination.

    A recent study proved that computers can memorize but not create new drugs: (https://leashbio.substack.com/p/belka-results-suggest-computers-can?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email)

    So the concept of computers taking over the world and making humans unnecessary is premature at best, false at worst.

    The most important take away from this is that it is important for good people to figure out how to use Ai for the betterment of society.

    As Peggy Tierney notes, we were told our lives would be far advanced by computers and iPhones. It is true there are some advantages to digitizing society. But there have been big downsides as well. And far from technology bringing a wonderful and positive change to our society, in the US much of our macroeconomic picture hasn’t changed since the 1970’s. We are driving the same roads, and riding the same subways as we did back then.

    So again caution is warranted when we are told how much good any new technology can bring us.

    When I was about 7 years old, my father invited the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson to speak at his medical school. I happened to be reading a Time Life book on the brain at the time. Dr. Erikson sat down next to me. He looked at the cover of the book. He smiled, then he asked me, “Do you see anything wrong with this picture?” The picture on the cover showed a man’s head, and inside where the brain was, it showed an image of a computer. I looked and didn’t see anything wrong. He said, “It is man who created the computer, but a computer cannot create man.” I thought about that one for awhile. I have never forgotten what he said.