What will Biden do to deflect from Audits. _both JP Morgan & the WaPo report that the pandemic appears OVER in the UK

TIERNEY’S NEWS   7/29/21

While Biden threatens war, school closures & more lockdowns unless all Americans vaccinate & mask up – due to the scary “Delta variant” – both JP Morgan & the Washington Post report that the pandemic appears OVER in the UK – IN SPITE of the Delta variant. Alert Biden and the media. JP MORGAN: “Covid cases in the UK have DROPPED significantly and more than halved in ten days. What explains this dramatic reversal? We are not the only people struggling to explain. The current Delta wave is turning out to be much, much MILDER than we anticipated.”

]WASHINGTON POST: “This is a puzzler. Coronavirus cases are plummeting in Britain. They were supposed to soar. Scientists aren’t sure why they haven’t. The trajectory of the virus in Britain is something the world is watching closely and anxiously, as a test of how the Delta variant behaves in a society with relatively high vaccination rates. And now people are asking if this could be the first real-world evidence that the pandemic in Britain is sputtering out.” Like I said, REAL doctors say that the Delta variant is signaling the END OF THE PANDEMIC – not a resurgence. 70% of UK citizens have been vaccinated with two doses and the pandemic appears OVER. In America, that number stands at 50%. Add natural exposure – and both the UK and the US are at herd immunity. We likely have been since April.

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It also came out that the CDC used an unpublished study out of India – that was REJECTED by scientific peers for publication – to justify their new mask mandate!

That didn’t stop Biden’s Surgeon General from recommending that vaccinated parents wear masks at home with their kids and that vaccinated people wear masks outside to “protect” the un-vaccinated! Another Communist scheme to turn us all against each other. Sick!

Tierney’s Real News (7/28/21)

Biden & Pelosi are resorting to name calling and threats to get people to vaccinate & wear a mask. Name calling is the lowest form of argument in a debate. That tells me they are running out of options: Biden: “If you’re not vaccinated you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were. Vaccinate or we will face lockdowns, shutdowns and school closures.” Pelosi said that you’re “a moron” if you oppose masks. She said this while she wasn’t wearing a mask.

Same with Biden. Where are the masks?


Biden even went so far as to imply there would be a “shooting” war with Russia ahead – using the recent “cyber-attacks” as “I think it’s more likely we’re going to end up, well if we end up in a war, a real shooting war, with a major power it’s going to be as a consequence of a cyber breach of great consequence.<

And it’s increasing exponentially, the capabilities.” Russia disagreed and said that Biden was kowtowing to the U.S. intelligence community who want war. War is big money for the defense contractors & the globalist banksters.<

That tells me that Biden & his Communist cronies are considering a variety of horrific false flags, even one resulting in war, in order to avoid forensic audit results & force cheat-by-mail in 2022 and 2024. General Flynn said one month ago that the Communists would engineer a horrific “false flag” event in order to deflect from Lindell’s election fraud summit & the coming results from the Maricopa audit. I fear he is correct. Will it be on the scale of another 911? Will it be another bio-weapon? Pray for God’s protection, hope for the best & prepare for the worst.


July 30, 2021 | 2 Comments »

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  1. So who’s getting attacked in this prophesied horrific false flag? Will it be for general consumption or just on Republican run states and cities?