What We Learned on Our Academic Visit to Israel

By Edward H. Kaplan and Evan Morris, NEWSWEEK      MAR 29/24

Jewish and Muslim students give a presentation together at Hebrew University.

We represent a group of 25 Yale faculty who have just returned from a five-day visit to Israel. Our mission was to learn from and make meaningful academic connections with our Israeli counterparts. Much of what we learned and observed astounded us.

The environment is challenging, yet the Israeli academic enterprise has proven breathtakingly resilient. Imagine operating a university where a quarter to a third of students, staff, and faculty have been murdered, injured, taken hostage, or are on active military reserve service. Imagine teaching in classrooms with both Arab students (some with family in Gaza or the West Bank) and Jewish students (many just returned from military service or with casualties among family and friends). Imagine trying to manage standard faculty promotion, review, and tenure processes in the face of boycotts and similar discrimination from hostile academics around the world.

Contrary to the apartheid charge leveled against Israel in general and Israeli academic institutions in particular, we saw precisely the opposite. At Hebrew University, we received a presentation from two young female students, one a hijab-wearing Muslim and the other Jewish, just returned from reserve duty. The presentation ended with their heartfelt embrace.

At Ben Gurion-Soroka Hospital, Technion-Rambam Hospital, and the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center, we saw how integrated their medical schools and faculty are. The percentage of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who are Arabs greatly exceeds their share in the total population.

We heard Arab university vice presidents, and their Jewish counterparts take full pride in jointly leading Israeli university life. Unlike the scene on American campuses, Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druze and Jewish students understand that their job is to learn, not to fight each other.

In presentations by an Israeli Arab journalist and a Druze professor, we learned that contrary to conceptions prevalent on American campuses, the majority of Israeli Arabs do not seek to separate from Israel. Indeed, while Israeli Arabs do have demands, we learned they are in service of more integration into Israeli society—better schools, law enforcement, and physical infrastructure—not less. Similarly, we learned from a Druze professor the strong connection to the Jewish State felt by the Israeli Druze.

We met face-to-face with faculty in academic disciplines matching our own at each of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, the Weizmann Institute of Science, and Tel Aviv University. We also met with the leaders of Sapir College in Sderot which came under direct attack on October 7, and Tel Hai Academic College which is currently evacuated due to the Hezbollah threat from Lebanon.

The President of Israel’s Academy of Sciences and Humanities and a Nobel Prize winner addressed the challenges facing Israeli academics in discussion with us. Facing such brilliance (and in such a small country), we were dismayed to learn the extent of academic discrimination being directed at Israeli academics: faculty who were invited to address conferences only to be told later—and in one case upon arrival in Australia—that they were no longer welcome to speak; external reviewers returning evaluation requests because they refuse to consider Israeli scholars; journals reneging on decisions to publish papers that were already accepted.

This is especially upsetting to us given the emergence of organized faculty extremists on American campuses with the publicly stated objective of boycotting Israeli academia. Our reaction to such prejudice is clear: we will build upon already existing collaborations with our Israeli colleagues, invite Israeli speakers to campus, offer to provide objective evaluations and reviews within our academic areas of expertise, and provide opportunities for budding young Israeli researchers.

We could not come to Israel without visiting the sites of the Oct. 7 atrocities and seeing with our own eyes what Hamas did to innocent civilians. We saw the carnage and devastation at Kfar Azza where 64 kibbutz members were murdered, and many others taken hostage. We visited the site of the Nova Festival where more than 360 young Israelis were murdered, raped, and kidnapped. We learned how at Soroka hospital in Beer Sheva, arriving Oct. 7 casualties peaked at the rate of one every 40 seconds, yet the hospital was able to stay open and maximize the number of lives they could save.

Every Israeli university, like all of Israel, remains traumatized from Oct. 7. Yet Israelis are resilient, and this is doubly true for Israeli academics. Indeed, virtually all the faculty and students we met asked how they could help us deal with the grotesque protests so commonplace on American university campuses. Seeing the strength of our Israeli academic colleagues, we return committed to telling their stories and fighting back against the hate.

Edward H. Kaplan is the William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Operations Research, Professor of Public Health, and Professor of Engineering at Yale University.

Evan Morris is Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging and of Biomedical Engineering at Yale University, and Co-director for Imaging at the Yale PET Center.

April 1, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @Felix
    The scam artists which you describe as scientists hold no reverence from me. What is more is that they work hand in glove with Soros and his ilk to diminish that which is most valuable in the world, which is our rights to individual liberty and property. Also, Soros is not a capitalist, but a cronyist. He uses his influence to manipulate markets and leadership to the denigration of all but him and his allies. Additionally, I do not use others to tell me what is right and true, but I have never seen Soros place his support of anything which was not altogether tyrannizing or illegitimate. And among these matters is the Global Warming Hoax, which, as you fairly note, we do not agree.

  2. @Felix

    “My point is Jewish Israel must become known as a bastion of science.”

    Umm. It already is, Felix.


    “Science and technology in Israel

    View history

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Science and technology in Israel is one of the country’s most developed sectors. Israel spent 4.3% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on civil research and development in 2015, the highest ratio in the world.[1] In 2019, Israel was ranked the world’s fifth most innovative country by the Bloomberg Innovation Index.[2] It ranks thirteenth in the world for scientific output as measured by the number of scientific publications per million citizens.[3] In 2014, Israel’s share of scientific articles published worldwide (0.9%) was nine times higher than its share of the global population (0.1%).[4][1]

    Israel counts 140 scientists and technicians per 10,000 employees, one of the highest ratios in the world. In comparison, there are 85 per 10,000 in the United States and 83 per 10,000 in Japan.[5] In 2012, Israel counted 8,337 full-time equivalent researchers per million inhabitants.[1] This compares with 3,984 in the US, 6,533 in the Republic of South Korea and 5,195 in Japan. Israel’s high technology industry has benefited from both the country’s highly educated and technologically skilled workforce coupled with the strong presence of foreign high-tech firms and sophisticated research centres.[6][1]

    Israel is home to major companies in the high-tech industry and has one of the world’s most technologically literate populations.[7] In 1998, Tel Aviv was named by Newsweek as one of the ten most technologically influential cities in the world.[8] Since 2000, Israel has been a member of EUREKA, the pan-European research and development funding and coordination organization, and held the rotating chairmanship of the organization for 2010–2011.[9][10] In 2010, American journalist David Kaufman wrote that the high-tech area of Yokneam, Israel, has the “world’s largest concentration of aesthetics-technology companies”.[11] Google Chairman Eric Schmidt complimented the country during a visit there, saying that “Israel has the most important high-tech center in the world after the US.”[12] Israel was ranked 14th in the Global Innovation Index in 2023,[13] down from tenth in 2019.[14]…”


  3. @FelixQuigley- what do you breathe out, Felix?
    That’s what they want to reduce with the global warming hoax.

  4. Peloni

    Soros has added nothing to the science of climate because he is not a scientist

    He is a capitalist and he promotes counter revolutions too many to detail

    I have known of Soros since the early 90s

    We agree on that. What we do not agree on is using this term “Global Warming Hoax.”

    No way. No how.

    My point is there are many very serious scientists who are certain we as humans face massive problems caused by Global Warming.

    There are of course Antisemites in the climate movement. Not surprising.

    I treat them as enemies.

    My point is Jewish Israel must become known as a bastion of science

  5. @Felix

    I find such people are so massively seriously worried there’s no room for venal hatreds.

    This is nonsense. Soros is a major cog in support of the Global Warming Hoax. Need I provide further examples?

  6. Concentrate on the issue of Global Warming and there I guarantee you will have a massive welcome. I find such people are so massively seriously worried there’s no room for venal hatreds.