What is the true number of vaccine-related deaths?

By Antonio R. Chaves, AM THINKER

Based on official data from Open VAERS and the CDC, 5,993 Americans have died out of 146,171,792 Americans who are fully vaccinated as of June 11. This corresponds to a ratio of about four deaths out of 100,000 who are fully vaccinated.

When VAERS death rates are compared with COVID-19 vaccination rates from December to June, and odd pattern emerges: Vaccine-related deaths decline just as vaccination rates reach their peak in April (Graph 1). This implies that the VAERS death rate started at 18 per 100,000 on the 1st of February, then dropped to around 3.1 per 100,000 on the 1st of June (Table). If this remarkable trend really took place, why didn’t it make headlines?

Graph1: Comparing VAERS death rates by month with overall vaccination rates from December 2020 to June 2021. Vaccination rates were provided by the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker. Death rates were provided by VAERS.

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Date in 2021 <


Cumulative VAERS deaths

Cumulative Fully vaccinated Calculated Deaths

per 100K Fully Vaccinated

February 1




March 1




April 1




May 1




June 1





Table: Comparing VAERS death rates per 100K vaccinated over time. The vaccine death rate was calculated by dividing VAERS deaths per month by the total vaccinated. Cumulative total vaccinated was provided by the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker.

Silicon valley inventor/entrepreneur Steve Kirsch claims “inside sources” told him the true death count is 25,800 and that the CDC has been “reclassifying” most vaccine-related deaths. These are serious accusations and given the ubiquity of “anonymous sources” spreading fake news it is unwise to relay this information unless it leads to citable evidence.

Fortunately, Kirsch did not only cite an anonymous source. He also provided instructions for accessing these “hidden” deaths from the CDC at the 20:20 time mark of this video. Following these instructions, I downloaded the CDC file and found that the “unclassified” death rate trend “coincidentally” follows the vaccination trend with remarkable consistency (Graph 2).

Graph2: Comparing “unclassified” death rates by week with overall vaccination rates from December 2020 to June 2021. Vaccination rates were provided by the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker. Death rates were provided the CDC’s “Weekly Provisional Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes.”

If values prior to December (left bar in Graph 3) are subtracted from values December to June (right bar in Graph 3), the number of excess “unclassified” deaths is 32,060. This is comparable to Steve Kirsch’s difference of 25,800 (My calculation may be higher because I downloaded the data a few days after Kirsch posted the video).

Graph3: Total “unclassified” deaths before and after vaccine availability. Death rates were provided the CDC’s “Weekly Provisional Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes.”

A total of 32,060 vaccine-related deaths from December to June comes out to a death rate of 21 per 100,000 fully vaccinated. This is almost the same the VAERS death rate recorded for the beginning of February (Table). Is this another “coincidence”?

For the sake of argument, let’s suppose a massive number of people reporting these “unclassified” deaths were unsure if their loved one had died from the vaccine, so they avoided reporting to VAERS in fear of being prosecuted for the federal crime of “false reporting.” How could the CDC have failed to notice this trend in “unclassified” death?

For the sake of argument, let’s suppose that after February the CDC started relocating massive number of vaccine-related adverse events to another database to ensure their vaccination drive proceeded without interruption.

Occam’s razor favors the second scenario, but either way the CDC has a lot of explaining to do.

Antonio Chaves teaches biology at a local community college. His interest in economic and social issues stems from his experience teaching environmental science. His older articles with graphs and images are available here.

June 22, 2021 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. Since the vaccine rollout, there has been a great concern about two points: vaccine efficacy and vaccine safety. A research group has undertaken a review to determine the risk-benefit ratio of the vaccines. They just published their findings as a peer reviewed article in the journal, Vaccines 3 days ago. These studies are employed to consider the risk of severe side effects to the benefits of lives saved by the vaccines. Their findings are easily understood so I will let them describe the findings(I included clarifications of certain terms in brackets, and the bolded emphasis as well.):

    The COVID-19 vaccines are immunologically effective and can—according to the
    publications—prevent infections, morbidity[illness], and mortality[death] associated with SARS-CoV2; however, they incur costs. Apart from the economic costs, there are comparatively high rates of side effects and fatalities. The current figure is around four fatalities per 100,000 vaccinations, as documented by the most thorough European documentation system, the Dutch side effects register (lareb.nl). This tallies well with a recently conducted analysis of the U.S. vaccine adverse reactions reporting system, which found 3.4 fatalities per 100,000 vaccinations, mostly with the Comirnaty (Pfizer) and Moderna vaccines.
    Is this a few or many? This is difficult to say, and the answer is dependent on one’s view of how severe the pandemic is and whether the common assumption that there is hardly any innate immunological defense or cross-reactional immunity is true[i.e. whether past exposure to corona viruses provides protection against Covid19]. Some argue that we can assume cross-reactivity of antibodies to conventional coronaviruses in 30–50% of the population. This might explain why children and younger people are rarely afflicted by SARS-CoV2. An innate immune reaction is difficult to gauge. Thus, low seroprevalence figures[this figure relates to the % of the tested individuals who test positive] may not only reflect a lack of herd immunity, but also
    a mix of undetected cross-reactivity of antibodies to other coronaviruses, as well as clearing of infection by innate immunity. However, one should consider the simple legal fact that a death associated with a vaccination is different in kind and legal status from a death suffered as a consequence of an incidental infection.
    Our data should be viewed in the light of its inherent limitations:
    The study which we used…was a single field study, even though it is the largest to date. The other data stem from regulatory trials that were not designed to detect maximum effects. The field study was somewhat specific to the situation in Israel, and studies in other countries and other populations or other post-marketing surveillance studies might reveal more beneficial clinical effect sizes when the prevalence of the infection is higher. This field study also suffered from some problems, as a lot of cases were censored due to unknown reasons, presumably due to a loss to follow-up. However, the regulatory studies compensate for some of the weaknesses, and thereby generate a somewhat more beneficial risk–benefit ratio.

    This should be studied more systematically in a long-term observational study.

    Currently, our estimates show that we have to accept four fatal and 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations in order to save the lives of 2–11 individuals
    per 100,000 vaccinations, placing risks and benefits on the same order of magnitude

    The founder of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone had this comment on the results of this study:

    Simply put: As we prevent three deaths by vaccinating, we incur two deaths.

    It should be noted that this is a short term(6wk) study and the long term risk-benefit is unknowable at this time as the efficacy could remain or wane and the possibility of long term side effects remains to be seen.

    Here is the link for the full journal text, it is well worth reading, but you would be well served to also look into the use and benefits of Risk-Benefit analysis:

  2. From Zero Hedge:

    Fully Vaccinated Israelis May Be Forced To Quarantine After Exposure To “Delta” Variant
    As concerns about the threat posed by the “Delta” variant, a mutant strain of COVID-19 first discovered in India that’s believed to be much more dangerous than rival strains, intensify, Israeli health officials have just been given the authority to quarantine pretty much anybody who is exposed to “Delta”, even if the individual is already fully vaccinated, Reuters reports.

    The heavy-handed decision comes after a warning by new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday over new outbreaks caused by “Delta” . Bennett complained that daily infections have been rising again in Israel after weeks of a low plateau credited to the country’s record mass-vaccination drive.

    Under the updated Health Ministry directive, vaccinated or formerly infected people can be ordered to self-isolate for up to 14 days if authorities suspect they may have passed in “close contact with a carrier of a dangerous virus variant.”

    This could include having been passengers on the same plane, the ministry said, a possible dampener on Israel’s gradual opening of its borders to vaccinated summer tourists.

    Addressing the Knesset (Israel’s parliament), Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said fines of “thousands of shekels” might be levied against Israeli citizens or residents who travel to countries blacklisted as high COVID-19 risks.

    On June 16, the Health Ministry listed Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, India, Mexico and Russia as off-limits to Israeli citizens or residents unless they receive special permission.

    Some 55% of Israel’s 9.3MM population have received both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and a steep drop in cases had prompted most economic restrictions to be lifted. But just days earlier, Israel announced plans to start vaccinating teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15.

    Offering an example of how different countries are handling the potential threat posed by the “Delta” variant, analysts at Rabobank pointed out that the UK has a far larger presence of the Delta variant, but that hasn’t stopped it from allowing everyone to travel internationally from August; and Thailand, where COVID variants are also spreading, is opening up to tourism starting July 1 (in Phuket) and nationally beginning in October.

    Meanwhile, Israel, which became the first developed nation in the world to vaccinate its population using mostly Pfizer doses, has already reinstated its mask rules after briefly removing them last week.

  3. The Jerusalem Post – Israel News

    Jerusalem Post Health & Science
    COVID-19 might be over, but viral infections in Israel are surging
    Children and adults around the country are getting sick as it usually happens in the winter, experts say.
    By ROSSELLA TERCATIN JUNE 17, 2021 20:07 Email Twitter Facebook fb-messenger
    This undated transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, also known as novel coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19, isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are shown emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus parti (photo credit: NIAID-RML/FILE PHOTO/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
    This undated transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, also known as novel coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19, isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are shown emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus parti

    The corona crisis might be over, but all over Israel adults and children are getting sick with viral infections in a phenomenon that is unprecedented for this time of the year, according to several medical professionals.
    “We have never seen anything like this,” said Dr. Tal Brosh, head of Infectious Disease Unit at the Samson Assuta Ashdod Hospital. “We’ve been monitoring viral infections in the hospital, which of course is just the tip of the iceberg of what is going on in the community, as for each hospitalized patient, there are many more out there. Since the spring, we have been seeing an increasing number of respiratory diseases, and since May there has been a surge in RSV cases.”
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    RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, usually appears in the winter together with the influenza, and is especially serious for very young children and older, vulnerable adults.
    “We usually see it disappearing in the summer, but if we consider the numbers now, it looks like winter in previous years,” said Brosh. “During the winter 2020-2021, we did not see one individual case of RSV.”
    RSV is not the only virus that is widely circulating – other diseases that are currently infecting a growing number of people are a type of adenovirus, the human metapneumovirus (HMPV), and the rhinovirus. All of them are associated with respiratory symptoms and other symptoms similar to those of a severe cold. At the same time, influenza has not hit the country since the winter previous to the pandemic.
    “However, we are not checking the type of virus in all cases,” said Dr. Tal Snir, director of the Adolescent Clinic at Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center (Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital).
    Snir noted that after the year of the pandemic, it is not surprising that these diseases are reappearing.
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    “We did not see them during the winter because we were wearing masks and because of the lockdowns, but they are normal viruses,” she said.
    While no formal study appears to have been published on the topic, Brosh said that a similar phenomenon was reported in Australia a few months ago, when the country hit its summer after the first winter plagued by corona.
    The number of children hospitalized with respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases has been exceptional also at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, said Dr. Giora Weiser, director of the Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
    “Children are going back to school, seeing friends and having a normal life again, and these viruses are taking their revenge,” said Weiser.
    While there is no particular reason to be concerned, Weiser said that it has not been easy for the staff because of the work overload.
    All experts agreed that nobody can predict how this surge of infections will continue to behave in the coming weeks and months.
    “This is not a pandemic, these viruses exist in the country and every winter comes with illnesses,” Brosh said. “What is weird now is the season, and we do not know whether this will die soon or continue into next winter, and what will actually happen next winter.”

    Tags disease Virus Coronavirus

  4. This is from the Jerusalem Post:

    Jerusalem Post Health & Science
    COVID-19 might be over, but viral infections in Israel are surging
    Children and adults around the country are getting sick as it usually happens in the winter, experts say.
    By ROSSELLA TERCATIN JUNE 17, 2021 20:07 Email Twitter Facebook fb-messenger
    This undated transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, also known as novel coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19, isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are shown emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus parti (photo credit: NIAID-RML/FILE PHOTO/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
    This undated transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, also known as novel coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19, isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are shown emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus parti

    The corona crisis might be over, but all over Israel adults and children are getting sick with viral infections in a phenomenon that is unprecedented for this time of the year, according to several medical professionals.
    “We have never seen anything like this,” said Dr. Tal Brosh, head of Infectious Disease Unit at the Samson Assuta Ashdod Hospital. “We’ve been monitoring viral infections in the hospital, which of course is just the tip of the iceberg of what is going on in the community, as for each hospitalized patient, there are many more out there. Since the spring, we have been seeing an increasing number of respiratory diseases, and since May there has been a surge in RSV cases.”
    Read More Related Articles

    RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, usually appears in the winter together with the influenza, and is especially serious for very young children and older, vulnerable adults.
    “We usually see it disappearing in the summer, but if we consider the numbers now, it looks like winter in previous years,” said Brosh. “During the winter 2020-2021, we did not see one individual case of RSV.”
    RSV is not the only virus that is widely circulating – other diseases that are currently infecting a growing number of people are a type of adenovirus, the human metapneumovirus (HMPV), and the rhinovirus. All of them are associated with respiratory symptoms and other symptoms similar to those of a severe cold. At the same time, influenza has not hit the country since the winter previous to the pandemic.
    “However, we are not checking the type of virus in all cases,” said Dr. Tal Snir, director of the Adolescent Clinic at Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center (Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital).
    Snir noted that after the year of the pandemic, it is not surprising that these diseases are reappearing.
    “We did not see them during the winter because we were wearing masks and because of the lockdowns, but they are normal viruses,” she said.
    While no formal study appears to have been published on the topic, Brosh said that a similar phenomenon was reported in Australia a few months ago, when the country hit its summer after the first winter plagued by corona.
    The number of children hospitalized with respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases has been exceptional also at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, said Dr. Giora Weiser, director of the Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
    “Children are going back to school, seeing friends and having a normal life again, and these viruses are taking their revenge,” said Weiser.
    While there is no particular reason to be concerned, Weiser said that it has not been easy for the staff because of the work overload.
    All experts agreed that nobody can predict how this surge of infections will continue to behave in the coming weeks and months.
    “This is not a pandemic, these viruses exist in the country and every winter comes with illnesses,” Brosh said. “What is weird now is the season, and we do not know whether this will die soon or continue into next winter, and what will actually happen next winter.”

    Tags disease Virus Coronavirus

  5. From Yahoo News. Lockdown probably killed more people that CV-2

    Expect wave of severe health problem diagnoses: Labcorp CEO
    Thomas HumWed, June 23, 2021, 4:36 PM
    The coronavirus pandemic will leave long-lasting issues for Americans, some of whom might not know it yet.

    The shutdowns that occurred throughout 2020 meant that many patients missed regular doctor’s appointments. And when patients can’t regularly see their physicians, things often fall through the cracks.

    “I think one of the [unforeseen] consequences of COVID is that people weren’t diagnosed for things like cancer, for diabetes, [or] for other significant health problems,” Adam Schechter, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (LH), said during a discussion panel moderated by Yahoo Finance Editor in Chief Andy Serwer as part of the Milken Institute’s Future of Health Summit. “And therefore, when they ultimately do go back for their checkup, it’s going to be further along than it would have been if it were found earlier.”

    Lorena Christie, 40, who is unhoused, has her blood pressure checked as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) disease pandemic continues, on Venice Beach in Los Angeles, California, U.S., April 20, 2021. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
    Lorena Christie, 40, who is unhoused, has her blood pressure checked as the coronavirus pandemic continues, on Venice Beach in Los Angeles, April 20, 2021. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
    A TIME-Harris Poll survey of 1,093 respondents conducted back in February 2021 found that 78% had put off some medical services within the last three months. The most frequently missed procedures included routine dental exams and cleanings (30%), annual physicals (27%), and eye exams (25%). And, 15% indicated they missed appointments with specialists.

    “I do think there will be unfortunate health care consequences,” Schechter said. “That’s why we encourage people to go back to their health care system, go back to their physicians, get their checkups, their screening, and so forth. Because for a while that was, you know, about 50 to 60%, lower than normal.”

    According to one study from the Journal of the American Medical Association, 15% of adults reported someone in their household unable to get elective medical care during the pandemic, leading to more than half of them experiencing negative health consequences as a result.

    “There will be consequences,” Dr. Jerry Krishnan, professor of medicine and public health at the University of Illinois Chicago, told Wall Street Journal. “It’s particularly dramatic in lower-income, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations … I think the consequences are going to show up in the coming years.”

    Thomas Hum is a writer at Yahoo Finance. Follow him on Twitter @thomashumTV.

  6. STUDY: Vaccine of no benefit to people who already had Covid-19

    Dated: June 22, 2021 by Sharyl Attkisson 5 Comments

    A recent study finds people who have already had Covid-19 are unlikely to get any benefit from vaccination, because they already have immunity from their infection.

    The study was conducted on employees of the Cleveland Clinic Health System.

    It’s in line with the initial studies by vaccine makers Moderna and Pfizer, which also did not find a benefit to vaccinating people who have already had Covid-19.

    The findings directly contradict false guidance distributed by CDC.

    Top CDC officials and the vaccine advisory committee falsely stated that studies showed Covid-19 is effective in people who have already had Covid-19. Once the disinformation was exposed by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), there was no word that anybody at CDC was held accountable.

    Authorities say the disinformation by CDC resulted in many people who didn’t need the vaccine and could not benefit from it getting in line ahead of others who needed the vaccine when there was a short supply.

    The cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection remained almost zero among previously infected unvaccinated subjects, previously infected subjects who were vaccinated, and previously uninfected subjects who were vaccinated, compared with a steady increase in cumulative incidence among previously uninfected subjects who remained unvaccinated.
    Nabin K. Shrestha, Patrick C. Burke, Amy S. Nowacki, Paul Terpeluk, Steven M. Gordon

    Here is the link for the findings from the actual study:

  7. (2 of 2)
    The clots in these capillary-beds has two major consequences that are representative of the disease – red blood cell damage and a reduction in oxygen to the organ associated with the capillary bed. The blood moves thru these small blood vessels at some speed and hits these clots causing the red blood cells to be damaged or break apart – this causes a drop in the red blood cell levels. The reduced blood cells reduces oxygen delivery to the organs and reduced removal of waste from the organs.

    The clots that are formed in the capillary-beds also prevent what blood cells remain from delivering oxygen to the organ involved from these affected capillary-beds. As a result there can be serious clinical signs associated with a lack of nutrition to the organ system involved such as the brain, heart or kidney, among others. The drop in platelet levels is associated with a bruising pattern called purpura, small and very small bruising along the skin.

    The cause of the non-inherited form of this disease is fairly lengthy. It includes some toxins, some drugs, auto-immune diseases, systemic infections and pregnancy. It can take months for the treatment of this disease to resolve, and recurrence is frequent, which is why anyone who has a history of TTP is being recommended to discuss this issue with their physician prior to using the experimental vaccines.

  8. (1 of 2)

    Researchers from the Institute of Hematology at Shamir Medical Center said they were alerted to the problem after seeing a sudden increase in TTP in the country

    Thanks for sharing this, Adam. I had heard about a few of these cases in the past several months but I had not seen this report out of Israel as of yet.

    TTP is a very serious disorder of the clotting system. TTP should not be confused with the large and plainly visible blood clots that are to be found in the mid to large blood vessel and are associated with cerebral sinus venous thrombosis or large blood clots. Those large blood clots that block these larger vessels have been associated with all four of the experimental vaccines and have been discussed over the past several months. TTP is a disorder associated with very tiny blood clots that are found in tiny blood vessels called capillaries.

    TTP can be inherited from birth or acquired later in life following some biochemical event that leads to the same serious condition as the inherited form. In the inherited form, there is a gene, ADAMTS13, which is abnormal and fails to produce a specific enzyme. The inherited disorder is a consequence of neither parent passing a correct copy of the gene in question – everyone has two copies, one from each parent and the disease is only apparent when neither parent passes a working copy to their child. There may also be an absolute absence of the enzyme, or just a reduced level of it, dependent on the originating cause of each case of TTP. In an case of TTP acquired later in life, i.e. not inherited, antibodies interfere with the proper expression of the same gene/enzyme with the same result depending on the degree of severity of the disease.

    The significance of this missing enzyme is that clots are not readily broken down. I have mentioned before that the clotting cascade is a marvelously balanced and sensitive system of checks and balances that results in a constant state of clotting formation and clotting dissolution in routine healthy states of life. But if this enzyme created by ADAMTS13 is not working properly, it will result in an imbalance in this clot formation-clot dissolution mechanism that will favor clot formations.

    The details involve the creation of adhesion, large strand like extensions from the vessel walls being formed along the vessel walls. These strand-like adhesion will readily attach to a passing platelet(very small fragment that carries much of the clotting mechanism with in as it floats freely in the blood) and create a clot. The strand-like adhesion that form inside the smallest of blood vessels called capillaries or capillary-beds(rows of capillaries where oxygen is delivered to an organ like the brain, heart or kidneys) creates occlusions in the vessels that blood can not flow around.

  9. Anyone interested in examining the actual data that is collected by VAERS or the CDC would find the video that the article above references as very rewarding. Kirsch has provided a very detailed and easy to follow video manual of sorts where the data for both sites may be downloaded and examined either grossly or in a more careful manner.

    Steve Kirsch setup an Early Treatment Research Fund to finance the development of treatment protocols after the US gov’t failed to set aside any funding for such research. Kirsch placed one million dollars into this fund and raised a total of five million dollars to fund the treatment of Covid. His video is also quite informative beyond the data analysis of CDC and VAERS data sets.

    Here is the link:

  10. It should be noted that TTP is completely different from the blood clots that have been talked about and noted for many months now with the vaccines. The clots discussed that caused the J&J vaccine to be temporarily pulled was a large and visible clot that can be involved in medium or larger vessels. The clots associated with TTP are very tiny and involve the occlusion or blockage of tiny vessels called capillaries which causes the serious consequences of the disease.

    TTP is a very serious disorder of the clotting system. It can be inherited from birth or acquired later in life following some biochemical event that leads to the same serious condition as the inherited form. In the inherited form, there is a gene, ADAMTS13, which is abnormal and fails to produce a specific enzyme. The inherited disorder is a consequence of neither parent passing a correct copy of the gene in question – everyone has two copies, one from each parent and the disease is only apparent when neither parent passes a working copy to their child. There may also be an absolute absence of the enzyme, or just a reduced level of it, dependent on the originating cause of each case of TTP – the causes are discussed below. In an case of TTP acquired later in life, i.e. not inherited, antibodies interfere with the proper expression of the same gene/enzyme with the same result depending on the degree of severity of the disease.

    The significance of this missing enzyme is that clots are not readily broken down. I have mentioned before that the clotting cascade is a marvelously balanced and sensitive system of checks and balances that results in a constant state of clotting formation and clotting dissolution in routine healthy states of life. But if this enzyme created by ADAMTS13 is not working properly, it will result in an imbalance in this clot formation-clot dissolution mechanism that will favor clot formations.

    The details involve the creation of adhesion, large strand like extensions from the vessel walls being formed along the vessel walls. These strand-like adhesion will readily attach to a passing platelet(very small fragment that carries much of the clotting mechanism with in as it floats freely in the blood) and create a clot. The strand-like adhesion that form inside the smallest of blood vessels called capillaries or capillary beds(rows of capillaries where oxygen is delivered to an organ like the brain, heart or kidneys) creates occlusions in the vessels that blood can not flow around.

    The clots in these capillary beds has two major consequences that are representative of the disease – red blood cell damage and a reduction in oxygen to the organ associated with the capillary bed. The blood moves thru these small blood vessels at some speed and hits these clots causing the red blood cells to be damaged or break apart – this causes a drop in the red blood cell levels. The reduced blood cells reduces oxygen delivery to the organs and reduced removal of waste from the organs.

    The clots that are formed in the capillary beds also prevent what blood cells remain from delivering oxygen to the organ involved from these affected capillary beds. As a result there can be serious clinical signs associated with a lack of nutrition to the organ system involved such as the brain, heart or kidney, among others. The drop in platelet levels is associated with a bruising pattern called purpura, small and very small bruising along the skin.

    The cause of the non-inherited form of this disease is fairly lengthy. It includes some toxins, some drugs, auto-immune diseases, systemic infections and pregnancy. It can take months for the treatment of this disease to resolve, and recurrence is frequent, which is why anyone who has a history of TTP is being recommended to discuss this issue with their physician prior to using the experimental vaccines.

  11. This from the June 22 Jerusalem Post:

    The Jerusalem Post – Israel News
    Jerusalem Post Health & Science
    Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine linked to rare blood disease – Israeli study
    A spokesperson from the hospital stressed that this study, which was very small, should in no way deter people from vaccinating and encouraged anyone who has not yet been inoculated to get the jab.
    By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN JUNE 22, 2021 21:33 Email Twitter Facebook fb-messenger
    An illustrative photo of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
    An illustrative photo of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

    The Pfizer coronavirus vaccine has been linked to an increased chance of developing thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), a rare blood disorder, Israeli researchers said Monday.
    TTP is an autoimmune disease that causes blood clots to form in various organs of the body. According to the National Institutes of Health, these clots can limit or block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to key organs like the brain, kidneys and heart, resulting in serious health problems.

    Researchers from the Institute of Hematology at Shamir Medical Center said they were alerted to the problem after seeing a sudden increase in TTP in the country – four cases detected in one month compared to two or three cases per year.
    The medical team said they found a “chronological connection” between the vaccination of the patient and the onset of symptoms of the disease. They stressed that these are both new patients and patients whose disease flared up after a long period of remission.
    The Health Ministry is currently evaluating the research and until the evaluation is complete, the doctors were asked not to interview.
    As a result of their research, the medical team, led by Dr. Maya Koren-Michowitz, head of the Hematology and the Translational Hemato-Oncology Laboratory, recommended that people who have had TTP only get vaccinated with special permission from their doctor – and if they do vaccinate, to have a follow-up clinical evaluation.
    “Physicians and patients need to be alert to the clinical symptoms: weakness fatigue, neurological disorders, hemorrhage and chest pain,” the team said in a release.

    Tags Vaccinations disease Coronavirus vaccine Pfizer