What if “Palestine” applies for NATO membership?

T. Belman. Israel should hold a referendum in Area C and declare independence. Then Israel can extend Israeli law to it and it becomes Israeli sovereign territory.

By Ezequiel Doiny, ISRAEL UNWIRED     

On October 1, 2022 Israel Unwired reported “On Friday morning, Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of four Ukrainian territories. Russia now deems any attack on these territories as an attack on Russia itself. In response Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine applied for expedited NATO membership.”

On October 1, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported about Putin’s annexation of the Donbass territories “In his speech yesterday announcing the annexation of the Russian-speaking Donbass territories, Russian President Vladimir Putin…called for a ceasefire in Ukraine and a return to the negotiating table… “Today we are signing agreements on the admission of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Luhansk People’s Republic, the Zaporizhia Region and the Kherson Region to Russia,” Putin stated, after referenda were held in the Russian-occupied territories in favor of joining Russia. Putin called the accession the “inalienable right” of the ethnic Russian population, “enshrined in the first article of the UN Charter, which directly speaks of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.”

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What if “Palestine” applies to NATO membership? Israel should apply sovereignty before “Palestine” joins NATO. Like Putin did in the Donbass territories, there should be a referendum in Area C followed by the application of sovereignty. The self determination of the Jewish majority in Area C must be respected.

It seems Putin cares more about the safety of Russia and the Russians living in the Donbass than Israeli leaders care about the safety of Israel and Jews living in Judea and Samaria. Israeli leaders are endangering all of Israel by surrendering Area C to the Arabs when Hamas leaders vowed to attack Israel with missiles from the Judea and Samaria as they do from Gaza.

The Israeli government is surrendering land to the Arabs, this will not change under Netanyahu. Instead of abandoning Jerusalem’s Old City and Area C to the Arabs there should be a referendum calling to create an independent Jewish State (a Kingdom?) in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

On September 1, 2022 Arutz 7 reported

“In the heart of Samaria, near the Karnei Shomron industrial zone, massive development works are underway within Areas C on both state and privately owned Jewish land, including development of lots, construction of buildings, breaking and paving of new roads, and setting up connections to infrastructure.

“Work began around six months ago, at which point the Regavim organization contacted the relevant authorities in the hope that they would enforce the law. When no response was received and construction work continued, Regavim submitted a petition to the courts.

“The petition details the extensive scope of construction work near the Karnei Shomron industrial zone and the village of Lekef that is being carried out illegally, without permits, on state lands and also on private land including tracts belonging to the “Har Veguy” company owned by the Zer family.  Over the past few months, Regavim has repeatedly appealed to the authorities with the demand that they cease the work, with an emphasis on the privately owned area, but responses have been few and inadequate despite the significance – and meanwhile, construction continues apace.  “Binyamin Council head in US to meet with members of Congress Regavim points out that in similar cases such as Amona, Migron, and Netiv Ha’avot, the courts have not hesitated to rule against construction taking place on privately owned land, and have made the issues a priority for the authorities to address.

“The Palestinian Authority is taking advantage of the ineptness of the authorities and is in effect promoting a strategic plan for the establishment of a Palestinian state in Area C,” said Moshe Shmueli, Regavim’s coordinator of Judea and Samaria.

“Before our very eyes we see how day by day, illegal construction is taking over huge areas of state land and private land of Jews. Only recently we documented another new building and planting of trees. We’re not talking about a lone house – what we’re seeing is the construction of infrastructure including roads, water, and electricity. Meanwhile, the authorities are doing nothing and the Jewish landowners are left to stand helplessly by.

“The situation is simply outrageous.”  The head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, added, “The government is systematically abandoning Area C and now also private lands that were purchased by Jews. If this were about private lands belonging to Arabs, everyone would be up in arms. Selective enforcement is reaching a peak we have never seen before. We demand that the relevant authorities and the government immediately put a stop to the construction and takeover of Area C, on both private and state lands, assets belonging to the State of Israel and the Jewish people.”

The article says

“The Palestinian Authority is taking advantage of the ineptness of the authorities…” but the Israeli authorities are not inept, they are complicit. They are giving away Area C because they want that land to become part of a Palestinian State. Israeli authorities are not only failing to apply sovereignty they are actually surrendering the land.

The current Israeli government is surrendering Area C and (shockingly) even if Netanyahu returns to power this process will not be reversed as I explained in my Article below.

Netanyahu will not apply Sovereignty. The right should choose a different candidate for PM

The tyranny of the Supreme Court.

There is no true democracy in Israel, there is a tyranny of the Supreme Court. The current government is complicit with it and Netanyahu did nothing (or could do nothing) to confront it or weaken it while he was PM.

An example of how the judicial activism of the supreme court interferes in Israel’s democracy was recently displayed in Israel’s Supreme Court ban on Otzma Yehudit members Baruch Marzel and Bentzi Gopstein from running in the elections. On August 26, 2019 Ido Ben Porat reported in Arutz 7  “The Supreme Court on Sunday evening disqualified Otzma Yehudit members Baruch Marzel and Bentzi Gopstein, preventing them from running in the September 17 elections to the 22nd Knesset…

Gopstein said in response to the ruling, “The Supreme Court again proves to be a branch of Meretz. [Arab] MK [Heba] Yazbak who wrote that Samir Kuntar is a fighter and a Shaheed and said that she misses Nasser is not disqualified. According to the Supreme Court, calling for the murder of soldiers is fine, but fighting assimilation is unacceptable.”

Last March Michael Ben Ari was also banned from running in the elections despite being approved by the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee. On March 18, 2019 JNS reported “Israel’s Supreme Court banned Otzma Yehudit candidate Michael Ben-Ari from running in the upcoming national elections—the first time Israel’s highest court has ever prevented a single individual from running in an Israeli election—in opposition to a decision by the Central Elections Committee.

In an 8-1 vote, the Supreme Court voted in favor of a petition to disqualify Ben-Ari due to anti-Arab beliefs and incitement. The court’s decision had been urged by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and represents the first time that the Supreme Court barred an individual, rather than a faction or party, from running.

…Ben-Ari has insisted that his remarks were taken intentionally out of context, and that he is not a racist.
Otzma blasted the decision, with Ben-Ari calling the Supreme Court a “judicial junta that seeks to take over our lives.”

On September 18, 2017 Evelyn Gordon reported in Commentary Magazine “When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, he’ll undoubtedly devote part of his speech to the need to fight terrorist organizations. What he probably won’t mention is that in Israel, the fight is often hamstrung by the Supreme Court’s out-of-control judicial activism, as evidenced by last week’s mind-boggling ruling denying the government the right to revoke the Israeli residency of people serving in the Palestinian legislature or cabinet on behalf of Hamas.

In 2006, three Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem were elected to the Palestinian parliament on behalf of the Hamas-affiliated Change and Reform party, while a fourth was appointed to the Palestinian cabinet on behalf of that party. Israel responded by revoking their Israeli residency rights.

To most people, this would sound like a no-brainer. Many democracies view serving in a foreign government as grounds for revocation of citizenship because holding a policy-level position in one country’s government is considered to require a level of commitment to that country, which conflicts with one’s loyalty to the other country. Indeed, both America and Israel have such rules for their own citizens in policy-level positions; that’s why, for instance, when Michael Oren became ambassador to the U.S., he had to forfeit his American citizenship, despite the fact that America and Israel are close allies.

But these four Palestinians weren’t just serving in a foreign government; they were doing so on behalf of Hamas – a terrorist organization sworn to Israel’s destruction. This, as the Israeli government correctly argued in court, constituted a massive “breach of trust” toward Israel.

Yet the court, in a 6-3 ruling, decided otherwise…

Ostensibly, the case at least has limited application. After all, how many East Jerusalem Palestinians are going to become Hamas legislators of cabinet members? But in reality, the implications are broad, because if even swearing allegiance to a foreign government on behalf of a terrorist organization committed to Israel’s destruction isn’t enough to make a Palestinian lose his Israeli residency and its attendant benefits, what on earth would be? Nothing I can think of. Thus, Hamas supporters in Jerusalem will now be emboldened to step up all kinds of activity on the organization’s behalf, secure in the knowledge that they need not fear expulsion from the country as a consequence.

The court’s judicial activism impedes the government’s ability to set policy in almost every walk of life…”

Here is another example of how the court’s judicial activism impedes the government’s ability to set policy replacing the rule of the people with the rule of the left. On December 5, 2016 Evelyn Gordon wrote in Mosaic “In 2015, following lengthy negotiations, President Barack Obama concluded an executive agreement marking the accomplishment of a cherished policy goal: the nuclear deal with Iran known as the JCPOA. Also in 2015, after similarly lengthy negotiations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu concluded an agreement realizing a long-cherished policy goal of his own: a deal enabling development of Israel’s largest natural-gas field by a private American company and its Israeli partner. Both agreements included a commitment by the respective governments to refrain from adverse legislative action over the next ten to fifteen years: in Obama’s case, action to reinstate nuclear sanctions against Iran; in Netanyahu’s case, action to alter the regulatory regime for natural gas to the disadvantage of the private energy companies.

As it happens, neither country’s executive branch has the authority to bind the legislature without the latter’s consent. But this didn’t trouble either the Iranians or the energy companies; they took it for granted that both executives would use all of the considerable power at their disposal to prevent such legislation, and that sufficed.

But what about the role of the third branch of democratic government, namely, the judiciary? That is where the two stories diverge. The Iran deal was never challenged in an American court. But in Israel, two left-wing opposition parties (Zionist Union and Meretz) and two nongovernmental organizations, alarmed by the encroaching specter of capitalist development, immediately petitioned the country’s supreme court (also known for some purposes as the High Court of Justice) over the gas deal—and won. The court struck down the agreement, saying the government either had to procure legislation enacting the prime minister’s commitment to regulatory stability or renegotiate the deal to exclude the commitment altogether.

A week later, speaking at a conference of the Israeli bar association, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked accused the court of wielding its power “irresponsibly” by intervening in “political and macroeconomic questions” that were better left to the elected branches. She also reiterated a longstanding pledge, in her role as head of the judicial-appointments committee, to seek the appointment of justices to the court who would respect the government’s “authority to act on political matters that don’t violate human rights.” For this effrontery, opposition members of the Knesset promptly accused her of undermining democracy and demanded her dismissal. MK Shelly Yachimovich of the Zionist Union, for instance, charged Shaked with “trying to destroy the legal system’s independence, intimidate judges, and threaten them,” adding that if this sort of behavior continued, “Netanyahu would no longer be able to boast that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.”

This was hardly the first time in recent years that domestic critics of Israel’s government have accused it of “anti-democratic” behavior that wasn’t actually anti-democratic at all. But such accusations have served to obscure the real anti-democratic revolution that has occurred in Israel over the last few decades: the judiciary’s steady usurpation of policy-making powers that were once reserved—as they still are in other democracies—for Israel’s executive and legislative branches…”

Jerusalem’s Orthodox Jews do not want to be ruled anymore by Tel Aviv’s secular left wing activists that control the Supreme Court.

The divide between secular and religious Jews in Israel is too deep. Many secular Jews hate religious Jews and consider them a burden, unproductive individuals who do not contribute to the modern, high tech State they envision.

Religious Jews see Israel as a holy spiritual land and see that it is their service to God that blesses Israel with prosperity. In a Christian country Monks and Nuns are respected for their devotion but in Israel Religious Jews are treated as “parasites”.

Since the secular/religious divide is so wide why not separate religious Jerusalem from secular Tel Aviv? The majority of Jerusalem’s population was Jewish until 1948 when the Jordanian Arab Legion expelled all the Jews and destroyed all the synagogues in the Old City.

There should be a referendum asking whether residents of Jerusalem would prefer independence from Israel’s supreme court tyranny by declaring an independent nation: The Jewish Kingdom of Jerusalem

There is no democracy in Israel there is a tyranny of the left imposed by the Supreme Court through judicial activism. To end the Supreme Court tyranny there should be a referendum asking whether residents of Jerusalem would prefer independence from Israel’s supreme court tyranny by declaring an independent nation: The Jewish Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Israel’s left controls the supreme court and wants to withdraw from Eastern Jerusalem. Again and again we see left wing organizations such as Betselem, Peace Now, JStreet, Ifnotnow calling to “end the occupation”. Obama’s 2016 UNSC 2334 calls Judea, Samaria, Eastern Jerusalem (including the Old City, Temple Mount, the Western Wall) “occupied Palestinian Territories”. To comply with UNSC 2334 and avoid the criminalization of Israel and its government officials, the Israeli Government may decide to withdraw from Jerusalem’s Old City. Why should left wing Jews who hate religion have the power to decide whether religious Jews can have access to pray at the Western Wall?

Jews were not allowed to pray in the Western Wall during Jordanian rule.  Since the left does not want Eastern Jerusalem anyway, Orthodox Jerusalem’s residents must take their fate in their own hands and declare independence from Israel through a referendum.

On March 29, 1993 the New York Times reported that there was a referendum to turn Brazil into a Monarchy “…Cut short after 67 years by an army coup in 1889, the New World’s only successful monarchy may be on the road to restoration. Republic or Kingdom? On April 21, after a century long ban on monarchist politics, Brazilians are to vote in a national plebiscite to decide whether Latin America’s largest country should continue as a republic or should revert to an ancient title, the Kingdom of Brazil. The 1988 Constitution provided for a plebiscite this year to allow Brazilians to choose what system of Government they want…”

If the Brazilians had a national plebiscite to choose what system of government they wanted why can’t Israel? There are several Islamic Monarchies among the 57 members of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, why can’t there be a Jewish Monarchy?

Quebec had a referendum to separate from Canada, Catalunia had a referendum to separate from Spain, Jerusalem can have a referendum to separate from Israel or Palestine (if Israel decides to abandon it).  If through a referendum Catalunia can separate from Spain and Quebec from Canada, there should be a referendum to separate Jerusalem from Israel. The Muslims have Mecca and Medina as their holiest cities ruled by the King of Saudi Arabia who is also their religious leader. Catholics have Vatican City, ruled by the Pope. There should be a referendum asking the inhabitants of Jerusalem whether they want to secede from Israel and become an independent country, the Jewish Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Most inhabitants of Jerusalem are religious orthodox Jews and  their self determination must be respected: Jerusalem should become Judaism’s Holy City, the Vatican City of Judaism. Instead of abandoning Jerusalem’s Old City to the Arabs there should be a referendum calling to create an independent Jewish Kingdom in Jerusalem (uncluding Area C), the international community will have to respect the self determination of Jerusalem’s citizens.Like Putin did in the Donbass territories, there should be a referendum in Area C followed by the application of sovereignty. The self determination of the Jewish majority in Area C must be respected.

October 3, 2022 | 18 Comments »

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18 Comments / 18 Comments

  1. @PELONI-

    The real importance of such an event, if it really happened, would be showing that the Israeli Jews ONCE AND FOR ALL, are serious, and will not step back as they have been doing for all these many years. Talk and NO action. Look at this Khan el Amar debacle, and of course the 25 years or so it took for Jews with property deeds, genuine ones, to get their Hebron property back, and I don’t know if they actually got it, as I saw that the “court” had suggested a 200 Shekel a month “rent” for property worth many millions and stolen from the true owners.

    I’m surprised that TED has no comment as my concept is in line with his Highlight.

    Israel is a MESS. Staggering for crisis to crisis. A bunch of half-wits in the fore, with some dedicated Civil Servants anonymously actually keeping things going . The “fronts’ get the credit. I’m speaking broadly of course.

    I saw all this many times when I lived there. As an old girl friend of mine who’d been there for a year, said, “it’s the sump hole of the Mediterranean. Full of ganovim and confidence tricksters. Of course a girl and very attractive , would collect all the rubbish like flies on garbage.

    But I found it exactly the same. Little tinpot dictators in each Moetza Mekomit,, where-ever we moved to.. They “couldn’t understand” why I was not looking for work like 90% of other Olim. Yet I enjoyed the life there, except when we ran into bureaucracy. Then it became hell..To be surrounded by Jews was/is a wonderful feeling -as long as I didn’t have too much to do with them.

  2. @Edgar
    I think the shadow govt in Yesha is a really good idea. It would also allow the populace of Yesha with a format of self expression which could also be used to pursue a referendum on their own future, and I have no doubt as to the outcome of such a vote. As you say, it is completely doable.

    The Women in Green is still kicking around, now rebranded as the Sovereignty Movement and using both the old and new titles to gain some traction in the press.
    Here is a recent oped by them:
    You will probably recognize the two women in the photo who wrote the oped as being the leaders of the Women in Green. They have been pretty outspoken against the current govt, especially after Lapid took over. But, as I said, they don’t get much press time, that I see in any event. Their warnings of apathy setting in about a month ago was likely due to the resistance of the Right to actually attack Gantz and Lapid for their actions over the past many months, while focusing upon eachother. Lapid helped change that with his UN speech, of course, but I am disappointed that they are not more directly addressing what is going on in Samaria with the Arab expansion there, and instead daily call for Shaked to drop out.

    I quite agree with you about Bennett and Saar, particularly that dog Saar who blocked the Right from providing the state with the good governance of a Nationalist govt. Shaked is a necessary solution to Bibi’s election math. She needs to pass the threshold, and I don’t understand how the Right expects to win without her. As you describe well, Shaked was a very good Justice minister, having done a lot. She has, in fact, been the only one who has provided the Right with any judicial reform to date. In the time that Saar was in the same position for over a year, he did absolutely nothing, and has made his intent clear that the reform of the judiciary should only allow the public serfs the ability to watch the sausages being made without the ability to demand a more representative content to their sausages, err, judiciary.

    In any even, though, a belated Shana Tova and may you have an easy fast and good year before you.

  3. I think a little fact is needed here. When Netanyahu was Premier “he did nothing” (about the tyranny of the Supreme court). Not exactly. Shaked was the Justice Minister under PM Netanyahu for four years, , and SHE did something, She did a LOT. And if Mandelblit didn’t snake along and try to ruin him, she would have done a lot more.

    Nobody ever mentions Mandelblit-except me. The forgotten man, who precipitated the election tail spin crisis that is still going on-with no end in sight….unless Shaked achieves 3.25%.

    Just the way everyone is jumping down Shaked’s throat. They don’t mention the real pusher, which was Bennett’s obsession to sit in the PMs chair.

    And Sa’ar…..who is he?? I’ve almost forgotten….. is he now suddenly respectable??? A “gentleman”………???

  4. Testing,

    My “Edit” time vanished a few days ago. I have logged out and in again which usually remedies this.

    Mazaltov.-it’s here again. Which reminds me. I wish all (INCLUDING Michael) a belated Shana Tova and a healthy Yom Kipur.

    P.s. I notice there are no comments on my Women in Green Sovereignty attempt.

  5. @PELONI-

    Aou understand my problem exactly. Yes, it is a laptop, You give a simple solution that I’ll look into right away. My situation is that I’m lazy and prefer to lounge on the bed with a backrest rather than sit bolt upright on a chair at a table. The computer is balanced on one knee. I have a great time when on the phone and writng down some info. Keeping the computer and paper steady and trying to write legibly all with the same hand. Lots of “fun”.

    On another topic I see that Ukraine has recovered a few small areas, but that the 300,000 Russian reservists have not yet deployed. some think they’re conscripts, I don’t. I’m more interested in what’s going on in Iran and wonder exactly how much “outside” help they’re getting. Such prolonged and violent resistance could not be completely ‘home-grown” considering the finances and weapons they need, with the highly repressive, restrictive and lethal overlordship, crushing every little “deviation”.

    I read that the “morality police. so-called, have vanished. Perhaps some of them were caught and prematurely received their 72 virgins….!!
    THAT should make them happy….!!

  6. @Edgar

    Also my new computer (chosen by my son) has keys a little too small

    I can relate to your dilemma. I am presuming from your comment that you are using a laptop with a keyboard that doesn’t quite fit your hands, correct me if I am wrong, but if that is the case you can always find another keyboard that ‘fits your hands’, if you take my meaning, and connect it via the USB port. I had a similar issue some years back and simply placed the preferred keyboard on top of the laptop keyboard, affixed with a couple of pieces of velcro. Just a thought.

  7. I just had a look at my post. I really should double check each time.
    I think that “vookls” was meant to be books. Also my new computer (chosen by my son) has keys a little too small so I occasionally include or type the adjacent key.

    I complained , so unknown to me, he actually went to the trouble of finding an computer similar to my old one, checked and repaired it, but I found it far slower even than my old one. So…NG.

  8. TED_

    Some years ago when the Women inn green called their HUGE Covereignty Conference, decided nothing but issued reports in vookls on their monthly meetings. I said IMMEDIATELY, that it would fade away after a few sessions like all the Israeli great schemes . BEgin witha BANG, peters out with a sneeze.
    Anyway, I suggested in much detail that with YESHA then having about 670.000 people of all kinds , soldiers, economists, a variety of exoerienced officials etc..that they should get together, form a “shadow” govt, with an army etc. DECLARE INDEPENDENCE as Yahud, then immediately make an offensive/defensive/economic treaty with israel, and be absorbed into it.

    I mentioned this same plan several times as the numbers in YESHA grew greater. The Women in Green Sovereignty Movement never re-emerged that I know of. But the concept is perfectly doable.

  9. TED_

    Some years ago when the Women inn green called their HUGE Covereignty Conference, decided nothing but issued reports in vookls on their monthly meetings. I said IMMEDIATELY, that it would fade away after a few sessions like all the Israeli great schemes . BEgin witha BANG, peters out with a sneeze.
    Anyway, I suggested in much detail that with YESHA then having about 670.000 people of all kinds , soldiers, economists, a variety of exoerienced officials etc..that they should get together, form a “shadow” govt, with an army etc. DECLARE INDEPENDENCE as Yahud, then immediately make an offensive/defensive/economic treaty with israel, and be absorbed into it.

    I mentioned this same plan several times as the numbers in YESHA grew greater. The Women in Green Sovereignty Movement never re-emerged that I know of. But the concept is perfctly doable.

  10. @Reader Yes, that’s really the only thing Israel has to be concerned about if Israeli Jews get their act together. I have been saying for a long time that strategists need to be hypothesizing what to do in different sanctions scenarios tye way the IDF does battle contingencies on multiple fronts.

  11. I would worry more about the “world community” suddenly deciding to apply the same sanctions to Israel (to end the “apartheid”) as they are applying to Russia.

    That’s what the idiot politicians should really start thinking about and doing something to prepare Israel for this contingency instead of screaming at each other.

  12. Let me correct that, “the settlers should hold a referendum…”
    In another article, I wrote, ” the IDF should destr9oy all illegal construction in Area C as quickly as it can without asking the Supreme Court for permission”. I don’t think that the Court could do anything about it. I can’t see the court ordering the illegal buildings to be rebuilt.

  13. @Ted

    Israel should hold a referendum in Area C and declare independence. Then Israel can extend Israeli law to it and it becomes Israeli sovereign territory.

    I totally agree. All that is needed is the political will among Israel’s leadership to finally do that which is most relevant to Israel’s security while ignoring that which is most desired by Israel’s sometime allies (less and less of late).

  14. So self-appointed leaders of a non-existent state were allowed to join a self-appointed court to Israel is a not a signatory by threatening to bring charges for non-existent crimes in a non-existent war committed in unoccupied territories.

    “10 timeless ‘Alice in Wonderland’ quotes to celebrate the 150th…
    “Off with their heads!”
    “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
    “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
    “We’re all mad here.”
    “Curiouser and curiouser!”

    . 😀

  15. Apparently, just as men can be women and vice versa, and non-citizens can vote on some places, states don’t have to actually exist to be counted as present in international organizations. 😀

    “;Palestine became the 123rd member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) On April 1, 2015. By joining the ICC, Palestinian leaders hope to increase their political leverage by threatening to bring charges against Israeli officials for war crimes committed in the Occupied Territories.”
    https://mepc.org › commentary › pa…
    Palestine Joins the International Criminal Court | Middle East Policy Council

    “Federal law did not address state or local elections. As of March 2020, two state constitutions specified that noncitizens may not vote in state and local …
    ” – Ballotpedia

  16. “Palestine” cannot apply for NATO membership because “Palestine” is not a state (yet).

    Israeli politicians must quit their ugly fights and unite against their country’s enemies in order to solve Israel’s problems and ensure the continued existence of Israel and its well-being.

    The religious are hated because they seem only to care about their “sector” and not much else, and the Hareidi politicians sell themselves to the highest bidder regardless of which “wing” he belongs to.

    In my opinion, all the “sectoral” parties must be banned and the “activists” who attack politicians by gathering near those politicians homes and shouting threats must be prosecuted as criminals.

  17. Only problem is if the Perpestinians in A&B plus Gaza use that as a precedent and israel feels bound to abide by it. It can only work if Israelis decide to be as hypocritical as everybody else once they get what they want. 😀