What Do Liberals/Progressives Want?

T. Belman. The USSR banned religion as the opiate of the masses in accordance with Marxism. At the same time it flourished in America. Now Russia has embraced religion and the Democrats are trying to overrule it.


ThinkingLiberalism or Progressivism is not about equal rights, a color-blind society, social justice (whatever that means), tolerance, the little guy or comforting the poor.  It’s about CONTROL – creating a secular, socialist society–replacing God with government that reaches its tentacles everywhere. They claim individual empowerment, but are determined to achieve government supremacy. In essence, it is about Marxism, but in disguise.

The God of the Bible, God-given rights, the concept of sin, absolute right and wrong, the Ten Commandments (not the ten suggestions) after all, does not meet with the approval of the modern liberal (Marxist).  It interferes with their lifestyle.

The greatest objection, I believe, of the liberal to Christianity, is the acknowledgement of something bigger and greater than themselves.

To know what liberals want, go to their publications.  Most progressive politicians will never admit they are liberal or say what their true feelings are. They know most Americans would be appalled, but in their writing liberals are becoming audacious.

No magazine, print or online, epitomizes the cancer that is infecting this nation better than Salon Magazine.  Unlike so many liberal politicians and their adherents, Salon says what so many are just thinking but reluctant to say. With Salon Magazine, we have a glimpse into what kind of country modern Democrats like Hillary Clinton want and how they view the world.  Let me give you some sample Salon articles:

The Catholic Church’s American Downfall: Why Its Demographic Crises Is Great News for the Country –  Salon, 5/21/2015

The Rise of Irreligion is the GOP’s Real Demographic Crisis – A widening “Godless Gap”  presents Christian Conservatives With A Choice:  Get With the Times or Shrink to Obscurity – Salon, 8/20/2016

In other words, according to Salon, the GOP must dump Jesus or risk irrelevance in a Post Christian America (Breitbart).

Another good illustration of what liberals want can be found in the homosexual movement, an important tool for destroying the culture. The Gay Rights Platform of 1972, adopted by the National Coalition of Gay Organizations, reveals much.  Some very disturbing demands were revealed but temporarily abandoned by the gay movement when they proved, at the time, to be politically unachievable.

Federal Demands (abridged):

1.  Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy alternative

State Demands (abridged):

1. Repeal of all state laws governing the age of sexual consent (legalize pedophilia).

2.  Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit.

3. Repeal all laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons and laws prohibiting prostituiton, both male and female.

For decades, liberals preached tolerance and love, but have given us, instead, bias and hate.  A good example of ‘liberal tolerance’ can be found north of Boston. Gordon College, a small Christian school, bans all sexual relationships outside of marriage, gay or straight (its structures against homosexual acts apply only to behavior not desire).  Because of this, Gordon College is in danger of losing their accreditation, a death sentence to any college.

The gay movement has since achieved government support, passage of hate-crime laws in all 50 states even though they are unconstitutional, passage of laws that make homophobic speech illegal (unconstitutional), permeate every level of government with gay-friendly officials to codify the gay agenda, portray homosexuals as victims, legalize gay marriage to wreck the traditional institution of marriage, attack the Bible and churches, invent new translations of the Bible making it appear to approve of homosexuality.

Liberals must achieve two final things that are vital to complete the control of American society: Destroy the Judeo-Christian culture and repeal of the 2nd Amendment.  The destruction of our Judeo-Christian culture is well underway and should be complete in our lifetime.  Pew Research says 23% of Americans say they are unaffiliated with any religion, up from 20% just three years ago. Fifty years of secondary school and college indoctrination have left an indelible mark on our culture.

The repeal of the 2nd Amendment will prove to be more problematic. An armed citizenry would be unworkable to any Marxist regime.  An attempt at gun confiscation would be a dangerous proposition for both sides. Liberals will probably have to attack either the manufacturers or what makes guns work, ammunition. Eliminating ammunition will turn all guns into museum curiosities.

What liberals want should be no mystery–control over every aspect of our lives, health care, what you eat, what you think, where you live, where you go to school, what you drive, even who lives and who dies.  Tolerance will go in one direction, theirs.

Liberals (Marxist progressives) like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are true believers.  They will stop at nothing to destroy our freedoms and what our founders have built. Lying and deceit is no stumbling-block.  As Americans, we need to reclaim the power given to us by God and our founding fathers–to control our government rather than having them control us.

August 27, 2016 | 23 Comments »

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23 Comments / 23 Comments

  1. Felix Quigley Said:

    I do know that Leon Trotsky led the Russian Civil War to a victory over the forces of the Black Hundreds and that this victory was also the victory over Russian Antisemitism and a certain Holocaust of the Jews.

    Felix , what have you been smoking ????

  2. Felix Quigley Said:

    I do know that Leon Trotsky led the Russian Civil War to a victory over the forces of the Black Hundreds and that this victory was also the victory over Russian Antisemitism and a certain Holocaust of the Jews. Those Black Hundreds were called the Russian Whites.

    As I have shown above antisemitism was not abolished or removed by the COMMIES. Nazi concentration camps were modeled after the Russian models.

  3. David Chase Said:

    How is Jewish life in Russia these days- both how safe and how thriving?

    You have to ask????? ” You know the Czarina loves her children” !!! Quote Great Aunt Annie Winter

  4. Felix Quigley Said:

    To conclude and because there is total lying confusing on the part of the incipient Fascist movement in America on this – Marxism is not responsible for Stalin and Stalinism which is rightly called the gravedigger of the Revolution. By that token we cannot be responsible for such as Fidel Castro who WAS a Stalinist in every respect


  5. I would strongly advise Jews everywhere to be very, very watchful over what is growing in America especially.In my opinion and I am usually right there is beginning a fascist movement. I do understand the betrayals of what they call the left towards the Jews but Jews may find themselves caught in a pincer movement. A movement which lies so repeatedly about Marx should not (does not deserve) be trusted.

  6. It is a really vital question because there is a witch hunt against Marxism especially in America today and the lies flow in great abundance from these merry men and women

    QUOTE…That is the reason why we do not and should not set forth our atheism in our Programme; that is why we do not and should not prohibit proletarians who still retain vestiges of their old prejudices from associating themselves with our Party. We shall always preach the scientific world-outlook, and it is essential for us to combat the inconsistency of various “Christians”. But that does not mean in the least that the religious question ought to be advanced to first place, where it does not belong at all; nor does it mean that we should allow the forces of the really revolutionary economic and political struggle to be split up on account of third-rate opinions or senseless ideas, rapidly losing all political importance, rapidly being swept out as rubbish by the very course of economic development.

    I googled “Lenin on Religion” and I took the first offering of Google. On questions like this in which there are so many lies, as in by the way also the Palestinian Poison Narrative, then Wikipedia should be used with EXTREME caution, and instead go straight to first sources.

    No matter where you go and covering about a whole century in what I call authentic Marxism, the real thing in other words, that is especially Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky -you will find that consistent thread. 1. Fight for the materialist scientific view and then 2. Never be part of the persecution of the religions or of religion …

    Let me extract from the above these words “we should (NOT) allow the forces of the really revolutionary economic and political struggle to be split up on account of third-rate opinions or senseless ideas”.

    That applies to the present. Do not allow these lies against Marxism, very common today, to divide us in the struggle to defend the Jews against the Palestinian Poison Narrative.

    To conclude and because there is total lying confusing on the part of the incipient Fascist movement in America on this – Marxism is not responsible for Stalin and Stalinism which is rightly called the gravedigger of the Revolution. By that token we cannot be responsible for such as Fidel Castro who WAS a Stalinist in every respect

    And I would like to see Ray DiLorenzo, STAND UP AMERICA answer a single word of what I write above. In fact I challenge him to read the article by Lenin and repeat his lies.

  7. It is about a Code of ETHICS: Life VS Non-life. Not in an absolute sense but relative with all efforts tending towards the (impossible) absolute.

  8. Jews in the actual Soviet Union were not allowed to practice their religion. People were jailed trying to bring a Torah into the Soviet Union. Temples were closed.

    The 1917 Russian Revolution overthrew a centuries-old regime of official antisemitism in the Russian Empire.[1] The success of the Soviet Union in dealing with this previous legacy of antisemitism, as well as the extent that the Soviet government fought against this prejudice, is a topic of some debate. Although officially forbidden as a form of ethnic and racial chauvinism, antisemitism was commonly used as an instrument for personal conflicts in the Soviet Union, starting from conflict between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky[1] and continuing through numerous conspiracy theories spread by official propaganda. Antisemitism in the Soviet Union reached new heights after 1948 during the campaign against the “rootless cosmopolitan”, in which numerous Yiddish-writing poets, writers, painters and sculptors were killed or arrested.[2][3] This culminated in the so-called Doctors’ plot, in which a group of doctors (some of whom were Jewish) had allegedly conspired to murder Stalin.[4]

    For more information on this subject please read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_the_Soviet_Union

  9. T. Belman. The USSR banned religion as the opiate of the masses in accordance with Marxism. At the same time it flourished in America. Now Russia has embraced religion and the Democrats are trying to overrule it

    Well Ted Belman I know you mean well but I have learned to ask you to check sources over the years.

    To what are you referring to above?

    I do know that Leon Trotsky led the Russian Civil War to a victory over the forces of the Black Hundreds and that this victory was also the victory over Russian Antisemitism and a certain Holocaust of the Jews. Those Black Hundreds were called the Russian Whites.

    More specifically to your point if you are talking in the above about Lenin and Trotsky banning religion and I hope you are not then it is false. They called for the separation of religion and state. That is closer to the American model.

    They were both totally opposed to making atheism as a requirement for entrance into the Communist Party of Russia.

    Lenin was not even opposed to recruiting priests yes priests into the communist party.

    Of course Lenin was an atheist and he sought to spread atheist ideas in the country.

    But as regards the repression of religion…well that was a nono!

    How lies build up Ted Belman. You know that from our own experience with the Poison Narrative of the Palestinians.

    This also cuts the ground from Mr Chase

  10. Religion is no longer banned in Russia and Russian Orthodox Christianity has seen a resurgence there. Check it out. Its no secret.

    Just recently Russia banned missionizing by evangelicals and others to protect the Church.